杰出初中英语作文范文6篇2020 初中生一提到英语写作,就有不少同学感到困恼,要么无从下笔,要么乱写一番,什么结构思路都很不清晰,内容选择也脱离主题。所以导致最终结果就是写作的总体得分。下文是小编为你精心编辑整理的杰出初中英语作文范文6篇,希望对你有所帮助,更多内容,请点击相关栏目查看,谢谢! 杰出初中英语作文范文1 Last week, I was so happy, because our class planned to have the activity.All of us felt so excited, we decided to have the picnic on the park. We playedsome games, the ones who lost the game were punished in some interesting ways.When I got punished, I was asked to ask the stranger to give the cell phonenumber. I felt so awkward, but I conquered my fear and finished the task. Welaughed so happily, we had done so many things that we dared not to do before.We took many pictures and recorded the unforgettable moment. I wish we can havemore class activities, it is a good time to promote the communication. 杰出初中英语作文范文2 English is very important today, we have English classes in school everyday. How do I study English? In the morning before I go to school, I will listento the English text recording, follow the recording to read the text. And beforethe class in the school, we will have an English words dictation. After school Iwill do some English homework. In the evening, before I go to bed, I will listento the English channel on the radio to improve my listening. I also have someforeign net friends, we can talk in English on line so I can practice myspeaking. These are how I study English. 杰出初中英语作文范文3 After ten years, I will be an English teacher of my middle school, be thepeople I respect the most. I will give my students very lively English classes,tell them study English can be fun. I wont leave my students much homework sothey can have time to play. I will invite them to the English corner, have atalk with foreign friends, so they can speak English, not just read the English.My students will like me, not hide away from me. My student and I can befriends. From now on, I have to work hard to be the perfect English teacher. 杰出初中英语作文范文4 I used to like junk foods very much, but my mother doesnt want me to eatthem. Sometimes I would go to eat them secretly. I liked to eat the fries withketchup most, I could eat a lot at one time. Once I went to KFC again, I orderedtwo large fries and a large iced coke. After finishing the meal, I felt ill inmy stomach and throat. I was too afraid to tell my mother. In the evening Ithrew up and felt hot all over my body. My mother came to check me and found outI got a fever. She took me to the hospital immediately. Since then, I nevertouch the junk food again. The junk food is bad for health, we shouldnt eat 杰出初中英语作文范文5 I will become a high school student this September. I am a little bitnervous about it. I have to do well in the high school entrance exam to enter agood high school. I will go to a different school, make new friends. Most ofall, I heard that there are much more courses in high school, I will be verybusy in studying. I have been visiting a high school, there were many text booksand papers on the desks in the class room. But I also saw the students in thehigh school were very active to join the extracurricular activities afterschool. They had football and basketball matches, singing conferences, paintingand calligraphy exhibitions and so on. So I am looking forward to be a highschool student. 杰出初中英语作文范文6 Many of my classmates have a computer, I have one too. My father bought itfor me as a present when my first year in middle school. He said I can studyEnglish with computer. Most of the time, I use computer to search studymaterials on the internet. I also have some foreign friends on the internet, wecan talk in English. Sometimes I play video game with computer after I finish myhomework. My computer helps me a lot, it is a good friend to me. 杰出初中英语作文范文6篇