A Survey to Oral-English Teaching in Rural Middle Schools农村中学英语口语教学的调查研究.docx
A Survey to Oral-English Teaching in Rural Middle Schools一、本课题研究的目的及其意义随着世界经济全球化,各国人民之间的交往空前频繁,英语作为世界性语言和交际工具的流通空间将更加广阔。作为现如今最大的发展中国家,中国将在各方面与世界各国展开更进一步的交流,这就要求全面提升全体国民的英语水平,参与世界性的交流,因而英语口语教学和口语能力已备受关注。中学时期是学生学习英语的基础,这一时期的英语学习习惯的养成对学生未来走向至关重要。目前大多数农村地区的英语教学,由于各种内部及外部条件的限制,英语口语的教学效果非常不乐观,农村中学生普遍存在着“只会做题不会讲话”的“哑巴英语”现象,这与中学英语教学大纲“培养学生在口头和书面上初步运用英语进行交际的能力”的核心要求是不相符的。本文在国内外一些知名学者的研究成果上,根据本人在农村中学学习的现实和教育实习体验,分析了农村普通中英语口语教学的薄弱现状及存在的问题,且从教师、学生和环境等方面研究学生口语能力差的原因以及提高的策略,希望借此对农村中学英语口语教学和农村学生英语口语能力的提升尽绵薄之力。二、本课题研究的现状,并列出主要参考文献(至少15项)在新农村建设的号召下,农村教育的问题也备受关注,而作为教育质量提升的重要标准之一的英语教学更是引来国内外众多学者的探讨及研究。国内外语口语教学研究概述1995年以前,我国外语口语研究的理论成果不多,以数据为基础的实证研究更是风毛麟角。1995年以后,国内一批外语口语习得研究学者开始致力于口语研究,取得了一些有影响的成果。高月琴阐述了造成中国学生语用失误的主要原因,例如缺乏对西方文化、价值观的认识,缺乏言语交际的环境以及缺乏对语体的意识等等,呼吁应在系统地介绍语言知识如语音、语法、词汇的基础上,加强对学生语用能力的培养,具体方法包括:有意识地向学生灌输文化背景知识,注重培养学生的语感,增加教学和考试的交际功能,创造以学生为中心的教学方式等。(高月琴2002,4)马冬梅对英语课堂小组口语活动中的学生纠错进行了研究,具体考查学生口语中所犯错误频率、错误类型及小组纠错中的纠错频率、纠错类型和纠错方式。结果表明,学生犯错和纠错都很多。就错误类型而言。学生犯的语法错误和纠正的语法错误都最多,纠正的语篇错误最少。(马冬梅2002,3)综观我国外语口语研究成果,可以看出,这些研究成果涉及以下几个方面:1、外语口语理论的探索;2、外语口语表达结果的研究;3、影响外语口语能力的因素研究;4、建立外语口语能力评估体系的研究;5外语口语教学方法的探讨;6、建立我国外语口语发展的理论模式;7、探讨中国学生外语口语表达的特点和规律;国外外语口语教学研究概述国外外语口语教学从兴起到发展至今,经历了一个多世纪。在这一百多年中,国外外语教学界对外语口语教学的认识和发展经历了以下几个阶段。一、 直接法20世纪40年代前,英国著名直接法倡导者帕默尔(Palmer)提出,口语教学的目的是完全排除第一语言的干扰,培养学生如同以所学语言为本族语的人一样自如地使用语言。(转引自田式国,2001)二、听说法听说法产生于第二次世界大战爆发后的英国。它的创始人是外语教学专家弗里斯,他倡导口语法,也有的教学法专家称之为听说法。三、认知法和交际法20世纪60年代后,认知法和交际法兴起。前者将口语拉回到与其他语言技能同等的地位;后者指出,口语课与其他语言技能课的教学目的都是为了使学生具有语言交际能力,并提出了培养交际能力的功能意念教学大纲,成为当代口语教学遵循的纲要。当前,国外外语口语研究集中在以下几个领域:1、口语学习者的言语听辩、口语表达及相互关系;2、影响口语学习者口语学习的态度、动机、年龄、社会文化环境等因素;3、从语言变化、语音类型学、标记性等角度探讨母语迁移;4、口语教学研究,包括口语学习与思维过程、口语交际策略、口语水平发展、口语课堂教学、口语测试、多媒体口语教材开发等。对于我国农村中学英语口语教学,我国各大高等院校的一些学者也进行了不同方面的研究刘伦浩在他的浅谈农村高中学生英语口语能力的培养中提出了一系列关于提高农村学生英语口语能力的一些方法策略江西师范大学外国语学院的徐昌璟在他的农村高中英语口语教学交际盲点的研究中提出“农村高中学生英语口语落后的原因,主要在于:英语老师不重视,缺乏英语交际语言环境”;湖南师范大学的邓金娥在她的农村普通高中英语口语的现状分析及教学策略中分析了农村普通高中英语口语教学的现状及存在的问题,且从课堂教学方面提出了提高学生口语能力的教学策略;江苏连云港东海县西双湖中学的方永娥在她的关于改进农村中学英语口语教学的思考中提出了促进英语口语教学的方式方法有积极恰当的评价、模仿原则、营造英语口语环境作为课堂教学的有力补充、培养和锻炼学生的思维习惯等。参考文献:1David ,Nunan Second Language Teaching and LearningM.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,20012Nunan,DThe questions teachers askJJALT,1990,(12)3Scollon,RetalCommunication Between Cultures Second editionM北京:外语教学与研究出版社,20004Ellis, R: Understanding Second Language Acquisition M.Oxford University Press, 19955 Nunan, David: Learner-Centered Curriculum: A study in second language teaching M.上海:上海外语教育出版社, 20016刘伦浩农村初中英语课改中存在的问题及对策J赣南师范学院学报,2006(1)7刘伦浩浅谈农村高中学生英语口语能力的培养 J.中国教育导刊.2004(11)8陆效用、康志峰 我国英语口语教学的现状、问题及对策J.外语与外语教学.1998(9)9李江 农村中学英语口语教学的现状与完善J.剑南文学.2010(2)10中华人民共和国教育部2000制定英语教学大纲(试验修订版)北京人民教育出版社,200111陈志烈. 英语口语能力的障碍及对策J.丽水师范专科学报. 1999(3)12教育部基础教育司组织编写.全日制义务教育英语漾样标准解读(实验稿)M.北京:北京师范人学出版社200213江庭郊. 英语教学法M. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,199314林祟德.英语教学心理学北京:北京教育出版社,200115瞿莲莲. 中学英语口语表达的障碍及对策J.兰州学刊.2004(4)三、本课题研究的主要内容本文主要从以下三大部分进行展开研究第一部分:简要分析国内一些学者对农村中学英语口语教学现状和学生英语口语能力现状的研究,阐明英语口语教学的重要性以及本课题研究的目的及意义;第二部分:从教师素养、学生本身和农村中学软件及硬件环境因素分析研究导致农村中学英语口语教学效果不佳和学生口语薄弱的原因;第三部分:针对以上原因提出改善此现象的方法策略并强调将任务型教学融入口语教学中是解决农村中学生口语能力差和口语教学难的比较可行的教学方法。