目录 教育与校园生活事业与成功家庭问题人口问题计算机与互联网日常生活社会问题当代科技环境保护 教育与校园生活1. 现在,除了学习以外,还应鼓励学生们在其他很多方面培养兴趣,例如体育,绘画和音乐等。Today, in addition to being good at studies, a student is also encouraged to cultivate interests in many other things, such as sports, painting, and music.高分句型:Today, in addition to_, a student is also encouraged to _.2. 我认为,现代文明的发展要求我们的教育不但要重视学校课程,而且要重视培养学生解决问题的能力。In my opinion, the development of modern civilization requires that our education should emphasize not only on school courses but on cultivation of students abilities to solve practical problems.高分句型:In my opinion, _requires that _ should emphasize not only on _but on _ as well.3. 人们可以在业余时间进行自学,在工作中提高各项能力。如果可能,还应当参加一些成人教育的相关课程。在这方面,有很多依靠自学取得成功的例子。One may teach himself in his spare time and develop various abilities on his working position. If possible, one may attend corresponding courses for adult higher education. There are many examples of people who achieve success by self-study.高分句型:If possible, one may _. There are many examples of _.4. 我决不认为读研究生只是浪费时间和金钱,因为这才是我生活中真正需要的,并且值得去做的。I never think postgraduate education is a waste of time and money because, above all, it is something worthwhile that I truly want in my life.高分句型:I never think _is a waste of time and money because, above all, it is something worthwhile that I truly want in my life.5. 最近一项调查表明,十年前没有大学生做兼职,而现在有25%的大学生做兼职工作,并且这个数字在暑假期间会上升到75%。According to a recent survey, about 25 percent of college students now take part-time jobs, compared to nearly none ten years ago and this figure increases to 75 percent during summer vacation.高分句型According to a recent survey, _ now take part-time jobs, compared to nearly none ten years ago and this figure increases to _6. 这些大学合并的目的是提高自身的教学和科研实力,使合并后的大学更加具有竞争力迎接新世纪的挑战。They merge to improve their capability for teaching and research and thus make the expanded university more competitive to meet the challenge of the new century.7. 与之不同的是,素质教育模式重视学生的创新能力和全面发展。In contrast, quality-oriented education stresses on innovation capacity and all-around development.高分句型:In contrast, _ stresses on _.8. 新的学费制度给贫穷的学生及其家人造成了很大的负担,这会使有潜力的学生被拒之于大学校门之外。The new tuition policy really places a crushing burden on the poor students and their families and may keep the promising students away from campus.高分句型:_really places a crushing burden on _.事业与成功1. 自信,雄心,加上决心和毅力等因素是造成最终的成功或失败的原因。Confidence, ambition, determination as well as perseverance all contribute to eventual success or failure.高分句型:_ contribute to eventual success or failure.2. 取得成功,说得容易,做起来难。但是只要坚持不懈就一定会有所回报。成功人士的最重要特征之一就是自信,第二是渴望,还有一个是决心。While achieving success is easier said than done, persistence does in fact pay off. One of the most important traits of a successful person is self-confidence, another is desire, and still another is determination.高分句型:One of the most important traits of _ is _.another is_, and still another is _.3. 从成功的角度来说,良好的职业道德与教育同等重要。事实上,成功的确建立在两方面完全融合的基础上。From the standpoint of success, a good work ethic is no less important than education. Success does, in fact, depend on the total integration of both aspects.高分句型:From the standpoint of _, _, in fact, depend on _.4. 一些人认为机会非常稀少,只有最幸运的人才能获得它。其他人则认为,各种各样的机会不时地来到每个人的身边。我个人比较同意第二种说法。Some people believe that opportunities are rare, and only the luckiest person can get them, while other people argue that that everyone is given opportunity of one kind or another from time to time. Personally, I agree with the latter to some extent.高分句型:Some people believe that _, while other people argue that_. Personally, I agree with the latter to some extent.5. 