2022年如何做精听 .pdf
英语新闻精听方法做新闻精听,首先要选择长度, 难度均合适的听力材料。 长度建议不超过 3 分钟,30 秒至 1 分钟最佳。尽量选择以灾难、经济、环保、犯罪、教育、科技能源交通这几类高口考试重点话题类为宜。建议无视频画面。 视频画面会让大家产生听懂了的错觉。可以参考昂立超级明星王晓波博客上的精听合集。http:/ 1第一遍听音,听大意。不间断放录音。与此同时也要对文章的大意进行简单记录。鉴于记录句子难度较大,可以记表述大意的关键词语,即key words.(可以是你理解的关键词,也可以是重复听到的单词)。Step 2 第二遍听音,听抄。根据自身水平控制放音长度、停顿、反复(如果需要)、听抄。建议首次练习的同学可以按意群停顿、反复(如果需要)、听抄。注:“意群”:将句子分为主、谓、宾。不破坏意思的最小单位为一个意群。以“It is perhaps the number one threat to global security”一句为例:It is perhaps ;the number one threat ;to global security 分别为三个意群。Step 3语法检查。寻找语法结构、冠词、时态、逻辑等显而易见的错误。Step 4第三遍听音,文本修补。全文整体放音,对照着自己写的文本增添修补,特别注意刚才不确定的地方。Step 5查字典。1)对自己看到过却不确定拼写的单词、句子中意思不通 (因为可能有一词多义现象)的词查字典。2)对自己完全陌生的单词,反复放录音,根据发音规则,猜测可能的拼写。用金山词霸或者电子词典就可以快速检验。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - - Step 6对照文本修改 ( 没写出来的、听错的、不确定的地方)。体会由于音变,或者自己发音问题引发的拼写错误。Step 7词汇及话题整理归类。 建议专门准备一本词汇整理的笔记本,记录自己总结的词汇表。将每次的新闻内容做总结,归类。有利于以后分类复习。Step 8 第四遍听音:跟读( shadow)。先看着文本跟读,模仿语音语调。注意连读,爆破等发音现象。 shadow要求重读音节的发音在99.9%程度上与原文保持一致,弱化的部分请在跟读时体会。注意,shadow时音频音量一定要够大,以方便模仿和体会。跟读三遍左右之后,再试着不看文本跟读,如果能够跟读下来,则表明,对本篇新闻词汇,及其搭配都熟悉掌握了。(Step 9 )如果大家想要练习口译能力,试着放一长句录音,然后关掉,脱口译中文,听懂和口译是两个概念。这样既可以增加输出机会,练习口译,也增强短期记忆。注:建议一周三篇精听练习量, 隔天一篇。 每周抽一个时间段复习一下整理的词汇。下面就以精听合集中“ 第四十四篇精听核安全峰会”http:/ 1 第一遍听音,听大意。笔记如下:global security; conference ; nuclear weapon ; President Obama ; Ukraine; terrorists;destruction;名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - - uraniam; plutoniam ( 如果遇到不会的单词, 先根据发音写, 写的再奇怪也没关系,反正不给别人看 XD) 注:关键词的记录因人而异,无标准答案。Step 2 第二遍听音,听抄。笔记如下:注:括号内及红色字体内容在此步骤中忽略。文中标粗体的部分为在这一遍听抄中,大家可能不确定、或者听不懂而按照发音规则猜写的短语和单词。It is perhaps the number one threat to global security: nuclear bombs making their way into the hands of terrorists. And President Obama convenedan international conference today. The goal, to try to secure the supplies of dangerous uranian (uranium) and plutonian (plutonium) in countries around the world. And one country, central to the issue, said it would give up all its bomb materials. Jake Tapper is at the summit this evening. Jake.Good evening, Diane. Well, thats right, for more than 15 years, according to national security officials, Ou Kida (Al Qaeda) has tried to get its hand, hands on those raw materials to build a nuclear weapon, so thats why President Obama and leaders from 46 other nations have convened here to come up with a country-by-county plan to keep those materials out of the wrong hands. The summit had not even started when earlier today White House officials beganhelding (heralding)President Obama s success, getting Ukraine to agree to dispose of all its highly enriched uranium, enough material, they said, to make several nuclear weapons. This was one of the priority items that President Obama had won into (had when he entered into) the office, and there has been a lot of work that has been done over the past 15 months. President Obama hopes Ukraines decision will set off achain reaction and other countries will follow. The president says its imperative that these materials stay out of the hands of terrorists. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - - Organizations like Al Qaeda are in the process of trying to secure nuclear weapons or otherweapons of mass destruction, and would have no ? (compunction) at using them. The stakes could not be higher. More than 2100 tons of highly enriched uranium and weapons grade plutonium are ? (scattered) throughout the globe.And just 50 pounds of high purity uranium, smaller than a soccer ball, could destroy the downtown of all our capital cities and kill tens if not hundreds of thousands of individuals. The U.S. is willing to help any country that wants help disposing of the material. Step 3 语法检查。第四小段中: This was one of the priority items that President Obama had won into the office ,逻辑不通顺。先在旁边标注一下。Step 4 文本修补。修补如下:由于本篇章较长, Step 2 中红体字 即为 Step 4 中的增补内容。由于Step 2 中的听抄可以反复放音,所以此步骤中的修补内容较少。Step 5 查字典。1)convene; dispose of; chain reaction; imperative;uranium ; plutonium 等。2)本文中第六段有一个陌生的词,听写时用的?表示。于是我们反复放音,听出读音大致是 k ?m p?k?n, 根据一般的发音规则,我们可以写出compunktion/compunction/cumpunction/cumpunksion, 等几个词,将我们猜测的单词一个字母一个字母打入词典,每打一个字母停顿一下, 可以看到电子词典上会显示出存在的单词, 这样我们就可以排除很多错误的猜测。 再根据意思筛选。Step 6 对照文本修改。参照 Step 2 中括号内粗体正确文本。可以看出,我们按发音规则写的答案很大一部分是正确的。所以即使你不是完全理解,有时也不会太妨碍听写的正确率。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - - Step 7词汇整理。本篇新闻词汇整理如下:话题:核安全峰会词汇整理:convene 召开uranium 铀plutonium 钚Al Qaeda 基地组织herald 宣告,欢呼dispose of 处置,丢弃chain reaction 连锁反应imperative 必须的,势在必行的weapons of mass destruction 大规模杀伤性武器WMD compunction 后悔,良心的谴责scatter 散落weapon grade uranium 武器级别铀 ,有些铀不足以制造核武器Step 8 第四遍听音,跟读( shadow )SPAN名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - -