变电站综合自动化系统分析摘要近年来,作为计算机和数字通信技术,二次变电站设备基本上是基于计算机的。电脑保护,电脑在变电站的监控设备已被广泛应用,这大大提高了电力系统运行的自动化水平和可靠性,已经实现了许多无人值守变电站。但是,由于专业水平的差异,不同制造商所采用的变电站自动化设计程序不一样,因此给广大用户带来了亏损。 变电站继电保护,故障记录仪,本地和远程监控不仅有不同的功能,而且各项原则和技术的实现也不同。因此,需要在不同的技术上和相应的管理部门长期累积专业技能。随着微机保护,计算机控制和远程计算机设备如此广泛应用,有人指出尽管这些设备的功能不同,但硬件配置是一样的,收集和控制许多相同的对象。因此,考虑变电站自动化的思路要从全局出发。然而,在变电站自动化技术中,继电器,测量,控制,远程执行过程中的特征以及它们之间的关系,还存在一些问题值得我们学习。关键词:变电站自动化下面目前用于许多国内变电站自动化设计实际过程中,从辅助系统分析和几个方面比较考虑。1.系统结构整个系统层由站管理,工业总线网络层和间隔层三部分组成,系统的所有监控,保护设备在设计结构上采用模块化单位,根据变电站电压水平和用户需要,大小可灵活变动。因为中央系统不再使用,它不在这里,下面只介绍分布式系统的结构。1.1面向功能的分布式系统每个单元完成一个功能,系统的功能可分为:交流和直流测量单元,远程采集单元,远程控制和运行单元,脉冲能量收集单元,如保护单元。这种系统的优点是功能单元的通信总线处于完全隔离的电气之间,系统单元的故障对系统的其它部分没有影响。缺点是多屏组,第二布线比较复杂,可扩性差,分散单元无法安装。1.2面向区间的分布式系统进入到变电站的输电线路分为许多区间,如行距,变压器间距,全局布置。相对独立的空间设备,仅通过互联网通信网络站与站级计算机通信。区间的每一层有遥测,遥控,远程控制,分布式多CPU保护装置,电脑在局域网技术设计的引入,分布式功能,尽可能权力下放的原则,虽然大大改善了可靠性,任何区间的失败不会影响其它分区,但每个区间的可靠性比较低,如果任何一个区间有故障将影响整个区间。1.3面向对象的分布式系统也就是说,将每一行,每一轮,每一变压器作为一个对象的一个单位,可以针对电容器。这是一个真正的全分布式变电站自动化系统,按照重组变电站自动化的要求,打破了第二设备功能的原有限制。这种采用国际电工委员会的技术规格设计的面向对象的分布式在线系统,是未来的发展方向。它具有以下特点:大大改善了系统可靠性,局部故障不会影响系统;相对独立的模块,每个受影响小;数据共享良好;系统效率,多功能综合控制方式,使设备管理操作非常简单,维护成本低,抗干扰能力,良好的可扩展性;站所需的第二线大大减少,节约了投资。2.双总线网络和单网络结构站在一级的管理和监控层,以保护数据和管理之间的传输网络,可作为双重和单网络结构。枢纽中心的110KV变电站,双网络结构可以促进大量数据流量,以确保所有的各种信号迅速交货,并提高其可靠性。双网络方法,通常是一个独立的小组,监测和保护网络的输电线路或电气设备故障保护行动,该网络可以用来保护记录的波形数据的快速传输。110KV及以下变电站,由于规模小,数据吞吐量小,110KV及以下单网络变电站能较好满足数据传输的要求。3.一体化的监测和保护由于保护和管理体制问题的特殊地位,长期保护和监测技术水平已分开。然而,随着电力部门,管理和计算机的逐渐改变,数字通信技术的快速发展,低压电平(例如,35KV,10KV)变电站,为了降低投资成本,易于操作和管理,提高自动化水平,控制和适当的整合单位的保护,其特点是:监测和保护,共同保护管理局局长和局长的独立监督使用,这是确保测量精度,而且还提高了可靠性。硬件标准化,和硬件设备相同,软件不同之处是从同一个模板可以互换,帮助用户维护和掌握后,测量精度不影响。面向对象的设计,一个完整的采样。主要保护和备份保护的严格区分的主变压器保护和高低压测备份保护是一个小单元,设计的每个方面的备份保护,保护出口严格区分在同一单元内。灵活的配置单元可能集中在集团屏幕,安装也可以分散,有配置功能,多种方式以保护访问和清除的灵活性。这个结构目前还没有得到广泛应用,因为:当前电网的专业管理是分开的保护和远程,用这种结构来改变管理系统,同时操作和维修人员要求更高水平。这类系统的可靠运行是硬件监测保护单元的关键之一,必须适应恶劣的工作条件,需要有一个强大的抗干扰,抗振动能力,能够适应高温和高湿度工作环境,二是有一个高效,可靠的高速数据通信网络。由于设计的原因,对监测保护单元故障一体化,没有监测和保护的明确的界限,很难发现和区分故障的范围。4.RS485或CAN现场总线网络分布式通信系统有串行通信总线模式和网络模式,这是最典型的RS485,后者适用于更典型的变电站环境控制器局域网CAN。4.1RS485总线RS485用于早期变电站综合自动化系统,还在很多系统中使用,其缺点是:对于小规模系统,有足够的传输速率,实时保证,但随着系统的扩展迅速降低系统的性能。反安全性差,一般只适用于内部使用控制室,不能用于交换机和交换机之间的游戏,这并不适用于分散的分布式系统的安装。从网络结构看,只能有一个主节点,其余是从节点,I/O单元必须横向沟通站级计算机,系统的灵活性差。数据通信响应类型的命令,该节点只有在收到主节点后,才回应秩序,及时信息比特的一些重要变化不会发送,实时低。错误检测和校正功能没有。通信协议制造商自己的,不同的系统难以互联设备。4.2CAN总线网络在短帧传输使用,每个帧有CRC错误检查和其他措施,抗干扰能力强,只是使用低成本的双绞线传输可以保证误码率1011。最远的直接沟通网络达10公里,此时传输速率5kbit次/秒,当传输距离为40米,最高的传输速率为1Mbit次/秒。通过多主机模式下,网络节点可在办公室随时向网络发送信息给其他节点,而且点对点,点对多点广播和全球信息传输,灵活的通信手段。节点在网络上可以配置不同的优先级别,以及使用非破坏性的决策总线技术,当有两个节点在同一时间向网络发送信息,低优先级的节点将派出自己的暂停,但高优先级节点继续发送不受影响,从而大大节省了时间总线裁决冲突,以确保对整个系统的真正时间性质。异常网络节点,自动关闭功能的总线,切断该节点及总线联系,以确保其他业务不会受到影响的总线。CAN网络符合ISO11898系列技术规范,具有良好的硬件支持和开放的环境。5.操作系统的背景系统平台和网络操作系统有WindowsNT和SCOUNIX两大类,每类有自己的优点和缺点。5.1WindowsNT操作系统向上兼容的硬件,也不需要手动优化的硬件配置。支持软件和便携性,以及二次开发和功能易于扩展。有全面的多功能配置的系统配置,包括系统配置,图形,报表,曲线,例如事件的处理,使系统生成修改时非常快速,灵活,方便;多种配置生成和输出语句,所有基于Excel电子报表,易于管理和带其他工具的界面,如实时和历史数据库的标准大型数据系统SQLServer或sybase,,确保数据的完整性和一致性的系统容量,易于维护与其他系统的无缝连接。直观的界面,通用性强,用户通常会被用来减少培训的工作量。该系统的稳定性稍差,有时更容易发生死机命令的结果。安全性不高,容易受到电脑病毒的入侵。基于操作系统,从其适用范围内保密限制的观点,应用软件也有一些标识。5.2SCOUNIX系统更严格的硬件兼容性,一般电脑在显卡上是不兼容的环境,即使兼容,其分辨率较低,大多数1024×768。需要优化系统配置,这项工作不能做这样的一般用户。少支持软件,应用软件,系统配置将不得不准备。英文操作系统环境,对国内用户来说更难以掌握。需要更多时间来完善操作经验和提高稳定性,安全性,军事性,金融和其他行业需要常用网络的高可靠性。6.结论变电站自动化是一个复杂的系统工程,随着第二个系统应用实践的几个方面的展开,需要各类专业人员来分析性能比较,变电站自动化系统顺应了城市改造工作中农村电网建设的发展,不论是技术,重要性,还是投入相当多有地位的,如广阔的市场前景,高科技的应用,和现场与实际需求的有机结合将促进变电站综合自动化技术更好。参考文献:1王崇林,邹明:电源,煤炭工业出版社,19972张石林,曲文英:电机工程手册,石油工业出版社,1990(修订本)3国家标准GB500591992:3110千伏变电所设计规范,中国标准出版社,19924如王子午:通用配电设备手动选择,第三卷和第四卷,煤炭工业出版社,19985SDJ279:变电站设计技术规范,19796西北,东北电力设计院:电力工程手册3,上海人民出版社,19847葛少云,工厂供电。天津:天津大学出版社,2001.68刘编辑,简明电厂设计手册。北京:机械工业出版社,1993.89易编辑,电力工业企业。北京:冶金工业出版社,1985.910范朴先生,发电厂电气部分(第二版)。