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    2022年采矿专业英语词汇 .pdf

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    2022年采矿专业英语词汇 .pdf

    English Vocabulary Of Mining Profession 1 一、设计Design 设计依据design basis 计划建议书planning proposals 设计任务书design order 计划任务书planning prospects 方案1、draft 2、scheme 方案比较comparison of draft 修正方案draft amendment 标准standard 规范、说明书specification 条件图information drawing 生产流程manufacturing process 工艺流程图process flowchart 可行性研究报告feasibility study report 设计阶段stage of design 技术设计technical design 施工图working drawing 扩大初步设计enlarged preliminary design 概念初步设计conceptual engineering design 初步设计preliminary design 基础设计1、basic engineering 2、foundation design 详细设计1、detail engineering 2、detail design 设计标准design criteria 厂址选择selection of plant site 设计方案design proposal 补充设计additional engineering 矿山总体设计overall mine planning 扩建expansion 工程设计design engineering 定货单purchase order 工作范围scope work 报价人bidder 报价单quotation 报价、开价quote 固定价格firm price 现行价格present price 经济人、捐客broker 出价offer 咨询enquiries in connection 方案 I alternate I 出厂价格F.O.B factory 离岸价格F.O.B vessel 附加费用additional charge 当事双方parties 分包1、assign 2、 subcontract 弃权waiver 保证guarantee 催货expediting 检查inspection 验收acceptance 包装packing 交货delivery 筹资financial 偿付repayment 买方buyer 卖方vendor 评价evaluate 估算estimate 协作coordination 进度计划schedule 进度报告progress reporting 基建费用1、capital cost 2、capital outlay 成本cost 派遣expedite 培训training 销售market 购买purchase 设备清单equipment lists 现场访问site visit 调查研究investigate and study 科学调查scientific research 文件document 结论conclusion 机械水平level of mechanization 建设recommendation 设备说明书equipment specification 监督supervision 技术监督craft supervision 薪金payroll 通讯communication 咨询服务advisory services 试验计划test program 安装installation 推荐recommend 审查examine 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - English Vocabulary Of Mining Profession 2 程序routine 企业enterprise 维修maintenance 生产费用operating cost 折旧depreciation 预算budget 竣工验收completion test 附注remark 矿山设施mine facilities 承包商contractor 主承包商managing contractor 承诺commitment 顾问adviser 技术顾问technical adviser 辅助性设施support facilities 投资investment 生产条件condition of production 生产规模production rate 年产量yearly output 日产量daily output 劳动生产率1、productively 2、working efficiency 工作条件working condition 工作日working days 职工总人数total workers 定额rating quantum 原料raw materials 工作制度working system 产品products 产量1、output 2、yield 副产品by-products 矿山服务年限1、mine life 2、mine age 最高产量peak output 效率efficiency 集中生产centralize production 连续生产continuous production 间断生产intermittent production 生产能力current production 投产put into operation 达产full production 基础资料basic data 厂址调查plan sit investigation 搜集资料data gathering 自然条件natural condition 区域社会经济条件regional social and economical condition 居民点residential area 施工建设construction 施工条件construction condition 施工季节construction seasons 施工力量construction manpower 施工机械construction equipment 施工技术construction technique 基本建设capital construction 地形topography 地貌topography features 地势land form 测量survey 经纬仪1、transit 2、 theodolite 气象资料meteorological data 雨天rainy days 降雨天数number of rain days 最大降雨量maximum rainfall 平均降雨量average rainfall 降雨强度rainfall intensity 年降雨量annual rainfall 暴雨rainstorm 气温air temperature 蒸发量volume of vaporization 风玫瑰wind rose 最大风速maximum wind velocity 主导风向prevailing wind direction 水文hydrology 最高水位highest flood level 地下水ground water 地下水位ground water table 流量rate of flow 流速current velocity 动水位dynamic water level 静水位static water level 汇水面积catchment area 含水率moisture content 废水1、waster water 2、liquid waster 地震earthquake 地震力seismic force 湿度humidity 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - English Vocabulary Of Mining Profession 3 供电electric power supply 电源electric power source 用电量power consumption 容量和电机capacity and power 备用电源stand-by electric source 给排水water supply and sewerage 水源water structure 用水量water consumption 生活用水domestic water supply 交通条件condition of communication 座标系统coordinate system 纵座标ordinate 横座标abscissa 标高elevation 相对标高relative elevation 绝对标高absolute altitude 设计标高designed elevation 等高线contour line 高差difference 图纸drawing 草图sketch 条件图information drawing 原理图logic diagram 座标图ordinate chart 总平面图generate plot plan 图纸目录list of drawings 图号drawing No. 