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    物流外包确保一个组织竞争优势的一种手段 Logistics OutsourcingA Means Of Assuring The Competitive Advantage For An Organization 摘要物流方式表明将交付供应链中的独立单位整合成一个统一的系统的目标,完成结果所需的时间和资源的损失降到最小的材料和信息流动的直接管理。一个最新方法的实施为公司的物流管理提供更多的成效,这个方法就是外包。物流外包带来诸多好处,如:减少库存、减少订单的交货时间、提高运输质量、扩大生产的灵活性、降低生产成本和加速资金周转等。这保证了较低的生产成本和更好的质量交付,这是一个决定性的竞争优势。物流外包的应用有利于资源的合理配置,这是公司拥有的独特的竞争优势。因此,物流外包将作为一种手段应用于公司的物流运输中,以确保一个组织的竞争优势。关键词:外包,物流,供应商1.简介竞争优势,与不断增长的全球化和创新,开始逐渐失去其创意和新的竞争优势,在前端的灵活性,订单到交货时间减少,可靠的高质量的交付,和选择的机会。在竞争领域,厂家的能力加入其生产过程和系统的规划与个人消费者的喜好,将是一个的决定性的因素。只有通过建立灵活的生产管理系统,与个别客户订单问题的解决方案才是可能的。企业为什么要搞物流外包?它的紧迫性在哪里?物流外包与传统意义上的外委、外协有何本质区别?我们的企业离物流外包还远吗?这不仅是理论界要回答的问题,更是企业界应认真思考的问题。谈到物流外包必定涉及供应链和第三方的发展,涉及到现代物流的发展方向,更涉及企业的核心竞争力。理论界对这一点的认识显得有些浮躁,而企业对此的认识比较滞后。目前大多数企业守候在自营物流那片天地,真正搞物流外包的不到20%,并且不规范、不系统。尽管现在物流炒得很热,但企业对物流外包重要性的认识依然很浅。调查表明,湖南有82%的企业对现代物流的认识模糊,大多把货物运输或货代等同于现代物流;有54%的企业至今未有发展物流的计划或设想,更没有把重构内部供应链和发展物流外包提上议事日程,看来还需要更多的示范、引导,更多的宣传、培训和更多的市场培育。首先,它需要的新的或最新的概念,如CFM(以客户为中心的制造),SCM(供应链管理),基于相同的概念作为企业资源规划(ERP),客户关系管理技术,生产管理的实施(客户关系管理)等,也将要求供应处理,物流中介机构的互动为基础的生产和有效的分配同步。其次,它在微观和宏观层面上是一个必要的优化运输系统。复杂的运输基础设施的发展是基于标准化的商品,货物,运输方式,装卸货物,交货速度,拓宽道路和铁路网络,完善的售后服务维修。第三,信息交流起着越来越重要的作用。工业企业在信息领域的互动,使信息可以以正确的形式被查阅,在合适的时间,通过正确的当局和真实类型,防止未经授权的使用。外包是指企业动态地配置自身和其他企业的功能和服务,并利用企业外部的资源为企业内部的生产和经营服务。 外包是一个战略管理模型,所谓外包(Outsourcing),在讲究专业分工的二十世纪末,企业为维持组织竞争核心能力,且因组织人力不足的困境,可将组织的非核心业务委托给外部的专业公司,以降低营运成本,提高品质,集中人力资源,提高顾客满意度。外包业是新近兴起的一个行业,它给企业带来了新的活力。外包将您解放出来以更专注于核心业务。外包合作伙伴为您带来知识,增加后备管理时间。在执行者专注于其特长业务时,为其改善产品的整体质量。最近外包协会进行的一项研究显示外包协议使企事业节省9%的成本,而能力与质量则上升了15%。公司需要获得其内部所不具备的国际水准的知识与技术。外包解放了公司的财务资本使之用于可取得最大利润回报的活动。本文的目的是研究物流外包的应用,作为一种手段,来确保一个组织的竞争优势。2.现代物流管理和外包物流过程的目的是制定物流的基本规则 - 7R原则:要在正确的时间和正确的地点,以正确的客户在正确的成本交付正确的产品在正确的数量与质量。无视上述条件的任何一个,都可能导致客户的流失。因此,减少了公司的竞争优势,并降低了其市场份额。不同于传统的物流方式,表明一体化(技术,技术,信息和经济)的独立单位在提供供应链成一个统一的系统的直接管理,物料流和信息流的目标完成预期的结果,以使时间和资源达到最小损失。在一个企业实施最新的物流管理使其降低生产成本,减少库存,对运送商品的高倾向性,订单到交付时间减少和质量的提高,扩大生产的灵活性,加速资金周转。这可以保证较低的生产成本和更好的质量交付,这是一个决定性的竞争优势。除了降低操作成本,物流的组织战略的基本方向之一是集中在业务和运营的上。这将有助于资源的合理配置,是值得竞争的公司的独特优势(技术,诀窍,专用设备,和训练有素的人员)。这种方法可以被定义为“核心竞争力”。因此,通用的做法是使用“外包”越来越广泛。“外包”一词表明自己的业务流程的收缩或下降,通常,这是没有核心内容之一的,当把它传递给一家专门在这一领域的公司,它是不盈利的。使用外包的主要优势在于它是让组织重点放在其基本活动。组织可以通过外包其职能或活动,包括从人力资源管理,物流,信息维护,工资处理,甚至生产本身。3.物流供应商的类型据推测,外包物流服务(第三方物流的物流外包)是作为一个活动传递的一部分或全部物流功能,基本上是从非生产性质,外部物流组织即第三方物流供应商上定义的。物流供应商(LP)可以进一步被称为物流服务供应商或第三方物流服务提供者(LSPs, 3PLs, TPLs)。他们是在物流领域提供服务的贸易组织,执行单独的操作或复杂的物流功能(如仓库库存,运输,订单管理,物流等)及完成客户组织的物流链综合管理。企业可能留下关于外部合作伙伴的所有物流业务,包括咨询,执行必要的调查,以及信息的实施系统。这些企业往往拥有丰富的物流管理经验,以及合理的处置人才和发达基础设施(终端或终端网络,汽车库,甚至国际运输代理)。第三方物流服务提供者主要是子公司,它独立于他们的总部(货运公司,公司提供仓储服务等)以满足消费者日益增长的需求,及为他们提供更广泛的服务。第三方物流服务的提供商有五种类型的:LP-运营商公司,LP-保税仓营办商,LP-货运代理及代理公司,LP-优化运输服务,和LP-软件处理程序。这些公司也可以分为两类,同时铭记另一个原则:资产型企业及非资产型企业,在其活动中都使用外包。资产型企业拥有或通过租赁合同取得的交通工具,仓库等。非资产型企业与其他公司缔结的合同,呈现在实物分配领域的全部或部分服务。提供信息服务的企业,是一个非资产基础的公司,作为中介公司的物流系统的优化,及与其他基于资产的公司的互动合同的基础上的变化。根据Armstrong&Associates 公司(1999)的要求,在仓储领域中的增值服务领域及运输优化的企业收入超过1/3,则属于非资产型物流供应商。除了上述优势,物流外包的运用正在扩大的原因是:- 高品质服务的专业公司;-使用外包,增加灵活性的公司;-协同效应;-没有足够的专业知识在企业的员工中,使用外包;-公司提供物流服务的经验;-战略原因。