TBBT201学习笔 1.俚语 wing it:To do something with no preparation 即兴做某事 home run swing:to have sex “本垒打” To accelerate through first base (french kissing), onto second base ("heavy petting") to third base (oral sex) and finally coming around to home plate (sexual intercourse). switcheroo:(北美, 非正式)(尤指惊人或有欺骗性的)转变,逆变,调换 2.普通级词汇 yogurt:酸乳,酸牛奶 berry:浆果 draft:通风; 气流; 穿堂风; 通风装置 crash and burn:失败 hyperventilate:呼吸加速 be into:口给迷住,对深感兴趣,深深卷入 respiration:呼吸 pupil:瞳孔 undilate:未放大,未膨胀 close-up:(照片、电影、录像的)特写 clench:(牙)(尤指愤怒,下定决心、压抑感情时)紧咬 iguana:鬣蜥(西印度、南美所产大蜥蜴) dewlap:(动物或鸟,尤指牛)颈部(或喉部)的垂肉 delicate:(非正式)精致的织物(或衣服) digestive:(与)消化(有关)的 brainiac:(北美,非正式)奇才,天才 slash:斜线号(即“/”) ex post facto:事后的; 在事后 追溯既往的(地);有追溯效力的(地) endeavor:努力, 尽力 tic:(常指脸上肌肉的)抽搐 tick:(寄生于体大动物的吸血小虫)壁虱 phrase:v.叙述; 措词 salmon:大马哈鱼 teriyaki:(日式的)红烧鱼(或肉)酱 glaze:(浇在食物表面的)糖浆 sticky rice:糯米 tryptich:三幅相联的图画或雕刻 conformational:构象的 de novo:从头开始;重新 constitutionally:本质地,天生,体质上 prestigious:有威信的,有威望的;有声望的;地位显赫的 kinda:有一点,有几分(kind of) qu'est que(法)=what cadaver:(医 诗文)尸体 necrophilia:恋尸狂,恋尸癖 generic:(货物,尤指药品)没有牌子的,无商标的;非注册商标的 ketchup:调味番茄汁 rinse:漂洗, 冲洗 cilantro:(尤指墨西哥烹饪中用作调味或饰菜的)芫荽叶 teeny:(口)极小的,极微的 subvert:颠覆,破坏 leprous:麻疯病的,患麻疯病的 lumbar support:(椅子等的)腰部支撑 date someone=be involved with=go out with bouncy:弹性的 roughhouse:喧闹的游戏或打斗 comfy:(非正式)舒适的;轻松的;自在的 unnerve:使丧失勇气(或自信);令人胆怯 Valium:安定(镇静药) 3.爆炸级词汇 acidophilus:乳酸杆菌,嗜酸杆菌 culture:专门培养的细胞组织 carrageenan:角叉菜胶 autonomic reflex :植物神经反射;自主反射 supercollider:(物理)超级超导对撞机 4.精选语录 Leonard:Why don't we just figure out where we're going. And when we want to get there. And then rate of speed equals distance over time. Solve for R. 精彩的物理问题生活化 Leonard:I'm not there because I'm taking things slow Which, by the way compared to you guys,approaches warp speed. L确实是这四个里交女朋友最多的了。这里又向Startrek致敬了一把 Penny:May I ask you a question? Sheldon:I would prefer that you not. But I won't go so far as to forbid it. 同意的Sheldon说法 Penny:I didn't want him to think I was some kind of stupid loser. Sheldon:You thought the opposite of "stupid loser" was "community college graduate"? Penny:You know,there are a lot of successful people in this country who are community college graduates. Sheldon:Yeah,but you are neither. S也太不给P面子了 Sheldon:This is a classic example of Munchausen's Trilemma. Either the reason is predicated on a series of sub-reasons leading to an infinite regression. Or it tracks back to arbitrary axiomatic statements. Or it's ultimately circular. i.e.I'm moving out because I'm moving out. Sheldon的逻辑学时间 