毫无疑问,金钱和其他财物是有用的,有时甚至很重要。但是,在实现生命价值的过程中,取得成绩和做出贡献要比获得金钱更加重要。It goes without saying that money and other material things are useful and sometimes even important, but achievements and contributions surely carry much more weight in the fulfillment of ones value in life.高分句型:It goes without saying that _.6. 另一方面,一个人没有信心就很难达到他所追求的目标,尤其当他面临困难的时候。所以,自信对于一个人的成功来说是必不可少的。On the other hand, without confidence, there is little possibility of his achieving the goal in anything he pursues, especially when he is faced with drawbacks or hardships. Therefore, self-confidence is indispensable to ones success.高分句型 without _, there is little possibility of _. Therefore, _ is indispensable to ones success.7. 一些人觉得金钱和权力是他们生命中最重要的东西。另外有些人则认为,生命中所不可缺少的是为社会做出贡献,在事业上取得成功。Some people may think that money and power are the most important goals in ones life. Others may regard contribution to society and success in their career as something essential for their life.高分句型:Some people may think that_. Others may regard _as _.8. 我们要本着合作的精神进行竞争,同时还要在竞争的基础上进行合作。Lets compete in the spirit of cooperation and cooperate on the basis of competition.9. 不能爱哪行干哪行,而应该干哪行爱哪行。It is no use doing what you like; you should like what you do.高分句型:It is no use _; you should _.家庭问题1. 现在不结婚而单独立户生活的人数不断上升,人们要找出其中的原因并不容易,因为这种复杂的社会现象涉及到很多因素。It is no simple task to identify the reasons for the rise in the number of people living alone and establishing their own households, for it is a complicated phenomenon involving several factors.高分句型:It is no simple task to _,for it is a complicated phenomenon involving several factors.2. 关于这个问题,其他人持有不同的意见。他们坚信:男人和女人生来就是平等的。Other people, however, think quite differently on this issue. They firmly believe that both men and women are created equal.高分句型:Other people, however, think quite differently on this issue. They firmly believe that _.3. 离婚率的上升,单亲家庭的增多,再婚的影响,这些因素都在改变着家庭的概念,向我们对家庭生活的传统看法挑战。Climbing divorce rate, the rise of single-parent families, and the impact of remarriage are transforming our notion of family and challenging our traditional views of family life.高分句型:Climbing _rate, the rise of _, the impact of _ are transforming _ and challenging out traditional views of _. 4. 或许,同居这种生活方式最大的危险就是它会损害打算结婚的两个人的关系。Probably the greatest single hazard of the living-together style is that it can actually spoil a good relationship between two people who should eventually marry.高分句型:Probably the greatest single hazard of _is that _.5. 稍微有点常识的人都知道,现在的人比以往任何时候都渴望爱情。Anyone with the least common sense knows that people are more starved for love than ever before.高分句型:Anyone with the least common sense knows that _.6. 难怪绝大多数人把爱情看成主要是被人家爱的问题,而不是去爱人的问题。No wonder most people see the problem of love primarily as that of being loved, rather than that of loving.高分句型:No wonder most people see the problem of _as that of _,rather than that of _.人口问题1. 世界人口迅速增长已经带来了一系列问题:食品匮乏、交通和住房问题。The rapid increase of population has been creating a series of problems ranging from lack of food to traffic and housing problems.高分句型:The rapid increase of _has been creating a series of problems ranging from _to _.2. 目前,世界上没有国家能够仅靠自己持续性的、可更新的资源来养活它自己的人口。At present, no nation on the earth is supporting its present population by relying only on its own sustainable flow of renewable resources.3. 如果我们意识不到这些问题的严重性并采取适当的措施,人类的未来将是危险的。If we fail to realize the seriousness of these problems and take proper measures, the future of humans is in great danger.