乌瞰图birds eye view 图例legend 位置图location map 索引图key map 布置图layout 地区图area map 地形图topographic map 联接图hookup diagrams 立面图elevation 正面图front view 纵剖面longitudinal section 纵断面longitudinal profile 横断面1、cross section 2、transverse section 等角图isometric drawing 蓝图blue print drawing 描图纸tracing paper 晒图纸printing paper 复印纸dry-photo paper 打字腊纸typing paper 复写纸carbon paper 包装纸wrapping paper 制图板drawing board 图钉drawing pin 立体投影图isometric view 等角投影isometric projection 布置图arrangement diagram 装配图assembly diagram 线路图circuit diagram 剖面图diagrammatic 透视图perspective diagram 钢卷尺steel-band tape 侧视图end view drawing 徒手图free hand drawing 投影图projection plane 远景计划far-seeing plan 开采权claim 劳动labor 职工1、workers 2、employees 职员staffs 技术人员technician 厂长director 车间主任workshop director 工段长chief of section 坑长(矿厂) chief of pit 工段长foreman 总工程师chief engineer 助理工程师assistant engineer 见习工程师student engineer 技工engineering working 熟练工人skilled worker 老工人veteran worker 徒工apprentice 试用工人person on probation 季节工season worker 临时工temporary worker 矿工miner 钻工、钻探工driller 电铲司机excavator operator 修理工repairman 电工electrician 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - English Vocabulary Of Mining Profession 4 带眷系数co-efficiency dependent 职务名称name of professional role 总设计负责人chief designer in charge 工种kind of craftsmanship 制图员drawer 描图员tracer 工资wage 工资制度wage system 八级工资制8-grade wage system 计时工资time-rate system 计件工资piece-rate system 工龄working age 奖金award 定额norm 劳动强度intensity of labor 合理化建议rationalization proposal 劳动保险labor insurance 劳保条例labor insurance regulations 福利设施welfare facilities 安全与卫生条件safety sanitary conditions 安全措施safety measure or precaution 工作制度working system 三班制3-shift workday system 假日holiday 产假maternity leave 连续生产continuous production 贸易trade 补偿贸易compensation trade 抵偿贸易counter trade 易货贸易barter trade 合资经营joint venture 利息interest 合约联营contracture joint venture 合资联营equity joint venture 工业合作industrial cooperation 买方信贷buyer credit 卖方信贷vendor credit 本金principal 利息率interest rate 利率revenue 利润net income 折旧replace 承包价格lump sum 成本加费用cost plus fee 开口价open price 提成费royalty 即期付款cash payment 技术诀窍technical know how 专利patent 许可证、特许license 市场market 世界市场world market 经济危机economic crisis 经济萧条1、economic stagnation 2、economic depression 经济萎缩economic contraction 经济衰退economic recession 战争景气war time boom 通货膨胀inflationary pressure 贸易平衡balance of trade 支付困难payment difficulties 逆差adverse balance 顺差favorable balance 币制currency system 金本位gold standard 贬值devaluation 外汇foreign exchange 黄金储备gold reserve 进口货倾销dumping of imports 贸易协定trade agreement 共同市场common market 小自由贸易区small free trade zone 先决条件1、pre condition 2、prerequisite 大型企业large enterprise 中小型企业small medium size enterprise 国营企业a state enterprise 资金流动cash flow 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - English Vocabulary Of Mining Profession 5 二、地质Geology 地质年代geological chronology 代era 界group 新生代1、neozoic era 2、caenozoic era 中生代Mesozoic era 古生代Paleozoic era 元古代Proterozoic era 太古代1、Archeozoic era 2、Archaean era 纪period 系system 第四纪quaternary 第三纪tertiary 白垩纪cretaceous 侏罗纪Jurassic 三迭纪Triassic 二迭纪Permian 石炭纪carboniferous 泥盆纪Devonian 奥陶纪Ordovician 寒武纪Cambrian 震旦纪sinian 世epoch 统series 前寒武纪per Cambrian 期age 地质体geologic body 地质时代geological period 地质区域geological province 地质构造geologic structure 地质年代geological age 地质建造geological formation 地质作用geological function 地质层位geological horizon 地质剖面geological section 柱状剖面geological column section 地质力学geo-mechanics 构造地质学structure geology 地层stratum 地质对比stratigraphic correlation 层面stratigraphic plane 交互层strata alternation 赤道equator 地壳earth crust geotectonic 大陆continent 大陆相continent facies 地槽相geosynclinal facies 内陆盆地interior basin 陆相terrestrial facies 海相marine facies 海浸transgression 海退regression 造山运动orogenic movement 造山作用orogeny 造山旋回orogenic cycle 地质图geological map 浸蚀旋回cycle of erosion 沉积旋回cycle of sedimentation 火山旋回cycle of volcano 化石fossil 标准化石1、guide fossil 2、index fossil 海洋地幔oceanic mantle 海底火山oceanic volcano 火山喷发物volcanic product 陆架shelf 陆缘沉积shelf deposit 地貌physiognomy 地貌学geomorphology 地貌轮回geomorphic cycle 地形分区图geomorphological map 岩浆magma 侵入intrusion 侵入体intrusive masses 侵入岩体intrusive bodies 阶地terrace 构造阶地tectonic terrace 构造谷tectonic valley 河流堆积stream deposit 堆积台地accumulational plat form 堆积阶地accumulational terrace 陆源沉积terrigenous deposit 坍塌沉积colluvial deposit 变质带zone of metamorphose 原生沉积带zone of primary deposit 风化带zone of weathering 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - English Vocabulary Of Mining Profession 6 富集带zone of enrichment 碎屑沉积clastic sediment 构造体系tectonic system 构造接触tectonic contact 构造轮廓tectonic frame work 板块构造slab structure 复合矿脉composite lode 复合脉composite vein 分枝ramification 成因origin 基岩original rock 方位 (定位 )分析orientation analysis 岩体rock massif 矿床成因论metallogeny 岩石成因的petrogenetic 大地构造学1、geotectonic geology, 2、geotectonics 3、geotectology 地盾shield 地台 (陆台 ) table 地槽 (地向斜 ) geosyncline 地穹 (地背斜 ) geanticline 背斜anticline 向斜syncline 复背斜anticlinorium 复向斜synclinorium 断层fault 亚断层normal fault 逆断层reverse fault 逆冲断层upthruct fault 逆掩断层overthruct 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - -


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