自信在沟通中的重要性自信的人能在办公环境中积极成长。这些人具备良好的沟通能力,能够与问题正面交锋、设法解决。他们还能够激发其他同事的自信心,从全方位营造一个充满活力和热情的氛围。那么要怎么与他人自信沟通呢?下面WTT整理了自信沟通的方法,供你阅读参考。自信沟通的方法:信心是一种选择CONFIDENCE IS A CHOICE信心是一种发自内心的思维方式,是每个人都可以达到的境界。将这一点铭记于心,并通过以下七个步骤培养信心:Confidence is a mind-set which es from within, and its attainable for all of us. With that in mind, choose to be confidentby following these seven steps:自信沟通的方法:假装自信PRETEND TO BE CONFIDENT如果你不觉得自己是一个非常自信的人,你会发现,假装自信和真正自信之间的差异甚少。这是因为,信心是一种选择。从假装自信开始,人们会觉得你是个有自信的人。很快你就会开始相信他们,并发现自己时时刻刻都显得很有自信。If you dont consider yourself to be a very confident person then you will find that pretending to be confident is much the same as actually being confident. This is because confidence is a choice. Pretending to be confident will lead to people regarding you as a confident person. Soon enough you will believe them and find yourself acting confident all the time.自信沟通的方法:清晰沟通MUNICATE CLEARLY大多数人觉得是否自信与我们所说出的内容有关。事实并非如此,这其实与别人所听到的内容有关。这就是为什么清晰的沟通非常重要:Most of us think being confident depends upon what we say. It doesnt, it depends upon what the other person hears. Thats why clear munication is so important:自信沟通的方法:表达的节奏应该稳定、易懂;Speak at a steady and prehensible pace;练习有节奏、和你的演讲时间点相契合的呼吸;Practice breathing rhythmically and in time with your speech;不要使用不确定的用词来降低你的说服力,比如“只是”、“可能”、“也许”;Dont undersell what you are saying by using maybe words such as ‘just, ‘like and ‘perhaps;在任何时候都要保持目光的接触,记得微笑。Maintain eye contact at all times, and remember to smile.自信沟通的方法:使用幽默USE HUMOUR想想看你所认识的最风趣的人。他们是不是也是最有自信的人呢?这是由于,要风趣幽默,就等同于要承担风险。幽默和信心一样具备传播力因此,在适宜时就尽可能地传播吧。Think about the funniest people that you know. Is it true that they also happen to be the most confident? Thats because being funny is about taking risks. Humour, like confidence, is infectious – so spread it as much as you can, where appropriate.自信沟通的方法:寻找导师FIND A MENTOR选择一个导师,时时刻刻提醒你想成为什么样的人、如何实现这一点。他们对你的帮助在于提醒你无论何时都保有上进心。你所选择的这个人,应该能帮您识别并培养自身的长处、辅助你的成长、同时带你进入更为广阔的人脉圈。Pick a mentor to be a constant reminder of where you want to be and what you need to do to get there. Having them is helpful because it reminds you to be ambitious at all times. Pick someone who can help you grow by identifying and nurturing your strengths as well as introducing you to a wider support work.自信沟通的方法:进入角色LOOK THE PART如果你感到舒适,那多半就能感受到自信。当然,在参加面试或主持宣讲时,正确的着装非常重要,但保持内心的舒适度同等重要。如果你的穿着让你感到不适,你就可能会坐立不安,而这一点就会让人觉得你躁动不安、或者兴趣缺缺。If youre feeling fortable, then youre more likely to feel confident. Of course, smart at tire is important when attending an interview or presenting, but its just as important to feel fortable. If youre not fortable in the clothes that youre wearing then youre likely to fidget, which is then likely to be interpreted as restlessness or displaying a lack of interest.自信沟通的方法:充分准备PREPARE在重要的会议和演讲之前进行充分的准备,有助于帮你平复紧张的心情、保持思维的逻辑、并最终让你更有信心地传达自己想表达的内容。不对面试、会议或者演讲进行准备,就意味着失败。Preparing fully prior to an important meeting or presentation will help to settle your nerves, get your mind in the frame and ultimately be more confident in your delivery. By failing to prepare for an interview, meeting or presentation, you are preparing to fail.自信沟通的方法:积极思考THINK POSITIVE在负能量下屈从,是我们大多数人都会时不时展现出的弱点。但是,这是可以避免的。当你的脑海中出现负面情绪时,立刻找出一个理由驱逐它。只专注于积极的情绪,加强自信和良好的感觉,你就能看得到自身自信的成长。Succumbing to negative thoughts is a weakness that most of us suffer from every once in a while. However, it need not be this way. When a negative thought enters your head, make a point to banish it immediately. Reinforce confidence and good feeling by focusing only on the positive and you will see your self-belief grow.在付诸实践时,这七个步骤能帮你给所有人留下良好的印象。人们会被你的自信心所吸引,很快你就会发现,自己在职场中取得了越来越大的成功。When put into practice, these seven steps will help create a good impression to everyone you meet. People will be drawn to your confidence and soon you will find yourself being more successful in the workplace.沟通时怎样更自信【全文END】第 7 页 共 7 页