2022年综合英语第五册-单元翻译归类 .pdf
Sentence ( Unit 1 8)1、我自己还没有看过,不过大家都认为这是一部好片子。(suppose)英: I haven t seen it myself, but it is supposed to be a really good movie. 2、女主人把奶酪切成刚好一口的小片。(bite-size)英: The hostess cut the cheese into bite-size pieces. 3、倘若睡眠不足的话,没有人能够正常生活。(deprive)英: No one can function properly if they are deprived of adequate sleep. 4、他细心地学我的样子,装作没发生什么怪事。(copy)英: he carefully copied my pretense that nothing unusual had occurred. 5、外面热得灼人,游客都躲到有电扇凉快的小屋里。(fan-cooled)英: It was scorching outside;all the tourists escaped into the fan-cooled hut. 6、我就是来看他那被说得神乎其神的脚法的。(fabled)英: I ve come to see his fabled footwork that people talk so much about. 7、我不是一个严格意义上的教师,因为我没有接受过训练,但是我有丰富的教学经验。(proper)英: I m not a teacher proper, since I haven t been trained ,but I ve a lot of teaching experience. 8、学生通常都会在考试前猜测题目。(anticipate)英: Students tend to anticipate what questions they will be asked on the examination. 9、现在有些家长对子女的要求太高,要他们学很多东西。(be had on)英: Nowadays, some parents are hard on their sons and daughters, asking them to learn many things. 10、他下定决心戒赌,所以看见往日的赌友他惟恐避之不及。(disassociate oneself from) 英: He is determined to give up gambling,so when he see his former gambling friends ,he is more than eager to disassociate himself from their company. 11、记者们接到严厉的警告,没有官方的批准不得前往地震灾区。(stern) 英: The reporters received a stern warning not to go to the earthquake-stricken area without official permission. 12、孩子读书不争气,家长的日子就不好过了。(keep up) 英: Life is tough for parents whose kids fail to keep up in school. 13、嫌疑犯打算逃走,但是他的家人把他劝说住了。(dissuade) 英: The suspect consided sneaking away ,but his family managed to dissuade him. 14、电缆全部是明亮的黄色,以防行人绊脚。(trip over) 英: The cables are all bright yellow to prevent pedestrians from tripping over them. 15、他对那个决定深为恼火,高举双臂表示不满。(exasperation) 英: Infuriated by the decision, he threw up his arms in exasperation. 16、由于日晒雨淋,这栋老房子门上的漆已经斑痕累累。(blotch) 英: The paint on the door of this old house has been blotched and striped by years of weathering. 17、当我女儿听说不能去时,她气得双脚直跳。(up and down) 英: My daughter started junping up and down with rage when she heard she couldn t go. 18、晚会正进行的火热的时候,警察闯了进来。(in full tide) 英: The party was in full tide when the police burst in. 19、海伦伸出手从壁橱中拿了一个杯子。(reach out) 英: Helen reached out and took a glass from the cupboard. 20、与在家里相比,家长在公众场合更加宽容孩子。(tolerant) 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 4 页 - - - - - - - - - 英: Parents are more tolerant of children in public places than at home. 21、在这次讨论会上,大家提出了不少有趣的想法。(throw up) 英: The discussion threw up a lot of interesting ideas. 22、在公开场合取笑同事根本谈不上是幽默。(poke) 英: It isn t humous to poke fun at your colleagues in public. 23、虽然当地政府有这样那样的恐惧,时装节还是顺利地举行了。(pass off) 英: The fashion festival passed off peacefully, despite all the sorts of fears the local governmnet had. 24、深夜接到一个不知名的男人的敲诈电话,让她整夜魂不守舍。(pull through) 英: After a late-night phone call of blakmail from an unknown man, she couldn t mange to pull herslef through. 25、我们应该清醒,在肮脏的小吃店用餐是很不卫生的。(a greasy spoon) 英: We should keep in mind that dining at a greasy spoon is unhealthy. 26、他认为因为有权利就可以享受财富和特权是根本不可理喻的。(by virtue of) 英: He believes that it s unreasonable for some people to enjoy wealth and privilege by virtue of power. 27、他断断续续地述说着对那部科幻电影中恐怖场景的感受。(haltingly) 英: He spoke haltingly about how the scense of horror in that sci-fi movie struck him. 28、许多年轻人吧头发染得奇形怪状并不说明他们缺少信仰。(starve) 英: That many youngsters have their hair colored stylishly does mot mean that they are belief starved. 29、面对失却多年的瑰宝,泪水涌上了他的眼眶。(well up) 英: At the sight of the trwasure lost for ages, tears welled up in his eyes. 30、人们已经注意到,有些学生会因为考试而变得精神错乱。(out of one s mind) 英: It is noticed that examinations can drive some students out of their mind. 31、她恶狠狠地关上门,回家去了。(snap) 英: She snapped the doot shut, leaving for home. 32、研究人员建议,人到老年应该多进行个人或群体的心理和身体活动。(engage in) 英: Researchers suggest that people in their old age should engage in mental and physical activities individually as well as in groups. 33、他在奥运会上夺冠让他一夜之间成了在家乡受人敬慕的人物。(toast) 英: The fact that he won the gold medal at the Olympic Games made him overnight the toast of his hometown. 