User-Centered Interaction Design专业英语论文.docx
User-Centered Interaction Design21 century is a dominated by information era, there are many products which benefited from the advance of science and technology around us, such as intelligent mobile phone, computer or other daily necessities and so on. These high-tech products we are enjoying are also interactive products. And this goes to the interaction design. Interaction design means "Designing interactive products to support the way people communicate and interact in their everyday and working lives Jennifer, Preece, Interaction Design Beyond Human-Computer Interaction. ,(Beijing :Electronic industry press,2003),4." or in a shorter word" Interaction design is behavior of the man-made products , environment and the system Alan, Cooper., About Face 2.0: The Essentials of Interaction Design,( Beijing :Electronic industry press,2005),27. " . The characteristic of it is that the products are easily to be learned, effect to be used, and it can provid users with comfortable user experience Jennifer, Interaction,2. But many interaction design which based on software run in the opposite direction with the nature of interaction design. It is true that we enjoy convenience the software takes to us, but at the same time as Alan Cooper said" Computers are invading every aspect of our lives. computer and its stupid ways of communications are everywhere. Alan, Cooper,The Inmates Are Running the Asylum : Why High Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity, (Beijing :Electronic industry press,2003),3."Based on the nature of interaction design, we can know the core of interaction design is user-centered, interaction design follow the principle of user's need, in a other word," a good interaction design is a user-centered design, it means that the users need to take part in the whole process of this interaction design Jennifer, Interaction,117." So our start point is that "to find out who should be asked by us and what requirements they need Jennifer, Interaction,121." .So we need to deal with two troubles, one is that the designers, and another are the users. For the users, what we should do is that find out who are our users and at the same time, find out the troubles of them. But at many times, our user can not express their troubles clearly. At these times we need to" learn to know the user's features and capabilities , know what goals they want to achieve ,and how they achieve these goals Jennifer, Interaction,122.". For the designers, Alan Cooper puted forward to the" Goal-directed design ", the main content of it is that through correct virtual role but the specific users to accurately describe the user and what task the user want to accomplish. This is good for simulated communication. At last, through the scene is that" The role take a concise description of their goals how to use the software based products "to feedback. As Alan Cooper said" A good interaction design essence is that, the interaction of design allows users and does not affect their targets and achieve their goals. Alan, Inmates,140." Actually the key to solve the problem is that the designers can take in the transpositonal consideration. Follow the user's state of mind, behavioral pattern to consider the products. As Alan Cooper said" when the designers' actual is done well, the users can not feel there are designers. Alan, Inmates,188." We should avoid to do the bad interaction design. But what is the bad interaction design? Alan Cooper thinks:l our design works is not easy to understand;l our design works blames to users;l our design works doesn't suport users enough information;All the interaction design of above belongs to the bad interaction design Alan, Inmates,64.