THE TECHNICAL PERSPECTIVE IN TOURISM FIELDS在旅游领域的技术观点院 系 经济与管理学院 专 业 旅游管理 班 级 12旅游管理1班 学 号 1221308118 姓 名 指导教师 职 称 宜春学院经济与管理学院院长 宜春学院2016年 6 月THE TECHNICAL PERSPECTIVE IN TOURISM FIELDSMaximiliano E. KorstanjeIntroduction*原文出处:TURyDESVol 5, Nº 13. One of the fundamental aspects which determine the discourse concerning the technical perspective on tourism is territorial organisation and planning. R.Dosso states that "certain urban areas have a territorial centrality (or transterritoriality) according to their dynamic role of the attraction they have on the surrounding area influencing economic and territorial development "(Dosso, 2005, p.28) Taking other conceptual tools from marketing and management, Dosso states that the consolidation of the centrality which he mentions is possible only by the intervention of two factors: 1) competition , and 2) the use of the strengths in the economic base of the area. His analysis derives from the supposition that the social dynamic does not imply a break in social order, and vice versa. The necessity for order and stability is the first element which we find in the technical perspective on tourism. The second refers to the rational use of resources to achieve a higher material benefit, not necessarily in financial terms. In other words, the technical perspective emphasises the necessity of creating a situation which is better than the present situation, which is always presented as being undesirable.Dosso states that while the landscape is the principal attraction in tourism, there are other elements such as the transport infrastructure. The territorialisation of the economic (although territory is part of the economy) is the third aspect in the technical perspective on tourism. The organisation of territory is seen always as being in the future, being linked to probable events. In the treatment of Dosso, there are essentially two areas which should be analysed. One is the time element concerning future ideal situations, and the second is the relationship between the technical rational use of resources in territorial planning and the desire of the principal actors to reach this efficiency. JC Mantero introduces a new concept into the definition of tourism - the attraction and the nucleus. The nucleus, geographically speaking, is the point in space which serves as a centre of orientation to the rest of the landscape. The nucleus is not only a point of orientation, but also is unique with respect to the remainder of the visual universe. In part, this is the prerequisite of the unique nature and exclusivity which is constructed symbolically around a tourist destination. The future and physical position appear to relate to each other. However, even if in Spanish geographical and temporal destination are identical, in English this is not so - and we have "destination" and " Destiny. "In the summary of his Presentation Matero clarifies that "Because of the Growth of Tourism in the Hinterland of Buenos Aires and WE will Suggest Develop the IDEA of Tourism as a territorial phenomenon, Considering Social Density, an Appropriate Political and Economic context, and both urban and rural tourism attractions "(Mantero, 2005, p.49).For Mantero tourism is born in the convergence between the availability of a density of sites which are attractive to tourists in a given territory, and a landscape which is sufficient to attract a substantial flow of tourists. One cannot conceive of tourism without this capacity to attract , and external infrastructure. Thus tourism generates expectations in consumers who evaluate the product from an