庆六一大会主持词_教师节庆祝大会主持词Good afternoon,dear students,ladies and gentlemen.各位来宾,老师,同学们:下午好! We dream and work ,Here es the 18th Teachers Day.有奋斗的日子总是充满光荣与梦想,团结进取的一中人、又迎来了自己的第18个节日。Now,We are happily gathering here to celepate it together.We are celepating the glorious past;we are looking forward to the pighter future.今天,我们在此隆重聚会,共同庆祝走过的辉煌,并展望属于一中人的更加光辉灿烂的未来.Lets sing and dance, to e_press our happiness and e_citebest wishes to all.和着收获的金风,让我们起舞、歌唱、群情激扬!庆祝大会第一项:学生献词。Good afternoon,dear students,ladies and gentlemen.Here es the 18th Teachers Day.We are celepating it together.We are celepating the glorious past;we are looking forward the pighter future.Lets sing and dance,giving our best wishes to all the respectable teachers.下面请欣赏教师百人大合唱:油田一中校歌、四渡赤水出奇兵。合唱完拉幕好大一棵树直接上。Lets enjoy a wonderful chorus given by 100 teachers.正如歌中所唱,老师这好大一棵树,为我们的成长撑起蓝天,泼洒阳光。下面请欣赏舞蹈大地飞歌。Just as the song goes,teachers are like big trees,giving us shade,taking care of all of us.Ne_t,a beautiful dance.Lets enjoy!大会第二项:优秀学生表彰桃李不言,下自成蹊。继去年7位同学入主清华、北大,今年高考又有9人带着母校的祝福跨进北大、清华。让我们再度感受和聆听他们的喜悦,请看大屏幕。这九位同学已经陆续入学,但我们有幸邀请到他们的家长,下面,掌声有请。请允许我隆重介绍他们:李信的家长,刘睿瑞的家长、潘麒合的家长,荣飞的家长,张坤的家长,魏庆的家长、王川的家长、刘景建的家长,赵宇的家长。 感谢爸爸妈妈们为油田养育了优秀的儿女,请 颁奖。请家长代表讲话家长退下,踏歌起舞直接上This year 9 students have entered first-class universities,Qinghua University and Beijing University.Now lets see the screen to feel and share their enjoyment again.These students have been in their new shools,but we have the great honor to invite their parents here.刚才大家欣赏的是舞蹈踏歌起舞,下面请欣赏古筝双奏战台风。After a beautiful dance,lets enjoy wonderful music played by Chinese zither.大会第三项:优秀教师表彰1在一中一年的发展中,又涌现出了一批作出突出贡献的优秀教师。现在请他们上台领奖。少先队员献花。Thanks to the teachers hard work,we harvest;we succeed.Here are many e_cellent teachers.They have made great contributions;they deserve the rewards.省特级教师于东威;管理局师德十佳先进个人李永年;管理局优秀教师(6人):李志刚、韩庆利、王亚秋、高玉英、薛汝清、武增平;管理局优秀班主任(5人):刘昌明、高兴连、王海红、张翠钗、王连珍,管理局优秀教育工作者(2人)尹风文、李再武。领导为获局级以上称号的老师颁发证书。受奖老师退下。2下面为考入清华、北大学生的班主任老师颁奖。Now lets award prize to e_cellent headteachers.李信的班主任高兴连、刘睿瑞的班主任李继深、潘麒的班主任曹沛龙、荣飞的班主任李永年、张坤的班主任于东威、魏庆和王川的班主任孙廷德、刘景建和赵宇的班主任王廷雄。请今年理科状元荣飞的班主任李永年代表老师们讲话。As we all know,Rong Fei won the first prize of Science this year.We have invited his headteacher Mr.Li to make a speech here.局领导颁奖(支票)。3大会第四项:让我们以热烈的掌声有请管理局宋局长讲话。感谢宋局长。Now,Mr.Song will give a talk.Warm hands.4一所好的学校离不开一支好的教师队伍,一支好的教师队伍更得益于新生力量的虎虎生气。大会第五项:新教师宣誓。领誓人:林德馥。Qualified teachers are very important for a famous school.Young teachers ,of course ,play an active part in them.Now,lets invite new teachers to swear.天鹅湖直接上,不报幕.5大会最后一项-请油田一中校长、党委书记毛有富同志讲话.感谢毛校长。At last,our great principal,Mr.Mao will make a speech.Wel!<走进新时代直接上.(歌曲第二段声音渐小 起)让我们乘着胜利的东风,永往直前,进取不息。让我们豪言相约:明年的一中更辉煌!油田一中第18个庆祝大会到此结束!Well go straight ahead,from one victory to another.We promise No.One Middle school will be more prosperous ne_t year!Thats all for the great celepation!Thank you!第 4 页 共 4 页