Pragmatic Analysis on Euphemism and Its Implications for Translation.doc
委婉语的语用分析及其对翻译的启示Pragmatic Analysis on Euphemism and Its Implications for Translation摘 要 在原作者,译者,读者的关系链中,译者处于一个中介人的位置,从语用学角度分析,其实也就是同时处于交际三角中的“受众”与“写作者/演讲者”的两角。本文拟用语学中的基本原理,从委婉语这一修辞格的形成(写作者/演讲者)和接受(受众)这两极出发,探讨与委婉语相关的语用因素,即写作者/演讲者使用委婉语的目的和原则以委婉语受众如何理解委婉语的深层含义,着重探讨译者在翻译过程中如何理解并翻译委婉语。 关键词: 委婉语;语用学理据 Abstract In the communicating chain between the author, translator and reader, the translator acts as an intermediary, or as the receiver and speaker/writer simultaneously in the communication triangle in terms of pragmatism. Based on the principles of pragmatism, this thesis aims to discuss the pragmatic elements of euphemism by studying the formation ( writer/speaker ) and receipt (receiver ). It explores first the reasons why the speaker or writer uses euphemism and the principles they might observe when using it; then the thesis continues to discuss the pragmatic inference of euphemisms, with its emphasis on how the translator understands euphemism. At the end of the thesis, considerations and possible suggestions for translating euphemisms are given out for readers reference.Key words: euphemism;pragmatic principles Contents Introduction ········································11 The purpose and principles of using euphemisms ···11.1 The purpose of using euphemism ························11.1.1 Ineffable purpose························································································11.1.2 Urbanization purpose ················································································21.1.3 Palliative purpose·······················································································21.2 The principle for using euphemisms·································································31.2.1 Cooperative principle··················································································31.2.2 Politeness principle······················································································4 1.2.3 Self-defending principle···············································································4 2. Pragmatic analysis on the receiver of euphemisms ························52.1 Pragmatic inference·······················································································52.2 One of the major factors affecting pragmatic inference········································63. Factors for consideration in translating euphemisms ·····················73.1 Stylistic factor······························································································73.2 Rhetoric factor·····························································································83.3 Contextual factor··························································································84 Conclusion ··································9Acknowledgements ···········································································10References ···················································································11 Introduction As a popular figurative speech, euphemisms are widely used in both Chinese and English literal works, newspapers and magazines; so are in our daily life(何善芬,2002). In Chinese-English or English-Chinese translation, the proper rendering of euphemisms is an important factor. However, traditional study of rhetoric has long been limited to the model of “definition+examples+analysis” and hardly have many breakthroughs been seen (宗延虎,2002). But in fact, rhetoric is a boundary discipline with close relations with semantics, pragmatics, logics, sociology etc. Therefore, it can be analyzed in different corresponding aspects. In essence, figures of speech fall into the category of the dynamic and two-way communicating activity, e.g. a pragmatic activity . Based on the principles of pragmatism, this paper aims to discuss the pragmatic elements of euphemism by studying the formation ( writer/speaker ) and receipt (receiver). It emphasizes how the translator understands and translates euphemism during the translation process. 1 The purpose and principles of using euphemisms According to Oxford Advanced Learners EnglisChinese Dictionary/ Websters New Collegiate Dictionary, euphemism is a kind of figurative speech which employs the use of others, usu, less exact but milder or less blunt, words or phrases in place of words required by truth or accuracy and the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant. In the light of pragmatism, euphemism is in fact indirect speech, e.g. the speaker is indirect in expressing his/her view. The following is the authors analysis on the purpose and principle of this indirect speech.1.1 The purpose of using euphemisms According to Li Guonan (李国南,2001), rhetoric is generally an instrument in speaking or