英文版个人简历范本英文版个人简历范本你是否还缺一份高大上的英文简历?下面是WTT为你整理的关于英文个人简历范本的内容,快来阅读参考吧,希望对你们有帮助。英文版个人简历范本Character, cheerful, confident, friendly, has a good personal image.Optimistic, progressive, proactive approach is my life and work and study attitude to life.Faced with difficulties, I believe that, grasp the opportunity to use their own warm and sincere friends to get to know.A high degree of professionalism and strong sense of responsibility so that I can face all the difficulties and challenges.He is a lively boy, small eyes, laughing and has only a crack. His favorite season is beautiful, winter, because, at this time, he can and partners enjoy the snowball fights, play. He is good at sports, swimming and playing badminton is his favorite sport. He is a good boy, I love animals, love life. His humorous, like naughty little joke, since it is everybody happy. Although he is very naughty, but this does not affect his studies, and excellent he, the thought is agile, strong language organizational ability. < < > > spring was his most favorite book.But nobody is perfect, he also there still exist some disadvantages, too careless careless, and not condescension has bee his successful reason, however, the moneybag sure he correct these disadvantages, let oneself more perfect, more outstanding!An Assistant Manager is an employee of an organization with manager"s authority. Exles of this position can be found in retail and other service businesses where the need to have more than one member of daily operations management is important.Assistant managers outrank the position of a supervisor and team leader, but typically report to a deputy or general manager.citation neededAssistant managers, as the name implies, are positions whereby he or she supports the manager in the day-to-day running of a specific department, office or store. Specific responsibilities vary; however, in larger organizations assistant managers may lead a team of staff. In smaller organizations, assistant managers may have greater responsibility, focusing their time on directing the work of subordinates. They may also be responsible for ensuring that health and safety policies are adhered to.Assistant managers are typically given management authority to make key decisions quickly, are heavily involved in training of other staff, and perform paperwork duties.In busy organizations, a general manager may be fully occupied with many tasks too time-consuming to fulfil his or her role effectively and efficiently. It is mon for a manager to delegate such tasks to one or more assistant managers. It is because of this that an assistant manager role is ideal for the individual to gain hands-on management experience. With enough experience, it is typical for the employee to be promoted into a full management role.In catering and hospitality trades where experience is essential, assistant managers are usually