Raj:What did you do? Did you change the contrast or brightness settings on the television? Leonard:No. Raj:Did you take a Band-Aid off in front of him? Leonard:No. Howard:Did you buy generic ketchup? Forget to rinse the sink? Talk to him through the bathroom door? Raj:Adjust the thermostat, cook with cilantro pronounce the "t" in "often"? Leonard:No. Howard:Did you make fun of trains? Leonard:I didn't do anything He's just gone insane. Sheldon的禁忌大全 Sheldon:It's my pre-packed disaster evacuation bag. It's recommended by the Department of Homeland Security. And Sarah Connor. 向终结者致敬 Sheldon:Mom smokes in the car.Jesus is okay with it but we can't tell Dad. 这句话太逗了 TBBT202学习笔记(遮羞布拓扑) 1.俚语 hit:1.(非正式)喜欢,钟爱;认真对待 2.To have sex with blowhole:嘴的一种俚语表达 mix it up:为.增加新鲜感 old college try:Give something your best shot 尽全力 2.普通级词汇 rife with:充满的,充斥的 mead:n.(主史)蜂蜜酒 chubby:胖乎乎的; 圆胖的; 丰满的 lace up:用带子束紧 corset:(妇女为衬托身体的)紧身胸衣 bosom:(女人的)胸部 huzzah:好哇(表示喜悦、赞同、庆贺等) howdy:(北美)(非正式友好的问候,尤用于美国西部各州)你好 codpiece:(15,16世纪男子短马裤或紧身裤前面盖住生殖器的)遮阴袋 get away with it:侥幸成功; 逃脱处罚 chain mail :(史)锁子甲 linen:亚麻布 pillowcase:枕套 Orion:(天文)猎户星座 sloppy :马虎的;无条理的;凌乱的 smoking:(非正式)充满活力的,令人兴奋的 particulate:微粒的,颗粒的,粒状的,粒子组合的 LOL:Laugh Out Loud用于电子邮件中表示大笑哈哈 bout:一段,一阵,一次 attachment:(两人间的)爱慕 futon:蒲团,日本床垫 assume:承担(责任);就(职) thoughtful:体贴的,关心别人的;考虑周到的 Nintendo:任天堂 come over :顺便来访 doctorate:博士学位 choke on:(人,动物)噎住,呛住,哽住;窒息 administer:给予,实施(惩罚) Heimlich maneuver :海姆利希手法 chimp:(非洲)黑猩猩 carton:纸板箱; 纸板盒 protocol:(科学实验结果的)官方记录 cloying:(感情过于外露而)令人腻烦的 ciao:意 (非正式)(见面或分别时致意用语)你好!再见! jester:(史)(中世纪宫廷)逗乐小丑 anomaly:n.不按常规;异常事物;反常 archenemy:(基督教)撒旦(魔王) 主敌, 大敌 belittle:轻视,贬低 ill-considered:考虑不周的,失策的 hop:单足蹦跳, 跳跃 subpar:平均标准以下的,不够标准的 balderdash:胡言乱语;废话 derision:嘲笑, 嘲弄 temporal:时间的,与时间有关的 come into existence :开始存在; 形成; 成立 très (法) : very much (英) 3.爆炸级词汇 polypropylene:聚丙烯 colloidal suspension :胶状悬浮(体) pernicious anemia:恶性贫血 loop quantum gravity:圈量子引力理论 quantized:量子化的 entropy:熵 4.爆炸级食品 orange chicken:陈皮鸡 bear claw:熊爪糕 5.Leslie VS Sheldon Leslie:Hey Leonard Leonard:Hey Leslie Leslie:Hey dummy Sheldon:Hello to you. Insufficiently intelligent person. Leslie:Woo, rush me to the burn unit. . Sheldon:Now, if you'll excuse me. I'm going to go do work that promises significant results as opposed to what you do which does not. Yeah, you heard me. Sheldon反击反击反击 6.Sheldon语录 Leonard:Well, I've dated plenty of women.There was Joyce Kim. Leslie Winkle. Sheldon:Notify the editors of the Oxford English Dictionary. The word "plenty" has been redefined to mean "two". Sheldon挖苦Leonard Sheldon:Don't forget the male-pattern baldness. When his uncles sit around the dinner table. They look like a half carton of eggs. 