Four Approaches to Highlighting the Theme of Pride and Prejudice批注英语专业论文样本.doc
分类号 密级 U D C 编号 (专)本科毕业论文(设计) 题目 突显傲慢与偏见主题的四种艺术手段题目用20号宋体字,加粗,居中,用中英文题目对照。 Four Approaches to Highlighting the Theme of Pride and Prejudice系 别 继续教育学院 专 业 名 称 商务英语 年 级 2009级 学 生 姓 名 张 三 学 号 2008990000 指 导 教 师 XX 此6项用14号字宋体,加粗,居中,所有下划横线左右对齐 二0一0年五月封面无页码14号宋体字,日期不得随意改动,居中。Four Approaches to Highlighting the Theme ofPride and Prejudice英文标题用20号TIMES NEW ROMAN字体,加粗。空6行 ZHANG SAN空3行 Tutor: XX 空19行May 2010无页码。Acknowledgements此词加粗: I would like to give my sincere thanks to my supervisor Prof. XXX for teaching me how to write my research paper and helping me generously to revise it. I am really grateful for the opportunity to study class under my American teacher XXX(有外教的就写)and Prof. XXX, teacher of Methodology. Meanwhile, I want to论文全篇行间距1.5。 thank the College Library from which I got enough useful information, with the help of which I finished my paper. And also I would like to thank all my classmates who gave me lots of helpful suggestions12号字,TIMES NEW ROMA.注意此处页码为罗马数字IAbstract12号字,加粗,TIMES NEW ROMAN:Pride and Prejudice is the masterpiece of Jane Austen, well known all over the world. It has been taken into the list of the worlds ten famous novels. On the basis of understanding the novel thoroughly and consulting the relative materials, the author of this thesis analyzes four approaches adopted by the author to highlighting the theme of Pride and Prejudice , such as the clever employment of irony, the excellent creation within the extreme limited materials, the realistic writing style, and the great skills of characterization12好TIMES NEW ROMANA字. 空一行Key words12号字,加粗,TIMES NEW ROMAN: theme; irony; limited materials3-6词,中间分号隔开,12号字,TIMES NEW TOMAN; realism; characterization页码为罗马数字摘要:简·奥斯丁的代表作傲慢与偏见享誉全球,被评为世界十大最受欢迎图书之一。本文作者通过阅读傲慢与偏见英文原著和检索参考相关文献,详细分析了作者用于突显主题的四种艺术手段:讽刺艺术的运用,有限题材的创作,现实主义的写作风格,艺术人物的塑造等。这些写作手法与爱情婚姻这一主题完美结合在一起,体现了作者娴熟的写作技巧,使她的作品焕发出独特的艺术光彩。虽然本次研究有很多不足之处,观点有些不成熟,但仍希望能抛砖引玉,给其他简·奥斯丁研究者一些启发,为文学创作者提供一些帮助宋体,1小四,摘要2字加粗。空一行关键词:主题;讽刺艺术;有限题材;现实主义;人物塑造宋体,1小四,关键词3字加粗,分号隔开 页码为罗马数字- III -Contents居中,TIMES NEW ROMAN 14号, 加粗Acknowledgments其余12号字,times new roman Abstract中文摘要宋体,12号1. Introduction一级标题顶格12. The Basic Concepts of Vocabulary12二三四级标题都分别教前级标题缩进2个字母.1. What is vocabulary 22.2. The definition of a word32.2.1. A minimal free form of a language42.2.2. A sound unity42.2.3. A unit of meaning 53. How to Present Vocabulary6页码右对齐4. Helpful Tools85. Beneficial Activities96. Applying Semantic Theory127. Conclusion 14空一行Bibliography15无页码1一级标题顶格,四号字,加粗。TIMES NEW ROMAN。所有实词首字母大写. IntroductionThe另起自然段要空2格,正文小四号字 purpose of this thesis is to analyze four approaches adopted by Jane Austen to highlighting the theme of Pride and Prejudice. At the very beginning the introduction to the author and her works is very necessary.Jane Austen is a famous English woman writer in the 18th century. She was born in 1775 at Stevenson in Hampshire of a middle-class family, educated at home and remained unmarried, leading an uneventful life of 40 years. Her father was a rector, she was the second daughter and seventh child in a family of eight. In 1817, this bright attractive little woman died, quietly as she had lived, at Winchester and was buried in the cathedral.Jane Austen started writing very early. She wrote only six complete novels Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion, and she left behind three fragments Lady Susan, The Watsons, and Sandition.页码为阿拉伯数字,下同。2. Four换章要另起一页。 Approaches to Highlighting the Theme2.1 Irony employed in the novel二、三、四级标题只须第一个单词首字母大写,小四号,加粗。一级标题顶格,二、三、四级标题依次缩进2个字母。Pride and Prejudice is a model work of Jane Austens successful employment of irony. Irony plays a decisive part in her writing style as well as in plot development. The verbal irony and the situational or dramatic irony here are especially note-worthy.2.1.1 Verbal irony缩进,加粗。大写“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” The very first sentence establishes delightful and humorous style of the novel. The following dialogue between Mr. and Mrs. Bennet further explains the real meaning of the “acknowledged truth” in the same way.2.2 The limited materials of the novel 2.2.1 The historical background of the novel同级别标题对齐。 The second half of the 18th century and the first few decades of the 19th century witnessed a series of great events in England: the industrial revolution, the French revolution, and the Napoleonic wars, which had their strong impact upon Englands economy, politics and society. This novel has been created under such uneven and complex social conditions. 3. ConclusionThe clever employment of irony, the excellent creation within limited materials, the realistic writing style, and the great skill of characterization all mark the success of the novel. These four approaches highlight the theme of love and marriage in Pride and Prejudice. The perfect union of writing methods and the theme of the novel makes this artistic work shining with typical luster. No wonder the British Critic in 1813 said that Pride and Prejudice is “far superior to all the publications of the kind which have come before us” (Helen Lefroy 1998:59)Owing to the limitation of the references and the knowledge of the author of this paper, the research is not completed and thorough enough and some ideas are not very mature. In addition, other kinds of writing methods, which are helpful to emphasize the theme as well, are not involved in, because of the lengthy of the paper. There should be done more in this aspect in the future.Bibliograph14号字,TIMES NEW ROMAN 加粗,居中。y空一行,下为英文用TIMES NEW ROMAN12号字, 中文用宋体,小四号字1 Gundykunst, W. & Kin, Y. Communicating英文专著文献名字或者书名用斜体。顺序为:作者,文献名字,M,出版地:出版者,出版年 with StrangersAn Approach to Intercultural Communication M. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, 1997.2 Hornby, A. S. & Cowie, A. P. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English (Fourth Edition 1989) M. Beijing: The Commercial Press / Oxford University Press, 1997.3 Lightbown, P. Great Expectations: Second-Language Acquisition Research and Classroom Teaching J. Applied Linguistics, 1985, (6期刊顺序:作者,文章名字J,期刊名字,年).4 Newmark, P. A Textbook of Translation (I) M. London: Prentice Hall (UK) Ltd., 1988.5 邓炎昌、刘润清:语言与文化作者后面加冒号,书名用书名号(与英文文献不同),出版地,出版者,出版年 M北京:外语教学与研究出版社,19896 冯庆华:实用翻译教程M上海:上海外语教育出版社,19977 宋志平:语用翻译与习语误译分析 J外语与外语教学,1998,(7英语文献在前,中文在后文献不得少于10篇)- 4 -