The research of college English teaching英汉对照.doc
The research of college English teaching Abstract:English is becoming more and more important in the modern society.How to learn English well become many people and even many college students problems.English teachers play an important role in students' English learning.And each teacher's teaching approach is different. This article mainly introduces the survey of university English Teaching.Key words:college English ,teaching method. Introduction 随着中国加入WTO,国际间的交往合作日益频繁,英语作为世界性语言在国际交往中的地位和作用日趋明显。面对当前知识经济的挑战和人才的激烈竞争,大学英语在高校课程体系中已是举足轻重的一门基础课程。如何培养综合素质高,外语交际能力强的复合型人才,以此来适应当前频繁的国际交往和日新月异的科技发展的需要,这已是大学英语课程改革的热点,也是难点,值得我们认真探索和研究。With the Chinese joined WTO, frequent international exchanges and cooperation, English as a world language in international intercourse in the position and role has become increasingly evident. In the face of fierce competition in the challenge of knowledge economy and talents, University English in university curriculum system is a basic course of play a decisive role. How to cultivate the high comprehensive quality, compound talents foreign language communicative ability, in order to meet the need of frequent international exchanges and the development of science and technology change rapidly, this is the focus of University, the reform of English curriculum is also the difficulty, is worth us to explore and research. Analysis of the current situation of university English teaching (1)多年来教师和学生就如何“教”和“学”都存在认识上的误区,重知识传授与学习,轻能力培养与训练,结果是教师讲得多,学生练得少,即便老师讲得再精彩,学生充其量只是装知识的“容器”,被动地听,被动地记笔记,学生的主观能动性和思维创造性得不到充分地发挥,其结果是教师愤然,学生茫然。 (1) years of teachers and students on how to "teaching" and "learning" have the misunderstanding, knowledge and learning, training and training in light ability, the teacher speaks, students and practicing less, even if the teacher spoke again brilliant, students just filled with knowledge "container" listen, passive, passive notes, students' subjective initiative and creative thinking is not full, the result is the teacher angrily, students at.(2)随着高校的扩招,生源质量每况愈下,大多数学生英语基础差,学习能力也差。导致了学风方面的种种问题。 (2) with the expansion of university enrollment, the quality of the students go from bad to worse, most students are poor in English, learning ability is poor. Cause all sorts of problems the style of study of.(3)学习与运用脱节,导致了教学双方的消极互动,使学生经历了学习失败的消极体验,挫伤了学生的自信心,使教学难以获得满意成效。 (3) the learning and application of disjointed, leads to negative interaction both teaching, to enable students to experience the learning failure of negative experience, dampened the confidence of the students, the teaching is difficult to obtain satisfactory results.(4)教学手段传统单一,缺少语言学习的氛围,激发不起学生语言学习的兴趣。 (4) the traditional teaching way is single, lack of language learning environment, stimulate students interest in learning the language can not afford.(5)教学缺乏研究,“重教学,轻教研”的倾向在教师中普遍存在。他们只注重埋头上课,不重视教学理论、教学规律和教学方法的总结和研究。 (5) the lack of teaching, "teaching, teaching and research tendency of light" universal existence in the teachers. They only pay attention in class, do not attach importance to the teaching theory, teaching theory and the teaching methods and research.上述因素直接影响和制约着大学英语教学的质量和效果。 These factors directly affect and restrict the quality and effectiveness of university English teaching.Thoughts and Countermeasures of university English teaching 3.1 引导学生从重“语言知识”向重“语言运用”转变 ()()()guide the students from "knowledge" to "language"语言是社会交际需要和实践的产物,因此只有在交际中、在使用中它才有活力,才有生命。掌握语言是通过实践逐步培养习惯的过程。人们在使用语言的过程中才能真正掌握这一语言,也就是说运用是语言学习的归宿,同时又是语言学习成功的保证。语言知识是语言运用的基础,但知识并不等于能力,知道并不意味着会用。我们不能想当然地认为学了几年英语,掌握了一些语法规则和数千个英语单词,就已学会使用这种语言。我们在教学过程中强调精讲多练,一个动词、一个短语、一种句型要通过学练结合、考练结合、练用结合,才能真正掌握和运用,通过以语言知识的训练为手段,培养和提高运用语言的能力。教学的实践反复证明,要提高大学英语的教学效率,就必须正确处理好“用法”与“运用”的关系,要认识到“用法”作为“运用”的必要组成部分,并不一定能保证“运用”,而“运用”则可以促使“用法”的掌握。同时,要引导学生正确领会和摆正“知”和“行”、“懂”和“会”、“课堂行为”和“社会行为”的关系,实现从学“用法”到“在运用中”学的转变。3.2 引导学生从“被动学”向“主动学”转变Language is a product of social needs and practical, so only in communication, in use, it is dynamic, with life. The mastery of the language is the process used by practice training. People can really master the language in the process of using language, that is to say it is the destination of language learning, and language learning is a guarantee of success. Language knowledge is the foundation of language use, but knowledge is not equal to the ability, that does not mean that will use. Most probably it did not actually happen that we can't learn English for several years, have some grammar rules and thousands of English words, you have learned to use this kind of language. We emphasize the Jingjiang more training in the teaching process, a verb, a phrase, a sentence to combine learning with practicing, practicing, practicing examination combined with, can truly grasp and use, through the knowledge of the language training methods, training and improve the ability of using language. The teaching practice proved repeatedly, in order to improve the teaching efficiency of university English, we must correctly deal with the relationship between "usage" and "use", to realize "usage" as "the use of" necessary part, does not necessarily guarantee "use", "use" is to "use" master. At the same time, to guide students to correctly understand and correct "knowledge" and "action", "understand" and "will", "classroom behavior" and "social behavior", from "use" to "the change in the use of" science. 