Key to ExercisesU1I1. tied with a ribbon for decoration 2. did not have a favorable or friendly feeling toward somebody3. something that could develop into a greater idea4. to be successful in life or at work 5. an increase in the amount you are paid for work 6. used for emphasizing how little (there is of something) 7. serious formal study or research of a subject 8. being in a position that gives you an advantage or opportunity 9. to yield/give in (The metaphor is a card game where a player is said to “fold” when he puts down his cards, realizing that he has a weak hand.)10. to keep matters enjoyable and not very serious 11. earning (money) 12. to be willing/inclined to do something13. to be the essential quality of a formal speech 14. publicity (used to talk about how often or how well or badly someone or something is described in newspapers or magazines)15. the chances of something happening; the likelihood of being successful16. the newest and the most advanced 17. facility for physical exercise 18. (AmE. informal) to have fun eating, drinking, and dancing, etc. with other people 19. (very informal) to be justifiably cheated20. to be forced to give up 21. to oppose or resist stubbornly and obstinately 22. to attack, to pursue in order to oppose/argue against 23. to have something as the most important part; to boil down to24. planned direction in which a vehicle is moving 25. to add more details to make something more complete 26. for all involved or affectedV1. My father had some unhappy experiences with lawyers and policemen (implying that he got into some trouble and was punished in some way) and therefore did not like lawyers and policemen. The speakers use of this unashamed admission about his fathers trouble with the law is humorous. 2. My father advised me to study literature since that was what I really liked. I had only one life, unless I had secret knowledge that we can all be reborn again and again (that reincarnation is not just nonsense) and therefore I can go to college many times. My father of course was totally contemptuous of the whole idea of reincarnation.3. They want the diploma/credentials which will enable them to get well-paid jobs on Wall Street or go to law schools, medical schools, or business schools to become lawyers, doctors, and business executives.4. In order to be successful, they have to work hard. They must earn the right to keep their job as a professor for as long as they like, keep publishing if they do not want to perish, get higher and higher salaries, and get offers from outside their universities to add to their prestige. And all this can be broadly called scholarly work.5. The professor saves his energies for his own scholarly work while the student saves his energies for his friends, socializing, volunteer work, building a network of people who might be useful for his career, and trying in every possible way to obtain an ideal job upon graduation, which is really the most important goal for him. The speaker is implying that neither the professor nor the student is giving his/her main attention to teaching and learning.6. Eton, as we know is a “public”(that is, private) school for the British aristocracy. It educates the men who become Britains leaders; the ties formed there are all-important as are the unspoken rules you learn. So what Wellington is saying here is that it was this small and cohesive class and its values that defeated Napoleon.7. What students are looking for from a liberal arts education is not a luxury, but a necessity. It is not something you could do with, but something you absolutely cant do without. 