The Translation of English Idioms and Proverbs英语毕业论文.doc
The Translation of English Idioms and ProverbsA. The theories of translationTranslation is a kind of recreating for art. It is very difficult to translate a simple foreign literature correctly. Furthermore, Idiom is also a scientific and philosophical poetry with deep meaning, harmonic tone, and imaginative analogy. Those will make idioms translation more difficultly. Therefore, how to translate the idioms correctly and appropriately, which matches the regulation of Chinese and the characteristics of nations, is the matter not only about the rules of translation, but also the methods.The idiom plays a very important role in Chinese-English translation or English-Chinese translation, the translator's task lies in the content form of the original work, as an entity, reproduce out completely in another kind of language. So, the result of translating and using the expression skillfully is that idioms can improve the translators accurately, and contrast the English-Chinese idioms of both sides, compare and analyze some about these idioms, can find some laws. Study these laws, can help us to understand correctly and deal with them appropriately. We can take the following four methods when concrete the translation of English proverb Chinese.1. Literal translationThe so-called literal translation, means on the basis of the standardization of the translation, on the premise of not causing wrong association or misunderstanding, keep the metaphor of English proverb, the methods of the image and national in color. Some of the idioms and proverbs are the same to the form of expression and meaning. When translate those kind of sentence, we can use the similar Chinese to translate. Not only can make the reader easy to accept it, but also easy to understand. For recommending these unique expression methods, exotic flowers and rare herbs of foreign countries to China, it only takes the literal translation method to finish the task. But someone maintain the translation of English to Chinese of the idioms "often must free translation", "abandon by foreign language idiom images already existing and last image knowing very well clan or take advantage of explain", and say for example: "Among the blind the one-eyed man is king." this proverb is in conformity with translation, "The monkey dominates a king. There are no tigers in the mountain" however, if take free translation as the core, certainly will lose "exotic atmosphere" and "graceful bearing" of a lot of original proverbs. The angle is come to read from now on, literal translation should take precedence over free translation. Like following English proverbs that come over with literal translation, and play the function of abundance of Chinese.Blood is thicker than water. (血浓于水。)Knowledge is power. (知识就是力量。)He who laughs best laughs last. (谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。)All roads lead to Rome. (条条道路通罗马。)The so-called literal translation, certainly means not to translate word for word according to the wording significances, or "hardly translates" or "dies translates" irrevocably. Because there are differences between the two languages and the proverb characteristics, when we use the literal translation, some idioms must transform the types of the sentence, the transformation of the order of words or the lexical category; some idioms must add or reduce words, as well as rhyme and so on. Such as: Find earth where grows no weed, and you may find a heart where mo error grows. (地无不长野草,人无不犯错误。) Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise. (睡得早,起得早,聪明、富裕、身体好。)The translations, which are used literal translation, basically retained the image and the analogy of the original texts, retained the unique expression techniques of the original texts, for feeling clear and unique, it has achieved the goal of rich translation language well through the translation. Therefore, when we translate English proverbs, we usually use the literal translation law.2. Free translationLiteral translation is a main method of interpreter's English proverb, but not the only one. If it is very difficult to be understand the meaning of some English metaphor proverbs spend or expression way with literal translation by Chinese readers, the result is very bad, or because some anecdotes or legend that the proverb involves unknown by Chinese, then must last footnote or note to explain literal translation, so the situation should not use literal translation, but the method of free translation.3The advantage of free translation lies in being succinct and distinct, benefit the style of writing, prevent from some cases caused by literal translation and messily, take totally ineffective measures, even hurt purpose in word, cause the disadvantage of misunderstanding etc. For example, Dont put your finger in the pie(不要多管闲事) If we translate this sentence into Chinese as “不要把你手指放进馅饼”, Chinese readers wont understand it at all. Dont put your finger in the pie,it reflects the individualism walk philosophy which was pursued by English and American society, it warms people don't meddle in matters that don't concern you, and care about one's own matters is best policy. And it different from Chinese walks philosophy and Chinese pursue collectivism. 