Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date顾家北手把手教你写作范文全文-中文翻译(剑12版)顾家北手把手教你写作范文全文-中文翻译(剑12版)目录1. 遵守规则2英文全文22 老年化3英文全文33 儿童看电视5英文全文54 即抛文化6英文全文65 城乡迁徙8英文全文86 廉价航空10英文全文107 规则法律12英文全文128 远程教育14英文全文149 税收15英文全文1510 学校道德教育17英文全文1711 艺术投资19英文全文1912 志愿工作21英文全文2113 刑罚23英文全文2314 离家居住25英文全文2515 快餐27英文全文2716 大学知识28英文全文2817 大学学费30英文全文3018 禁止广告32英文全文3219 商品进口35英文全文3520 全球语言37英文全文3721 政府指导健康生活38英文全文3822 换工作40英文全文401. 遵守规则全文翻译1:遵守规则论述类题目写作要点Some people think that children should obey the rules or do what their parents and teachers want them to do. Other people think children controlled too much cannot deal with problem themselves in adulthood.Discuss both views and state your own opinion.孩子们要在家里或学校遵守不同的规定。严格的纪律有时很重要,但我认为这会对孩子的问题解决能力产生不利的影响。有些人坚决主张强加规则,因为规则可以让孩子对自己的行为负责,帮助他们从小就发展良好的行为模式。与成年人不同,儿童通常不了解不良行为的后果,制定规则可以帮助他们认识到如何以社会接受的方式行事。例如,如果大人要求,他们可以学习如何打招呼,提出礼貌的请求,并表示礼貌。另外,规则也可以禁止不当的行为,如欺凌,亵渎,考试作弊,在课堂上打断教师。然而反对者认为,规则可以限制问题解决技能的发展,如果那些建立严格规则的父母优先考虑孩子的服从。孩子将严重依赖规则,可能无法独立解决问题。例如,一些规则可能决定孩子每天应该做什么,但是当孩子进入劳动力队伍时,他们可能不知道如何在没有父母指示的情况下管理时间,也不能应付自己的工作要求。他们不可能在事业上取得成功。我认为严格的规定会扼杀孩子的创造力,不能以不同的方式解决问题。他们不敢将自己的想法付诸实践,怕违背规则就受到惩罚。例如,一些教师要求学生遵守严格的散文写作规则,其结果是孩子不会以其他方式表达自己想法的结果。现实世界中的问题是复杂的,不能用想象力去解决这些问题。英文全文Children are expected to obey different rules either at home or at school. Strict discipline is sometimes important, but I would argue that it would have an adverse impact on children's problem-solving abilities.Some people are strong advocates of imposing rules because rules can hold children accountable for their behaviour and help them develop good behaviour patterns from an early age. Unlike adults, children are normally not aware of the consequences of bad behaviour, and setting rules can help them realise how to behave in a socially acceptable way. For example, they can learn how to greet others, make polite requests and show table manners, if they are required by adults to do so. In addition, rules can also forbid inappropriate behaviours, such as bullying, using profanity, cheating in exams and interrupting teachers during a lesson.Opponents, however, argue that rules can limit the development of problem-solving skills, if those parents who establish strict rules give priority to children's obedience. Children will rely heavily on rules and may not be able to solve problems independently. For instance, some rules may dictate what children should do every day, but when children enter the workforce, they may not know how to manage time without the instructions of their parents and cope with the demands of work themselves. They are unlikely to achieve success in their careers.In my view, strict rules can stifle children's creativity and they are not able to solve problems in different ways. They dare not put their ideas into practice, since they are afraid of being punished if they disobey rules. Some teachers, for example, require students to abide by strict essay writing rules, and the consequence is that children will not the outcome of expressing their ideas in other ways. The problems in the real world are complex and they cannot tackle these problems without using imagination.2 老年化全文翻译2:老龄化社会+观点类(advantage/disadvantage)+段落的数量In many countries, the proportion of older people is steadily increasing.Does this trend have positive or negative effects on society?人们的预期寿命在很多社会都有所改善,可能是因为技术的进步和个人财富的增加。虽然老年人能够为社会做出非凡的贡献,但我认为这种人口变化会带来一些问题。与人口老化有关的一个问题是医疗保健费用将会增加,给纳税人造成负担。众所周知,大多数医疗需求和成本都发生在生命的最后几年。这意味着政府必须投入更多的资金来照顾老人和医疗服务。这通常要求劳动者缴纳较高的所得税,并为教育等其他基本服务节省资金。随着高级工人数量的增加,工作速度缓慢是另一个问题。吸收信息和完成工作的能力通常随着年龄而下降。许多老年人对技术保守态度较差,很难学习如何在工作中使用高科技设备和最新的软件。如果选择延迟退休,他们在劳动力队伍中的存在会影响企业的生产力,危及整个经济。