writing; however, as a figurative speech, euphemism is more a purpose than an instrument. In using euphemism, we tend to lay more emphasis on its purpose, or its expressive effect. In communication, the purposes of using euphemisms usually include the following three:1.1.1 Ineffable purpose Euphemisms have a large bearing on taboos in language. Language taboos stem from peoples erroneous understanding of the relations between language and objective world. In reality, people tend to use euphemistic expressions to replace those things that would arouse fear or panic in mind. For example, people always abstain themselves from direct mention of such words as “die, old, sick”; therefore, euphemism is quite abundant in this aspect of naturalphenomenon. The author reviewed the English rendering of the work A Dream of Red Mansions, and here are a few examples of the euphemistic expression of “die” in Chinese and their rendering in English:王夫人向贾母说“这个征候,遇着这样节气,不添病,就有指望了。”贾母说“可是呢。好个孩子!要有个长短,岂不叫人疼死!”( 红楼梦:126 )“Its a hopeful sign,” Lady Wang told the Lady Dowager, “ if an illness grows no worse at a season like this.” “Yes, of course,” replied the old lady. “ If anything were to happen to the dear child, Im sure it would break my heart.” (Yang Hsien-Yi:162)1.1.2 Urbanization purposeThe second purpose of using euphemisms is to avoid vulgarity in speech and communication. The speaker or writer tends to blur certain words in meaning by means of semantic widening and inflating and magnifying so as to make them sound general and common so that peoples dislike and repulsion is lessened. (范家材,1992)In addition, through the employment of euphemism, the speaker or writer can create mental alienation between the signified and the signifier in an attempt to conceal or attenuate the straightness or vulgarity of certain taboos, such as taboos related to sex and body excretion. The followings are all common cases of euphemisms in this regard:Defecation (如厕) to be caught short (本义)给了个冷不妨, the call of nature (本义)自然的需要, Can I add some powder? (本义)我可以茶点粉吗? to ease oneself (本义)自我轻松一下1.1.3 Palliative purposePalliative purpose plays a large role in the formation of euphemisms in social problems and political life. Due to its fuzziness and vagueness, euphemisms are more often than not beguiling and deceptive; therefore, they have become the tools for politicians to cheat and fool the masses. Since the 20th century, especially since the two world wars, many new euphemisms in politics, economics, diplomacy and military have come into being. On May 8th, 1995, United States bombed Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia, killing several Chinese embassy staff; however, NATO authority claimed that was an inaccurate military information and Bill Clinton also called that a tragic mistake in an attempt to cover up their wrong deeds to pacify indignant Chinese people.( 何善芬,2002 ) By the same token, to pacify peoples panic during economic crisis(经济危机), the publicity department of American government used the expressions of economic depression(经济萧条), economic recession(经济衰退), economic rolling readjustment(经济起伏的重新调整), economic slowdown(经济减速), economic slump(经济衰弱) successively. 1.2 The principles for using euphemismsThe use of euphemisms is in principle a kind of speech act. According to Grice, conversational participants should generally observe some conversational principles so as to ensure the success of conversation. Therefore, as a speech act, the use of euphemism should also be subject to the restriction of some principles in conversation. In this paper, the author mainly explore the cooperative principle ( P. Grice, 1967), politeness principle ( Brown/ Levinson 1978/1987 ) and self-defending principle (束定芳,1989 ).1.2.1 Cooperative principleAmerican linguist P. Grice put forward the cooperative principle (CP) in conversational communication in 1967. According to his theory, participants of communication should cooperate with each other for the same communication goal. He believed that participants would generally observe the maxim of cooperation, but sometimes would also intentionally break certain principles. The reasons for the intentional violation of these principles is that the speaker or the writer expects the readers or listeners to see through surface meaning for the hidden and true meaning, or the non-natural meaning. In this angle, euphemisms seem to be in violation of the principle of truthfulness and clearness for communication. However, this seemingly violation doesnt affect communication, for the deep-seated meaning of euphemisms is correct and clear, and is left for the receiver to explore. Therefore, participants of the communication reach agreement and cooperation in a deeper level. 凤姐儿低了半日头,说道:“这个就没法了!你也该将一应的后事给他料理料理。冲一冲也好。”