四、本课题采用的研究方法及路线分析他人研究,访谈,问卷调查,实践体验归纳总结AbstractWith the globalization of the world economy and frequent international communication, English has become an international language and a very important tool in communication. Oral-English teaching and the training of speaking ability of English draw the attention of experts and teachersIn 2003, The New Curriculum Standards for Common Junior Middle Schools states clearly that the teachers must cultivate the junior middle school students speaking abilities: exchanging information, bringing out questions and expressing their own opinions and suggestions on their familiar topics in their daily life. However, oral English teaching in rural junior middle schools has often been neglectedThe main reasons for this are that rural middle schools have no requires for students English speaking ability. Meanwhile, the students poor foundation of English and timidness in character prevent students from speaking EnglishIn addition to this,the quality of English teachers is another problem. All this leads to the current situation in rural junior middle schools and poor communicative competence of the studentsAs to the current situation of rural students, this paper starts with the problems of the rural oral English teaching in common junior middle schools according to the findings of linguists and the teaching experience in a rural middle school of the authorEfforts have been made to analyze various causes that have hindered oral English teaching and to explore some possible strategies from the aspect of the classroom teaching. Through the review of the traditional grammar-translation teaching approach, the thesis tries to present the necessity of transition of the Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) which is available to junior English classroom teaching approaches. Language experts and foreign language educators tend to agree that TBLT in the classroom is very important. Hence the purpose of this thesis is to survey the principles of TBLT and to explore the effective ways of implementing those principles in junior oral English teaching. Key words: oral-English teaching; rural junior schools; Task-Based Language Teaching 摘 要随着世界经济全球化,各国人民之间的交往空前频繁,英语已成为一种国际性的语言,是国际交流十分重要的交际工具,口语教学、口语能力已备受关注。我国2003年普通中学新英语课程标准对初中学生的口语能力还作了明确的规定“能就日常生活中的各种话题与他人交换信息并陈述自己的意见”,然而目前农村普通中学英语教学忽视了口语能力的训练,农村中学生的英语口语能力相较于城市学生要薄弱的多。其原因是农村学校对学生口语能力没做要求,再加上农村学生英语基础较差,性格内向,羞于启齿,农村教师自身素质不高,农村教学环境差、教学设备不全,因此农村中学英语口语能力的培养存在很大的问题,学生的口语交际能力不尽人意。根据农村学生的现状,本文在语言学家的研究成果上,根据本人曾在农村中学进行教育实习的教学经验,分析了农村普通初中英语口语教学的现状及存在的问题,且从课堂教学方面提出了提高学生口语能力的教学策略。多年来,任务型教学已在外语教学实践中产生了重大影响,语言学家和外语教学研究者都一致认为在课堂上采用任务型教学法极为必要。本文对传统的英语教学法进行梳理和对比,通过问卷调查及实例分析的方式,较系统的阐述了任务型教学法在初中英语口语教学中运用的可实施性及具体的实施过程,希望从理论和实践两方面为提高初中英语教学质量,促进任务型语言教学的实施提供必要的理论支撑。关键词:农村初中;英语口语教学;任务型教学法ContentsIntroduction.1I. The current situation of oral-English teaching in middle schools.2 1.1 Speaking requirements in Chinas middle schools.2 1.2 The poor speaking ability of rural junior middle school students.3. The reasons leading to the poor ability of speaking English for the rural junior middle school students42.1 The reasons related to English teachers.4 2.1.1 The shortage of English teachers in rural areas.5 2.1.2 Low academic quality of English teachers.52.2 The reasons related to the rural students.62.2.1 Lack of motivation.62.2.2 Poor foundation 72.2.3 Personalities of rural students.7 2.3 The environment of learning and teaching English in rural middle schools.8. The possible solutions to those problems.83.1 The implementation of oral-English teaching in rural middle schools.93.1.1 Training the teachers 93.1.2 Offering advanced teaching facilities.93.2 The application of Task-Based Teaching in oral-English teaching.10 3.2.1 What is Task-Based Language Teaching.103.2.2 How to integrate Task-Based Teaching in speaking class.11Conclusion.12Bibliography.14ixIntroduction Jeperson(London,1904),a famous linguist once said:“Language is the connection of