3. Mechanical application of the synonymous Chinese proverbsThough there are widely differences between the two languages of English and Chinese, yet there are many communicating proverbs, they and all accord with in the content in form, i.e. mode of thinking and result to a certain concrete problem, and concrete expression form, often have the tendency to happen to coincide with, and the one that played the same tune on different musical instruments is wonderful. In this case, translating the Chinese proverb that might as well apply the synonym mechanically in Chinese of English proverb. Such as,Strike while the iron is hot. (趁热打铁。)When wine is in truth is out. (酒后吐真言。)Habit is a second nature. (习惯成自然。)Practice makes perfect. (熟能生巧。)Forgive others but not yourself. (责己严,则人宽。)Walls have ears. (隔墙有耳。)English proverbs are multitudinous, there is only occupy a small part eventually which corresponds with Chinese proverbs, when translation, we should not chase corresponding views of the strip to seek two languages, that is not only a futile effort, moreover can appear farfetched, nondescript. When there are not only the same significances and hides righteousness in the two languages, moreover same or the more or less the same image and the analogy, or the same ways of expression reasons, English proverb to Chinese translation can adopt apply mechanically the synonymy Chinese proverb.4. Literal translation and free translationSometimes in order to express the original meaning more precise, more effectively, remedy it in some cases, the weakness not very obvious yet of meaning after literal translation, we can adopt the literal translation and free translation method to translate English proverbs. After literal translation, translate meaning out, it is in the hope of achieving the result of the crucial touch. Such as,Every bird likes its own nest. (鸟爱自己的巢,人爱自己的家。)Let sleeping dogs lie. (睡狗莫愁,麻烦莫招。)In summary, the translation of English proverbs must manifest its bright national characteristic, the profound thought and excellent artistic these three major characteristics, moreover pay attention to its cultural connotation, therefore, in translation, we must deliberate repeatedly, the words must be concise, the sentences must be succinct, and pay attention to the sound, for achieving to read smoothly, by advantageous for the memory. So translating English proverbs well can have a very big help to enhance our English accomplishment and the expression ability without doubt.B. Points of translation1. The literal translation of proverbs prohibited.Generally speaking, the proverb to be supposed concise and to be easy to understand, this causes us making an interpret literally mistake easily when we translate proverbs. In fact proverb is rich of content, the constitution is complex, has profound implications, and often deliberates carefully. Such as, “Fine feathers make fine birds.” It is always understood as “Buddha wants the gold plating, the human wants the clothing.” But its deeply meaning is “It is said of an overdressed person who does not really up to his or her clothes.”Another example, “Honey is not for the asss mouth.” In dictionary, the proverb means for “Tiger isnt suitable for choice food”, but its meaning itself is “Persuasion will not persuade fools.The gentle words will not divert the anger of the unreasonable.” So much for mistakes of these examples above, are caused by interpretation literally. 2. The translation of proverbs to keep the original text styleWe should pay attention to the translation of same idioms, but that dont have any change .Whereas according to the text ,and have a suitable treat. such as”谋事在人,成事在天”always translated into:” Man proposes, God disposes.” but in some sentence, it cant change.For example: rack ones brain cudgel ones brain. in different Chinese .upon the text .it can translated into:绞尽脑汁,挖空心思,苦思冥想,费劲心机,煞费苦心,搜索枯肠,殚思极虑and so on.方案一公布,大家就七嘴八舌的议论开了.Publication of the draft plan touched off a lively discussion with everybody eager to put in a word. .In the last sentence ,it cant add to “with seven mouths and tongues” .the foreigner couldnt understand.Its not meaning that all proverbs can be translated clearly, sometimes, few old proverbs from the Bible or old famous writes can be translated literally, they will match the appearance of original texts. For example, “A soft answer turned away wrath.” is from the Bible, we can translate it as “不妨可以释怒”. “Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.” is from Romeo and Juliet of Shakespeare, we can translate it as “欲速则不达”.3. The translation of proverbs to notice the national characteristicProverbs of each nation have the national specific historical, economic, cultural, and daily life, customs and geographical environment and other matters. At present, many translation of English proverb add the number of Han ethnic characteristics. Such as,Beauty lies in loves eyes. We always translate it into Chinese as “情人眼里出西施。”