国际联号酒店前厅客房营销礼宾财务运营管理资料 Rebate.doc
LOCAL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESLSOP No.:RM FO FD -050Effective Date:Apr. 2013Division:Front OfficeRevised Date:Section:ReceptionPrepared by : Dora ZhaoApproved by:SUBJECT:Rebates 扣减_OBJECTIVE目的:To establish control mechanism on the approval of rebates which refer to making adjustment on room rates if there is an overcharge or to process discounts given to guest of the Hotel.建立相关的流程对房价的调整及折扣进行控制。POLICY政策:All rebates of guest charges should be supported with rebate vouchers and proper authorization.所有客人费用的扣减须有扣减单及相应的授权。PROCEDURES 程序: 1. 客人因对费用质疑而产生的减免操作如下: The Procedures of refuse payment as below:l 任何此类情况的减免至少需要得到宾客服务经理的批准。GSM level or above approval is required on such rebate . l 在Rebate Voucher上面写明客人拒付的原因(英文)并附上相应的supporting 并在相应的位置填写经手人签字,客人姓名,房号,日期及金额等内容。 Record the detail reasons on rebate voucher ( English Version ) and attach supporting accordingly. Fill in relevant information ( Prepared By , Guest Name , Room No., Date, Amount, Guest Signature and Approved By ) l 请客人在宾客签名处签字。 Guest Signature is required. l 最后由经理在批准人处签字。(GSM可批准五百元人民币以下的减免;人民币五百元以上的减免需要得到前厅部经理的批准:人民币两千五百元以上的减免需要得到房务部总监的批准;人民币一万元以上的减免需要得到总经理的批准。) Approved By Management . (GSM can process a rebate up to the value of RMB 500;For any rebates in excess of RMB 500 to RMB 2500 must be approved by FOM;For any rebates in excess of RMB 2500 to RMB 10000 must be approved by DOR;For any rebates more than RMB 10000 must approved by GM.)2. 客人对餐饮收费质疑或因为餐厅收银员操作错误所导致的减免,需由餐厅收银员将Rebate Voucher递交至餐饮总监处签字,再递交至前台减免费用,餐饮减免需附上相应的餐饮账单。对于其他运营部门的减免,也需要得到相关部门总监的签字。 If the guest refuses to pay due to the F&B cashiers mistake, the F&B cashier need provide a rebate voucher with DFB signature, then deliver it back to FD to rebate. Other operation department as well. 3. 由于人为操作失误而产生的减免需要将事件描述提交至财务部,本部门保存事故报告记录. Any income loss caused by human mistake should attach incident description to Finance Department. Incident report should keep each department.4. 白金卡和金卡会员住店期间可享受餐饮和豪华车租用20减免和洗衣15减免,服务费和小费除外。减免时应分别减免到相应的餐饮营业点。银卡会员住店期间可享受豪华车租用20减免,餐饮及洗衣15%减免。服务费和小费除外。减免时应分别减免到相应的餐饮营业点。 Platinum card member and Gold card member enjoy 20% discount on F&B and Limo service, 15% discount on laundry. Silver card member enjoy 20% discount on Limo service, 15% discount on F&B and Laundry. All above discount items excluding Service Charge and Tips. Each outlet charge should be rebated by relevant outlet code only.5. Package 减免操作如下: The Procedures of Package rebate as below: 6. 在PMS里做减免的操作步骤: The Procedures of rebate in PMS. l 打印账单,账单上需要体现出与此笔减免相关的所有帐目. Print out the billing , all relevant items should be recorded on the billing. l 减免单按要求填写完整 .如下图所示. Rebate Voucher should be filled in as below picture : l 在billing界面单击 “Post”Select “Post” in billing function. l 输入相应的Code, Amount, 在Qty里输入 -1 , supplement 里输入减免原因, ( 例如, Wrong Posting, Package Rebate, Member Rebate.) , Reference里输入Rebate Voucher 的单号 . Key in correct Code , Amount , Key in rebate reason in supplement ( e.g. Wrong Posting, Package Rebate, Member Rebate.) , Key in Rebate Voucher No. in Reference. 7. The relevant form should deliver to FC are,l Rebate form with clarify description and the signature of approver.l Invoice l POS detail print out from PMSReviewed by : Approved by: _ Division Head General Manager5