How to Improve English Listening and Speaking Ability of Middle School Students英语专业毕业论文.doc
How to Improve English Listening and Speaking Ability of Middle School Students AbstractReading is one of the important skill in English .As the second foreign language ,it is also a skill that the student need to possess to support idependent and self-directed learning .With the Information Age's arrival,the English materials gradually chang from paper materials to electronic ones .Therefore ,it becomes more and more important for English majors to speed up their reading in order to acquire as much information as possible .Thus ,fostering a good English reading habit is essential for students .Being able to adopt different reading skills for different reading materials and purposes will also help the students read more effectively.The paper mainly concerns some English reading skills and discusses how to foster good English habits for college students .Key words:characteristics ;English reading ; make notes; foster the English reading habits. ContentsAbstract.Introduction4.The principles of the mode 42.1 Creat reacistic scenarions domone training scenarios exercise 42.2 Summed principle can be on the bacis of perceptcal knowledge 62.3 On the pornciple of mechaincal drilling,meaning drills and communication language combining6.Teaching process in class73.1 Shock fun73.1.1 Novel pirimers original act 73.1.2 Use sharp angle to simplify the difficulty,so that students overcome difficulties successful.73.1.3 Use the teaching instrument to encourage the student to spesk. 83.1.4 Use grames to reduce the spycological of nervous83.2 Race excitation method83.2.1 Difference training83.2.2 Boys and girls'competition 8.Create the scence8.Conclsion11References: 12IntroductionIn nowadays,people thought that the purpose of middle school English teaching is to improve the students four skills of listening, speaking,reading and writing with the base of necessary phonetics, large vocabulary and good grammar.But this is not the final purpose of English Teaching.According to the indication which was pointed out by the “Full-time system outline of middle school English Teaching” the final purpose of middle school English Teaching is to let students obtain the basic English knowledge and the ability of basic communication through the training of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Namely, the ability of communication and English using. The problems appeared in middle school English teaching and the analysisIn the actual condition of middle school English teaching most teachers often adopt traditional method of translating-writing and the grammar teaching strucure. For example,most of all the teachers like teaching the students with a lot of knowledge-words, phrases,grammar,usages and so on.Especially the grammar.We must admit that the students do need these,but many teachers forget that the purpose of English teaching is to teach them how to study Enlish and how to use it .So,they only emplasize students'mechanically master written knowledge but neglect the practice of listening and speaking.Thereby they can not sufficiently achieve the purpose of Middle School English Teaching .Aim directly at this phenomenon,how to improve English listening and speaking ability of middle school students becomes the most important task in front of us .Firstly,let's analyze the listening and speaking psychological mechanism.2.1 Listening psychological mechanism2.1.1 Analysis and synthesisListening activity can be modularly divided in to seven parts.1).Sound perception and identification.That is the activity just at the beginning when the sound-wave arrive at our ears.2)Initially understand the meaning of specific and brief materials.3)Store the materials in to short-term memory.4)Link the material which was just stored into another material which had been already stored in short-term memory.5)Connect the material which was just strored into the one which being stored into short-term memory.6)Comprehend the meaning of the material and carry out a long-term memory.7)Review the gist and main idea.All above activities are analytial and synthetic function of the senior nervous activities in brain,which are reflected in speech signal acceptance.At this time we have already summed up the perception of pronunciation ,and analysis and synthesis activities are integrated.During the whole listening activity ,from step 1 to step 6 are finished quickly.The fourth step and fifth step are carried out synchronally,and from second step to fifth step are the understanding to listening materials,it isn't only to understand each meaning of a word but also to understand words order,tense,grammar,relationship and so on ,and to understand every word and the substitutional form of them .For example,when listening the following example,we must understand the substitutional form related which component in a sentence.What do “he,that,this,”replace?Eg:Tom had promised to give me a ticket,but last night he rang up to say that he couldn't do that .This made me feel very disappionted.2.1.2 Prediction and filtrationIn people's listening activity,the work of prediction and filtration is carried out all the time.Prediction refers to knowing something beforehand according to certain context,speaker and the background of the content which the speaker said.And in addition to the observation and familiarity to the non-verbal means of the speker,such as action,expression,tone action and so on.(Because students' knowledge is more superficial,and their vocabulary are limited,this method is their main method of prediction),we can accord to the prior half part of the setence to predict the general idea which will be said in another half part of the setence .After hearing the above paragraph know the following content.For example,for a person who is familiar with the environment of China,it is very easy to predict the omitted part in the following examples.Eg:As we hadn't eaten all day we were realy_(hungry).Fortunately,the restaurant was still open.So we _(went in)and bought a bowl of _(noodle)The filtration refers to paying attention to the most crucial part and screen out extra parts.For example ,she put on her gloves to keep herself warm .While listening to this sentence above you can filter the “she,her,herself”and still understand the original meaning.To filter the content of the context can make people carry on the filtration smoothly .While listening, pay attention to the topic which you are interested in and concerned ,and especially pay particular attention to this topic in the relevant part of the activities.These are also the very common filtration in listening activity.2.1.3 Confirmation and reviseListening activity is linear and is also circulative and repeated.To understand words or sentences are right or not usually need confirmation of the context.The understanding which was proved to be right by the confirmation will be kept, and become the advantaged condition of continuing to listen. If the undertanding which was proved to be wrong by the confirmation should be revised. And the correct understanding which had been already revised will also become the advantaged condition of continuning to listen.All