4.可以通过物流外包的活动在物流方面有许多复杂的活动,可通过外包企业执行。企业物流外包是指生产或销售等企业为集中资源和精力在自己的核心业务上,增强企业的核心竞争能力,把自己不擅长或没有比较优势的物流业务部分或全部以合同方式委托给专业的第三方物流公司运作,物流外包是一种长期的、战略的、相互渗透的、互利互惠的业务委托和合约执行方式。企业物流外包所推崇的理念是:如果我们在产业价值链的某一环节上不是世界上最好的,如果这又不是我们的核心竞争优势,如果这种活动不至于把我们同客户分开,那我们应当把它外包给世界上最好的专业企业去做。即:首先确定企业的核心竞争优势,并把企业内部的技能和资源集中在那些具有核心竞争优势的活动上,然后将剩余的其他企业活动外包给最好的专业企业。从这样的理念可知,企业物流外包的目的就是以供应链为腹地,跨越企业边界合理配置资源,提高企业核心竞争力。其推动力来自竞争和供应链的发展,因为21世纪的竞争不是企业与企业之间的竞争,而是供应链与供应链之间的竞争,这就是企业物流外包的基本推动力。企业物流外包不单是业务形式的变化,还有更深层的原因。从发展核心竞争力的角度看,企业物流外包是一个相当紧迫的问题。物流外包有利于企业集中精力发展核心业务,分担风险,加速企业重组,实现规模效益。因为第三方物流具有资源优化配置,提供灵活多样的顾客服务,为顾客创造更多的价值,发挥信息技术优势。因此,物流外包相对于自营物流具有明显的比较优势1。这些措施可能包括:入站的物质流(供应管理),库存管理,及为客户提供常规和特殊包装,运输,交付准时,仓储,信息与软件和硬件的维护。然而,前一个功能将被传递给外包公司,它必须考虑到公司活动的各个方面将受到的影响(如配送成本,供应链的监管,公司的灵活性,客户服务,产品需求的季节性波动或实施一个新产品)。当外包问题是被决定的,许多公司拒绝它,并保持它自身的分配功能,因为公司可以拥有仓库,车库等其他方式,可即使在那些处理的情况下,更重要的问题是开发的成本。企业没有选择物流外包,也并不一定是钟情于自营物流,而是担心物流外包的条件和时机尚未成熟。如果区域物流平台能以低于或接近企业的物流成本及时为企业提供全方位的物流服务,企业没有理由选择自营物流。就目前而言,虽然运输体系有了很大的改善,但整合各种物流资源的区域物流平台尚未真正建立,物流商未能使企业消除成本和时间方面的顾虑。消除企业担忧,及时为企业顾客提供低成本的物流服务,正是企业物流外包的重要前提,也是最重要的外部约束条件。离开这一点来谈企业物流外包就只能是空谈。除了人员费用,设备和场所的维修费用(如仓库等)。有其他的费用可以是困难的,包括在资产负债表结构中的(不那么重要)。这些费用都是交通管理的成本,安全成本,使用的交通工具的成本,信息服务的成本,税收,行政和人事问题的监管成本,和法律支持的成本。信息化是一个重要方面,是公司的物流活动和物流链控制的基本来源中。信息系统建设也是一个很重要的问题,对于沟通供需,缩短时空距离,解决及时性问题,实现物流与信息流统一是非常重要的。建立区域物流平台的信息系统有利于快速地采集、处理和反馈信息,解决速度问题,同时也能降低物流成本。建设信息系统要以区域物流平台的信息系统为轴心,以电子商务为依托。有一种观点认为企业的物流外包会导致物流链失去控制。然而许多第三方物流提供商,在仓储和运输过程中运用新的测试技术,来链接到一个统一的信息流。如今的市场条件正在迅速变化,这些公司,希望有竞争力,需要从他们的附属机构及公司,来根据合同外包快速反应。买方的要求越来越高及了解的知识越来越多,所以他/她选择的是比以往任何时候都更广泛。外包组织在没有吸引永久性的助手的情况下,它有可能迅速扩大现有的市场机会。它也可以利用其网络运营商的优势,以扩大运输上的选择。在一家公司的情况可能会有所不同,从利润上的生存角度看,在于按照它在何种程度上满足客户的期望。可以预计,该组织内部各部门查明情况比外包公司更迅速和更敏锐。然而,服务机构提供服务是生存的手段,因而他们的成功是直接与客户公司的成功。当一个外部的物流合作伙伴选择应该有兴趣讨论的不仅是自身的需要,也是它的用户组织的客户的需求。物流组织已制定物流活动关键参数的设置标准。专业供应商可以实施多项计划,以维护和改善其服务质量。越是竞争激烈的产业,企业越是要强化对供应和分销渠道的控制,对物流运作水平的要求越高。由于企业自身物流运作水平的不佳,将极大影响企业的生产经营活动,物流业务外包是其必然选择。目前我国家电企业纷纷采用物流业务外包就是最好的证明。它们通常包括在其合同中的性能指标。当他们超越客户的期望,他们提供参与利润分配的基础上,讨论的协议,他们未能完成设置任务时,他们愿意支付罚款和没收财产。许多运营商根据季节的波动性设定了其产品的范围。这些季节上的波动影响了配送和运输量。维护自身的资产也是一个产生多余成本的先决条件。因此,仓储和运输服务外包是相当于一个适当的替代自己的车库和仓库的场所。当一家公司推出市场上的新产品,这通常会导致其在物流链中的改变。此外,产品的商品化,表明两个选择-产品可能在市场上通行成功也可能不会。外部组织可以有效地提升分配以削减成本,维修场所(例如仓库),基本设备(汽车)、人力资源(人员)。原 作 者: George Baker出版物名称:The Journal of Economic Perspective 出版时间:June 2006 Logistics OutsourcingA Means Of Assuring The Competitive Advantage For An OrganizationThe Journal of Economic Perspective George BakerAbstractThe logistics approach suggests integration of separate units in the delivery supply chain into a unified system of direct management of material and information flows targeting the accomplishment of the desired result with a minimum loss of time and resources.The implementation of an up-to-date logistics management in companies provides more effectiveness. This means to use outsourcing. Logistics outsourcing brings to the reduction of stocks, order-to-delivery lead-time reductions and an increase