关于小学数学双语教学的思考 什么叫双语教学?“所谓“双语 Bilingual”,英国朗曼出版社出版的朗曼应用语言学词典中对此给出了最权威的释义,其中文释义是:一个能用两种语言的人。双语教学的内涵因国家、地区的不同而存在差异。如加拿大,双语教学一般是指在英语地区用法语授课的教学形式。在美国,双语教学一般是指用西班牙语进行的学科教学。在中国,双语教学指的是用英语进行的部分学科教学。也就是运用母语以外的第二种语言的教学。”往往有人认为,在一节课中只要运用母语和外语同时进行的课堂教学就是双语教学。因此,往往在教学中就出现了教师在上课、下课等环节中说英语的情况,这样做理解是片面的。在语文课上的汉语教学如果还用英语进行教学的话,那显然失去了母语教学的意义,于是,大家把双语教学的首选课程不约而同地都指向了数学,对此,我的观点有以下几点。小学数学双语教学可行性体现在:一、时代发展的需要英语是进行国际交流的很需要工具,中国作为发展中国家,英语的工具性就更显得格外重要。为适应我国对外开放政策,满足社会主义现代化建设的需要,必须拥有一大批具有较强英语应用能力的人才。小学现在都开设了英语课,英语教学的重视程度越来越高,但哑巴英语、死背句型的现象却仍然很普遍,这与现代社会所需要的外交型人才的是十分不相符的。因此在新的一轮课程改革中,英语教学在基础教育中有着重要的地位,英语教学从小学到初中是统一规划的,也就是说,七年级(初一)的英语教学不再从A、B、C等26个字母开始,而是在小学的基础上继续学习,2003年开始,徐州教育局正逐步由市区到县区,由点到面地全面展开从一年级开始的英语教学,从这点可以看出,让孩子在一定环境下学习母语外的又一种语言,不仅是提高公民的自身学习,同时让孩子在时代的发展中不被屏弃。我们的教育教学的眼光要超前,教孩子5年,就要为孩子想50年,为国家民族想500年,我们教育的孩子,在今后能否可以与同龄的其他国家的孩子相竞争?这是每个教育工作者都要深思的问题!二、辅助英语教学双语教学的目的不是把英语作为教学的重点,而是把英语作为传递数学知识的工具。因此,在进行双语教学时,它仅仅是在辅助学生进行英语教学,不能把数学课上成了不折不扣的英语课,如果是这样,那将走向极端,曲解了双语教学的本意。三、为师范生开拓了毕业渠道当今的时代是竞争的时代,作为师范生要保证自己有多项特长才能不被社会所淘汰。因此,师范生在校期间,就要注意合理的进行课程的整合,把数学与英语学科有效的结合在一起,具备小学数学双语教学的能力,这样不仅可以为师范生的就业开辟更多的渠道,同时提高了师资力量。恰当的双语教学不仅无损于学科知识的掌握,反而能促进学科知识的掌握和提高。同时,实验证明,当字词用两种语言重复时比用同一种语言重复所产生的记忆效果更好。任何事物在发展的过程中,需要不断地进行尝试、修改,以期待获得更好的效果。因此,在进行双语教学的过程中还有很多值得思考的地方。一、 明确数学双语教学的目标目的明确才不会迷失方向,这是探讨其它具体问题的基础。 那么开设双语课的目标是什么呢?我想应该是为了弥补英语教学的不足。英语教学所传授的都是社会方面的知识,而有关自然方面的知识却寥寥无几。为了使学生能真正地走向世界,能全方位的用英语进行交流,双语课的开设也就是很自然的事了。据此是不是可以将数学双语课的教学目标定位为:以数学知识的教学为载体,为学生营造一种学习数学英语知识的环境,使学生能用英语进行数学方面的交流,逐步过渡可以英语进行部分的数学思维。二、 教学双语教学要有度,不能忽视母语教学的优越性 我国教育部副部长、国家语言文字工作委员会主任袁贵仁在沈阳召开的2005年度语言文字工作会议上指出语言教学中要纠正重视外语而削弱本国语言的倾向。 袁贵仁认为,对于这个问题应该进行严肃讨论。外国语言文字的学习使用,对中国语文生活的影响十分显著,应该予以关注研究,并要有清醒的认识和明确的对策。一方面,加强外语学习、提高外语应用水平,是进一步扩大开放和加强与世界联系交往的需要,也是学习借鉴外国先进科学技术,汲取人类一切文明成果的需要,应该支持和鼓励;但另一方面,更要注意到,我国的语言文字是民族的标志和民族文化的重要载体及组成部分,其应用水平体现和直接影响着民族的教育、文化和素质,为适应未来教育文化发展和人才战略的实施以及中国在世界上的和平发展,应进一步加强祖国文字教育,扩大其在世界上的影响,这也是弘扬民族文化、培育民族精神的一个重要方面。前面也有人认为数学双语课的教学目标应定位为,使学生能用英语进行数学方面的交流,逐步过渡到用全英语进行数学思维。我认为,完全没有这个必要。因为,我们可以看到我们的母语即汉语,在某种情况下可以说是其他语言所无法媲美的,如果把这样一个好的语言资源浪费掉,不能不说是一种悲哀。做为中国人学数学,有着有得天独厚的优势:一是汉字是单音节的,一是一,二是二,读起来干脆利落,朗朗上口,而英语one,two,three,要逊色多了,我们有从古至今就使用的乘法口诀:二五一十,五八四十,便于记忆,利于理解使用,要是用英语来念:two five ten, five eight forty那就复杂多了。读多位数的时候也是如此,正是我国采用了“四位一级”的读数方法,凸显出了汉语的魅力所在,而国外多采用“三位一节”的方法来读,不要说读了,光写出来就可以看出汉语的简洁明了是无于伦比的了。也许这是其中一个原因,使我国学生的数感要远远强于其他国家的孩子,这是国外孩子望尘莫及,无论如何也学不来的,因为我们使用的是汉语!同时让学生感到身为中国人的自豪!因此,我认为,并不是任何一个数学知识的教学都必须要用英语来取代,还要意识到母语的重要性,数学是“思维”的学科,语言又是思维的工具,学生原本要用汉语进行思维的,现在要用英语进行,在头脑中要进行“二次翻译”,可想难度之大,数学双语教学的本身还是进行数学教学,如果只强调,不仅英语没有学好,数学的预期效果也不会达到。那么在进行双语教学时,教师可以选定一些适合用英语进行教学的数学内容,比如“空间与图形”,“统计与概率”、“实践与综合运用”,而要避开多位数的认识,多位数的读写以及涉及到复杂计算的双语教学,否则得不偿失。三、 根据学生的特点进行双语教学小学生在小学阶段刚开始系统的接触语文方面的学习,尤其是第一学段的学生(13年级),才开始初学学习语文,对一些内容尚在懵懂之中,不易理解,若这时用全英语进行教学,对孩子来讲是雪上加霜,给孩子增加了不必要的负担,也违背了我们教育教学的理念,根据小学生的特点,在课堂上给予必要的汉语解释和讲解,促进孩子对数学知识的理解,让孩子感到学习的快乐!四、 在其他学科(语文除外)中展开双语教学在小学中,诸如艺术(音乐、美术两个学科的整合)、自然等学科都是进行双语教学,弥补英语教学不足的理想学科,因此,不能过分强调数学双语教学,过分依赖数学双语教学,只有这样,我们才真正理解了双语教学的意义,培养出21世纪的栋梁之才!当然,双语教学的顺利进行除了与师资条件有关,还与教材、学生及家庭有着密切的关系,我们期待着双语教学能绽放出美丽的奇葩! Edmund SpenserEdmund recorded his laments over the loss of Rosalind in The Shepheardes Calender.(牧人日记).In 1594 he married Elizabeth, and wrote his Epithalamion(新婚喜歌).Spenser's masterpiece is The Faerie Queene(仙后).The five main qualities of Spenser's poetry are 1) a perfect melody(完美的韵律); 2) a rare sense of beauty(珍贵的美感); 3) a splendid imagination(灿烂壮观的想像); 4) a lofty moral purity and seriousness(崇高的道德纯洁性与严肃性); and 5) a dedicated idealism(一种献身的理想主义). In addition to the above, Spenser uses strange forms of speech and obsolete words in order to increase the rustic effect. It is Spenser's idealism, his love of beauty, and his exquisite melody that make him known as "the poets' poet(诗人中的诗人)."The poem is written in the stanza invented by the poet himself, the Spenserian stanza, i.e., a stanza of nine lines, with the first eight lines in iambic pentameter and the last line in iambic hexameter, rhyming ababbcbc.Christopher Marlowesix plays, the most important are: Tamburlaine(帖木儿), Dr. Faustus(浮士德博士的悲剧),The Jew of Malta(马耳他岛的犹太人) and Edward II(爱德华二世). non-dramatic poetry :Hero and Leander(海洛与勒安得耳),The Passionate Shepherd to His Love(激情的牧人致心爱的姑娘) and a verse translation of Ovid's Amores.