北京:水利水电出版社,1995.611电力工程设计手册(1),(2)。北京:水利水电出版社,198912刘伯庆,电力系统及电气设备介绍。武汉:武汉大学出版社Integrated Substation Automation System AnalysisAbstract In recent years, as computers and digital communication technology, secondary substation equipment is basically a computer-based. Computer protection, computer monitoring device in the substation have been widely used, which greatly raised the level of automation in power system reliability and operation, has achieved a lot of unmanned substations. However, due to differences in professional standards, different manufacturers used in the design of substation automation programs are not the same, thus leaving the majority of users at a loss.Substation relay protection, fault recorder, local and remote monitoring not only of different functions, and the realization of the principles and techniques are also different. Thus, the long-standing expertise in different technologies and the corresponding management departments. With the microprocessor-based protection, computer control and remote computer devices, such as widely used, it was noted that despite the different functions of these devices, the hardware configuration is the same, the collection and to control many of the same object. Thus, it appears from the overall situation to consider the idea of substation automation. However, in substation automation technologies, the implementation process of the relay, measure, control, remote features, as well as the relationship between them, are still some problems worthy of our study.Keywords: substation automationThe following currently used for many domestic substation automation design practical, from the secondary system analysis and comparison of several aspects.1 System structureThe whole system level by the station management, industrial bus network layer and spacing layer is composed of three parts, the system of all monitoring, protective equipment are modular units of the structural design, according to the voltage substation level, the size can be flexible and user requirements. Because of the centralized system is no longer used, it is no longer here, the following describes only the structure of distributed systems.1.1 Function-oriented distributed systemsA function of each unit completed, the system functions can be divided into: AC and DC measurement unit, remote acquisition unit, remote control and operation unit, pulse energy collection units, such as the protection unit. The advantages of such systems is the functional unit with the communication bus between the complete separation of the electrical, any fault on the system unit has no effect on the rest of the system. The disadvantage is that multi-screen group, the relative complexity of the second wiring, poor scalability, decentralized units can not be installed.1.2 Interval-oriented distributed systemPower transmission line to substation is divided into a number of intervals, such as into the line spacing, transformer spacing, round layout. Relatively independent of the spacing of equipment, only through the Internet communication network stations with station-level computers to communicate. Interval of each layer by telemetry, remote, remote control, the protection of the distribution of multi-CPU configuration, and the introduction of computers in the design of local area network technology, the distribution function, as far as possible the principle of decentralization, which, though greatly improved the reliability of, any interval failure will not affect the other partitions, but the reliability of each interval is relatively low, if any interval a fault will affect the whole interval.1.3 Object-Oriented Distributed