8. You may be someone who is never embarrassed in social gatherings because you are so well-read and so knowledgeable (or who can embarrass others by making them appear ignorant).9. For some reason, you find that these writers who lived a long time ago seem to know more about you than you do yourself.10. In reading, I continue to look for one thing. I hope that I can find new ideas and new perspectives that will make me change the course of my life and put me on a new and better road.VI. Phrases1. 炮制计划2. 取得一种成就;获得一种技能/本领/功夫3. 不太喜欢,没有好感4. 内部消息5. 课程目录6. 拥有大量资金的大玩家7. 首要的目标8. 成功的前景9. 印发证书10. 教学的基本原则11. 学术出版物12. 与这问题无关13. (他)全身心投入14. 社交生活15. 建立关系网16. 为他们谋生计17. 视而不见18. 与美国结盟19. 德才兼备/全面发展的学生20. 艰苦的任务21. 挖掘他们的资源22. 报界的恶评23. 最新、最先进的健身设施24. 得来不易的智慧VII. 1. understatement2. metaphor3. simile4. oxymoron5. alliteration 6. hyperbole 7. euphemism 8. parallel structure9. antithesis 10. rhyme Sentences1. 我每次讲话都必须在弗洛伊德有关观点的基础上再努力往前探索。2. 只是聪明的人都习惯于琢磨他们如何才能顺利谋生的问题。3. 我当时提出,这种行为完全可以勒令他休学一段时间。4. 黑色的豪华轿车开来停在他的办公室前面,从车里涌出来大批衣着得体的谈判人。5. 我那位哥们吓得腿发软了吗?没有,他不是那种人,不过他实在不喜欢这个过程。6. 你们可能会以为,对于大学教育不该有什么实质性的内容,不该以约翰·济慈喜欢称之为“心灵培养”为目的的这种观念,教授们和大学校长们一定会十分谨慎,不去张扬。7. 那些抱着热切期望的父母们,希望你们能实现自己的理想,或者希望你们能为他们实现当初没能实现的理想8. 常识是一种应该尊重的东西,不过不该向它顶礼膜拜(我不是想和令人钦佩的伯克抬杠)我认为不该向。9. 他研究了宗教问题。他说这归根结底是对父亲的热切企盼。10. 假如那位教授嘲弄你,因为你问了一个严肃的问题而不让有关的人都太平,那你就必须要坚强,保持你超然的分析的态度。U2 1. a piece of equipment of an old-fashioned radio or TV set that you turn to adjust the volume of the sound2. very interested in and pleased with something so that you pay a lot of attention to it3. to make someone feel that they must watch or listen to something or someone, because they are so interested in it or attracted by it4. to play a piece of music using the right rhythm and speed5. a first appearance in public as of an actor6. an untidy mixture of things7. (music) a passage that is repeated8. to fasten something firmly so that it cannot move9. something that does not succeed, often in a way that causes embarrassment 10. a public performance of music or poetry, usually given by one person or a small group11. a person who adjusts a musical instrument, especially a piano, so that it plays at the correct pitch12. (of clothes or fabrics) treated chemically so as to repel clothes mothV1. I imagined myself as different types of prodigy, trying to find out which one suited me the best.2. I hated the tests because they represented hopes so high that failure to realize them was inevitable.3. I had new thoughts, which were filled with a strong spirit of disobedience and rebellion.4. The girl was of the Shirley Temple type, very energetic and lively.5. Although I saw signs that warned me that my mother was thinking of turning me into a girl like that on TV, I didnt feel worried.6. Old Chong was conducting an invisible orchestra which was created by his dreaming thought. 7. I practiced the piano under my mothers instruction every day for the next year as my duty, but I played in an uncooperative way to show my rebellion.8. When I said those words, I felt that some very nasty thoughts had got out of my chest, and I felt surprised. But at the same time, I felt good because those terrible thoughts had been suppressed in my heart for quite a while and they had got out at last.9. I could feel that her anger had reached the point where her self-control would collapse, and I wanted to see what my mother would do when she lost complete control of herself.10. When the lid to the piano was closed, it shut out the dust and also put an end to my misery and her dreams.VI Phrases1. 几乎不用首付现款2. 过高的希望和达不到的期盼3. 短路4. 我家起居室的唯一摆设 5. 