另一方面,老年人的经验和智慧可以成为社会的宝贵财富。今天的人们可以更健康长寿,因为他们更关注健康的饮食和运动。即使离开工作岗位,他们也可以担任顾问,并将他们的知识和技能传授给年轻一代。例如,一些高级管理人员可以教授年轻人如何管理公司,以及如何为客户提供服务。我们的社会可以借鉴这些老年人的专业知识。总之,预期寿命的大幅度延长给医疗带来了压力,使劳动力的生产力下降。尽管我们可以善用年老的工作者的智慧,但这会影响一个国家的经济发展。英文全文People's life expectancy has improved in many societies, possibly because of improvements in technology and increase in personal wealth. Although senior citizens can contribute extraordinarily to society, I would argue that this demographic change can bring about some problems.One problem associated with an ageing population is that health care costs will increase, imposing a burden on taxpayers. It is widely known that most medical needs and costs occur in the last years of life. This means that governments have to pour more money in caring for the elderly and in medical services. This in normally achieved by requiring working people to pay higher income tax and cutting funds for other essential services like education.The slow pace of work is another problem, as the number of senior workers increases. The ability to absorb information and complete work normally decline with age. Many elderly people have a conservative attitude towards technology and struggle to learn how to use high-tech devices and the latest software at work. If they choose to delay retirement, their presence in the workforce can influence companies' productivity and endanger the whole economy.On the other hand, the experience and wisdom of senior citizens can be a valuable asset to society. People today can live healthier and longer lives, as they pay closer attention to healthy eating and sports. They can work as consultant even after leaving the workforce, and impart their knowledge and skills to the younger generation. For example, some senior managers can teach young people how to manage a company, and how to provide services for clients. Our society can draw upon the expertise of these older people.In conclusion, the considerable extension of life expectancy has put strain on health care and made the workforce less productive. It will influence the economic development of a country, although we can make good use of senior workers' wisdom.3 儿童看电视全文翻译3:看电视学习+观点类(agree/disagree)+写作要点Some people believe that children can learn effectively by watching TV and they should be encouraged to watch TV both at home and at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?看电视(特别是提供有用信息的电视)被认为是一种有效的学习方法,因为视听信息可以吸引学生的注意力并吸引他们的兴趣。虽然很多电视节目都具有教育价值,但我不同意增加屏幕时间的想法。观看电视会干扰儿童的学习和其他有利于这些儿童的智力发展活动,他们可能无法在考试中取得好成绩,因为屏幕时间取代了他们花时间做作业的时间。同样令人担忧的是,电视收看可以挤出那些能够提高儿童智力技能的活动,如阅读,下棋和棋盘游戏。另一个问题是,长时间的屏幕时间会限制孩子的社会发展。那些坐在电视机前好几个小时、而不是同龄人玩游戏,与老师进行交流的孩子,会变得不善社交,不愿意发表自己的看法,不理解别人的想法。如果没有良好的沟通技巧,他们将很难获得知识,借鉴同学或老师的想法,并取得学术上的成功。另一方面,我知道电视让孩子们进入了一个知识世界。有许多针对儿童的教育项目,使他们能够深入了解不同的学科。例如,纪录片可以帮助孩子学习历史事件,而外语频道可以帮助他们学习外语。这种知识可以补充他们在学校学到的东西。总而言之,我认为父母和老师应该对孩子的电视收看施加限制,尽管电视节目是知识的来源。看电视会对考试成绩和社交技能产生不利影响。英文全文Watching television (especially informative television) has been recognised as an effective method of learning, because audio-visual information can attract students' attention and engage their interest. Although many TV programmes have educational value, I do not agree with the idea of increasing screen time.Television viewing can interfere with children's studies and other activities which can benefit these children's intellectual development. They may not be able to achieve good grades in exams because screen time displaces the time they could spend doing homework. It is also worrying to see that television viewing can crowd out those activities which can improve children's intellectual skills, such as reading, playing