of quality, expansion of production flexibility, lowering the cost of production, accelerated capital turnover. This guarantees lower production costs and better quality of deliveries, which is a decisive competitive advantage. The application of logistics outsourcing helps the rational allocation of resources to those types of business, which are worth competing and where the company has distinctive advantages.So this work debates the application of logistics outsourcing as a means for ensuring competitive advantages for an organization.Keywords: outsourcing, logistics, provider1. IntroductionThe competitive advantages, connected with the growth of globalization and innovations, begin to lose gradually their originality, and new competitive advantages come up in front-flexibility, order-to-delivery lead-time reductions, reliable and quality deliveries, and choice opportunities. The ability of manufacturers to join the individual consumer preferences together with their production process and system of planning will be a decisive factor in the field of competition. The solution of the problem with individual client orders is possible only by setting up of a flexible system of production management.Firstly, it will require the implementation of new and up-to-date concepts of production management like CFM (Customer Focused Manufacturing), SCM (Supply Chain Management) and technologies, based on the same concepts as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), etc. It will also require supply handling, synchronized with production and effective distribution based on the interaction of logistics intermediaries.Secondly, it is necessary to optimize the transportation system both at a micro- and macro-level. The complex development of transport infrastructure is based on the standardization of goods and freight, means of transportation, mechanisms of handling cargo, delivery speed, widening of road and railway networks, improvement of service maintenance.Thirdly, the information exchange plays an increasing part. Industrial companies have to interact in the field of information so that information can be accessed in the right form, at the right time, by the right authorities and in authentic type, protected from unauthorized use.The aim of the paper is to examine the application of logistics outsourcing as a means of assuring a competitive advantage for an organization.2. Contemporary logistics management and outsourcingThe aim of logistics process is formulated by the basic rule of logistics the 7R principle: the right product with the right quality in the right quantity has to be delivered at the right time and right place to the right customer at the right cost. Disregarding of even one of the above conditions may lead to a loss of customers and, thus, to a decrease of the companys competitive advantages and reduction of its market share.The logistics approach, unlike the traditional one, suggests