尤氏道:“我也暗暗的叫人预备了;就是那件东西不得好木头,且慢慢的办着呢。” (红楼梦:127)His-feng lowered her head for a while. “ There seems to be little hope,” she said at last. “ If I were you Id make ready the things for the funeral. That may break the bad luck.”“Ive had them secretly prepared. But I cant get any good wood for you know what , so Ive let that go for the time being.” (Yang Hsien-Yi:163)In this piece of conversation, “冲一冲也好。” That may break the bad luck./ 那件东西, for you know what, seem to have break Grices maxim of quantity, for the speaker seems to have failed to provide enough clear information. However, based on the context and knowledge, the listener can easily understand why the speaker did not say them in a more direct way and can equally easily understand the real meanings. Both of these two euphemistic utterances have deeper implications rather than face meanings, but participants of the conversation find no difficulties in understanding the deeper meaning because they reach agreement in a deeper level of communication.1.2.2Politeness principleAs is mentioned above, participants of conversation should observe the maxim of cooperative behavior; then why they sometimes intentionally break this principle? In answering this question, Brown and Levinson advanced the politeness principle (PP) in 1978 and 1987. According to this principle, the inflexion and indirectness of speech stem from the need of accommodating politeness in conversation. Euphemisms are equivalents of those blunt expressions and taboos; euphemisms are used to avoid embarrassment or vulgarity in order to save the speakers face or protect the face of the other participants of conversation ( 何自然, 1997). Therefore, euphemistic expression is one of the effective ways to show politeness of speech because the fundamental feature of euphemism is to substitute those impolite and unpleasant expressions with polite and pleasant ones. 1.2.3 Self-defending principleShu Dingfang put forward the self-defending principle in 1989, which is in mutual restriction and complementarity with the cooperative principle and politeness principle. When the self-defending principle is in contradiction with the polite principle, the later will be subordinate to the former. He believed that one of the motivations of using euphemisms is to defend oneself.( 束定芳,1989 ) By using euphemisms, one can establish a positive image in communication and protect and elevate his status in the minds of other conversational participants. In addition, he can also effectively keep the other side of the communication from speaking rudely by the employment of euphemism.2 Pragmatic analysis on the receiver of euphemismAs is discussed above, the use of euphemism is one type of indirect speech ( Levinson, 2001,263 ). It is more inferential in its non-natural meaning rather than its natural meaning. Then the understanding of the implicature of euphemisms is largely dependent on the reasonable inference and reasoning by the receiver. Pragmatic inference is the inferring activity by the receiver of the speech in search of the non-natural meaning of a certain speech act. This kind of inference may include inferring the purposes of using euphemisms as already discussed above because inferring why the speaker or writer uses euphemisms in a certain occasion or context helps facilitate the receivers understanding of the real implicature of such an euphemism. In translating euphemisms, the translator faces the task of transferring into reality the possibility of the best communicating effect of the speaker or writer. So the key to the pragmatic inference lies in how to find out the real implicature of this kind of indirect speech.2.1 Pragmatic inference The use of euphemism is in essence the substitution of words and expressions in a paradigmatic relation, which is usually achieved through the employment of thesaurus. This kind of substitution is in fact semantic equivalent, widening, inflating and blurring. The understanding of euphemism is the process whereby all kinds of indirect instruments of speech are broken and the signified identified.According to Xu Lina (徐莉娜,2002 ), the implicature of some euphemisms are established by usage, while some others are not, or conventional and non-conventional (Levinson, 2001, 126). Therefore, euphemisms can be divided into two categories, one is conventional euphemism whose implicature is established, the other is non-conventional euphemism whose implicature is not established and largely dependent on context. For the former type, its style of writing and pragmatic functions are already established by usage and only the signifying function is left. Since the implicature is comparatively stable, the receptor can usually identify the signified and corresponding pragmatic meaning easily. For example, we always use “ in the family way” “ wear the apron lower” and so on to describe the woman who is pregnant. In contrast, the