浅析英文广告的语言特点Analysing Characteristics of English Advertising Language.doc
Analysing Characteristics of English Advertising Language Abstract: A classic English advertising reflecting the uniqueness of it can exert its maximum effect, completely publicity the products, arouse purchase desire of consumers . However, various places, the differences of culture,different nations and consumers accept ability and the consumers' purchasing psychology leads to the limitations of AD be amplified. This article from the perspective of rhetoric, vocabulary and sentence analyses the characteristics of English advertising and its translation.Key words:characteristics English advertisement translation Description: As increasing extent of communication of the countries around the world and further process of economic globalization, English advertisement has become an indispensable part of people's life. Whether we like it or not, all need to deal with it. How to understand, evaluate and creating English ads, for most of us, which is a challenging task.In this kind of situation,ads translation is indispensable. The efficient and correct translation to promote domestic and international data to exchange and economic development.Advertisement is a kind of economic activity, is a kind of promotion for goods and services, but advertisement is a cultural carrier at the same time. It is like an invisible hand which impact people's life style and consumption habits. Advertisement culture has obvious characteristics of the mass, commercial, nationality and time. To a great extent,Cultural traditions, beliefs, and values affect the business operators and consumers psychology and behavior, so, affect advertisement activity itself. So,understanding the characteristics of the advertisement is also important.Advertisement language is divided into three parts,include the slogan, brand and trademark exposition on the function, and the slogans are the most essential.That t fully embodies the language features of the body, is also the most concentrated reflect differences with other languages in advertising language in English . Therefore this paper from graphical features, phonology, vocabulary, syntax and rhetoric analysis and several aspects analyse language features of advertising slogans, and then summarize the language features of advertising language. 一、Lexical Characteristics (一)In order to let the common people to understand and accept products soon, English advertisement usually choose concise and clear word. Common noun, monosyllabic words, verbs are more the most frequently used word in daily life.for example:buy,be, get,make,live,love,have,come,go,bring and so on.For example, the following advertising words:Buy one pair,get one free. (二)The use of adjectives can beautify the products, so that English advertisements use more adjectives to describe product performance, quality, etc.Especially, in order to beautify the mentioned goods, strengthen the descriptive and attractive, the businessman will use a lot of good adjectives, or compare with other products with the comparative and superlative degree of adjectives, to raise and highlighting your goods, and enhance the confidence of the buyer.Such as:(Jewelry Advertisement)Shanghais first pearl dealer;Highest quality pearls with a widest selection of classic &creative designs;Excellent after-sales service;Fair price to every customer.This case use good adjectives,such as first t, Highest, the widest.That is very attractive (三)Creating new words, strange words can cause novelty,and outstanding product new, strange, special, can meet consumer pursuit of fashion, brand personality psychology.Such as: For together the ultimate all inclusive one price sun kissed holiday. Together is taken from prononciation of together,and mean“two men”,and is more vivid.Sometimes by deliberately using the wrong character, coined words or insanity collocation making some new words,we meet consumer pursuit of fashion, brand personality psychology.:such as(Fishing advertising)What can be delis her than fisher?Delicious is refers to the pronociation of delicious , the objective is to cause the effect of rhyme with the back of the fisher, highlight the fun of fishing . (四)Lexical repetition。Lexical repetition is a commonly used technique, and that emphasize the content, and that is what the advertising language pursuit.such as: Easy to use, easy to clean, easy to assemble. (五)to save advertising space,we Use acronyms and compound words.in order to reduce costs Writing of advertising as far as possible to shorten the length.The use of acronyms and compound words can be found everywhere.。