四年级上册英语故事阅读 英语小故事四年级上册.doc
四年级上册英语故事阅读 英语小故事四年级上册幼儿英语故事对激发幼儿学习英语兴趣,培养幼儿的听、说及交际等诸方面的能力有着不可或缺的作用。WTT整理了四年级上册英语故事,欢迎阅读!四年级上册英语故事:罗雯之舞 When Rowan was born with one good leg and the other deformed and useless, her doctor and family thought this child is going to have a difficult time in life.罗雯出生时,只有一条腿是健全的。另一条腿畸形无用,医生和家人都认为这个小孩的一生将很艰辛。Rowan's mother, however, never saw her daughter as anything less than perfect and raised Rowan to be strong and confident.不过,罗雯的母亲从来不觉得自己的女儿有哪里不完美,她抚养罗雯长大,并教导她坚强与自信。At the age of 7, Rowan was fitted with a faked leg that had most of the same motion a real leg would have. That Christmas she saw the ballet, the Nutcracker, for the first time with he family. Rowan fell in love with the grace of the dancers and decided she wanted to be a dancer.七岁那年,罗雯装上动作和真腿并无不同的假肢。那年圣诞节她和家人第一次去看芭蕾舞剧胡桃夹子,罗雯爱上了舞者的优雅动作,并立志成为一名舞者。Everyone, except her mother, told her it was impossible. Rowan was determined and jioned a munity dance class.所有人都告诉她这是不可能的事,只有她母亲例外。罗雯心意已决,并参加社区舞蹈班。Despite the snickers from the other children, she entered her first dance recital at the age of 14. She didn't win, but she did have fun.不管其他孩子暗地里如何笑她,她在14岁时首次参加独舞演出,虽然没有获胜,可是她玩得很开心。Over the years, she kept dancing. When Rowan turned 26, she opened a dance school that taught children with disabilities. Above the door to her school, hangs the sign“Rowan's dance schoolDance for Gifted Children.”多年来,她继续跳舞。当罗雯二十六岁时,她创办了舞蹈学校,指导残障孩童跳舞。在学校大门上挂了一个牌子,上面写着“罗雯舞蹈学校天赋异秉孩子们的舞蹈。”四年级上册英语故事:天使 Suddenly, the bus began to cross the street intooning traffic. Most of the people on the busdidn't even see what happened because it happenedso fast. I saw though, and it will never leave mymind.公交车突然过马路,转到反向车道,一切发生得如此之快,大部分的人都还搞不清楚发生了什么事。不过我却目睹了一切,且这一幕将令我永难忘怀。The bus driver had to make a decision quickly and he drove the bus into a truck in order tomiss hitting a young mother with her two children. When the bus hit the truck, people wasthrown from their seats and I could hear glass being broken. People were crying and Iremember being scared.公交车司机为了闪躲带着两个小孩的年轻母亲,赶紧转向而撞到卡车。当公交撞到卡车时,车上的人从座位弹起,玻璃车窗破碎,所有人都在尖叫,我还记得我当时吓坏了。Finally the bus stopped. The bus had turned onto its side, and some of the seats had beenpushed together.Most of the people just looked around with a confused look on their face. Allexcept one man. Somehow, he was moving around and helping people.终于公交车停了下来,车身倾向一侧,有些座位被推挤到一边。大部分人一脸疑惑的左顾右盼,只有一个人例外,他到处帮助其他人。It was amazing that he seemed to know exactly what to do even though the rest of us wereout of it. He managed to help every person on the bus out of a window and to safety. That manwas truly our angel.令人惊讶的是,他似乎非常清楚要做些什么事,我们其他人则不知所措。他帮助公交车上的人从窗户安全逃出,就像是一个天使。四年级上册英语故事:沙恩的挑战 Shane was the smallest in his Brazilian Jiujitsuclass. He knew that shouldn't matter but he stillsometimes found himself wishing he was taller andstronger.His instructor taught him moves thatworked well with his size, but even though, hetrained hard he just couldn't beat the bigger guys.沙恩是巴西柔道班上最矮的学生,他知道这没有什么大不了,可是他有时候还是希望自己又高又壮。教练教他些动作适合身材较小的人,可是不管他多么幸苦训练,他还是没办法打败比他身材高大的学生。He was frustrated and almost quit, but his instuctor encourged him to keep going.One day,when he got to class, he saw a sign up sheet for an uping tournament.他很沮丧,几乎想放弃,可是教练鼓励他坚持下去。有天他去上课,看到即将到来的比赛报名表。Shane wanted to pete, but he was too nervous. His teacher convinced him sign up.Shane trained everydy until the tournament.Finally, the day arrived. At the petition,Shane saw the guy he was going to fight. Shane and he were the same size! This made Shanefeel a bit better, but he still knew that he had to do his best. The fight began, and Shanefought hard. He won two out of his three matches. When the fights were over, and the judgesadded up each opponent's score, shane won!沙恩很想参赛,可是他很紧张,老师说服他参加。到比赛前,沙恩天天训练。终于到了比赛当天,沙恩在比赛中看到他的对手,和他身高一样!沙恩觉得好多了,不过他也知道他得全力以赴。比赛开始沙恩很拼命,三场比赛下来他胜了两场,当比赛结束前,裁判加总两个选手的的得分,沙恩赢了!【美】 Meredith Walker 著 陈怡芬 译看了“四年级上册英语故事”的人【END】第 6 页 共 6 页