(爱的艺术).Marlowe's greatest achievement lies in that he perfected the blank verse (无韵体诗)and made it the principal medium of English drama. (完善了无韵体诗,并使之成为英国戏剧中最主要的文体形式)Marlowe's second achievement is his creation of the Renaissance hero for English drama.(创造了文艺复兴时期的英雄形象)William ShakespeareIn 1593 and 1594, he published two narrative poems(叙事诗), Venus and Adonis(维纳斯和安东尼斯) and The Rape of Lucrece(鲁克丽斯受辱记).Four periods:First: The first period of Shakespeare's dramatic career was one of apprenticeship(学徒期). He wrote five history plays: Henry VI, Parts I, II, and III (亨利六世上,中,下), Richard III(理查三世), and Titus Andronicus(泰托斯.安东尼); and four comedies: The Comedy of Errors(错误的喜剧), The Two Gentlemen of Verona(维洛那二绅士), The Taming of the Shrew(训悍记), and Love's Labour's Lost(爱的徒劳).Second: In the second period, Shakespeare's style and approach became highly individualized. By constructing a complex pattern between different characters and between appearance and reality, Shakespeare made subtle comments on a variety of human foibles. In this period he wrote five histories: Richard II(理查二世), King John(约翰王), Henry IV, Parts I and II(亨利四世 上部和下部), and Henry V(亨利五世); six comedies: A Midsummer Night's Dream(仲夏夜之梦), The Merchant of Venice(威尼斯商人), Much Ado About Nothing(无事生非), As You Like It(皆大欢喜), Twelfth Night(第十二夜), and The Merry Wives of Windsor(温莎的风流娘们儿); and two tragedies: Romeo and Juliet(罗密欧与朱丽叶) and Julis Caesar(裘里斯.凯撒).Third: Shakespeare's third period includes his greatest tragedies and his so-called dark comedies. The tragedies of this period are Hamlet(哈姆雷特), Othello(奥赛罗), King Lear(李尔王), Macbeth(麦克白), Angony and Cleopatra(安东尼与克利奥佩特拉), Troilus and Cressida(克利奥拉纳斯), and Coriolanus(). The two comedies are All's Well That Ends Wells(终成眷属) and Measure for Measure(一报还一报).Last: The last period of Shakespeare's work includes his principal romantic tragicomedies(浪漫悲喜剧): Pericles(伯利克里), Cymbeline(辛白林), The Winter's Tale(冬天的故事) and The Tempest(暴风雨); and his two final plays: Henry VIII(亨利八世) and The Two Noble Kinsmen(两位贵族亲戚).Shakespeare's authentic non-dramatic poetry consist of two long narrative poems: Venus and Adonis(维纳斯和安东尼斯) and The Rape of Lucrece(鲁克丽斯受辱记), and his sequence of 154 sonnets. Shakespeare's sonnets are the only direct expression of the poet's own feelings.With three exceptions (99,126,154) Shakespeare writes his sonnets in the popular English form, first fully developed by Surrey, of three quatrains and a couplet(三节四行诗加一节偶句). Shakespeare's history plays are mainly written under the principle that national unity under a mighty and just sovereign is a necessity(在一个强大英明的君主统治下的国家,统一是非常必要的).The three history plays on the reign of Henry VI are the beginning of Shakespeare's epic treatment.The first and second parts of Henry IV are undoubtedly the most widely read among his history plays. It reveals a troubled reign in the 15th century. Shakespeare presents the patriotic spirit when mourning over the loss of English territories in France. He also dramatizes the class struggle between the oppressors and the oppressored during Jack Cade's rising of 1450. Furthermore, he condemns the War of the Roses waged by the feudal barons in which innocent people were killed. Here Shakespeare has liberated himself from any imitations of the contempory example .In his romantic comedies, Shakespeare takes an optimistic attitude toward love and youth, and the romantic elements are brought into full play.