above is psychological mechanism of listening we'll fundamentally and scietificly understand the psychological mechanism of students.In Teaching, teachers should introduce basic knowledge of it to students simply,summarily, commonly and clearly. So can make them master correct method of listening fundamentally and improve English listening ability.2.2 Speaking psychological mechanism2.2.1 From listening to speaking Natural-born deaf must be a mute . whether mother language or foreign language they learned before learning to speak there must be listening as a forerunner . Listening is the preparation of speaking . If the preparation of listening is very sufficient , speaking learning can be carried out more smoothly . In English teaching of secondary school should pay attention to the objective laws that from listening to speaking ,and the listening practice before starting to speak must be arranged well in the whole process and each listening and speaking practice activity .So the basic requirement of oral English class is to lead speaking with listening, and promote speaking with listening ,and combine listening to speaking .2.2.2 From involuntary feeling to voluntary feeling In learning and using English , there is a develop process from involuntary to voluntary . This process performs the most obviously in speaking psychological mechansism .voluntary feeling and involuntary feeling first are whole psychological conditions and then are the language level . voluntary and involuntary basically are the questions that entering or not entering the role of foreign language speaking .If entering the role ,you may not take Enlish as a foreign language during speaking .That is not regarding foreign language as foreign language in psychology .So you can speak foreign language relaxedly and freely .But this may cause a phonomenon that only want to clearly say the meaing however not to consider whether the words or sentences which were said mathch the rules of grammar or not .In this sense voluntary feeling also has relative nature .Involuntary conditions can be transformed into voluntary conditions. The keys of transformation are accumulating of speaking experience ,adapting of talking environment and the nurturance of starting to speak . So if only there are conditions of speaking much objectively ,and wish of speaking much subjectively ,sticking to speak as much as possible .and practising for long time ,you can achieve a state of speaking English voluntarily .Namely, mainly pay attention to the content that oneself said and the other person said ,but not the language style . How to think how to say , not thinking over defore saying.2.2.3 Form wanting to say to saying clearlyWhen a person is speaking , firstly he is dominated by a kind of motive , creating a thought of speaking-want to speak ,along with it he will mainly pay attention to the content that he wants to say-what to speak , then linking the content that he wants to say into speech expression style-How to say .Thus speech is created .Beause the activity of speaking is carried out as a speed of 500 words each minute ,so it requires speaker can dexterously use the speech expression style , recall information anytime ,check up speech materical when speaking and have sufficient length of memory to finish sentences and language order .So speaking activity is a process of wanting to say , what say and how to say, and is also a process of continuously adjusting and correcting .From the psychological mechanism of listening and speaking we have already understood and analyzed fundamentaly ,this is only a base on how to improve English listening and speaking ability of middle school students .The following is to talk about the difficulties and ways of how to improve English listening and speaking ability of middle school students. Difficulties and solving methods in English listening and speaking3.1 Difficulties in listening and improving methods 3.1.1 The effect of language evironment Listening is one of the means of language communication ,is widely used in most people's daily lives. About 45% of an adult's time concerns listening to other people , listening to the radio ,listening to the music. Inlinguistics ,giving the students a lot of listening activities is a good way of enlarging their vocabulary .On the other hand, it also helps the students improve their listening comprehension . According to the investingation about 43.2% of the students think that the most bothering and most difficult is listening comprehension and even some of them have difficult in understanding their teacher who gives lessons in English .Without question ,it is difficultof a middle school student to understand the listening materical ,if he hasn't enough vocabulary and the grammar construction.But anther investigation shows that students were asked to listen to a dialogue of 244 words, in which the words and grammar have already been learned. But 80% of them thought it was too difficul.This is because they don't understand or know the knowledge about linguistic,they are not able to tell the means of what they have heared.Then, using the same dialogue as a reading comprehension material, only 5% of the students thought it was a little difficult. on this point hand the response ability is also another reason.We know the largest difference between mother language learning and foreign language learning is the environment. A child can soon learn his mother language well. He has heard a lot before he can say something and walk. Then after he is able to walk and say, he has an advanced ability of listening Before he goes to school, he has already been a good listener and speaker.But for a foreign language, you can meet it only in formal places, classes, for example, otherwise, you can hardly have a chance to meet it. So students should be offered a language environment.For example, using multimedia equipment to play English cartoon,film,music,and so on.3.1.2 The effect of reading speed of the listening materialsIt is clear that the reading speed of a material also greatly affects.In the investigation we found that about 43% of the students thought that the material was read too fast and they couldn't follow.This phonomenon appearing due to continuous reading,weak reading,loss plossive,stress shift and so on,which make the word or sentences change in speech current.To overcome this difficulty,first teachers should let the students master phonetic symbol. phonetic symbol is the base. A good intonation and phonetic depends on the base.Secondly, oral reading after a radio or a teacher is a good way .This manner of practising is called oral reading skill drill.It includes stress, strong form, weak form, intonation incomplete plosive consonant, affricate consonant, syllable and so on. Training and practicing the oral reading is not a day's word. The teacher must give correct information about it.3.1.3 The effect of listening habitsDifferent students have different learning methods,at the same time a lot of students have their own listening habits. Some students often tries to understand each word or each sentence. They will think hard when they meet some difficult words or sentences, and a great many students could understand