chess and board games.Another problem is that long screen time can limit children's social development. Those children who sit in front of their TV for many hours, instead of playing games with their peers and communicating with teachers, will become unsociable and unwilling to express their views and understand the thoughts of other people. Without good communication skills, they will have difficulty in gaining knowledge, drawing upon the ideas of classmates or teachers, and achieving academic success. On the other hand, I understand that television has exposed children to a world of knowledge. There are many educational programmes aimed for children, allowing them to gain insight into different subjects. For example, documentaries can help children learn about historical events and figures while foreign language channels can help them acquire foreign languages. This kind of knowledge can complement what they learn at school.To summarise, I would argue that parents and teachers should impose restrictions on children's television viewing, although television shows are a source of knowledge. Watching TV can have an adverse impact on exam grades and social skills.4 即抛文化全文翻译4:消费社会报告类题目写作要点It is argued that we are living in a throw-away society people throw away what they use in daily life, instead of recycling or reusing them.Why has this happened and how to address this issue?人们可能只使用一次产品,而不是长期保存它们。了解为什么要即抛文化发展以及如何扭转这一趋势是很重要的。由于这些产品不像以前那样昂贵,现在的消费者没有货物很长一段时间。技术创新和大规模生产降低了生产成本,提高了劳动力的生产力。手机,电脑等电子产品现在价格低廉,这就是为什么很多人购买最新的产品,而不是修理破损的产品。特别是年轻人,更愿意购买最新的手机,并将旧手机扔掉。另一个原因是人们缺乏环保意识。人们还没有意识到自己的生活方式会导致能源消耗,造成浪费和污染。他们不知道家用电器可能会进入垃圾填埋场,这些不可生物降解的产品会对环境造成破坏性影响。如果他们意识到回收可以使他们的生活方式更具可持续性,他们可能会尝试重复使用产品。由于消费品过度消费普遍存在,因此采取措施缓解这一问题十分重要。首先是提高环保意识,教育人们改变使用方式和处理不同的产品。政府也可以执行一些法律来阻止消费者扔掉货物。例如,对一些一次性产品(包括塑料袋)的使用可能会施加税收惩罚,从而鼓励人们使用环保替代品。总之,人们对消费和降价的态度转变是消费品过度消费的原因。要成功解决这个问题,首先要提高人们的环保意识,激励他们改变生活方式。英文全文People are likely to use products only once instead of keeping them for a long time. It is important to understand why this throw-away culture develop and how to reverse this trend.Consumers today do not keep many goods for a long period of time because these products are not as expensive as before. Technological innovations and mass production have reduced the cost of production and improved the productivity of the workforce. Some electronic products such as mobile phones and computers are now sold at low prices, and this is why many people would purchase the newest products, instead of fixing broken ones. Young people in particular, prefer to purchase the latest mobile phones with up-to-date and features and throw old ones away.Another reason is that people lack environmental awareness. People have not yet realised that their ways of life will lead to energy consumption and cause waste as well as pollution. They do not know that household appliances can end up in landfill sites and these non-biodegradable products can have a destructive effect on environment. If they are aware that recycling can make their lifestyles more sustainable, they will possibly try to reuse products.As the overconsumption of consumer goods is pervasive, it is important to take some measures to mitigate this problem. The first one is raising environmental awareness, educating people to change the ways they use and dispose of different products. Governments can also enforce some laws to deter consumers from throwing away goods. For example, the tax penalty can be imposed on the use of some disposable products, including plastic bags, thereby encouraging people to use eco-friendly alternatives.To summarise, people's changing attitude towards consumption and price cuts are reasons behind the excessive consumption of consumer goods. To address this problem successfully, the top priority is to raise people's awareness of environmental protection and motivate them to change their lifestyles.5 城乡迁徙全文翻译5:城乡转移+混合类题目写作要点+开头段的写作Many people are moving from rural areas to big cities. Why has this happened?To what extent do you think it is a good trend?