力气大得吓人6. 自行其是Sentences1. 我的头发没有做出我要的大卷花,而是给我弄成一头乱蓬蓬的黑色小卷毛。2. 在她告诉我答案前,她对了对手中的杂志,看看“赫尔辛基”是否能这样发音。3. 她似乎被这音乐吸引住了。这钢琴曲不长,但有点狂乱,有着迷人的特点,乐曲一开始是快节奏的,接着是欢快跳动的节拍,然后又回到嬉戏的部分。4. 如果她的才气和她的脾气一样大,她早就出名了。5. 而我的妈妈挺起胸膛,吹牛说,“我们的问题比你的更糟糕。如果你让精妹洗碗,她根本听不到,因为她满脑都是音乐,似乎她的天才是无法制止的。”6. 我最喜欢练习的部分是花哨的谢幕行礼动作:先出右脚,脚尖点在地毯的玫瑰图案上,身子侧摆,左腿弯曲,抬头,微笑。7. 我朝观众望去,看到了我妈木然的面孔,爸爸的哈欠,林朵阿姨的尴尬笑容和薇弗莉闷闷不乐的表情。8. 一股凉气从头顶开始,然后一点点传到全身。但我却不能停止演奏,双手犹如着了魔。我不停地想,我的手指会调整好,就像火车会被扳到正确的轨道上。9. 她的脸部失去了表情,嘴巴紧闭,双臂无力地垂下。 她退出了房间,神色惊异,好像一小片枯黄的树叶被风吹走了,那样的单薄、脆弱、毫无生气。10. 我第一次,或感觉好像是第一次,注意到右边的乐曲标题是心满意足。我也试着弹这首曲子。它的曲调比较轻松,但节奏同样流畅,不是很难。祈求的孩子较短、较慢,而心满意足更长、更快一些。在我弹了几遍后,我意识到,原来这两个曲子是同一首歌的两个组成部分。U3I1. in the act of struggling with ( a problem, decision, task, etc.)2. a force producing motion or change3. program of things to be done4. to have a lot of, as if full of holes after a shotgun blast5. decisively large number of people6. (slang) to spend much of one's time; to frequent7. to control someone, as to show him how to behave or act8. an isolated area of a specified type9. to become popular10. extending far down in a revealing wayV1. Yet Globalization is not something you can accept or reject; it is already a fact of life, which you will encounter and have to respond to every day.2. Political groups with broad popular support have emerged to take advantage of peoples existing worries and uneasiness regarding foreign “cultural assault.”3. . in China, closed-door and open-door policy trends have long struggled for dominance.4. The Chinese people should continue to live a backward life while we live comfortably with all modern conveniences.5. Westernization. is a concept full of self-contradictions and held by people of very different backgrounds and views.6. In trying to find out what future trends will be, you do not need to be fashionable yourself. 7. As an open and technologically advanced country with a large market for unusual things, America provided Tom Sloper with the necessary conditions to design a software program combining a new Western technology with the ancient Eastern rules of mah-jongg. And he was able to sell his product.8. He was moving around, playing a game via the Internet, with people living in different time zones, hence their computer activity broke down the limits of time zones.9. The Gucci store had not expected that in the first two weeks of its opening in Shanghai, business would be so good.10. The means of showing repentance might be particular to the Jews, but the strong desire to receive forgiveness from God is common.VI. 1. 今天我们正经历着一种世界范围文化剧变的阵痛,一种习俗与追求的结构性变化。用社会学家奇特的词汇来称呼这种变化,就叫“全球化”。2. 不管他们的背景和纲领如何,这些对全球化持反对态度的人深信西方的影响往往等同于美国的影响会把所有文化上的差异一一压平,就像一位观察家所说的,最终产生一个麦当劳世界,一个充斥美国货和体现美国价值观的世界。3. 不过我也发现文化就如同构成文化的民族一样,善于随机应变,富有弹性而且不可预测。4. 现今原创极为困难。因此,最容易的办法就是把现存的东西组合在一起,拿出一个新玩意儿来。5. 二十六万中国妇女每月都在阅读时尚杂志,那些开领袒胸的画页及其他内容。6. 灯光熄灭,有一阵子,黑暗中惟一的声音就是一部价格昂贵的照相机自动倒卷时发出的声音。7. 他们从当地文化中吸收了不少东西,但仍然保持了自己的本色。8. 相互联系是人类天生的欲望,是其共同的命运。9. 这种连接靠的是强有力的心灵纽带。U4 I1. (with the) the theater, drama, or acting as a profession2. in a good repute; having a good reputation; well-thought-of; respectable3. a messenger of God and a supernatural being to whom are attributed greater than human power, intelligence, etc.; a person regarded as being as beautiful, good, innocent, etc. as an angel, especially said of women and children4. an ability and a skill that one can develop with training and practice5. a current of cold air flowing through a room6. sly, cunning trick; clever talk or tricks used to persuade someone to do what you want7. the money or profit derived from a sale, business venture, etc.8. to cause a particular physical