高分句型:If we fail to _and, the future of _is in great danger.4. 许多国家不能为其当前的人口提供足够的基本物资的供应。Many countries lack adequate supplies of basic material needed to support their current population.5. 人口增加意味着交通更拥挤。而且,由于需要更多的空间来解决住房问题,所以几乎不可能扩展街道,使得情况变得更遭。More people means heavier traffic. Moreover, because more space has to be used to meet the needs of the housing problems, it is almost impossible to widen the streets, which makes the situation even worse.6. 在最贫穷的国家,需要花大力气来防止其社会和经济状况进一步恶化,而生活水平和质量的真正提高也被进一步的人口增加所抵消。In the poorest countries, massive efforts are needed to keep social and economic conditions from deteriorating further; any real advances in well-being and the quality of life are negated by further population growth.高分句型:_, massive efforts are needed to _.7. 我们的目标是要确保在那些发展中国家里,人人都能了解计划生育信息。Our objective should be to ensure that developing countries make family planning information available to all their people.高分句型:Our objective should be _.8. 处理人口问题中的关键的(尽管不是唯一的)因素是保持社会和经济的可持续性发展。The key factor, though not the only one in dealing with population problem is to keep the sustainable development of society and economy.高分句型:The key factor, though not the only one, in dealing with _is _.9. 对人口问题意识的提高需要更多的大众教育。像人口数量和增长率之类的事实应该作到人人皆知。More public education is needed to develop more awareness about population issues. Facts like the size or the growth rate of the human population should be in the mind of every citizen.高分句型:More public education is needed to _. Facts like _should be in the mind of every citizen.计算机与互联网1. 互联网能够快速普及是因为它具有巨大的功用。人们只需要按一下键盘,就可心非常方便快速地获取丰富的信息。The popularity of the Internet results from its great utility. With the Internet, it is convenient and fast for people to gain a variety of information and what they need to do is just press key buttons.高分句型:The popularity of _results from _.2. 电子邮件是互联网最普及的功用之一,它可以快速,安全,准确地传递信件。另外,医生可以利用网络来交流信息,共同对病人进行诊断和治疗。再者,商人们可以通过电子商务赚取巨大的利润。As one of the most popular use, e-mails can transmit letters quickly, safely, and accurately. Besides, doctors diagnose and treat their patients by discussing or exchanging experience via Internet. Finally, businessmen may make great profits with the help of E-commerce.高分句型 As one of the most popular use, _ can _. Besides, _3. 计算机病毒是由一系列电脑程序组成的,它对计算机系统的安全性和完整性构成威胁。Computer virus, whose essential component is a set of instructions, is one kind of threat to the security and integrity of computer system.高分句型:_is one kind of threat to _.4. 家长们普遍关心是不让孩子们进入含有色情内容的网站。There is a widespread concern about prohibiting children from access to websites with pornograph.高分句型:There is a widespread concern about _.5. 互联网对人们的生活方式产生了深远的影响,它变革了人们思考问题的方式。Internet exerts such a profound effect on peoples lifestyle that it revolutionizes their way of thinking.高分句型:_ exerts such a profound effect on _that _.6. 对于一个不知名的作家来说,电子图书提供了一次出版其作品的较好机会。For unknown authors, E-books offer an opportunity to get their books published.7. 任何人只需一台电脑和一个调制解调器,无论何时何地都可以交流信息。With a personal computer and modem any individual can call up information about almost anything from almost anywhere and almost anytime.8. 计算机能使一个公司的、一个国家的、甚至世界各地的人们一起工作。Computers have the power to allow people within a company, across a nation or even around the world to work together.日常生活1. 要想变得年轻,你得锻炼自己的大脑,跟上时代的步伐并维持一种积极的生活方式。In order to feel young, you must exercise your mind, keep up with the world and maintain an active lifestyle.高分句型:In order to _, you must _.2. 现在,很多人被彩票的魔力所吸引,去购买各种各样的彩票。比如:电脑彩票,福利彩票和体育彩票。