integration (technical, technological, information and economic) of separate units in the delivery supply chain into a unified system of direct management of material and information flows targeting the accomplishment of the desired result with a minimum loss of time and resources.The implementation of an up-to-date logistics management in companies provides reduction of stocks, high predisposition of merchandise towards deliveries, order-to-delivery lead-time reductions and an increase of quality, expansion of production flexibility, lowering the cost of production, accelerated capital turnover. This guarantees lower production costs and better quality of deliveries, which is a decisive competitive advantage.Besides lowering the operative costs, together with the logistics ones, one of the basic directions of the organization strategy is concentrated on priority types of business and operations. This helps the rational allocation of resources to those types of business, which are worth competing and where the company has distinctive advantages (technology, know-how, special equipment, and trained personnel). This approach can be defined as “core competence”.The universal practice therefore is to use “outsourcing” more and more widely.The term “outsourcing” suggests contraction or decline of ones own business process, usually that, which is not the core one (not the profiling one) and/or that, which is not profitable for the company and passing it to a company, which specializes in this field.The main advantage in the use of outsourcing is that it lets the organization focus on its basic activity.Organizations can actually pass to outsourcing each of their functions or activities ranging from human resources management to logistics, information maintenance, payroll processing and even production itself.3. Types of logistics providersIt is assumed that the outsourcing of logistics services (3PLs Logistics Outsourcing) is defined as an activity which passes a part or all of the logistics functions, basically from the non-production character, to external logistics organizations third-party logistics providers. Logistics providers (LP) can be further called Logistics Service Providers or 3PL providers (LSPs, 3PLs, TPLs). They are trade organizations, which provide services in the fields of logistics, execution of separate operations or complex logistics functions (warehoused stock, transportation, order management, physical distribution, etc.) and accomplishment of integrated management of logistics chains of the client-organization.Companies may leave under the control of an external partner all logistics operations, including consulting, execution of the necessary surveys, and implementation of information systems. These companies frequently possess rich experience in logistics management, have at their disposal qualified personnel and developed infrastructure (terminal or terminal network, car