国际联号酒店前厅客房营销礼宾财务运营管理资料 Formatted GW4 Rapid Response Training Reference Guideb.doc
Version 4 Reference Guide Rapid Response August 2011 The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The most recent version of this content may be accessed through the help file within GuestWare Version 4. Names of persons or organizations used as examples in this document are fictitious unless otherwise noted. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the express written permission of Diversified Computer Corp. Copyright and Trademarks © 2011 Diversified Computer Corp. All Rights Reserved GuestWare® is a registered trademark of Diversified Computer Corp. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Rapid Response Reference Guide What is Rapid Response? Software used by hotels to log, dispatch and respond to service requests and problems. Typically used for dispatching in room guest requests but also used for associate reported issues. Rapid Response can be used with manual dispatch or auto dispatch Benefits of Rapid Response? Ensure guest requests are delivered in a timely manner. Logging calls is more efficient than writing information on paper. Ensure the guest is satisfied with problem resolution. Collect valuable data for process improvement. Help lower operating costs through process improvement. Objectives of this Document: This document is designed as a reference guide and take-away document to supplement the live training provided to your hotel. After completing the Rapid Response training you will be able to: Understand what Incident Codes are. Log a guest request. Assign a request to a runner from the entry screen and the dispatch monitor. Close a request. Reopen a request. Convert a request to a Work Order. Logging Guest Requests The Guest Request Entry form is used to log guest requests and complaints while speaking with a guest on the phone. Incidents entered are optionally assigned (dispatched) to a person responsible for responding to the guest s issue. To log a request: 1. Click the Request system icon, to open the Rapid Response Request form. 2. Select Guest for a guest reported issue or Associate for a staff reported issue. 3. Type the room number in the Room field and press the Enter key. The current incident time will be recorded and the name of the guest who is currently in that room will be displayed. (PMS interface required) if the entry is Guest Reported. 4. For Associate calls a Reported By Menu will be displayed. In the Reported By field Click the arrow to display names and begin typing the associate s name who reported the issue. Click the name of the associate. When GuestWare recognizes the name, it will automatically complete the Reported By entry. 5. Assign an incident code to the request by using one of the following three ways: 1Rapid Response Reference Guide Typing a keyword in the incident code field. a) Type a keyword such as rollaway into the Incident Code field and a list of codes with that word will appear. b) Highlight the proper code and left click with the mouse - the code will automatically populate the incident code field. Using the top ten Hot Keys. a) Click the hot key matching the guest s incident or Alt and the button s number. If it is a detail code, then the incident field will automatically be populated with that code. If it is a core code, then a list containing all the detail codes will be displayed and you would Click on the appropriate code and then the incident code field would be populated. 2Rapid Response Reference Guide CLICKING on the cascade icon next to the incident code field. a) Click on the cascade icon next to the incident code field. b) A cascading menu will appear, listing all departments. c) You can scroll through the departments, viewing core codes and the detail codes they contain. Locate the code which best describes the issue your want to log. d) Highlight the proper code and press the Enter key - the code will automatically populate the incident code field. 3Rapid Response Reference Guide 6. If the priority field does not auto fill when an incident code is selected, then select a priority from the drop down list on the Priority field. 7. The Resolve By fields can schedule the Request to be due on a later date or time. 8. Type additional notes in the Incident Notes field if necessary. 9. To save the entry press save. *If your property will be using Auto-dispatching (to a mobile device) with GuestWare, the Assigned To field will be left blank (unless using Manual Assign rules). There will also be a check box that reads Auto Dispatch on the screen; this box should always be left checked. Tips: To print a copy of this record, Click the Print button before saving. For Public Space, click the Room button and start to type the room name and click the appropriate area. To attach a guest to Public Space, enter the guest room # to pull the profile and then use the room button to relocate the guest to another area in the hotel. If a guest calls reporting more than one incident, enter the first incident and then click the Copy Last button. This will fill all the previous guest information entered, allowing you to enter the other incident code(s) reported. Request