Nowadays, caught by the magic charm of the lottery, many luck triers are fond of buying all kinds of lottery tickets, such as computer lottery tickets, welfare tickets, and sports tickets.高分句型:Nowadays, caught by the magic charm of _, _ are fond of _.3. 幽默是上帝赐予人类的最好礼物。人们都觉得幽默感是一种最有价值的品格。Humor, the best gift God bestows people, is universally considered to be a valuable character.高分句型:_ is universally considered _.4. 允许孩子们保持本性,父母和孩子们就能和睦幸福地相处。Allow each to be himself and both parents and children will live in harmony and happiness.高分句型:Allow each to _ and _ will live in harmony and happiness.5. 我们应当相信朋友,尊敬朋友,在他们有困难的时候帮助他们。We should trust our friends, respect them and always be ready to help them when they are in trouble.6. 尽管网络友谊给上网者友好、浪漫的感觉,但是这种友谊常常以失败甚至灾难告终。Although Internet friendship can give users companionship and even romance, it often ends with failure and even disaster.7. 现在越来越多的像我这样年轻人加入到进行极限运动的队伍中来,利用业余时间热衷于冒险的体育活动。Nowadays more and more youth like me are joining in the rank of risk-takers who devote their leisure hours to extreme sports.高分句型 Nowadays more and more youth like me are joining in the rank of _ who devote their leisure hours to _.8. 人们可以采用很多方法增强体质。其中一种方法就是进行足量的体育运动。Various ways can be adopted for people to tone up their bodies. One of these ways is to have enough physical exercises.( tone up:to make or become brighter or more vigorous.使增强:使或变得更加明快或更有力量)高分句型:Various ways can be adopted for people to _.One of these ways is to _.9. 如果时间和精力允许的话,他们愿意做一些兼职工作来增加收入。If time and energy permit, they would also like to do some part-jobs to increase their income.高分句型:If time and energy permits, they would also like to _.10. 托马斯爱迪生说过,天才就是百分之一的灵感加上百分之99的汗水。刻苦努力对于智力发展起着最为重要的作用。As Thomas Edison said,“Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration”, hard work plays the most important role in the development of intelligence.高分句型:As _ said,“_”, _plays the most important role in _.社会问题1. 人们认为贪婪和极度缺乏社会意识是造成腐败急剧增加的原因。Greed and a total lack of social consciousness have been cited as major reasons for dramatic rise of corruption.高分句型:_ have(has) been cited as major reasons for _.4. 随着生活的普遍提高,一些普通的中国家庭开始买得起小汽车了。然而对要不要发展私人小汽车这个问题,人们的观点各不相同。With the increase in peoples life standards, some ordinary Chinese families can afford cars. Yet opinions of whether private cars should be encouraged vary from person to person.高分句型:With the increase in _. Yet opinions of _vary from person to person.5. 但是,事实上,人们在发展经济的时候往往忽视了保护环境。In practice, however, people often neglect environmental protection while developing economy.高分句型:In practice, however, people often neglect _.6. 贫困的原因很多,但主要是因为缺少教育,缺乏机会,有的情况下纯粹是由于懒惰。The reasons for poverty are many, but for the most part center on illiteracy, the lack of opportunities and in some cases pure laziness.高分句型:The reasons for _ are many, but for the most part center on _.7. 政府通过法律限制烟草生产并禁止在公共场所吸烟。The governments pass laws to limit tobacco production and prohibit smoking in public places.高分句型:The governments pass laws to _.8. 城市居民面临着很多问题,比如高消费、交通拥挤、住房条件差等等。Citizens are confronted with many problems, such as high cost, traffic congestions, bad housing conditions and so on.高分句型:_ are confronted with many problems, such as _and so on.9. 近年来出现了对社会有害的拜金主义倾向。最近的一项调查表明,X%的调查对象把致富作为他们的首选,相比之下,就在几年前,只有X%的人这样想。为什么人们没能意识到财富不一定带来幸福呢?There has been undesirable trend in recent years towards the worship of money, A recent survey showed that X percent of respondents ranked getting rich as their top priority, compared to X percent only a few years ago. Why do people fail to realize that wealth does not necessarily br