pool, often even international transport agents).3PL providers are predominantly daughter companies, which separate from their headquarters (a freight forwarder, a company providing warehouse services, etc.) in order to satisfy the growing consumer needs and to offer them a wider range of services.There are five types of 3PL providers: LP carrier-companies, LP warehouse operators, LP freight forwarding & broker companies, LP optimizing transportation services, and LP software processing programs.These companies may also be divided into two categories, bearing in mind another principle: asset-based companies and non-asset based companies, using outsourcing in their activities.Asset-based companies possess or obtain through lease contracts means of transportation, warehouses, etc. Non-asset based companies conclude contracts with other firms, rendering all or part of the services in the field of physical distribution. Firms providing information services are a variation of non-asset based companies which act as intermediaries in the optimization of companys logistics systems and interact with other asset-based companies on a contract basis.According to the requirements of Armstrong and Associates (1999), over 1/3 of the revenue belongs to non-asset based logistics providers, employed in the sphere of rendering value-added services in the field of warehousing and to the companies optimizing transportation.In addition to the above mentioned general advantages, the use of logistics outsourcing is being extended because of:- High quality servicing by the specialized company;- Growing flexibility of the company, using outsourcing;- Synergic effect;- Insufficient expertise among employees in the company, using outsourcing;- Experience in companies, providing logistics services;- Strategic reasons.4. Activities that can be passed to logistics outsourcingIn logistics there is a multitude of complex activities, which can be passed for execution to outsourcing companies. These might include: management of inbound material flow (supply management), inventory management, and management of procedures for receiving and handling of customer offers, conventional and special packaging, transportation, JIT (just-in-time) deliveries, warehousing, information and software and hardware maintenance. Yet before a function will be passed to outsourcing company it has to be considered which aspects of the company activity will be influenced (e.g. distribution costs, supervision of the supply chain, company flexibility, customer service, seasonal fluctuations in product demand and/or implementing a new product).When the issue of outsourcing is being decided, many companies reject it and maintain the distribution function on its own, because companies could possess warehouses, car pool, etc. This way or the other, the possibility of using outsourcing may be treated even in thos


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