在那遥远的地方在那遥远的地方 The Qinghai Lake 青海湖青海湖“中国最美五大湖之首中国最美五大湖之首” Qinghai lake is the largest inland lake and salt lake in china.Mongolian called Qinghai Lake the library Noor, which means green-blue sea.(青海湖青海湖,又名又名“库库淖尔库库淖尔”,即,即蒙语蒙语“青色的海青色的海”之意之意) Qinghai lake ,located in the northeast of qinghai-tibet plateau,is surrounded by four mountains .There are wide grasslands,numerous rivers ,a quiet environment.(青海湖地处青海湖地处青藏高原的东北部,这里地域辽阔,草原广袤,河流众多,水草丰青藏高原的东北部,这里地域辽阔,草原广袤,河流众多,水草丰美,环境幽静。湖的四周被四座巍巍高山所环抱美,环境幽静。湖的四周被四座巍巍高山所环抱)Tour qinghai lake international road cycling race ( 环青海湖国际公路自行车赛)berfect bicycle race trackcyclingwide grasslands large tracts of rape( (油菜花油菜花) ) 天苍苍野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊天苍苍野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊 sea&lakeShe“有位好姑娘有位好姑娘”Caka salt lake ( (茶卡盐湖茶卡盐湖) )peace and shock mirrorstories of naturesalt carving盐雕盐雕the sunsetthe sunrise to nature to freedom to peaceGo straight, towards north thanks 谭昊谭昊