SystemsThat is, a unit of an object into each line, each round, each transformer, capacitors can be targeted. This is a true full-distributed substation automation system, which broke the original limits of the functions of the second device, in accordance with the requirements of substation automation reorganization. This object-oriented distributed systems in line with the International Electrotechnical Commission's technical specifications, is the future direction of development. It has the following features: greatly improved system reliability, partial failure does not affect the system; relatively independent modules, each affected small; data sharing good; system efficiency; multi-function integrated control approach, making the operation of equipment management very simple, low maintenance; anti-interference ability; good scalability; stations needed the Second cable greatly reduced, saving investment.2 Dual-bus network and a single network structureStand-level management and monitoring layer to protect the data and commands between the transmission network can be double or single network structure. Hub for the 110kV substation, a dual network structure to facilitate a large flow of data to ensure rapid delivery when all kinds of signals, and to improve its reliability. Dual-network approach, usually an independent group to monitor and protect the network, in the transmission line or electrical equipment fault protection actions, the network can be used to protect the rapid transmission of recorded wave data. Substation 110kV and below, as a result of a smaller scale, data throughput, 110kV and below a single network substation can well meet the requirements of data transmission.3 integration of monitoring and protectionSince the technology level of the special status of protection and management system problems, long-term protection and monitoring has been separated. However, with the electricity sector, the gradual changes in management and computer and digital communication technology's rapid development, low-voltage level (eg, 35kV, 10kV) substation, in order to reduce the investment cost, ease of operation and management and improve the level of automation, control and protection of suitable integration unit, which is characterized by: monitoring and protection together to protect the independence of TA and TA to monitor access, this is to ensure the accuracy of measurements, but also improves the reliability. Hardware standardization, the same as the unit of hardware, software is different from the same template can be interchangeable, the measurement accuracy is not affected after the swap will help users maintain and master. Object-oriented design, a complete sampling. The main protection and back-up protection of a strict separation of the main transformer protection and high and low pressure side of the back-up protection is a small unit, and backup protection for each side of the design, the same unit within the strict separation of the protection of exports. Flexible configuration unit may focus on group screen, the installation can also be dispersed. There are configuration functions, a variety of ways to protect the flexibility to access and removal.This structure has not been widely used at present because of: the professional management of the current power grids are separated from the protection and remote, using this structure to change the management system, operation and maintenance personnel at the same time demands a higher level. Reliable operation of such systems is one of the keys to the hardware unit to monitor the protection must adapt to poor working conditions, need to have a strong