How to write proposal in English_如何用英语写提纳或摘要.doc
Proposal1、Title: Empirical study of the effects of employee satisfaction on employees job enthusiasm2、Propose: Employees job enthusiasm is an important factor of job performance. It has a great impact on the companys job atmosphere、efficiencies and the implementation of the companys strategy. What is the most important factor that influences employees job enthusiasm? This paper aims to identify the relationship between employee satisfaction and employees job enthusiasm.3、Hypothesis: There are six dimensions in employees satisfaction, including salary satisfaction、promotion opportunity satisfaction、manager leadership satisfaction、welfare satisfaction、job procedure satisfaction、communication satisfaction. Based on these dimensions, we put forward six hypotheses:H1: salary satisfaction has significantly positive effects on employees job enthusiasmH1b: promotion opportunity satisfaction has significantly positive effects on employees job enthusiasmH1c: manager leadership satisfaction has significantly positive effects on employees job enthusiasmH1d: welfare satisfaction has significantly positive effects on employees job enthusiasmH1e: job procedure satisfaction has significantly positive effects on employees job enthusiasmH1f: communication satisfaction has significantly positive effects on employees job enthusiasmWe can see the variables clearly in the following chart:VariablesMeasurement coefficientsalary satisfactionTo be measuredpromotion opportunity satisfactionTo be measuredmanager leadership satisfactionTo be measuredwelfare satisfactionTo be measuredjob procedure satisfactionTo be measuredcommunication satisfactionTo be measured4、Research object: The author will use 300 questionnaire surveys to make a study of 10 different enterprises, including plastics factory、electronics factory、machinery factory、toy factory、advertising company、sales company、department store、commercial bank etc. The research objects will be made up of workers、salesman、cashier、the front desk clerk、personnel clerk and other related research objects.5、Research tools: Job satisfaction measure will be used the Spector (1985) job satisfaction scale, which has 36-item, the gauge Likert measure level includes 6 divisions, there are "strongly disagree", "disagree", "don't quite agree with", "more agree", "agree" and "strongly agree", one point means " strongly disagree ", six points means " strongly agree", the greater the number represents the agree more. In order to ensure the accuracy of the translation scale, scale of the translation strictly uses two-way translation. After the translation of English scale and the original scale, comparing the difference through the researchers discuss to determine the final Chinese questionnaire, the purpose is to ensure the equivalence between the would-be used scale and the original English scale.6、Theory support: Hierarchy of needs theory、two-factor theory、expectancy theory、equity theory、reinforcement theory7、Analysis method: Firstly, the paper will use Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA探索性因子分析) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis(CFA验证性因子分析)to analyze salary satisfaction、promotion opportunity satisfaction、manager leadership satisfaction、welfare satisfaction、job procedure satisfaction、communication satisfaction; Secondly, Reliability Analysis(信度分析) will be used to analyze the questionnaire; Thirdly, Correlation Analysis(相关分析) will be used to analyze the correlation of the variables for preliminary judgment; Finally, Multiple Regression Analysis(多元回归分析) will be used to analyze the relationship between salary satisfaction、promotion opportunity satisfaction、manager leadership satisfaction、welfare satisfaction、job procedure satisfaction、communication satisfaction and job enthusiasm.8、Data analysis、results and draw conclusion finally.Reference: 1 张丽,华杨付. 薪酬公平感对我国女性管理者责任心影响的实证研究. 商业经济与管理,第10期2 杨玉文 1,2,李慧明 1,翟庆国. 工作满意度量表在我国的适用维度研究.知识丛林,20043 Spector, P. E. Job Satisfaction, Application, AssessmentM.Caus-es, and Consequences: Sage Publication Inc,1997.4 Takalkar, P.,Coovert, M. D. International Replication Note: the Dimensionality of Job Satisfaction in India Applied Psychology:An International Review,1994,43(3).5 Spector, P. E. Measurement of Human Service Staff Satisfaction:Development of the Job Satisfaction Survey J.American Journal of Community Psychology,1985,13.