souls.” That is to say, language is the means by which people communicate with each other. One learns the language in order to express ones thoughts and feelings, to seek and give information, to establish social relations,to promote friendship and understanding, etc. Ones communicative competence, especially the speaking ability is getting more and more important nowadays. This then requires the language learners develop their speaking ability of this language. In our country, English teaching has been implemented for many years and speaking has been included in the National Curriculum Standards for English teaching in schools for the past twenty years. However, in reality, our students still have many difficulties in speaking English in daily communications, though they may have grasped the linguistic language and the grammar very well. Also, they hardly have the time and the opportunities to communicate with each other in English both at and after class, which results in students poor speaking abilities. And this is more often to see in rural middle schools. In rural areas, both teachers and students think it is neither realistic nor necessary to teach or learn speaking. English teachers have paid all their attention to students reading and writing skills, while have neglected speaking skills. And the most important reason for it is that they think the purpose of teaching English is to make the students pass the examsSo gradually many school students, especially those in the countryside are located with a whole set of grammar rules and crammed with various meanings and uses of a word,but have few chances to get their English employed communicatively. As a result,students get bored and soon forget most of the irrelevant meaning and uses, which have overfilled their heads. Worst of all, their ability to speak English is very poor. They become horribly "deaf" and "dumb" in communication after three years of English study like that. Therefore,how to develop students speaking ability has become a great challenge to our teachers What the author intends to focus on in this paper is why English teaching in rural junior middle schools is not effective to develop the students speaking ability and how to develop the ability of oral communication of junior middle school students in rural areas. The paper provides a possible way from the aspect of the classroom teaching in rural settings-the Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) mode of oral English and it is also The New English Curriculum (2001) stresses in teaching English, to enhance the students speaking ability. The author hopes that it will attract more attention of people from all the fields especially from the government officials to rural middle schools. The paper is divided into three chaptersChapter One deals with the brief history and development of oral English teaching at home and abroad and the development of oral English teaching in common junior middle schoolsIn Chapter Two,the current situation of oral English teaching in rural junior middle schools is stated according to rural students, rural English teachers and the learning and teaching environment. In Chapter Three, some strategies are made from the aspect of the classroom teaching in rural junior middle schools,that is, to use the task-based language teaching mode of oral English. Meanwhile, some details are shown to demonstrate how the mode can be used in the classroom teaching. I. The current situation of oral-English teaching in middle schools In the year of 2001,Ministry of Education