34、许多国家政要前来这里,对他的一生成就表示诚挚的敬意。(pay homage) 英: Many states leaders came to pay homage to him for his lifetime achievements. 35、我认为快速的生活变化和全球化很可能让人们不再只有唯一的追求。(single-minded) 英: I suppose that the rapid change in life and globalization are apt to make people become less single-minded. 36、他没能赢得第二个冠军,浇灭了他对体育活动的热情。(dampen) 英: His failure in winning a second championship dampend his enthusiasm for athletic activities. 37、货币再次出现贬值,经济复苏的期望随之远去。(fade away) 英: Expctions for economic recovery faded away when devaluation. 38、我们父子俩的吵架从不间断,它是一种冷战,从我进入少年期一直延续到我上大学。(onset) 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 4 页 - - - - - - - - - 英: My father and I fought, with no cooling-off period between rounds .It was a cold war lasting from the onset of my adolescence until I went off to college. 39、姑娘悲悲戚戚的叙述深深地打动了老太太的心。(pitiful) 英: The pitiful story told by the girl deeply softened the old lady s heart. 40、假如从不同的角度看这幅画,你会有更好的感觉。(light) 英: If you look at this painting in a different light,you d feel much better about it. 41、这位客座演讲者将对同学们讲述我们社会和谐的重要性。(address) 英: The guest speaker will address the students on the importance of harmony in our society. 42、紧张的工作使得人们不再有忧虑和愉悦的空闲。(room) 英: The intensity of work leaves little room for personal grief and pleasure. 43、真正的以学生为中心的教学应该让学生在课堂上畅所欲言。(freely and without reserve) 英: The real learner-centered teaching is to let students speak out in class freely and without reserve. 44、同样重要的是,教师应该有幽默意识,这绝对是求不得的,而是自然的流露。(bind and rivet) 英: It is equally important to bind and rivet onto teachers a sense of humour which is not beseeched but instead comes out naturally. 45、对于各种请他归返的努力和建议,他都不屑一顾。(spurn) 英: All attemps to woo him beak has been spurned with contempt. 46、对于反对意见,他非常豁达,与其寻求妥协,他更乐意接受他们的合理性。(dispose) 英: He is generously disposed to amit the validity of opposing views rather than consider reconciliation. 47、 他似乎忠告我们对外语能力不要抱有迷惑的幻想:我们不可能学得到本族人那样的语言。(delusive phantom) 英: He seems to advise ue not to hold the delusive phantom of hope for a native-like foreign language ability. 48、假如你去英国度假,那么你在与天气打赌。(take the chance) 英: You take the chance on the weather if you take a holiday in the UK. 49、只要超级大国减少核战争的危险,我们便将进入一个少有危险的时代。(insofar as) 英: We will be entering a period of less daner insofar as the danger of a nuclear war between the superpowers is reduced. 50、面对如此高的死亡率,政府终于下定决心,关闭无证煤矿。(put the brakes on) 英: Facing such high mortality, the government is determind to put the brakes on unlicensed coal mining. 51、这条路沿海岸线延伸了几英里,然后转向内陆。(cling to) 英: The road clings to the coastline for several miles, and then it turns inland. 52、看来没有什么可以冷却他那长久的改革激情。(dampen) 英: It seem that nothing can dampen his perpetual enthusiasm for reform. 53、对着这些孩子在社会温暖的关爱下渐渐长大,失去父母的痛苦生活的记忆也就渐渐淡忘了。 (fade away) 英: As the children grew up with the warmth of social care, memories of the bitterness of their orphanhood faded away. 54、上了年岁的人,为了显得不保守要摆脱陈规的约束实在是太难了。(break out of old restraints) 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 4 页 - - - - - - - - - 英: It is astonishingly hard to the aged to break out of old restraints in order not to appear conservative. 55、 据报道,与海外华人的捐赠相比,国内富足一族为慈善事业逃出的钱少得可怜。(pitifully) 英: It is reported that what the rich at home have contributed to charity is pitifully insignificant, compared with the donations made by the overseas Chinese. 56、不要让自己陷入没完没了的考试准备中。(bog down) 英: Don t let yourself get bogged down in endless exam preparation. 57、我小心地把花放在靠窗户的地方,这样它可以得到充足的阳光。(position) 英: I carefully positioned the flower near the window so that it could get plenty of sunlight. 58、他足智多谋,富有创意,令人惊叹不如,对我的事业举足轻重。(resourceful) 英: He is amazingly resouceful and inventive,and plays a major role in my cause. 59、乐队调试好音准后,指挥走上了舞台。(tune) 英: After the orchestra had tuned up,the conductor went up onto the stage. 60、现代军用飞机使用计算机瞄准目标。(zero in) 英: Morden military aircrafts use computers to zero in on the targets 61、她想出了一个绝妙的主意来劝说老板给她双份工资。( come up with)英: She has come up with a brilliant idea to persuade her boss to double her income. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 4 页 - - - - - - - - -