无线液位系统软件英文说明书GPRS liquid level application software manual.doc
西安中星测控有限公司GPRS liquid level application software manual西安中星测控有限公司目录1.软件运行环境32.软件图标33.系统界面及系统操作介绍33.1系统主界面33.2 菜单栏功能及操作介绍43.3 显示区介绍6GPRS liquid level application software manual1 Primary ComponentDouble-click the icon to run the program. If the software runned succeedly, you dont install the DonetFrameWork3.0 service pack. If the software show dialog box that the program cannt run normally, according to the following steps:(1) Lookup dotnetfx3setup.zip file in software directory.(2) Unzip the dotnetfx3setup.zip, double-click the"dotnetfx3setup.exe" file to setup.(3) After installation is completed, restart the program.2 Software IconFig. 1 software icon 3 System interfaceToolbarTitle Bar Main Form of the system includes four parts: the title bar, toolbar, display area, status bar.显示区状态栏图2 程序主界面Title Bar: Display the program name is “Liquid Level Management Server “.Toolbar:This column has four buttons:a) Exit:Exit the system.b) Setting:Set system parameters.c) Query data:Search the historical records.d) GPRS configure:Configure the GPRS module parameters.Display area: The GPRS wireless terminal data is received and analysed, and displayed in the form, include items: terminal ID, terminal name, terminal status, measurement time, Liquid level hight, temperature, voltage status, communication mode, GPS longitude, GPS latitude.Status Bar: Displays the company name, Network port monitor status, server status (no used), connection terminals, the software version. 4 System SettingClick on the top right of the main interface "System Settings" button to open the "System Settings" form, as shown below:Click, enter “System Settings” formthe "System Settings" form, as shown below:Select to monitor IP address and port number, then press "Set" button.1) Server network port setting:Select the listening IP address and port number, then press "Set" button . If the network port monitor success, the status bar of the main interface displays "Listen Status: Start" (Note: When the network port monitor successful, the system will communicate properly. If the status bar of the main interface displays:"Listen Status: Stop", Check out your fill the IP address and port number . 2) setting the failure time of terminal communication : If time of the terminal is not connected more than set time that main form will shown terminal disconnect. (failure time of communication should be greater than interval time of the normal communication.)3) bucket height settings: Set the bucket height, and displayed on the main form.4) Set the alarm function: This function is reserved ,can not be set。5) Language setting:According to the needs of different users. This software supports both English and Chinese. (Note: After setting , you must restart software.) 5 Data QueryProgram received data and Analytical data,finally those data are stored in local Access database, the user can view these data, but also do delete. Click on the "Search Data" button in the main form to open the "Search data" dialog box, as shown below:点击,进入“数据查询”界面The "Data Query" form, as shown below:Specific steps:Firstly, check for the terminal ID. Second, select the start time and the end time, and this time is based on the time of data collection, and finally click "Search" button.Select the terminal ID to query1)选择查询开始时间和结束时间,这个时间是以采集数据的时间为准的,最后点击“查询”按钮。“Search data” Dialog Box will display "Searching terminal data, please wait!" and will show all the results. As shown below:Select query time2)click the "Search" button for data query. The result of data query:3) If you want to clean up some data, you can find out the specific data According to the conditions of the query. If there is no record in list, it will prompt "There are 0 data record, please search!"If you want to clear the displayed records, click the "Delete" button, the system will prompt "Are you sure to delete the selected record ".Click" OK "will clear the selected records, click " Cancel "will cancel the operation1) 若要删除数据,按下“删除”按钮,删除查询到的数据。点击“删除”按钮,系统会提示“是否确定删除选中记录”,点击“确定”会将删除查询到的数据,点击“取消”会取消删除操作。(Note: If the data is deleted, it is not restore!)2) If Sure to delete records, the system will prompt "deleting the selected records, please wait!” Until after the end of the delete operation, this information box will hide, and clear the list display area. As shown below:3) 确定删除记录后,系统会提示“正在删除选中记录,请稍后!”,直到删除操作结束后,此信息框会自行消失,并清理列表显示区,去掉已删除了的记录显示。如下图所示:6 GPRS配置点击主界面上的“GPRS配置“按钮,进入“GPRS配置”界面,如下图:点击,进入“GPRS configuer”form“GPRS配置”界面如下图所示:11