promoted from supervisor positions that have developed strong supervisory skills and are showing clear leadership ability. Many organizations are keen to develop and promote staff from within to reduce costs such as recruitment fees. Assistant managers are trained in the knowledge on how to perform the functions of a full manager and can be a vital asset in supporting the overall management of a specific department or organization.分享:如何撰写自己的英文简历?个人资料1.名称无论是教育背景、工作经历,还是个人资料,既可以首字母大写,也可以全部字母大写,还可以全部字母小写。哈佛商学院的标准格式是全部字母小写,这在主流商业社会中已沿用多年。另外,名称可以写在最左侧,也可居中。2.语言有几个层次。Native speaker of指母语;从严谨的角度讲,Fluent in显得更流利;English as working language显得不非常流利,但可信度更高; Some knowledge of 会一些,没有把握的千万别写。在面试中,语言是最轻松的、最容易被测试的,一旦被考倒,他会认为你在撒谎,甚至认为通篇都有很多撒谎的地方。外企公司不会雇用撒谎或有撒谎嫌疑的人。3.电脑中国人最爱用"熟悉"(familiar)。无论中文还是英文简历,"熟悉"是一个很弱的字眼,说明你不熟练,不常用。如果几个软件,有的熟练,有的熟悉,建议只写软件名。完全没把握的,一点儿不熟悉的,千万不要写。不要以为没有电脑,就不会考你,他也会考你一两个关键用法。如果真的用的很多,不妨用"Frequent user of".4.资格证书最需要注意的是,有些人将注册会计师笼统地翻译成CPA,但全世界各国都有自己的CPA,有些是互不承认的,所以一定要写上国别,写明考取年份。有一些业余爱好,能显示出一定素养的内容,也可以写上,如钢琴考级。TOEFL、GRE和GMAT,应不应该写?应该写哪一个?我们建议都不写。因为一般外企公司不愿意雇用很快就要出国的人。5.爱好与特长1) 写强项。弱的一定不要写,面试人员不定对哪个项目感兴趣,有时会跟你聊两句,尤其是接连几个、十几个面试之后,有些招聘人员爱聊一些轻松的话题,一旦是你的弱项,绝大部分人会很尴尬的,显出窘态,丧失自信,这对你是很不利的。更重要的是,他会觉得你在撒谎。2) 要写也只写两到三项。因为极少有人在很多方面都很强,一般人不相信个人的强项有特别多,所以你也没必要写那么多,以免给人轻浮的感觉。3) 不具体的爱好不写,如sports、music、reading.大家不知道你喜好什么,或者让大家觉得你根本就没有真正的爱好,更糟糕的是,人们会认为你的写作水平很差。4) 举几个用词。如travel,如果你喜欢旅行,而有些工作需要经常出差,那么你写上travel是非常有利的;有些女性写上cooking,是很实事求是的,也给人以踏实的感觉,对于像秘书这样的职位,总是有好处的。教育背景1.时间要倒序:最近的学历要放在最前面。2.学校名要大写并加粗:这样便于招聘者迅速识别您的学历。3.地名右对齐,全部大写并加粗。地名后一定写中国。例如,海口(Haikou)的拼写与日本北海道(Hokaido)的拼写很相近。读简历的有可能是外国人,不知道的会搞不清楚是哪个国家。可能你出过国,这是件好事,但如果去的地方并不太出名,没加国名,大家也意识不到,白出了总之是造成了一些不方便,效率不高。我们应该一切从最周全,最完善的角度出发。但有一点要指出的是,哈佛商学院的简历中,美国的州名后就没写国名,这是因为美国州名已在全世界广泛流传,为人们所共识了。4.学历:如果正在学习,用Candidate for开头比较严谨;如果已经毕业,可以把学历名称放在最前,具体见样本。5.社会工作担任班干部,只写职务就可以了;参加过社团协会,写明职务和社团名,如果什么职务都没有,写"member of club(s)".社团协会,国外一般都用club.不必写年月和工作详情,有些可留待工作经历中写。6. 教育背景英文写作(Educational Background)包括:学历(educational history )、教育程度(educational background)、知识背景(knowledge background )、所学课程(courses taken)、专业课程(specialized courses)、进修课程(refresher course)、脱产培训(off-job training)计算机能力(puter skills)等,及掌握情况。Education 学历educational background 教育程度、教育背景educational history 学历一些学生简历的技巧: 教育背景中写相关课程。但千万不要为了拼凑篇幅,把所有的课程一股脑儿地都写上,如体育等。这样不很有效,别人也没耐心看。 奖学金一项一行。许多学生每年都有奖学金,这样一来,也可写出三四行,甚至更多。 拉长句子。每个句子都可加入一些词拉长一些。其实拉长并不难,难的是缩短。 自然地多换行,多写点句。 加大字号。可将10号,小五改成12号,小四。 社会工作细节放在工作经历中。这样会填补工作经验少的缺陷,例如,你在做团支书、学生会主席等社会工作时组织过什么活动,联系过什么事,参与过什么都可以一一罗列。如果只做过一件事,那就应该尽量把它掰开了写,如领导过多少人,完成了什么事,起到了什么作用。这样一来,起码就有了三行。如果做了更多的事,一件一行就可以了。行文简洁的原则还是要遵守的。 暑期工作。作为大学生,雇主通常并不指望你在暑期工作期间会有什么惊天动地的成就,当然如果你有就更好了。不过即使实在没有,就算是在父母的单位呆过几天,也不妨写上。这样也算是显得接触过社会,了解了些行业,做过了些工作。但你一定要能说上几句才写在简历上。否则将来面试时,你恐怕会被问得张口结舌,显得很尴尬。 中学情况。一般都不写,写的话也不要写太多。有的人中学经历特辉煌,做过学生会主席、当过团支部书记,学习成绩也名列前茅。其实中学成绩如何如何好是最没有参照性的,除非是北京四中、南师附中这样的全国知名学校,否则作用不大,因为最重要的还是你当前的情况。当然,如果你在中学时得过国际奥林匹克比赛大奖或全国性的大奖,不妨提上一笔。第 10 页 共 10 页