economic perspective (again we see a reference to the future). However, Mantero does not forget that tourism also involves social, human and psychological factors (Mantero, 2005 : 59). Mantero does see a clear subordination of human and social factors to economic factors. Work and commercial exchange, a result of the free market, synthesises the relationship between mankind and geographical territory. Mantero follows by describing touristic necessities and experiences, concluding that tourism permits a "union" of the tourist with the surrounding landscape, so that his environment not only provides the resources necessary for his very survival, but also gives added value to the commercial relationship between the resident and the tourist. One can conceptualise the argument of Mantero using the following key words: attraction, value, satisfaction, consumption, time, usefulness, tourism, and territory. Sometimes history is presented by the technical perspective on tourism as an example of scientific objectivity, but it is actually only a description of the "tourism product" and not a history of tourism.1.To summarise, the technical perspective in tourism research emphasises the following:1.Tourism is, and should be, evaluated for its present principal function, and not for its historic function.2.Tourism is an economic and commercial activity whose main characteristics are movement, and the transformation of the geographic landscape. The undesirable consequences of tourism can be mitigated by the rational use of resources, which should be directed towards the protection of heritage and ecology.3.Work, which is the principal value in the West, relates four very different elements: territory, the individual, tourism, and the future. Tourism activity, as a type of leisure, has a geographic logic and an economic logic. By the imposition and reproduction of ideas and beliefs such as good, bad, better, worse, deterioration, growth, value, higher and lower, writers about tourism from the technical perspective promote the idea that tourism development is completed, but at the same time is subject to future events (or, in other words, business collapse). 4.The technical perspective emphasis attractivity as the main criterion of academic discourse, while usefulness or the necessity of structure and order are seen to be secondary matters. The need to improve is associated with the anguish of not being able to predict the future; indeed, technical reports are written in the future tense rather than the past. Their horizon looks towards what is to come (in contrast to scientific reports which look towards the past or the present).Among the principal limitations of the technical perspective is the wide variety of definitions concerning tourism, which, by their nature, are not mutually exclusive but rather abstract and general, referring to such activities as business, leisure and rest, among others. These generalising definitions are appropriate to the modern system of conducting business in which cohesion and synergy are seen to be the principal strengths. But these definitions, although maybe efficient for some purposes, are too superficial to analyse the phenomenon of tourism from a scientific point of view. Secondly , the technical perspective is more concerned with the profitability of the suppliers of tourism services and the attractions of the destination than understanding the real dynamics of the process of tourism development. Many studies from this perspective openly declare that tourism should be understood as a western and modern phenomenon, thus trivialising