新星“六一”主持词背景音乐( ? )Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! 亲爱的女士们、先生们,下午好Good afternoon, dear parents, pupils and teachers! 亲爱的家长们,同学们、老师们,下午好Welcome to our party! 欢迎来到我们的盛会With the sun shining over our heads today 伴随着头顶的艳阳With the songs of children resounding around our ears 伴随着耳边响起的孩子们的歌With the presents of Childrens Day passing through our friends伴随着在我们身边传递的儿童节礼物With the silvery laughter of those happy children伴随着孩子们银铃般的笑声We are joining here today celebrating a special holiday- Childrens Day我们齐聚一堂,欢庆六一Let's shout "Childrens Day is coming! Happy Childrens Day!I am the owner of my festival.”(场下互动)让我们大声的说出:“六一“来了,六一儿童节快乐!我的六一我做主”Everybody stands up please. Lets enjoy the first show. Music!师生互动律动秀1Wonderful, right? Thanks for the great performance of our beautiful teachers and lovely students!很精彩,对吧?感谢我们美丽的老师们和可爱的孩子们带来的精彩表演。Which group is better, boys and girls? The teachers group or the students group? Lets wait and see. Ok?大家评判一下是我们的老师们跳的好还是学生们跳的好啊?我们接下来拭目以待吧。 I know that all of you here have learned knowledge from those excellent teachers in the classrooms. Well, do you want to admire your teacher on this grand stage? Lets welcome Miss Yang. She will show us a gorgeous English lesson here. Please enjoy it.杨芬课堂展示2相信我们每个同学都在新星的课堂上领略过老师们的博学多才和诙谐幽默,青春活力和热情洋溢,那你们想不想在舞台上欣赏老师上课的风采呢?那就请大家跟随杨芬老师一起走进英语的殿堂吧!Thank you, boys and girls. Thank you very much, Miss Yang. They love you so much. I do appreciate.感谢孩子们的精彩配合,感谢杨老师的精彩表现,孩子们很热爱你啊杨老师!羡煞旁人啊。Boys and girls, we also have another guest and her friends here today. Can you guess?告诉大家哦,今天还有一位特殊来宾带着她的一群好朋友和坏朋友来到了我们的现场呢,那么他们是谁呢?接下来就让我们一起欣赏英语老师们的别样版话剧:灰姑娘(Ok, a play for you. Welcome the performersour English teachers) 英语老师话剧-灰姑娘3相信大家已经发现了,今天我们的舞台上可谓中西合璧,尤其是英语部分相当精彩,那同学们听懂、看懂了刚才的表演没呀?理解了的同学,老师祝贺你们,你们要再接再厉,学好这门国际语言。没听懂的同学可要继续努力,争取更上一层楼呢!那欣赏了英语表演,中文表演也不能逊色呀!那作文班的同学们会带给我们什么不一样的体验呢?就让我们拭目以待吧!请欣赏作文班的情景朗诵:走过四季。作文组诗歌朗诵4Thanks for the great performance of those students. You have done a really wonderful job.哇,作文班的同学们也好了不起,把我们带入了诗情画意的世界,感谢他们的精彩表现哦!We have enjoyed so many programs. Teachers? Students? Which group is better? Lets go on to play games to PK. Ok? Lets enjoy the game. 都说青出于蓝胜于蓝,那今天到底是老师们表现优秀,还是同学们更胜一筹呢?我们也不得而知,就让我们在开幕式后的游戏中一决高下吧!This is the end of the opening ceremony. All of the teachers and students are so talented and wonderful. Thanks for all the friends here!Let's look forward to our next gathering! Happy Childrens Day again! Best wishes for you.今天我们的同学和老师的表现都很不错,不过我们老师可比你们年长,所以你们才是充满希望、前途无量!那就记住今天这一刻,从今天开始努力,去为自己描绘最动人的蓝图!在这个特殊的六一,你们想不想将自己无忧无虑、天真可爱的印记永远留下呢?那等会儿,就在那儿把你们宝贵的“成掌足迹”留下哦!好啦,今天的开幕式到此结束,接下来就在游戏中尽情欢乐吧!最后再次祝愿大家六一儿童节日快乐,永远健康幸福! (结束音乐?)