酒店前厅前台接待服务手册 GSA-038 Due back 退款.doc
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酒店前厅前台接待服务手册 GSA-038 Due back 退款.doc
前厅前台接待服务手册国际酒店前厅部服务程序Front Office STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES国际酒店管理资料手册International Hotel Management Information Manual前台是展示酒店的形象、服务的起点。对于宾客来说,酒店大堂前台是接触我们酒店的第一步,是对酒店的第一印象,是非常重要的。 制定前厅部标准运作程序手册的目的制订本手册是为了说明酒店管理前厅部标准运作的政策和程序,确保前厅部运营及管理工作的一贯性。向前厅部工作人员提供日常工作及培训的指导。使前厅部员工了解前厅的作用,了解前厅运作及管理的政策和程序。 Resort Changbaishan Changbaishan SuitesHOTEL度假酒店HOTEL套房假日酒店Policy Number 序号:GSA/P&P-D038Effective Date 实施日期 :Policy & ProcedureFront Desk制度和程序Supercedes No. 废止号 :Prepared By 制定人 :Front Office Mgr.前厅部经理Due Back退款Approved By 批准人: General Manager总经理Distribute to分发:Front DeskPage 3 of 2Objective 目标: To set a guideline to reimburse back to the Front Office the excess cash paid out on time and correctly ensuring it is smooth operation and at the same time, avoiding unnecessary overage and shortage shown in the Daily General Cashiers.制定相关准则用以确保当前厅部超出现金支付额度后及时从财务部门获得准确偿还,以保证部门的正常运作;同时避免在每日总出纳报告中出现不必要的长短款现象。 Procedures 程序: 1. According to the related policy, the Guest Service Agent should balance all voucher, cash on hand as well as the cash float under his/her custody by the end of the shift.根据相关政策,前台接待员工应该平衡结转自己持有的付款凭单、手中现金收入以及浮动现金,并在交接转移之前处于他/她的监管之下。2. The Guest Service Agent should keep his/her float and submit all the excess monies to the Accounting Office stating clearly the overage or shortage on the remittance envelopes.前台接待员应当在保留其符合账目的浮动现金后,将所有剩余部分现金装入缴款袋中递交给财务办公室并清楚地陈述长短款情况。3. In case that the cash paid out is more than the cash settlement received, the Guest Service Agent should not submit any cash by further deducting his/her float.一旦出现所支付的现金额度大于所接收的现金额度的情况,前台接待员不应该通过进一步扣除他/她的浮动现金而递交任何现金。4. The Guest Service Agent is not allowed to borrow cash from the other GSA or net the amount off from the Foreign Currencies to be submitted.前台接待员不允许从其他前台接待员处借用现金或从将递交的外币中得到补充。5. The Guest Service Agent should still balance his/her vouchers and calculate the exact amount of excess cash paid out as well as the overage or shortage amount if there is any.如果有现金超出或不足的情况,前台接待员应该仍然平衡结转他/她手中的付款凭单,并且计算准确超额现金支付的数量。6. The Guest Service Agent should make use of the “Due Back Voucher”. 前台接待员应该使用“退款申请凭单”。7. The Guest Service Agent should write down the date, the name, the related shift and the exact amount of excess cash paid out in both words and numerical figures on the voucher and sign.前台接待员应该在申请凭单上用文字和数值写下日期、姓名、所在班次以及超额支付现金的准确金额并签字。8. The top copy of the “Due Back Voucher” should be put into the remittance envelope on which the Guest Service Agent should still write down the due back amount as well as the overage or shortage amount clearly in the respective spaces. “退款申请凭单”的第一联应当放入前台接待员所递交的缴款袋中,同时在缴款袋的相应位置清楚地写下来退款金额,并注明长短款情况。9. The second copy of the “Due Back Voucher” should be attached with the cash flow handover record together for handover.“退款申请凭单”的第二联应当随附在浮动现金交接记录上,在现金交接时随现金和记录仪同交接至下一班次。10. The due back amount will be returned to the Guest Service Agent or the Shift Leader in charge the next working day by the General Cashier after the amount has been verified by the Income Audit Shift Leader or above.在该金额由收入审计或其领导核实之后,由总出纳将该笔金额现金返回到前台接待员或负责次日工作日的带班人员。11. The Guest Service Agent or the GSA Shift Leader should sign for receipt on the top copy of the “Due Back Voucher”.前台接待员或前台接待领班人员应当在收到款项后在“退款申请凭单”的第一联上签字确认。12. The top copy of the “Due Back Voucher” will then be passed to the Income Audit Section together with the Daily General Cashiers Report for further checking and filing.“退款申请凭单”的第一联将连同每日总出纳报告一起转到收入审计部门用于核查和存档。酒店管理手册前厅、客房、餐厅、人事、保安、工程、营销、行政、总经办开业、入职、招聘、设计、程序、标准、SOP附件:酒店各部门组织架构总经理办公室:GM 人力资源部:HR 财务部:FN 销售部:S&M餐饮部:F&B 前厅部:FO客房部:HSKP 工程部:ENG 保安部:SEC 康乐部:ENT 市场传讯部MC酒店各职位英文缩写Board Chairman (Director) 董事长GM-GENERAL MANAGER 总经理 DGM-DUTY GENERAL MANAGER 副总 DOR-DIRECTOR OF ROOMS 客务部总监 AM-ASSISTANT MANAGER 大堂经理 FO-FRONT OFFICE 前厅部DOM-DIRECTOR OF SALES&MARKETING 销售部总监 FOM-FRONT OFFICE MANAGER 前厅部经理 F&B-FOOD&BEVERAGE 餐饮部 CON-CONCIERGE 礼宾部 BC-BUSINESS CENTER 商务中心 ENG-ENGINEERING 工程部 HR-HUMAN RESOURCES 人力资源部FN-FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT 财务部 FC-FINANCIAL CONTROLLER财务总监 A.T.K Administrative total kitchen行政总厨 Revenue Manager收益管理经理 RECP-RECEPTION 接待处 HSKP-HOUSEKEEPING DEPARTMENT客房中心酒店管理之家