秃头与鸡蛋,很形象的比喻 Leonard:Make yourself scarce. Sheldon:Leonard, I'm a published theoretical physicist with two doctorates. And an IQ which can't be accurately measured by normal tests.How much scarcer could I be? . Leonard:And if science ever discovers a second member of your species. And you two would like some privacy. I'd be more than happy to get out of your way. Sheldon玩scarce的双关。L也来个有力的反击。 Sheldon:I am a modern day Napoleon exiled to the Elba of the staircase. Because Leonard-“Get this”-HAS A DATE. Sheldon好郁闷 Sheldon:I'm just wondering if you really gave it the old college try. Or in your case, the old community college try. 拿Penny的学历开玩笑啦 Penny:Your archenemy? Sheldon:Yes. The Dr. Doom to my Mr. Fantastic. The Dr. Octopus to my Spider-Man. - The Dr. Sivana to my Captain Marve. You know it's amazing how many supervillains have advanced degrees. Graduate school should probably do a better job of screening those people out. 很好的疑问 Penny:Sheldon, you are a smart guy You must know. Sheldon:Smart? I'd have to lose 60 IQ points to be classified as "smart". Sheldon是恐怖的smart 7.好玩的句子 Leslie:So, I heard your relationship with Penny crashed to the ground. Like blue ice falling out of an airplane lavatory. Anyway, it got me thinking Now that you're unattached maybe we can revisit our previous attachment. 重温旧梦 8.本集八卦 Sheldon的计划表 周一 Thai food 泰国菜 周三 Halonight 光晕之夜 creamy tomato soup day from Soup Plantation奶油番茄汤 new comic book day 漫画淘宝日 周四 pizza from Giacomo's Giacomo餐厅的匹萨 周五 vintage game night经典游戏之夜 Leonard只约会过三个女朋友:Joyce Kim,Leslie Winkle和Penny TBBT203学习笔记(野蛮人升华作用) 1.俚语 frack:fuck的替代说法(what a frack!怎么搞的?搞什么飞机) gimme:=give me be/get hooked (on sth)迷上(某事物); 完全陷於(某事物)之中 wussy:n.笨蛋,懦夫 have a monkey on one's back:有毒瘾(本剧中加以改编that multi-player monkey on your back,形容网游上瘾) 2.普通级词汇 bladder:n.膀胱 AFK:away from keyboard Scandinavian:n./adj.(北欧一地区,包括挪威、瑞典、丹麦、冰岛的)斯堪的纳维亚人(语) Germanic:n.日耳曼人的, 日耳曼语(系)的, 日耳曼民族的, 条顿民族的 conundrum:n.复杂难题 frustrate:v.(尤指因无法改变或实现某事而)使心烦;使恼怒 tautology:n.同义反复 sob:v.啜泣,抽噎 get the hang of sth : 熟悉某物的用法; 掌握做某事的方法 newb:n.(游戏用语) 新人的简称 let something rip:让(汽车 机器等)以最高速度行驶或运转 rip:v.撕;扯;剥 starch:n.淀粉 percussive:n.(乐器等)敲击的 patronize:v.以高人一等的态度对待 beat sb:难倒(某人); 使困惑 pajama:n.睡衣裤, 宽松裤 fodder:n.(马及其他牲畜的)饲料, 草料, 秣. horde:n.一大群 mainframe:n.主计算机,大型计算机 wantonly:adv.