(在他的浪漫喜剧中,莎士比亚以乐观的态度对待爱情与青春,并将流浪色彩渲染到极致。)The most important play among the comedies is The Merchant of Venice, in which Shakespeare has created tension, ambiguity, a self-conscious and self-delighting artifice that is at once intellectually exciting and emotionally engaging. The sophistication derives in part from the play between high, outgoing romance and dark forces of negativity and hate. The traditional theme of the play is to praise the friendship between Antonio and Bassanio, to idealize Portia as a heroine of great beauty, wit and loyalty, and to expose the insatiable greed and brutality of the Jew. Many people today tend to regard the play as a satire of the Christians' hypocrisy and their false standards of friendship and love, their cunning ways of pursuing worldliness and their unreasoning prejudice against Jews. Compared with the idealism of other plays, The Merchant of Venice takes a step forward in its realistic presentation of human nature and human conflict. Though there is a ridiculous touch on the part of the characters restrained by their limitations, Shakespeare's youthful Renaissance spirit of jollity can be fully seen in contrast to the medieval emphasis on future life in the next world.The successful romantic tragedy is Romeo and Juliet, which eulogizes the faithfulness of love and the spirit of pursuing happiness. The play, though a tragedy, is permeated with optimistic spirit.Shakespeare's greatest tragedies are : Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth. They have some characteristics in common. Each portrays some noble hero, who faces the injustice of human life and is caught in a difficult situation and whose fate is closely connected with the fate of the whole nation. Each hero has his weakness of nature.In the plays of Shakespeare's last period, there is a prevalent Christian teaching of atonement. Shakespeare seems to have entered an imagined pastoral world. Thus, he could achieve what he failed to in the real world, i.e. to right the wrongs and to realize his ideals. The Tempest, an elaborate and fantastic story, is known as the best of his final romances. The characters are rather allegorical and the subject full of suggestion. The humanly impossible events can be seen occurring everywhere in the play. The wild storm becomes magic, answering Prospero's every signal. The playwright resorts to the supernatural atmosphere and to the dreams to solve the conflict. The Tempest is a typical example of his pessimistic view towards human life and society in his late years.Shakespeare, as a humanist of the time, was shocked by the feudal tyranny and disunity and internal struggle for power at the court which led to civil wars. In his plays, he does not hesitate to describe the cruelty and anti-natural character of the civel wars, but he did not go all the way against the feudal rule. In his dramatic creation, especially in his histories or tragedies, he affirms the importance of the feudal system in order to uphold social order. "The King's government must be carried on" - but carried on for the good of the nation, not for the pleasure of the King.Shakespeare is against religious persecution and racial discrimination, against social inequality and the