anti-jamming, anti-vibration capabilities, able to adapt to high temperature and high humidity of the working environment; second is to have a efficient and reliable fast data communications networks. Due to the design of the reasons, the integration of monitoring the protection of unit failure, there is no monitoring and the protection of a clear interface, it is difficult to find and distinguish the scope of failure.4 RS485 or CAN field bus networkDistributed system of communication there are serial communication bus mode and network mode, which is the most typical RS485, the latter applies to more typical substation environment Controller Area Network CAN.4.1 RS485 busRS2485 bus used in earlier substation integrated automation system, is still used in many systems, its shortcomings are: For smaller systems, there is sufficient transmission rate, real-time guaranteed, but with the system expansion to quickly lower the system performance. And safety of anti-poor and usually only suitable for internal use in the control room, can not be used to switch and switch between games, that does not apply to the installation of decentralized distributed systems. From the structure of the network there can be only one master node, and the rest are from the node, the I / O unit must be horizontal communication station-level computers, the system poor flexibility. Data communication is in response to type the command, the node only after receiving the master node in order to respond to the order, a number of important changes on a timely bit of information is not sent, real-time low. Error Detection and Correction feature no. Communication protocol by the manufacturers own, different systems difficult to interconnect devices.4.2 CAN bus networkThe use of a short frame transmission, and each frame has CRC error checking and other measures, anti-interference ability, just the use of low-cost twisted-pair transmission can guarantee BER 10-11.Farthest away from direct communication network up to 10km, at this time for the transfer rate 5kbit / s, and when the transmission distance of 40m, the transfer rate of up to 1Mbit / s.By multi-master mode, a network node can be found in the office any time to the network to send messages to other nodes, but also by point-to-point, point-to-multipoint broadcasting and global transmission of information, flexible means of communication.Node on the network can be configured to different priority levels, and the use of non-destructive decision-bus technology, when there are two nodes at the same time to send information to the network, the low-priority node will send its own moratorium, but the high-priority nodes continue to send it will not be affected, thus greatly saving time bus ruling conflict in order to ensure real-time nature of the whole system.Abnormal nodes on a network, a self-closing function of the bus and cut off the node and bus links, to ensure that other operations will not be affected bus.CAN network technical specifications in line with ISO11898, has good hardware support and an open environment.5 operating system backgroundSystem platforms and network operating system there are two major categories of WindowsNT and SCOUNIX, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.5.1 WindowsNT operating systemUpward compatibility of hardware, and do not need to manually optimize the allocation of hardware.Support software, and portability, and easy expansion of the secondary development and function. There are all-round multi-functional configuration of the system configuration, including system configuration, graphics, reports, curve, such as incident handling, allowing the system to genera