Scenario 1 - Guest Request A guest (Mr. Bernstein) calls from their room (0636) and requests an Extra Towel Set to be delivered ASAP. This can be accomplished in 3 simple steps (highlighted in red on screen below): 1. Enter Room number 2. Click 8. Towel Set 3. Click Save 4Rapid Response Reference Guide Note the fields highlighted in red are the only fields requiring users input. Once the Room number is entered, the Guest Name and Guest ID are filled in automatically. Once the Request code (8. Towel Set) is selected (in this case it was selected from the Top 10 on the right), the Incident Code description, Priority and Resolve By is filled in. Request Scenario 2 - Associate Reported Problem A housekeeping supervisor (Lori Jackson) calls to report that room 1312 has a Sink Drain problem. This can be accomplished in 5 simple steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Click Associate Enter Room number Select Lori Jackson from Reported By drop down list Type Sink in the Incident Code and select Sink Not Draining Click Save Dispatching Requests If a guest call is not dispatched when it is entered, it will need to be dispatched from the Rapid Response Dispatch Monitor. Dispatching assigns responsibility for call resolution to a staff member and logs when they were notified. 5Rapid Response Reference Guide To dispatch a request from the Rapid Response Dispatch Monitor: 1. Click on the Dispatch system icon in the GuestWare Icon bar. This will open the Dispatch Monitor form, showing New and Dispatched calls. All requests needing to be dispatched appear in the New Calls section of the form. 2. Click the Dispatch button for the call you want to dispatch. A Dispatch Incident dialog will appear. 3. In the Assign To field click the arrow to display names and begin typing the runner s name. click the name of the runner. When GuestWare recognizes the name, it will automatically complete the Assign To entry. 4. Press Dispatch to complete the dispatch. The record will move to the Dispatched Calls section of the form. T ip : To view the detail incident/response information for a call, click on the edit icon on the far right column of the record. To add missing Runner names or Reported By associate names, go to Lists, Associate, and the Add Record icon. Fill in the appropriate fields using the same case as the other entries. Closing Completed Guest Requests After a runner completes a guest request, the response completion time and incident status changes must be recorded. The steps outlined below detail the quickest way to close open guest calls. 6Rapid Response Reference Guide To close a request without details: 1. Open the Rapid Response Dispatch Monitor by clicking on the Dispatch icon in the GuestWare icon bar. 2. Typically the runner will radio back giving the response and room number. For example, towels have been delivered to room 201. Locate the room number reported by the runner in the Dispatched Calls list. 3. Click the Close button for the call. The call is closed with the completion time recorded by the computer. * If your property is using GuestWare with the paging devices, calls will be closed automatically using those devices. T ip : It is recommended that the Dispatch Monitor be kept open so that it is quickly available for dispatching and closing calls. To close a request with more response information than just the completed time: 1. Open the Rapid Response Dispatch Monitor by clicking on the Dispatch icon in the GuestWare icon bar. 2. Typically the runner will radio back giving the response and room number. For example, towels have been delivered to room 1203. Since we have been given the room number, click the mouse pointer on the Find Room # for Call to Close field at the bottom of the form. 3. Type in the room number and press the Enter key. The Rapid Response Call dialog will open to the first call for the room number you entered. Type the appropriate information into the Response Notes and Solution fields and click the Close Call button. 7Rapid Response Reference Guide Converting a Rapid Response Call to a Work Order Certain calls that have been entered and dispatched may require a work order for completion. The Rapid Response Dispatch Monitor allows you to convert a previously dispatched call to a work order. To convert a Rapid Response call to a work order: a. Press the Work Order button to generate a work order for that record. a. Press yes to edit work order. 8Rapid Response Reference Guide b. Change the priority to the appropriate Work Order resolution time (example 5 Days). Make sure the incident code is correct and add Response Notes to specify why the call has become a Work Order (Example: Per John: Motor on Backorder for 2 Weeks). c. Once you have made your changes, click save to save the changes. d. A completion time is filled in for the original response, and a new response is created with a work order number assigned. The incident status also changes to Work Order. Note: Only EG (Engineering) codes should be converted to a work order. If your property is using GuestWare with paging devices, Engineers will be able to convert a Rapid Response call to a Work Order using their assigned pager 9