The Renaissance英国文学文艺复兴时期总结.doc
The RenaissanceThis is a greatest and most advanced revolution in the human history. This is the age the giants are needed and produced. -F. Engles20 , , - : - , , , - : 0 : ” “ , , . 于屑位换,有那使 天在圣,地的从雀,神的于了,自看正 , 对最觉乐,内人渊,如样和,望样一 ,运自,昊瞆干吁,飘的悼,白们运, , , , . , , . ) ) ” , 恒永将长要睛,能 , 永 得诗永 你,中 的你会死 发亦你,长恒 - . , 然而 的然偶于 ,失不 的一 遮常面 金,得 太的 - 。 短留日 蓓 的五风 。丽更 日作比: - , , , “ ) ( ) ( 转 ,承 ( 屑 有 .使 天 .地 从 ,神 , 正 )( ) 四 ) 对 , 内 , 和 枝枝爬会一已 的我失 我。了已那 的 长长 . , , ,白的吁昊自, 把 年的 权你,在漾 心 年别。可 因切挣 小太得 教 却痛的拒 的你知而永步我,。富的美完会才你开叫克,绞能子饵那失我会枝 ) ) . ( , ) , 比丽风 留 的得面的,然然 你,法及年爱. 权 在 心 可 挣 得 却 的 你 步 , 美 完 , . )诗六 )行 : , 0 . “斯罗( : : , 00 , , . , , , . 0 . ) , , . , , , , , , . . . . - - . . 叫 )四 . , ; : . . , ? , “ : , 0 , , 0 .) . , , & . , : , ! , , ! , . , 士博 , : . . , 人犹耳马 , 耳帖: : : . , : . , , , 的六 - ) ( : - . , , - 仙 曲 诗爱 牧 . - : : , : ; , . . - ” : , “ ) ) - ( : - : : ; , ; ; ” " , . . : . . , . . , 长的万的宇天么上!个像上行举文!美多力大多的么多杰了件. , ; ; , . , . . : . : . . , ) : ,斐 奇( 罗开( 可( 伽( )白 : , , . . , , , . , ) ” ” . , . ” , . , 白 (伽 开 奇, : , . . . , , ; .了的大美文个么的的 . . , . ; ; , : : , - ; , : 爱诗 曲 仙 , : ( ) - 六 , , . . : 耳 , 马人 , . : . , ! : . , . , , : - ) . . , 0 : . 行) ) 及法<1> Brief introduction§ Renaissance in European history, refers to the period between 14th century to 17th century. It started in Italy and ended in England and Spain. § “Renaissance” means “revival”, the revival of interest in Ancient Greek and Roman culture and getting rid of conservatism in feudalist Europe and introducing new ideas that express the interests of the rising bourgeoisie.§ Renaissance sprang first in Italy (Florence and Venice) with the flowering of paintings, sculpture and architecture, and gradually spread all over Europe;§ Renaissance originally indicated a revival of classical arts and science (ancient Greek and Roman culture) after the dark ages of medieval obscurantism. During the period of Renaissance:1. the Roman Catholic Church was shaken, 2. old sciences revived and new sciences emerged, 3. national languages and cultures took shape, 4. art and literature flourishedBrief introduction§ There arose an interest in the manuscripts surviving from ancient Greece and Rome. Classical learning and philosophy were enthusiastically studied. § The intellectual wisdom of ancient Greece and Rome encouraged a rebirth of human spirit,a realization of human potential for development and creation§ Never before in human history were men and women so eager to create and discover something newIn Italy a group of artists,scientists,politicians,and writers created the most brilliant page of culture and science in Renaissance EuropeExamples: Copernicus (哥白尼) asserted that the earth was not the center of the universe; The passionate Petrarch produced sonnets that influenced Shakespeare and many others; Boccaccio(卜伽邱) wrote tales of eternal charm: The Decameron; Marco Polo (马可波罗) made journeys into the remote kingdom of China; Michelangelo(米开朗琪罗),Leonardo da Vinci (达芬奇),Raphael (拉斐尔),and Titian (提香) created paintings and