more than 2,500 years of history, and the value that other cultures and civilisations have put on their forms of tourism activity. As a form of leisure, tourism evokes the value which civilisations have always placed on social order. Unfortunately, the systemic perspective, which could have helped the understanding of the functioning of tourism, has been co-opted by disciplines such as marketing and management, where efficiency and success are seen to be more important than understanding. The literature in tourism in the last few decades has placed great emphasis on themes related to the impact of tourists on local communities. According to this perspective, this impact may be divided into three elements - development, interaction between the guest and the host, and culture. From the point of view of local residents, one of the most negative aspects of tourism is the concentration of people and capital, and the consequent rise in criminal behaviour (Brunt and Courtney, 1999). This perception is an important aspect of research into tourism.ReferencesBrunt, P. Y Courtney, P. (1999) Host Perception of Socio-Cultural Impacts. Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 26, No. 3 PP. 493-515.Dosso, R. (2005) Recursos Urbanos en Centros Bonaerenses. Aportes Y Transferencias. Vol. 2, No. 9, PP. 72-94.在旅游领域的技术观点Maximiliano E. Korstanje 引言从相关技术角度来看,旅游业的基本要素之一是地域性的组织和规划。R.Dosso指出:“某些城市地区有领土心性(或反式属地)根据他们的能动作用的吸引力,他们影响周边地区的经济和领土发展”(多索,2005年,第28页),多索指出,他提到的核心是整合可能的干预,其中包括两个因素:1)竞争。2)利用优势建立在该地区的经济基础。他的分析来自:社会动态的假现象并不意味着社会治安休息,反之亦然。我们发现从技术角度来看,秩序稳定十分必要。秩序稳定的第一要素是旅游业,第二要素是资源的合理利用。实现更高的物质利益,不一定就是经济的需求。换句话说,从技术的角度强调创造一种利益是优于目前的利益,它总是不良行为的障碍物。多索认为,景观旅游是旅游业的主要卖点,同时还有其他元素,如交通基础设施。领土扩张的经济(虽然领土是经济的一部分)是在技术的角度来说的旅游业的第三个方面。领土的组织,总是可以看到未来,可能事件发生。在多索的解决方案中,主要有两种应分析的区域。一个是关于未来理想的相关时间因素,一个是在土地规划和主要成员的欲望达到一定效率,并合理利用技术资源之间的关系。JC Mantero介绍旅游业的定义:一个新的概念的吸引力和细胞核。地理上来说,在细胞核中,是以空间中的点供应的取向为中心的其余部分的景观。细胞核不仅是一个点的取向,而且是唯一的视觉宇宙的其余部分。在某种程度上,这是发展的前提,这是象征性地构建旅游目的地的独特性和排他性。未来及地理位置之间相互关系。然而,即使西班牙的地域和时间的目的地是相同的,但在英国却不是这样。我们有“目标”和“命运” Matero。他在演讲的主题是澄清:“由于布宜诺斯艾利斯腹地旅游业的增长,我们将建议在适当的政治和经济背景下,考虑到社会的密度,无论是城市发展旅游业的想法和乡村旅游景点都要需要整合 ”(Mantero,2005年,第49页)。Mantero的出生作为旅游的可用性密度。吸引游客的网站是在一个给定的领土,这足以是吸引大量游客与一道风景线之间的衔接。以吸引和建设外部基础设施来加强旅游业是不可取的。因此,从经济角度来看,旅游业的产生预期是消费者评估产品(我们再次看到未来参考)。然而,Mantero不会忘记,旅游业还涉及到社会,人类和心理的因素(Mantero,2005:59)。Mantero确实看到一个清晰的从属人类和社会因素、经济因素。工作和商业交流,是自由市场的结果,这就合成了人类和地域的领土之间的关系。Mantero遵循通过描述旅游必需品和经验,以此得出结论:旅游业允许“联盟”与周围景观的旅游,所以,他的环境不仅提供了必要的资源,生存条件,而且还提供了具有附加值的商业关系居民和游客。人们可以使用以下关键词:吸引力,价值,满意度,消费,时间,实用性,旅游和领土概念化的说法Mantero。有时,由技术角度来看历史,旅游业作为一个例子,它具有科学的客观性,但它其实只是一个描述的“旅游产品”,而不是一个历史旅游业。从技术的角度来概括,旅游研究强调以下几点: 1.旅游应该是,评估其目前的主要功能,而不是其历史作用。2.旅游业是一个经济和商业活动,其主要特点是运动,而非改造的地理景观。旅游业带来的不良后果,可以通过资源的合理利用,对遗产和生态进行保护。3.工作主要的价值在西方,涉及四个不同的元素:领土,个人,旅游,和未来。旅游活动,作为一种休闲类型,有一定地理逻辑和经济逻辑。从技术的角度来看关于旅游的作家的思想和信仰,如好的,坏的,更好的,更糟的是,恶化,增长,价值,更高和更低的实施和繁殖,可以促进旅游业发展,完成,但与此同时这又是未来事件(或换句话说,商业崩溃)。4.技术层面的工作重点是吸引学术话语的主要标准,而有用的结构和秩序是必要性,却被看作是次要问题。需要提高相关的警惕不能够预测未来,事实上预测未来,而不是写技术报告。看起来对他们的视野是限制(对比放眼过去或现在的科学报告)。主要的技术角度的限制是关于旅游业,其中,由它们的性质,不是相互排斥的,而是抽象与概括,指的是这样的活动作为商务,休闲和休息,其中包括各种各样的定义。这些归纳概括的定义是适当的凝聚力和协同作用,被看作是开展现代企业制度的主要优势。也许是为了某种目的和效率分析旅游业的现象,但这些定义从科学的角度来看都太肤浅。其次,技术的角度更关心的是旅游服务和景点,旅游业发展的过程中了解真正的动态目标超过供应商的盈利能力。从这个角度看,公开宣布的许多研究认为:旅游业应该被理解为西方和现代的现象。淡化了超过2500年的历史,和其他文化和文明的价值,已经把人们的旅游活动形式。旅游作为休闲的一种形式,始终唤起文明社会秩序的价值。不幸的是,从系统性的角度来看,这可能无助了解旅游业的运作,已经共同选择的学科,如营销管理,效率和成功被看作是更重要的。旅游业在过去的几十年中的文学中,高度重视游客对当地社区的影响有关的主题。根据这个角度来看,这种影响可以分为三个要素 开发、客户机和主机之间的互动、文化。从一点来看,对于当地居民来说,旅游业最消极的方面之一是难以集中人才和资源,以及随之而来的犯罪行为(布伦特和Courtney,1999)。这种看法是研究旅游业的一个重要方面。参考文献:布伦特,P.考特尼,P.(1999)主机感知社会文化的影响.旅游研究年刊.3月26日,第493-515页.多索,R.(2005)资源的中心城市布宜诺斯艾利斯.Vol. 2, No. 9, PP. 72-94.6