故意的;无缘无故的 squander:v.浪费(时间 金钱等); 挥霍 Laureate:n.(荣誉)获得者 flank:n.(部队的)侧翼 juvenilize:v.使年轻;保持年轻;抑制的生长发育 all-nighter:n.(AmE, informal) a time when you stay awake all night studying postulate:v.假定, 假设(某事物)(尤指作推理或论证之出发点) shore up:增强 promiscuity:n.淫乱,滥交 curl up:to sit or lie in a position with your arms and legs close to your body:很形象的词 She curled up on the sofa to watch TV. fill out:填写(fiil in) initiate:v.开始实施(计划等); 发起, 创始, 开始(某事物) heuristic:(指教学法)启发式的 algorithm:算法; 计算程序 hokum:n.胡说 paramedic:n.护理人员;(尤指做急救工作的)医疗辅助人员 strike out:fail,失败 flagon:n.一大壶(液体) ale:n.(除陈啤酒、浓烈黑啤酒或黑啤酒之外的)麦芽啤酒 wild goose chase:白费力气的搜寻 3.爆炸级词汇 non-Newtonian fluid非牛顿流体 4.Sheldon语录 Penny:And just now when I was walking up those stairs A fly flew in my mouth and I ate it! Sheldon:Well, actually, insects are a dietary staple in many cultures.They're almost pure protein. 我们也这么说,看来这一条世界通用。 Sheldon:I believe the condensation on your frozen weakened the structural integrity of the bag foods. 要用科学的方法来描述日常生活。 Penny: What's AFK? Sheldon: into his headset AFK. to Penny "Away From Keyboard." Penny: "O.I.C." Sheldon: What does that stand for? Penny: Oh. I see. Sheldon: Yes, but what does it stand for? 5.地道的表达 You want to catch me up? 跟我说说是咋回事儿? 6.本集八挂 Penny这个角色在第二季时的年龄是22岁(现实中扮演Penny的Kaley Cuoco也才23岁) Penny每周一休息 Leslie的姓是Winkle 7.本集典故 Howard:What the frack?中frack一词源于经典科幻剧Battlestar Galactica,用于代替fuck。 TBBT204学习笔记(狮鹫当量) 1.俚语 dumpling:心仪的女生 schmutz:n.污物,垃圾,废物 raise the roof:大声喧闹, 吵翻天 squeeze:n.情人 wild oats:(年轻人的)轻率,放荡不羁(sow one's wild oats) hotsy-totsy:好的,妙的 suck face: French kiss ridonculous:ridiculous的加强版 knock up:(sometimes vulgar)to make pregnant 2.普通级词汇 sanitary:adj. 清洁的, 卫生的 hygienic:adj. 清洁的, 卫生的 spew:v.呕吐,喷出,射出 un-kosher:adj.犹太教所禁止的 plague:n.瘟疫;恼人的事 pestilence:n.流行病,鼠疫 sneeze:n.喷嚏 v.打喷嚏 considerate:v.体贴的,体谅的 rehabilitate:v.(监禁、戒毒或病后通过培训和治疗)使康复;使恢复正常生活;恢复地位;恢复名誉,平反 mounting bracket:固定架 gynecologist:n.妇科医生 credentials:n.(学历 资历等的)资格,学位 traipse:v.疲惫地走;拖着脚步走;无目的走,闲逛 beg to differ:恕难从命 condescension:n. 屈尊; 俯就 exotic :外(国)来的;非本国的;具有异国情调的,奇异的;异常迷人的 dibs:钱, (非正式)要求, 保留权, 权利 whisk off :飞奔 incandescent:adj.超群的,杰出的 lackey:n.男仆,侍从 untouchable:n.贱民(指印度种姓制度最底层或种姓制度以外的人;传统认为与贱民接触会玷污上流社会成员) posse:n.一群,一组,一队(有共同特点的人、同行或志同道合者) plummet:vi. 垂直落下, 骤然跌落 resplendent:adj.灿烂的,辉煌的;华丽的 sip:v.小口喝 sulk: v.生闷气 mope:v. 闷闷不乐 sleep apnea:睡眠呼吸暂停 dice:vt将切成小方块, 切成丁 shred:v.撕碎, 切碎 white rice:精米 brown rice:糙米 mustard:n. 芥; 芥末; 芥菜酱 bring to mind:想起 demise:n.死,终止 snuggle:v.依偎; 舒适的蜷伏; 紧靠; 拥抱 telepathic:adj. 心灵感应术的 pedestrian:n.