promulgated the New National Criterion for English Course which advocates task-based approach in EFL teaching of the middle school, and advocates experiencing, practicing, participating, communicating and cooperating. So that the students can obtain a sense of success by achieving a goalBesides,it presents new requirements for English teaching in our countryIn the following text, the author will first describe speaking requirements in New Standard for English Curriculum, and then describe problems in rural junior middle school classrooms. 1.1 Speaking requirements in Chinas Middle SchoolAccording to New Standard for English Curriculum,English should be taught from Grade ThreeIt describes nine levels of speaking ability from primary school to senior middle schoolFor students wanting to move to junior middle school,they should meet the level II requirementsFor students wanting to move to senior middle school,they should meet the level V requirements. Lets read what speaking requirements are in Chinas junior middle schoolSpeaking requirements in junior middle school (Level V)1Being able to offer information of simple topics;express simple opinion and suggestion and take part in discussion2Being able to communicate with others and finish the tasks altogether3Being able to have appropriate self-correction when expressing4Being able to ask for information and help effectively5Being able to make up a dialogue according to the topic6Being able to perform a short play in English7Being able to have clear pronunciation and intonation during the speaking activities1.2 The poor speaking ability situation of rural junior middle school students Before moving to discuss this point, there is something must be mentioned about the author of this paper. The author herself is from the countryside and had received her primary and secondary education in rural schools which gives her a really true look into the students psychological problems in learning English. And, being an English teacher in Lukou Middle School in Huangzhou District which is located in the countryside for three months during the internship last year, the author got further understanding about the current English teaching situation of rural junior middle schools. According to her internship experience, the author have observed her oral English classroom for many times, and she finds that there are many problems occurring in rural junior middle school oral classroom and students there have more difficulties in speaking English than those city ones, which are:Learners desire to express themselves, but when it comes to a certain topic, idea or opinion, they can speak few sentences while they have more words in Chinese;Learners often give out stumbling, hesitating speech;Teachers complain students are not willing to cooperate with each other and with their teachers during communication activities, sometimes they wont say anything;Learners who are active in character, or who have a good basic knowledge are willing to speak, while those who are not good at English, dare not to speak and practice less in class;Learners show great interests in certain communication tasks and they are always ready to speak at this time, but in some other occasions they have few words;Learners can get good marks in translating sentences but may not do well in communication activities;Learners express their opinions through translating what they think in Chinese intotarget language, which results in many pragmatic mistakes during communication;Learners hardly communicate with each other and wi