第一部分 异域风光(四)16. Pearl Harbor, an Important Military Base in Hawaii珍珠港夏威夷岛上的军事重地我国有相当多的观众亲眼目睹了描述二次世界大战珍珠港战役的战争爱情巨片珍珠港(Pearl Harbor)。电影以二战为背景,讲述来自英美两国的两名飞行员,在共同抗击日本人进攻的过程中,同时爱上了一名英国护士的故事。战争场面之惨烈令人惊叹不已,爱情友谊之深厚令人荡气回肠。Along the southern shore of Oahu not far from downtown Honolulu is Pearl Harbor. It is one of the many military bases in Hawaii. The American Army, Navy, and Air Force provide many jobs for the people in the 50th state.This large harbor is also very important in Hawaii and American history. From the middle of the 1800's some American leaders saw Pearl Harbor as an important naval and commercial port. Therefore, one of the main reasons the United States wanted to annex Hawaii in 1898 was to be able to have Pearl Harbor.It actually became the base for the American Navy in the Pacific Ocean. Then on December 7, 1941, planes from Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. The Japanese knew that there were many ships in the Harbor. They thought that they could defeat America quickly if they destroyed the ships in Pearl Harbor. The United States entered World War II immediately after this attack. Many American ships were sunk or damaged in Pearl Harbor. Most Americans think of this day history when they hear the name “Pearl Harbor.”More than one and a half million visitors come to Pearl Harbor every year. They visit a museum and a memorial. This memorial honors the men who died when the battleship U.S.S. Arizona sank during the attack. Today Pearl Harbor is still the center for the U. S. Pacific Fleet.Comprehension Questions:1. One of the main reasons Americans wanted to annex Hawaii was to be able to _A. build a museum and a memorial in Pearl Harbor.B. enter World War II.C. own Pearl Harbor. D. enjoy the beautiful scenery there.A. get the land of Pearl Harbor as their own.B. destroy the battleship U.S.S. Arizona.C. defeat America quickly.D. let Americans build a museum and a memorial.5. After the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, _A. the Americans lost many ships and lives.B. the Japanese lost many planes.C. many Japanese soldiers lived in Pearl Harbor for some years.D. America was defeated and conquered.(CABCA)17. Copenhagen, Home of Hans Christian Andersen哥本哈根安徒生的故乡哥本哈根是安徒生的故乡。在十二世纪初还是一个小小的渔村和进行贸易的场所。随着贸易的日益繁盛,到十三世纪初发展成为一个商业城镇。十五世纪初,成为丹麦王国的首都。哥本哈根在丹麦文中就是“商人的港口”或“贸易港”的意思。The city of Copenhagen was founded in the middle of the twelfth century, at a time when fierce Viking warriors used to sail their ships from place to place, attacking coastal villages and stealing everything they could find. In fact, Copenhagen was at first simply a castle built to defend the coast against these attacks. It soon grew into a fishing village, and by the year 1254 it had become a town.The new town quickly established itself as the most important trading center in the Baltic Sea. The name “Copenhagen” actually means “Merchants' Heaven”, and this is a very suitable name for such a busy port. In 1443 Copenhagen became the capital of Denmark.The city has a long and often violent history. It was attacked in 1659 during the war between Denmark and Sweden, but successfully resisted the attack, thanks partly to its strong stone walls. In 1729 and again in 1795 the town was largely destroyed by fire and had to be rebuilt. It was attacked twice by the English during the Napoleonic wars, but again survived. Copenhagen became a free port in 1894 and its importance, as a trading center, grew even greater.1. According to the passage, Copenhagen was originally _A. a fishing village. B. a small town.C. a castle. D. the home of Andersen.2. The fierce Viking warriors used to attack coastal villages and steal everything they could find _A. in the middle of the twelfth century.B. after Copenhagen became a town, and a trading center. C. after it grew into a fishing village.D. when Copenhagen became the capital of Denmark.3. In the middle of the fifteenth century, Copenhagen _A. was largely destroyed by fire. B. became the capital of Denmark. C. became a free port and an important trading center. D. was in the war between Denmark and Sweden.4. People built the well-known statue of the Little Mermaid in order to _A. honor the world-famous writer of fairy tales Hans Christian Andersen.B. remember the English famous playwright Shakespeare. C. make the city even more beautiful. D. attract more and more tourists from abroad5. The passage mainly tells us _ A. how Copenhagen became the home of Andersen. B. why Copenhagen went through so many disasters. C. how Copenhagen came to be the capital of Denmark. D. the long and violent history of Copenhagen.(CABAD)18. The Louvre, the Largest Palace of Arts in the World罗浮宫世界上最大的艺术宫殿Today the Louvre is the largest and richest of the world's national galleries. 