condition9. to look closely and inquisitively10. in name onlyV1. If you want to be a musician or a painter, you must own a piano or hire models, and you have to visit or even live in cultural centers like Paris, Vienna and Berlin. And also you have to be taught by masters and mistresses. However, if you want to be a writer, you dont need all this.2. In the patriarchal society women are forced into a lower financial status. As a result they could not become successful in most professions except writing as the latter did not require much financial resources.3. She realized that men didnt approve of a woman daring to tell the truth about her body and her passions. They would surely say bad things about such a woman. This realization interrupted her imagination and roused her from the state of unconsciousness, in which an artist desired to be. 4. The progress of women writers was hindered by mens extremely conventional thoughts and behaviors. I believe it is very common for women to have this experience.5. It was a sensible thing for men to give themselves great freedom to talk about their body and passions. But if women want to have the same freedom, men strongly disapprove of it. And I do not believe that they realize how severely they condemn such freedom in women, nor do I believe that they can control their extremely severe condemnation of it.6. It will take a long time for women to rid themselves of false values and attitudes and to overcome the obstacle to telling the truth about their body and passions.7. Regarding the mental and spiritual world, the inner nature of a person, it is not simple at all for a woman writer, for she still has many obstacles and prejudices to overcome.8. Even when the path is open to women officially, when outwardly there is nothing to prevent a woman from being a doctor, a lawyer, a civil servant, inwardly there are still false thoughts and values as obstacles impeding a womans progress.VI Phrases1. 与邻居发生严重纠纷2. 借一首著名诗歌中女主人公之名3. 扼住她的喉咙4. 持续慵懒的状态5. 在无意识深处6. 不用修辞手段、直截了当地说7. 男性极端的因循守旧8. 以什么为条件,在什么样的条件下Sentences1. 我的专业是文学,而在这个专业中,妇女的特殊经历比其他专业中妇女面临的特殊经历要少,舞台艺术是个例外。2. 她擅长家庭生活的各项高难度技能。3. 下面我要说说多少是我自己决定做的一件事情,当然做此事的功劳主要还应归功于我的了不起的祖先,是他们给我留下了一笔财产比如说每年五百英镑吧这样我就不必完全靠女人的魅力去谋生了。4. 我相信,妇女只有在人类知识所涉及的全部艺术和专业领域中用创造形式表达自己的情感后,她们才能知道什么是妇女。5. 这就是我今天来到这里的原因,是出于对你们的尊敬,因为你们正在用你们的经验告诉我们妇女是什么,并正在通过你们的成功与失败,为我们提供尤为重要的信息。6. 他希望在他写作时,他每天见的人,读的书,做的事都是相同的,这样任何事物都不会打破他生活的幻想,也不会搅乱他的四处探求、摸索以及对那令人难以捉摸的容易被吓跑的东西想象力的突然发现。7. 尽管如此,我还是想说我是在似睡非睡的状态中创作小说。 8. 我认为讨论和界定这些障碍是十分重要的,因为只有如此我们才能共同努力并克服困难。9. 那些目的是什么,对这个问题我们不能想当然认为已经解决了,而要不断地提出疑问和进行审视。10. 这个自由只是个开端,现在屋子是你自己的了,但它依然是空的,它需要装修和装饰,需要与人分享。VII1. Early women writers had made their way into the profession of literature; many famous women writers and many more unknown or forgotten women writers have made their contributions to literature and have paved the way for writers like me and they are now guiding me as I move forward.2. There was no need for a writer to spend much of the family money in order to write.3. While I was writing the book review, I found that if I were going to review books, I had to fight and do away with a dreaded illusion, a feared vision existing in my mind.4. The false belief about what a proper woman should be often caused arguments or problems between me and what I was writing.5. Those conventional attitudes would have taken away the most important part of my writing, that is, the essence of my writing. 6. Thus, whenever I felt the influence of Victorian attitudes on my writing, I fought back with all my power.7. All women writers had to make continuous efforts to fight against