A fools bolt is soon shot. We always translate it into Chinese as “黔驴技穷。”No great loss without some small gain. We always translate it into Chinese as “塞翁失马,焉知非福。”Dont cross the bridge until you come to it. We always translate it into Chinese as “不要杞人忧天。”Never offer to teach fish to swim. We always translate it into Chinese as “不要班门弄斧。”Above these proverbs, “西施”,“塞翁”,“杞人”,“鲁班”are all persons of Chinese history and legend. When we translate these proverbs, we must understand Chinese and English are two different countries, we cannot use Chinese into English proverbs. Because of this, we can translate these proverbs into Chinese as “情人眼里出美人;蠢人易于智穷力竭;大失之中,也有小得;船到桥头自然直;不要教鱼儿游水。” Different nations include different characteristics, so to keep their personalities is very important for translation.4. The translation of proverbs to notice the artistic characteristicThe proverb is a form of the folk literature, it is not only embodying masses' wisdom, but also demonstrates masses' artistic talent. In the process of proverb translation, we must not only faithfully express the original text of the ideological content, but also maintain the original text of the image and the analogy as far as possible, and all that some rhetoric effect, namely needs to pay attention to the maintenance the artistry of proverb.4 Here only emphatically elaborates the artistic feature of proverb. The Chinese and foreign proverb are always all concise, succinct, the structure compact even, and the rhythm exquisite is generally harmonious. Therefore when we translate proverbs, we should fully manifest these characteristics. Such as,He knows the water the best who has waded through it. (要知河水深浅,须问过来人。)Men may meet, but mountains never. (山和山无法碰头,人和人总会相聚。)Old friends and old wine are best. (陈酒味醇,老友情深。)We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. (井干方知水可贵)Grasp all, lose all. (样样都要,样样都失。)Good wine needs no bush. (酒好客自来。)All is not gold that glitters. (闪闪发光物,未必尽黄金。). ConclusionA great number of definitions have been given to culture. Therefore, idiom is a part of culture. As such, it cannot but serve and reflect cultural needs.To learn English well, idioms and proverbs can also give us some experiences. They can help us understand sentences more accurately, and use them to increase the appreciation of our articles. Therefore, most famous writers also like to use them in their works, such as Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Swift, Charles Lamb, etc. In brief, the unique grammar, the rhetoric and the language characteristic of English proverbs, the bright national characteristic and its profound thought meaning cause the translation work not only to be difficult but also significant. The full understanding of English proverbs, has laid the foundation for the better understanding. Idiom is an indispensable part of English. Its generation, form and use has long history and profound meaning, it stand for the culture inside information of English. English idioms and Chinese idioms supple each other, which have us taste its feeling and interesting. To learn English good, not only need good English basic language knowledge, but also have to have history knowledge.Notes1 Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham, 1953, Brewers Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, Lond.: Cassell.2杨永和 “英语谚语的修辞特点研究”, 重庆工学院学报2000(3),第20页。3黄粉保 “英汉成语翻译漫谈”,云梦学刊1999(2),第79页。4陈亚光 “小议英谚语和成语的创新”, 上海外国语学院学报1983(2),第35页。生命列车The Train Of Life1. 不久以前,我读了一本书。书中把人生比作一次旅行。2. 人生一世,就好比是一次搭车旅行,要经历无数次上车、下车; 时常有事故发生; 有时是意外惊喜,有时却是刻骨铭心的悲伤 3. 降生人世,我们就坐上了生命列车。我们以为我们最先见到的那两个人-我们的父母,会在人生旅途中一直陪伴着我们。 4. 很遗憾,事实并非如此。他们会在某个车站下车,留下我们,孤独无助。他们的爱、他们的情、他们不可替代的陪伴,再也无从寻找。 5. 尽管如此,还会有其他人上车。他们当中的一些人将对我们有着特殊的意义。 6. 他们之中有我们的兄弟姐妹, 有我们的亲朋好友。我们还将会体验千古不朽的爱情故事。7. 坐同一班车的人当中,有的轻松旅行。8. 有的却带着深深的悲哀 还有的,在列车上四处奔忙,随时准备帮助有需要的人 9. 很多人下车后,其他旅客对他们的回忆历久弥新 但是,也有一些人,当他们离开座位时,却没有人察觉。10. 有时候,对你来说情深义重的旅伴却坐到了另一节车厢。你只得远离他,继续你的旅程。11. 当然,在旅途中,你也可以摇摇晃晃地穿过自己的车厢,去别的车厢找他 12. 可惜,你再也无法坐在他身旁,因为这个位置已经让别人给占了 .13. 没关系。旅途充满挑战、梦想、希望、离别 就是不能回头。因此,尽量使旅途愉快吧!14. 善待旅途上遇见的所有旅客,找出人们身上的闪光点。15. 永远记住,在某一段旅程中,有人会犹豫彷徨,因为我们自己也会犹豫彷徨。16. 我们要理解他人,因为我们需要他人的理解。17. 生命之谜就是:我们在什么地方下车?坐在身旁的伴侣在什么地方下车?我们的朋友在什么地方下车?我们无从知晓 18. 我时常这样想:到我该下车的时候,我会留恋吗?我想我还是会的。和我的朋友分离,我会痛苦。让我的孩子孤独地前行,我会悲伤。 我执著地希望在我们大家都要到达的那个终点站,我们还会相聚 19. 我的孩子们上车时没有什么行李,如果我能在他们的行囊中留下美好的回忆,我会感到幸福。20. 我下车后,和我同行的旅客都还能记得我,想念我,我将感到快慰。21. 献给你, 我生命列车上的同行者, 祝您旅途愉快!1. Not long ago, I read a book, in which a mans life was compared to a journey.2. The life of a man is just like a hitchhiking,during which many times we go up and down. Now and then things will happen accidently, some of which are to