corrupting influence of gold and money. In King Lear, Shakespear has not only made a profound analysis of the social crisis in which the evils can be seen everywhere, but also criticized the bourgeois egoism. He has shown to us the two-fold effects, exerted by the feudalist corruption and the tourgeois egoism, which have gradually corroded the ordered society. On the other hand , there is also a limit to his sympathy for the downtrodden. He fears anarchy, hates rebellion and despises democracy. Thus, he finds no way to solve the social problems. In the end, the only thing he can do as a humanist is to escape from the reality to seek comfort in his dreams.Shakespeare has accepted the Renaissance views on literature. He holds that literature should be a combination of beauty, kindness and truth, and should reflect nature and reality. Based on this consideration, he has claimed through the mouth of Hamlet that the "end" of dramatic creation is to give faithful reflection of the social realities of the time. Shakespeare also states that literary works which have truly reflected nature and reality can reach immortality. From his sonnets, we can find quite a few examples in which Shakespeare sings the immortality of poetry.Shakespeare's major characters are neither merely individual ones nor type ones; they are individuals representing certain types. Each character has his or her own personalities; meanwhile, they may share features with others. By applying a psycho-analytical approach, Shakespeare succeeds in exploring the characters' inner mind.The soliloquies in his plays fully reveal the inner conflict of his charaters. Shakespeare also portrays his characters in pairs.Contrasts are frequently used to bring vividness to his characters.Shakespeare's plays are well-known for their adroit plot construction. Shakespeare seldom invents his own plots; instead, he borrows them from some old plays or storybooks, or from ancient Greek and Roman sources. In order to make the play more lively and compact, he would shorten the time and intensify the story. There are usually several threads running through the play, thus providing the story with suspense and apprehension.Irony is a good means of dramatic prsentation. It makes the characters who are ignorant of the truth do certain ridiculous things.There is so much fun that the audience are immediately amused. Disguise is also an important device to create dramatic irony, usually with woman disguised as man.Lastly, to understand Shakespeare, it is necessary to study the subtlest of his instruments-the language. Shakespeare can wirite skillfully in different poetic forms, like the sonnet, the blank verse, and the rhymed couplet. His blank verse is especially beautiful and mighty. He has an amazing wealth of vocabulary and idiom. He is known to have used 16,000 different words. His coinage of new words and distortion of the meaning of the old ones also create striking effects on the reader. Shakespeare is above all writers in the past and in the present time.by Williams ShakespearSonnet 18 Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmed, And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance, or nature's changing course untrimmed: But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st, Nor shall death brag thou wand'rest in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st, So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.The Merchant of VeniceACT IV. SCENE I. Venice. The court of justice Enter the DUKE, the MAGNIFICOES, ANTONIO, BASSANIO, GRATIANO, SALERIO, and OTHERS DUKE OF VENICE.