such as: Where to leave your troubles when you fly JAL.JAL is abbreviations of Japan Airlines. 二、Grammatical Characteristics (一)A preference for simple sentences Advertising language also has distinctive characteristics in form, or antithesis rhyme, catchy, refreshing, unforgettable. The so-called "good advertisements is famous for its short refining"”。such as:Coca-colas itA diamond lasts forever English advertisement writing can be summed up as a KISS principle:“Keep it short and sweet” In order to narrow the gap with readers, English advertisements often use interrogative sentences and imperative to create sense of intimacy with readers.such as:Who else can guide you to a successful meeting?(Holiday Inn) Test us try us fly us(plane) (二)并列句多,简洁明了,易于理解;平行结构,加深印象。例如: Introducing FITNESS magazine. Its about health, its about exercise, and its about your image, your energy and your outlook.(向您推荐健康杂志:说健康、说锻炼、说形象、说精力、说展望。) (三)多用祈使句。广告语言具有很强的感召力, 通常有大众化、口语化的倾向。为了使顾客对商品留下深刻印象, 同时减少广告费用, 广告作者总会绞尽脑汁, 用简洁有力的形式和充满诱惑力的词语, 力争达到商品宣传的最佳效果。作为“鼓动性语言”(loaded language ),广告英语多用祈使句, 以达到行文简练又能使人印象深刻的目的。例如:Ask for more. 渴望无限。( 百事流行鞋) Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。( 雪碧) You're worth it! 你值得拥有! ( Loral 欧莱雅) 以上这些耳熟能详的广告语, 虽然只有三四个单词, 但却显示出了不凡的气势, 不仅很好的诠释出了商品的特征, 而且祈使句的语气也有利于吸引人们的眼球, 引起人们强烈的好奇心与购买欲。 (四)常用省略句。省略句结构简单,语言果断有力,能使广告在有限的篇幅中传达更多的信息量, 加强广告的传播效果。 例如:We lead. Others copy. 我们领先, 他人仿效。( 理光复印机) Intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎, 无处不在。( 摩托罗拉手机) We integrate, you communicate. 我们集大成,您超越自我。( 三菱电工) (五)否定句少。即使使用否定句,也是为了用其他商品来反衬,或从反面突出产品特性。例如: We would never say the new Audi A4 is the best in its class. We dont have to.(我们根本不必说新型奥迪同类车中最好的。没有这个必要。) (六)常用主动语态和现在时,给人一种直接感,并暗示商品的持久和永恒特性。例如: Harmony of style and performance set this new Mazda 6 a part. Qualities are at the heart of every Mazda.(式样与性能的协调一致使新型马自达与众不同。质量是马自达的核心。) 三、广告英语的修辞 广告英语的修辞是基于词、句功能上的一种表达技巧,修辞手段的使用往往决定着广告的创意与效果。广告英语的修辞特点主要有如下几种。 (一)比喻(figure of speech) 比喻能使广告语言生动形象,增强读者的形象思维。如: ALL THE MUSCLE. NONE OF THE FAT. (TOSHIBA)(取其精华,弃其糟粕。-东芝笔记本电脑)这里的原文使用了暗喻的手法,将产品的卓越之处比作人体的肌肉,因为肌肉是力量的源泉;将老式型号中笨拙之处比作人体的脂肪,因为脂肪象征着无用和累赘的部分。笔记本式电脑本身是一种小巧多功能的便携式电脑产品,该广告通过将产品比喻成健美强劲的运动员,展现给受众精炼有力,毫无赘物的产品形象。翻译时考虑到原文的巧妙构思,使用中文的成语予以传达,既简单精练,有在形式上切合原文。 (1) The born leader. (天生的领导者) 此句暗示产品生来居领导地位,当然是优秀产品。 (2) Whats on your arm should be as beautiful as who is on it. (带在你手臂上的东西应该和你手臂上的人儿一样美。) (二)拟人(Personification) 把物写成人,使之有生命力、个性和情感。如: (1) Its for your lifetime.(你人生的伴侣。) 将手表写成人,且与你朝夕相伴,仿佛是你的情人。 (2) Time will tell. (时间是会作证的。) 时间都会出来作证,说明该产品经久耐用,经得起时间的考验。(三)对偶(Antithesis) 把结构相同、意义相关、语气一致的两组词语或句子并列使用称为对偶。使用对偶修辞法,能突出所强调的内容,增强语言气势和音韵的优美。如: (1) Once tasted, always loved. (一旦品尝,爱之终生。) 结构相同两组词形成鲜明的对比。 (2)Lose ounces. Save pounds. (失去几盎司,省下数英磅。) 对称结构,读来上口。便于记忆。(四)排比(Parallelism) 把结构相同、意义相关、语气一致的几个(有时是两个)词组或句子并列使用称为排比。排比句能层层递进,加强语势。如: (1) Designed with a computer. Silenced by a laser. Built A promise Ill let you color a red rose green;A promise that a secret whispered is as good as kept;A promise you can always rely on me. (Mass Mutual)给你一个诺言:我会让你染绿一朵红玫瑰;给你一个诺言:好好保守秘密,轻轻地在耳边说出;给你一个诺言:我永远值得你信(五)双关(punning) Im More satisfied.(More) (摩尔令我更加满意。-摩尔香烟)这里more一词使用了双关,一为副词,修饰后面的satisfied,表示满意的程度;另指香烟的品牌“摩尔”。(五)押韵 (Rhyme) 韵律(meter)是由相同或类似的重读或非重读音节的韵脚(feet)组成,而节奏是按行末的重读元音来构成的。广告英语中,押韵是重要的修辞手段之一。它能使英语广告有节奏感、音调和谐、琅琅上口,便于记忆。如: (1) PK chewing gum, penny for a packet, First you chew it, then you crack it. Then you stick it to your jacket, PK chewing gum, penny for a packet, 这是PK口香糖的广告,行末的packet, crack it, jacket 和packet 都押韵,简直是一首音韵优美的儿歌。 (2) My goodness! My Guinness! Goodness与 Guinness首韵和尾韵均相同,读来容易上口,便于记忆和传播。 四、语法特点(1)省略式结构经常出现,口语化特征十分明显;Above. And Beyond.(Lucent Technologies)(卓越超群 ,遥遥领先。朗讯科技) (2)句子结构简单松散,往往将一个意义完整而结构复杂的句子化整为零;还有许多标题或标语干脆就是一个词组,这是为了使产品的特性或功能更加突出; THE ANSWERING MACHINE FOR THE CALL OF THE WILD. (TOYOTA-4RUNNER)(回应山野之呼唤,留下矫健之英姿 。丰田4RUNNER) (3)多采用特殊的句子形式,如祈使句、感叹句、问句或倒装句。If all copiers are the same, why did one copier line win23major awards in 1995? Because not all copiers are Minolta!(MINOLTA)(如果说所有的复印机都是一样的,那么为什么有一种能独得1995年度的23个奖项?因为不是所有得复印机都叫美能达!-美能达复印机)动词词组非常简单,过去时出现的频率极低,基本上采用一般现在时。而且被动语态运用较少。商品的特征在人们的眼中成为和一般自然规律一样的永久特征,这是其他各种时态所做不到的。 广告语言作为一种具有独特语言魅力的文体形式, 已成为日常生活中一道不可或缺的亮丽风景。了解广告英语有利于熟悉英语国家的文化、价值观念, 同时可以更加有效的帮助本国产商品打入国际市场。在实际生活中,我们既可以通过广告英语来提高我们自身的英语水平,也可以了解现代广告理论。【参考文献】1赵静. 广告英语M.北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1992.2陆全.谈广告汉英翻译的变通J.山东外语教学,2000.3阮恒辉广告技巧丛书:广告语言运用M.上海:上海中国大百科全书出版社,1995.4于根元,龚干炎,季恒铃,刘一玲.广告、标语、招贴用语评析400例M. 北京:中国社会科学出版社,1992.