Dear Mars Zhu: I know that you are very busy for responsible for the English teaching tasks of whole school. But you still teaching us meticulously so that we can learn English well. Thank you sincerely !My English is very bad especially in grammar. But I like English very much. In the classroom, I would also like to actively match your teaching. But its very hard for me to express by my own words. I think every students should learn English well. I will study the basis of English conscientiously. I have a few suggestions that:1. I feel that its very hard for us to express immediately in the classroom. I think that we should arrange the discussion topics of next lesson after this class, so that we can make a good preparations.2. We must make a rule that everyone to express their views for 5-10 minutes when we were discussion. If not, Students are unconsciously.3. The same method use in the study of text. I think that we should arrange the assignment of next lesson after this class, so that we can make a good preparations.4. The topics in our text are very hard . I think we should find some simple topic to discuss. Although we are graduates, but the standard of English of us is very low.I think if we stick to it, the standard of our English will have a great improve.May our teachers have a smooth job and a healthy body! Your student Sun YapingMarch 31, 2013 敬爱的朱老师:我知道您担负着全校的英语课的教学任务,工作已经很忙了。但是您为了让我们把英语学得更好,仍然对我们的教学一丝不苟,在此我真心的感谢您!我的英语基础很不好,特别是语法方面,但是我非常喜欢英语。在课堂上我也想积极地配合您的教学,但是由于基础不好,很难直接用语言表达自己的想法。您总说我们没有想法,或者想的都一样,其实是我们不会表达。我觉得每个同学都应该好好学习英语。以后我也会更进一步学习的基础,为把英语学好,在此我有这样几点建议:1.在共同讨论方面,我觉得当堂发挥是很困难的。应该在每节课下课时就布置好下节课讨论的题目,题目要详细。让同学课下充分准备。2.下节课讨论的时候,规定每个人必须发表自己的观点5-10分钟。强制性的练习语言表达。如果不强制性,同学是很不自觉的。3.在学习课文时也是同样的方法,每节课下课前要布置好下节课每个学生去翻译那一段,下节课让他讲解,等他讲解完之后别的同学还要反馈他讲的怎么样。这样落实到人,效果更好。4.课本上讨论的话题有点难,根据同学们的水平,我觉得应该找一些比这简单的话题来讨论。虽然我们是研究生,但英语水平还差很远。我想如果我们这样坚持下去,一定会有很大的收获,英语水平也会有大幅度的提高。这样就会为我们以后中学的学习打下坚实的基础。祝老师工作顺利!身体健康!学生孙亚平 2013年3月31日