3.2 guide the students from "passive learning" to "active learning"For students, school education is a special period of transition is very important, good for their four years of university life has created a good start, a good grasp of the timing is key to finish high school to university life transition. To help freshmen enrollment education, good university the first lesson is crucial, University English teachers should focus on the transformation of students' concept, adjust learning strategies, do the following aspects of work:(1)组织学生认真学习大学英语教学大纲,帮助他们明确学习目标和学习任务,要求每人针对自身的情况,制定自身的学习目标和学习计划; (1) organize students to seriously study the "university English teaching program", to help them clear learning goals and tasks, ask each person according to their own situation, make their own learning goals and plans;(2)要通过摸底分级考试,摸清新生的“家底”,获取新生英语基础水平的第一手资料,做到心中有数,以便因材施教、因班施教、因人施教; (2) through the diagnostic examination, find out the new "family property", to obtain the basic level of English to freshmen of first hand information, do know the score, to teach students in accordance with their aptitude, for class teaching, teaching methods;(3)增强新生自主学习的意识,强调英语是学会的,不是教会的,改变一部分新生把英语学习全部寄托在教师身上的依赖心理,对学生强调要做学习的“主人”,不要做学习的“奴隶”; (3) to enhance students awareness of autonomous learning, emphasized that English is learned, not the church, change a part of the new English learning lies in teacher's psychological dependence on student learning, stressed the need to do the "master", do not learn "slave"(4)积极帮助学生转变学习观念,调整学习策略,养成“课前预习课上练习课后复习”的良好学习习惯。变“消极被动地接收知识”为“积极主动地猎取知识”。(4) to help students change their concepts, adjust learning strategies, to develop a "preview before class - class exercises - Review" good study habits. "Passively receiving knowledge" to "actively hunting for knowledge".3 guide the students to change from "learn" to "learn"大学英语是一门实践性很强的课程,它并非教而会之,需要大量的、反复的语言实践活动才能掌握,因为语言的社会性和交际性本质使英语学习有别于其他课程。就语言学习而言,“教”与“学”实际上是矛盾的对立统一,在外语教学过程中,“教”的结果最终得由“学”来体现,抓住了“学”,就是抓住了矛盾的主要方面,重视了“学”,就是明确了英语教学的主体。“以学生为中心”的教学是以语言学习规律为基础的,它把学生从被动引向主动,从消极接收引向积极参与。语言知识尽管有助于语言能力的培养,但语言知识只有通过大量的实践才能转化为交际能力。这就要求我们在教学中必须以学生为中心使课堂变为交际活动的场所。教师应从传统的主导地位向指导地位转变,课堂教学应从传统的“单边灌输型”向“双边交互型或多边交互型”活动转变。通过平等参与和学生的主角效应,充分调动学生的参与积极性;通过听读,提高学生的接受性技能;通过说写,提高学生的创造性技能;通过讨论交流,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。努力形成课堂教学的整体活力,建立以学生为主体的能力培养型的课堂教学模式。以保证学生从“学会”向“会学”转变。3.4 教学手段从“单一”向“多媒体化”转变University English is a very practical course, it is not to teach but, need a lot of, repeated practice to master the language, because language social and communicative nature of learning is different from other courses in english. As language learning, "teaching" and "learning" is the unity of opposites in a contradiction, in the process of foreign language teaching, "ultimately teach" results from "learning" to reflect, to seize the "science", it is to grasp the main aspects of the contradiction, pay attention to "learn", is the subject of English teaching. "Student centered" teaching is a language learning rules based, it takes students from passive to active, from negative to positive reception in. Language knowledge while contributing to the cultivation of language ability, but language knowledge only through a lot of practice can be transformed into communicative competence. This requires us in teaching must take the student as the center to make the class into communicative activities. Change the dominant position of the teachers from the traditional to the guiding position, change the classroom teaching from the traditional "one-sided indoctrination type" to "bilateral interactive or multilateral interaction type" activities. Through the protagonist effect equal participation and students, arouse students' enthusiasm; through listening and reading, to improve students' receptive skills; through speaking and writing, improve students' creative ability; through the discussion and communication, improve students' ability of using language. Efforts to form the overall vitality of classroom teaching, the ability to build student-centered training mode of classroom teaching. In order to ensure the students change from "learn" to "learn". 3.4 teaching methods from the "single" to "multimedia" transformation.Reference1?阎志坚,武世兴.大学英语教学改革势在必行J.中国高等教育,2002 ,(11). 1 Yan Zhijian, Wu Shixing. University English teaching reform be imperative J. 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