大伦敦规划大伦敦 GREATER LONDON -概况-大伦敦规划的背景-空间发展策略区域划分功能分区公共服务体系产业用地分布绿地与开放空间 体育与休闲设施综合交通系统道路系统步行体系水系概况 区位:位于英国英格兰东南部, 范围包含了伦敦市与32个伦敦自治市(卫星城所组成的都会区)。 面积: 1,572平方公里 人口: 7,825,200人(2009)大伦敦规划的背景1920 Satellite Towns round LondonCharles Benjamin Purdom 1943 The County of London Plan Patrick Abercrombie1944 Grater London Plan Patrick Abercrombie2004 The London Plan Spatial Development Strategy for Greater London 2008 The London PlanSpatial Development Strategy for Greater London Consolidated with Alterations since 2004 2009 The London Plan Spatial Development Strategy for Greater London Consultation draft replacement plan大伦敦规划 1944LANDUSE PLAN OF GREATER LONDON 1944大伦敦规划的背景面临的挑战: 二战时期,伦敦城市特别是中心区遭到破坏 战后人口的大量增长 由军工生产带来的工业快速发展规划目的: 人口和工业在空间上的理性分布 提升道路交通条件 对土地的合理利用Four goals of Greater London Plan created:1.To stop the growth of London both spatially and demographically.2.To lower residential densities where possible in inner parts of the London conurbation.3.To accommodate the displaced population not only in the farthest suburbs but also in new planned developments. 4.To encourage some economic and employment growth to move away from the southeast region of England altogether into less successful parts of the country.大伦敦规划的背景规划目标: 控制伦敦在空间与人口上的快速扩张 降低伦敦中心城区的居住密度 将分流的人口安置在远郊和新规划的市镇 鼓励将英国东南区域的经济发展和就业增长导向其他欠发达地区大伦敦规划的背景空间结构:”四环”The Four Rings 内环 The Inner Ring 建成区,75-100人/英亩 二环 The second Ring 伦敦郊区,50 /英亩 绿带环 The Green Belt Ring 村落/开放空间/公园/农场,限制村落扩张,不发展市镇中心 外环 Outer Country Ring 开放式村落/农田,允许村落的扩张和新市镇的形成,为伦敦内城人口和工业的外迁提供空间 大伦敦规划的背景规划概念:三大概念 卫星城 大绿带 环形路 Satellite Town -Smaller metropolitan areas surrounding city center of London.-To solve problem of rapidly growth population in city center.大伦敦规划的背景 Green-Belt -Surrounding the conurbation.-Is a zone ranging from five to ten miles wide.-A de facto wall of nature would halt suburban sprawl, protect agriculture, and provide a natural amenity to the area.大伦敦规划的背景 Ring-Ways-3 classifications of road: Arterial Roads(主干路) Sub-Arterial Roads(次干路) Local Roads-Ring road system-The B. Ring Road was the main ring road around central London.-Provide direct access to/from satellite towns. 大伦敦规划的背景Road Plan of Greater London 1944概述:概述: 大伦敦地区的空间发展策略; 大伦敦的总体发展策略,包括未来20-25年大伦敦地区经济、环境、交通和社会发展的一体化框架; 综合型的文本,将地理要素、现有建设和其他发展策略相结合,包括:交通、经济发展、住房、文化、青少年发展、公共医疗和食品安全; 大伦敦地区土地利用的发展框架,并与大型基础设施建设相结合; 大伦敦战略性的指导方针,引导其32个自治市的规划编制; 伦敦实现可持续发展,稳健型经济和凝聚型社会的主要组成部分。空间发展策略伦敦规划2009 The London Plan 2009空间发展策略伦敦规划2009 The London Plan 2009面临新的挑战:面临新的挑战:人口总量持续增长,人口结构不断变化:在校学生和老年人口比例将上升;黑人、亚裔和其他少数族裔的人口总数将大幅提升;人口增加带来的住房需求的增大;住房需求多样化:非亲缘关系的合居、单身家庭等;不断增长与变化的经济活动,产业结构的变化:制造业比例下降,服务业提升;相对于英国其他地区,贫困人口的比例较高,社会两极分化明显;气候变化所带来的问题:城市热岛、城市洪水灾害、水资源短缺;空间发展策略伦敦规划2009 The London Plan 2009愿景:愿景:至2031年,伦敦将成为:国际大都市的典范,为其人民和企业拓展更为广阔的发展机会,实现环境和生活质量的最高标准,领导世界应对21世纪城市发展、尤其是气候变化所带来的挑战。规划目标:规划目标:满足经济和人口增长的需求一座具有国际竞争力的成功城市一座拥有多样性、凝聚力、安全、便利的居住社区的城市一座拥有愉悦体验和独特场所感的城市在改善环境方面的国际领导者一座便利、安全和舒适的城市,每个市民都能享受就业,发展机遇和服务设施空间发展策略伦敦规划2009 The London Plan 2009规划目标:规划目标:提供足够的基础设施以满足未来发展的需求:能源、水、交通、教育机构、文体设施、医疗设施,生态设施;确保2012伦敦奥运会的成功举办;重点关注生活质量的提升:满足住房需求,创造高品质的居住社区充足的医疗资源保护和改善区域空气质量一个充满活力、满足多样需求的公共服务体系;安全和健康的食品足够和便利的交通设施,支持自行车与步行的出行方式;确保绿地、水系和开发空间所带来的公共利益;多样化和可达性强的社区公共服务设施;减少犯罪,确保城市和社区的安全;保护历史街区和文物建筑,塑造城市和社会的特性与场所感;空间发展策略伦敦规划2009 The London Plan 2009空间发展策略:总体要求:不是简单地支持和迎合增长,而是要对保证生活质量有积极的贡献确保在现有的范围内,不侵占和破坏大绿带(大伦敦的公共空间),不产生对环境不良的影响。对伦敦有限的土地资源集约化利用在策略层面,明确具有潜在发展可能的地区重点关注东伦敦大面积未开发地区考虑大尺度发展策略与小尺度发展可能性的结合行政区划-develop the most effective cross boundary working arrangements and groupings to address specific issues.空间发展策略空间结构-3 Zone: Central Activities Zone Inner London Outer LondonOuter London -It is where 60 per cent of Londoners live and over 40 per cent of Londons jobs are located.-Lower development densities and the implications of this for the viability of public transport servicesInner London -Total population is 60 per cent of outer London, 261,000 jobs located and projected increase to 2031 (398,000), even greater than that expected for the Central Activities Zone.