Military English.doc
X,Z:今天,我们将向大家介绍各类机器人在军事上的应用。X, Z: today, we will introduce the application of all kinds of robots in the military. Z:这是一个超酷的话题,那什么是军事机器人?(military robot)Z: this topic is so cool, so what is military robots?X:军事机器人是指为了军事目的而研制的自动机器人,在未来战争中,自动机器人士兵以后成为对敌作战的军事行动的绝对主力。X: military robot refers to the automatic robot that developed for military purposes, in the future war, the robot soldiers will become the main force against the enemy in some military actions. 你知道的目前,一些国家正在组建机器人部队。目前,世界已在不知不觉中滑进了机器人军备竞赛;而研制出能够决定在什么时候以及向谁动用致命武力的机器人,也许就在今后10年之内。You know at present, some countries are building robot armies and the world powers are felling down the robot arms race. May be within the next 10 years, the robot which can be able to decide when and to whom to use the lethal force is developed. Z:我非常同意你的看法,就我所知从2004年起美军至少10款智能战争机器人在伊拉克和阿富汗“服役”。 部署到阿富汗的智能机器人“赫耳墨斯”主要用于探穴钻洞,它身上安装有两个照相机,能爬进漆黑洞穴并向外发送图片; 美军机器人“剑”在伊拉克战场更是神通广大,它能轻易通过任何阻碍,火力强度足以与一挺重机枪媲美。Z: I totally agree with your opinion. as far as I know, from 2004 U.S. army has used at least 10 smart robots in Iraq ('ræk) and Afghanistan. Deployed to Afghanistan (æf'ænstæn) is the intelligent robot "hermes" ,which is mainly used for ground hole and drill holes. it has two camera installation, and can climb into the dark cave and sending pictures outwardly; U.S. military robots "sword" used in Iraq is powerful, it can easily through every obstacle, fire intensity can rival with a pretty heavy machine guns. X:听起来超酷。我们都知道,现代战争任务多,装备多,装备多意味着重量惊人,甚至导致军队难以完成任务。我们不可能将人力大量浪费在负重上,21世纪的战场因该有机器人。对此我们用什么解决?X: That sounds wonderful. As we all know, in modern war the soldiers face more tasks and more equipment. That means more weight, and even leads to the difficulty to complete tasks. We can not waste a large number of human to carry heavy equipment. Robot should be a part of power in the battlefield for the 21st century. What can we do to solve it? Z:也许是运送士兵装备的俗称”机器骡”的MULE,多功能通用后勤设备装具。他有六轮,在任何地面如履平地,他为地面部队分劳,随步兵行动。一个机器人将负重30人的物资装备,士兵可以随时取用。2014年他将完全进入实战。Z: May be equipped soldiers which is commonly known as mules, multi-function general logistics equipment fittings. He has six wheels, on any ground, he points for ground troops, along with the infantry. A robot will weight 30 materials equipment, the soldiers can access to it at any time. In 2014, he will be fully into the field. X:以后战场上士兵再也不要苦于超级负重了。战斗打响后,地面机器人充当先锋,所有战术行动都由智能战争机器人自行完成。美军事专家称,到2015年半数美军将是机器人,而另一半是普通人类士兵。这些预想听起来真让人激动。X: Soldiers will not suffer from super weight anymore on the battlefield. After fighting began, the robots act as pioneers. All the tactical actions can de down by intelligent robot itself. American military experts say, by 2015, half of all U.S. forces would be robot, while the other half is normal human soldiers. These thoughts sound really excited. Z:先别急,如果军事机器人程序变异了,我们怎么办?Z: don't worry, if the military robots mutation mjuten, what shall we do? X:你是说有可能机器人会将他们的枪口对准自己人?怎么可能?X: Are you saying that there may be robots that will fire their guns to their owners? You must be joking. Z:现在存在一个共同的误解:认为机器人只会做程序中规定它们做的事情。可不幸的是,这种想法已经过时了。实际上,现在的程序大都是由一组程序师共同完成的,因此,也没有任何一个人能精确预测出这些程序中哪部分可能发生变异。人工智能的进步在不受控制的领域内不断加速发展。更糟糕的是,目前还没有一套控制自动系统出错的有效措施。Z: there exists a common misunderstanding:we think robots can only do what they prescribed in the program. Unfortunately, this idea is outdated. In fact, a program now are mostly done by a group of programmers, so no one can accurately predict which parts may change in the program. The progress of the artificial intelligence in uncontrolled areas accelerates development. What's worse, there is no a set of effective measures to control automatic system error. X:你是说如果设计出现错误,机器人足以让全人类付出生命的代价。你是对的,关于机器人的一切有着许多不可知性,他可真是诱惑。X: You are saying that if there is an error in the design, the robot can make the human beings pay a heavy price. You are right, the robot has much uncertainty. He is a real temptation.