现在很多农村人选择迁徙到城市,相信他们更有可能在城市找到工作,享受更好的生活质量,但是人口的流动会带来很多问题。这些人做出这个决定有两个主要原因。首先,城市人口较密集,有更多的就业机会,可以赚更多的钱。这意味着他们可以提高生活水平,并提供比以往更多的消费品。相反,农村就业机会不多,由于许多行业不发达,居民购买力有限。城市生活的另一个优点是城市居民可以轻松获得公共服务,包括教育和医疗保健,而曾经居住在农村的年轻夫妇打算送子女到城市学校为将来更好的工作机会做好准备。城市居民人数的增加会给城市的住房和设施带来巨大的压力。由于土地短缺,一些城市无法容纳大量人口。许多移民最终生活在贫民窟,生活条件恶劣,因为他们买不起房子。所有城市居民的健康状况都很差,因为城市设施不具备有效管理废弃物和污水的能力,并满足日益增长的清洁用水需求。与农村向城市转移相关的另一个问题是,城乡收入差距将会增加,而不是减少。雄心勃勃,精力充沛,勤奋创新的年轻人更愿意到城市寻求教育和就业机会。因此,劳动力短缺已成为农村社区的一个难题,振兴当地经济并不容易。总而言之,就业前景不佳,地方经济不景气,导致人口向城市转移。这是一个令人担忧的趋势。英文全文These days many people from rural areas have chosen to migrate to cities, believing that they are more likely to find employment and enjoy a better quality of life in urban areas, but the movement of population can cause many problems.There are two main reasons why these people have made this decision. Firstly, cities are more densely populated and there are more job opportunities available, so they may earn more money. This means that they can afford more consumer goods and improve living standards than ever before. By contrast, employment opportunities are scarce in rural areas, due to the fact that many industries are underdeveloped and many inhabitants' buying power is limited. Another advantage of urban life is that city dwellers have easy access to public services, including education and health care, and young couples who used to live in the countryside intend to send their children to urban schools to get prepared for better job opportunities in the future. The increased number of urban dwellers can put huge pressure on housing and facilities in cities. Some cities are unable to accommodate a large population because the shortage of land. Many migrants end up living in slums and enduring poor living conditions, because they cannot afford home ownership. All city dwellers are prone to poor health because urban facilities do not have the capacity to manage the waste and sewage effectively and to meet the growing demand for clean water.Another problem associated with a rural-to-urban shift is that rural-urban income disparity will grow, instead of diminishing. Young people who are ambitious, energetic, hardworking and creative prefer to go to the cities in search of educational and employment opportunities. The shortage of labour has thus become a problem in rural communities and it is not easy to revitalise the local economy.In conclusion, poor employment prospects and sluggish local economies have caused the population shift to cities. This is a worrying trend.6 廉价航空全文翻译6:廉价航空服务+审题的要素Many people think cheap air travel should be encouraged because it gives ordinary people freedom to travel further. However, others think this leads to environmental problems, so air travel should be more expensive in order to discourage people from having it.低成本航空旅行使我们能够比以前更频繁地跨越国界。我认为便宜的航班可以惠及群众,尽管我们应该避免不必要的旅程。旅游到不同国家的人们可以更好地了解这些国家,并探索一些促进事业或增加财富的机会。一些年轻人可以到其他国家找到更好的工作,赚取更高的薪水。一些小企业主可以在外国旅行时发现商机,通过出口或进口产品赚取利润。如果机票价格昂贵,那么这些商人就会不太经常飞往其他国家,错过了一些发展业务的机会。同时,也有人认为,提高机票价格有助于减少航空业对环境的影响。较高的成本将阻止人们长途跋涉到其他地方去度假或出差。如果航班数量下降,飞机产生的温室气体会减少。与航空部门有关的其他问题,包括噪音污染和建设机场和其他设施造成的环境破坏也将得到缓解。就个人而言,我不认为有必要让航空服务对潜在的乘客变得昂贵,因为他们值得一个负担得起的假期放松。许多人,特别是生活在大城市的劳动人民,过着紧张的生活,感到压力。如果机票价格