-Inner London has a very varied ethnic composition(民族构成), high housing densities including many high rise estates, relatively constrained access to open space, often outdated social infrastructure and low public sector educational attainment.空间发展策略空间结构-One third of all London jobs are based here and it is also home for 275,000 Londoners.-As an economic hub, business travel is a key element of the visitor economy in the CAZ a n d L o n d o n s co m p et i t i ve n e s s wa s significantly enhanced by a convention centre of international standard.The Central Activities Zone空间发展策略功能分区-The most densely populated areas of England are the m a j o r c i t i e s a n d metropolitan areas of London and the South East, South and West Yorkshire, Greater Manchester and Merseyside, the West M i d l a n d s , a n d t h e conurbations on the rivers Tyne, Wear and Tees. 人口密度案例分析:大伦敦-London has the highest population density with 4761 people per square kilometer, and the South West the lowest (210 people per square kilometer). -Londons town centre are a key spatial priority of the London Plan.-Key locations for a diverse range of activities, including retail, leisure and office space as well as housing, social infrastructure and public open space.-Encouraging walking, cycling and greater use of public transport and fostering social inclusivity.空间发展策略公共服务体系-two types location preference to meet and support the requirements of different sorts of industrial occupier:Preferred Industrial Locations (PIL) for general industrialIndustrial Business Parks (IBP) quality surroundings needed industrialPIL&IBP空间发展策略产业用地分布-Green infrastructure:Protection Enhancement of biodiversityMaking a positive contribution to climate changeImproving water resources, flood mitigation (防洪减灾)and reduced flood riskIncreasing recreational opportunitiesPromoting walking and cycling-Open space strategies are key element in promoting and enhancing Londons network of open spaces.空间发展策略绿地与开放空间-Londons successful bid to host the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, a total of over 30 million will be invested into grass-roots(基层) sport in London by 2012.-A Sporting Future for London, encouraging more people active in sportstrengthen sporting infrastructure in the capitalbuild capacity and skillsstrengthen delivery so that there is a more coordinated provision of grass-roots sport in the capital空间发展策略体育与休闲设施-Opportunities to create complementary(互补的) specialized sports facilities that can be shared by schools, the community and sports clubs.-Londons transport forms the hub of the road, rail and air networks in the United Kingdom.-Londons transport including: Aviation(航空)Rail Transport(铁路)Buses, Trams(有轨电车)Water Transport (水上交通) 空间发展策略综合交通系统-London is served by four major long haul airports (长线机场)Heathrow (LHR) 希思罗机场 Gatwick (LGW) 盖特威克 London Stansted (STN)伦敦斯坦斯特德 London Luton (LTN)伦敦卢顿机场 - one short haul airport (短线机场)London City Airport (LCY) Aviation空间发展策略航空-Metro And Light Rail, radiate(辐射)out to the suburbs from the centre.-The larger is the London Underground and the smaller is the automated Docklands Light Railway(港区轻便铁路)operating in central, east and southeast London.-Heavy Rail:Suburban rail services operated by a number of private rail firms.(私人铁路公司 )-Commuter Rail(通勤火车):Serving the surrounding metropolitan area. Rail TransportLondon Underground Docklands Light Railway空间发展策略轨道交通Heavy RailCommuter Rail空间发展策略轨道交通-Trams, to serve the large employment centre of Croydon(克罗伊登、大伦敦郡的南部)on the southern edge of London to surrounding suburbs and to the town centre of Wimbledon(温布尔登) to the north-west. Buses, Trams(有轨电车)-Londons bus network is extensive(广泛的), with over 6,800 scheduled services every weekday carrying about six million passengers on over 700 different routes making it one of the most extensive bus(最广泛的) systems in the world and by far the largest(迄今为止最大的) in Europe. 空间发展策略巴士,电缆巴士-Water Bus service operates along canal.-River Bus serving the River Thames(泰晤士), one of the important transport arteries(动脉). Water TransportWater BusRiver Bus空间发展策略水上交通