缺乏想像力的,平淡无奇的,乏味的 cohort:n.同伴 animatronics:n.电子动画学; 电动木偶技术 pathogen:n. 病菌,病原体 FYI:abbr. For Your Information 供参考 feisty:adj.个性强而好争辩的 Panhandle:形状像带柄平底锅的州,如阿拉斯加 爱达荷、俄克拉荷马、西弗吉尼亚和德州 Panhandle同时也是德州西北部一座城市的名字 3.爆炸级食品 the shrimp with lobster sauce 虾龙糊 该菜是一道被西化菜式,在传统中国餐厅的菜单里找不到,但在外国的中餐馆里却很有名。 4.Sheldon语录 Raj:Of course, I couldn't get you into the VIP section Because you know that's for VIPs and You guys are just. you know.P's. Sheldon:There's a tribe in Papua New Guinea Where, when a hunter flaunts his success to the rest of the village.They kill him. And drive away evil spirits with a drum made of his skin. Superstitious nonsense, of course. But one can see their point. Raj玩文字,Sheldon讲故事。 Sheldon:A tremendous accomplishment would be If the planetary body he discovered were plummeting toward Earth. And he exploded it with his mind. Sheldon说成就。 Sheldon:Did you remember to ask for the chicken with broccoli to be diced, not shredded? Leonard:Yes. Sheldon:Even though the menu description specifies "shredded"? Leonard:Yes. Sheldon:Brown rice, not white? Leonard:Yes. Sheldon:Did you stop at the Korean grocery and get the good hot mustard? Leonard:Yes. Sheldon:Did you pick up the low sodium soy sauce from the market? Leonard:Yes. Sheldon:Thank you. Leonard: You are welcome. Sheldon:What took you so long? Sheldon的菜品纠结系列 Sheldon:But consider this, the Japanese, they're doing some wonderful work with artificial intelligence.Now, you combine that with some animatronics from the imagineers over at Disney.Next thing you know, we're playing HALO with a multilingual Abraham Lincoln. Leonard: If we do get a new friend, he should be a guy you can trust. You know, a guy who has your back. Howard: And he should have a lot of money and live in a cool place down by the beach where we could throw parties. Sheldon: And he should share our love of technology. Howard: And he should know a lot of women. Leonard: Okay, let's see: money, women, technology. Okay, we're agreed. Our new friend is going to be Iron Man. 钢铁侠会是个好朋友 5.好玩的词 You are a colossal asshat:你个大猪头 6.补充个知识点 什么是Kosher食品(转自Think YUM! 飲食文集) Kosher 在摩西五經 (又稱律法書) (Torah: The Five Books of Moses) 有記載意思大概可以解釋為清凈的合適的和合猶太戒律的。 根據經文合猶太戒律的食物都必須附合以下條件 * 只可吃有分趾蹄* 和會倒嚼* 的走獸動物 (即是牛鹿和羊) * 動物屠宰時必須以利刀割喉及放血 (食物裡不能留有血液和脂肪) * 只可以吃有鰭和有鱗的海洋生物。 * 肉類必須跟奶類分開 * 蔬菜被種植的時間必須超過三年 (就是說幼菜不能吃) * 食物必須經猶太人處理和烹調 (這在猶太人團體裡也很具爭議性但某些猶太人對這項條件則持較開放的態度。) 備註 *分趾蹄蹄部分開像腳趾一樣。 * 倒嚼食物消化到一半吐在嘴裡再吃一次。這也是牛的進食方式。 由此可見合乎猶太戒律的食物就算在外國的市面上也很難找。希望這個缺糧的危機可以儘快告一段落否則他們就只能吃素了。