225 separate rooms house its vast collection. One of them, the Grand Gallery, is 394 metres long,the longest gallery ever built. The Louvre was first opened to the public as a museum in 1793, and it is now visited by more than two and a half million people each year.The museum's collection of paintings was begun in the early sixteenth century, and the very first masterpieces to be housed in the Louvre included works by Titian and Raphael, as well as Leonardo da Vinci's “Mona Lisa”perhaps the single most famous work of art in the world. This small portrait of the wife of an Italian nobleman is prized for its calm features, for the beautiful painting of the hands, and especially for its strange and indescribable smile.The collection was added to by several of the kings of France and by Emperor Napoleon I. In 1820 the statue known as the "Venus de Milo" was discovered on the small Greek island of Delos in the Aegean Sea, and was immediately bought by the Louvre. It is one of the museum's most popular exhibitions.Leonardo's "Mona Lisa" is only one of the many great Italian paintings housed in the museum. French painting naturally forms a large part of the collection. Paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens and Dyck are also on display in the galleries.The Louvre is opened to the public from 9:45 a. m. to 5:15 p. m, and is closed on Tuesdays and holidays. The admission fee is five francs. Admission is free on Sundays.Comprehension Questions:1. The Louvre is known as the largest palace in the world because _ A. it has the most precious and the largest number of art works in the world. B. it was once a palace for the kings of France. C. it was rebuilt by King Francois I. D. it has the longest gallery ever built.2. One of the _ mentioned in the text is 394 metres long.A. pictures B. galleries C. paintings D. rooms (ABDDD)19. Heidelberg, an Ancient Town in Germany海德堡德国古城德国海德堡市的古城堡始建于12世纪,是德国文艺复兴时期的代表作。古堡在历史上曾是帝侯宫邸,其主要建筑完成于1556-1620年之间。后遭战乱和天灾,历尽沧桑。如今,这座古城堡遗迹是海德堡最著名的旅游景观 。Heidelberg, in the very heart of romantic Germany, is the country's oldest university town. Dominated by its great castle, the town stands on the banks of the Neckar against a fairy-tale background of thick green forest and vineyard slopes.Heidelberg castle, rising 300 feet above the rooftops, is one of the finest in the country full of castles. It has a library and magnificent gardens. In the cellars you can see the famous "Heidelberg Tun", a huge vat that can hold 49,000 gallons reminding us of the town's reputation as a producer of some of the area's most delicious wines. On summer evenings the castle is floodlit, offering the visitors an even more breathtaking sight.On the opposite bank of the river, you can take a gentle stroll along the "Philosopher's Walk", with splendid views of the town and castle spread out before you. You can visit the palace of the former noblemen of the Rhineland, now a fascinating museum, or wander round the lovely fifteenth century church, and see a play at the National Theatre or relax in a fine old restaurant like the "Red Oxen" where students often gather to enjoy themselves with music and songs.The ancient town of Heidelberg is an ideal base for discovering the real romantic Germany.Comprehension Questions:1. From the description of the passage, we know that the surroundings of Heidelberg are _ A. not pleasant. B. terrible. C. uncomfortable. D. so beautiful.2. The passage suggests that Germany is a country full of _A. dreams. B. hope. C. museums. D. castles.3. Besides its castle, Heidelberg is also famous for its _A. National Theatre. B. fine old restaurants.C. delicious wines. D. music and songs. B. seeing a play at the National Theatre, or relax in a fine old restaurant. C. visiting the palace of the former noblemen of the Rhineland, or wandering round the lovely fifteenth century church.D. doing any of the things mentioned above.(DDCBD)20. The Acropolis of Athens, a City on Hills雅典的卫城山颠之城卫城是雅典以及希腊的一颗明珠,是雅典民主的象征。卫城海拔156米,从雅典市的任何地方都可以看到。卫城的山顶荟萃着古希腊文明最杰出的作品,卫城也因为这些博物馆而闻名世界。其中最为人所熟知的是帕特农神庙(又称雅典娜神庙)、卫城入口等等。还有卫城博物馆,这里收藏着卫城原有的各种雕塑以及其它的文物。卫城设有蓝白相间的希腊国旗,从这里可以俯瞰整个雅典城。The ancient Greeks used to build parts of their cities on hills. Hills were easy to defend against the enemy. The Greeks called this kind of hill city an acropolis. The name means "high city" in Greek. The most famous acropolis is in Athens.If you were standing today on the Acropolis of Athens, you could see the modern city below and the blue Mediterranean not far away. On the Acropolis itself you could see the ruins of some of the most beautiful buildings in the world.At first the Greeks built the Acropolis for the defence of their cities. But gradually they began to use it for religious uses. On the Acropolis they began to build temples to their gods and goddesses. On the temples and in the temples can be found some of the finest sculptures and carvings of all time. There were temples on the Acropolis before 500 B. C., but many of them were destroyed in wars. Most of the remaining temples were built during the Golden Age of Athens, about 450 B. C.The most impressive building on the Acropolis is the Parthenon. The Parthenon is a temple of white marble. Its beautiful pillars support a heavy marble roof. Inside, there once was a great gold statue of Athena, the goddess of wisdom. Wisdom was very important to the Greeks of ancient Athens. (Athena: In Greek mythology, the goddess of wisdom, the practical arts, and warfare.)during the Golden Age. (Pericles: Athenian leader known for advancing democracy in Athens and for ordering the construction of the Parthenon.)Comprehension Questions:1. Standing on the Acropolis of Athens, you could see _A. the modern city of Athens below you. B. the beautiful sea nearby. C. the ruins of some of the most beautiful buildings around you.D. all the above answers.2. The Greeks originally built the Acropolis for _A. the safety of their cities. B. religious uses.C. building temples to their gods and goddesses. D. showing their finest sculptures and carvings3. Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage? _A. What impresses people most on the Acropolis is the Parthenon.B. The ancient Greeks believed in Athena, the goddess of wisdom.C. The Golden Age of Athens covers a history of about 2, 450 years.D. The Parthenon temple is made of white marble.