2022年2022年互联网时代“智慧教育”发展方向 .pdf
一、关于“智慧教育”智慧教育是信息化和教育融合发展的高级阶段,旨在综合使用新一代信息技术提升现有教育系统的智慧化水平,实现信息技术和教育主流业务的深度融合(包括不限于智慧教学、智慧管理、智慧评价、智慧科研和智慧服务),缓解教育资源分配不均的问题,促进教育模式的创新,营造以学习者为中心的教育氛围,培养现代的智慧型人才。智慧教育代表了未来教育的发展和改革方向,已成为当今世界上多个国家和地区未来教育发展的重大战略。刘延东副总理在国际教育信息化大会上致辞,要求各地教育主管部门更加重视教育信息化在突破时空限制、促进教育公平方面作用和地位,加强信息技术和教育教学深度融合,促进优质数字教育资源开发和共建共享。二、 “智慧教育”的建设目标智慧教育的最终目标,不外乎是使教育的效能得到充分的发挥,实现老师教、 学生学的效率最大化。 具体来说可以理解为促进信息技术和学科内容、学生学习、 学校管理和教学能力的融合,即做到“四融合”:教学内容融合: 通过现代信息技术手段,改变传统单一的以文本表示知识的形式,结合各个学科的特点,借鉴当前比较流行的翻转式课堂、微课程、MOOC 等在线学习模式,建设一套和学科内容紧密融合的教学课件和案例。学生学习融合:学生利用信息技术手段,改变传统的“教师为主体,学生为客体”的被动接受的学习方式,实现教学资源配置、教学过程优化和学习效果评价等以学生为中心,真正实现学生的个性化、自主化、协作式的学习。教学能力融合: 教师通过调用全市、全国的优质教育资源,利用最新教育技术服务于教学活动的全过程, 提高教师运用信息技术的理念、能力和水平, 推进大数据采集和分析运用,推动教师备课、教学、辅导、评价和管理方式的变革。学校管理融合:建设和完善市、区、校三级教育教学信息管理平台,对学校办学、教师教学、 学生学习进行统筹管理,以提高学校的管理水平和运作效率,实现信息技术和学校管理的融合,为学生培养、学校管理提供全面支撑,实现教育教学管理现代化。三、 “智慧教育”的建设内容(一)教育云平台云计算是一种新型的计算模式,它把信息资源(服务器、存储器、宽带)、数据、使用作为服务通过网络提供给用户,把大量的计算资源组成资源池,为用户动态创建高度虚拟化的资源。 一些学校的信息化建设过程中,正筹划建设独立的信息中心、建设教育信息资源和开发各类使用等,以中等规模城市为例,一个城市中小学近100 所,按照每个学校投资20万元(按照最低限度)建设信息中心计算,累计投资将超过2000 万元。然而,中小学信息名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - 化基础设施、 数据资源以及使用软件具有高度的相似性,虽有个别差异, 但利用共享平台可以方便进行使用的个性化定义,以满足各校需要。 可见,建立教育云平台具有积极的经济效益和社会需求。(二)智能课堂平台智能课堂平台包括两方面的内容:传统教学课堂的智能化和网上虚拟课堂(或称网上学习社区)。对传统教学课堂和以电子白板为工具的教学课堂进行全面改造,实现现有课堂和信息化技术的紧密融合,充分利用网络信息资源,在教学内容、展示方式、互动方式进行全面改革,实现以学生为主体、个性化教学的新的教学模式。(三)电子书包电子书包,以电子课本为核心,集成自助式学习管理、自助测试管理、师生互动管理、学生定位管理、 紧急求助管理、 学生家长互动管理等多项功能,是改变学生目前带课本上学、盲目购买参考书、 抄写课堂作业、 完成家庭作业等方式的重要设备。该平台以教育云为基础,以智能终端(计算机、移动终端等)为学习手段,让学生充分利用网络、计算机和教育资源进行课后学习、作业等工作。(四)教师智能工作平台整合白板系统、学校管理系统、电子书包、虚拟课堂等,为教师提供一个集成教学、管理、自我提高的平台。该平台是一个智能备课、学习、工作平台,构成中小学教师的智能环境,能同学校数字校园系统、白板系统、教学资源库进行无缝连接,制作课件,调用全市、区、学校的课件、案例等相关资料,也可以调用学校对教学情况的评价,调用所在班级学生学习情况, 为教师有针对性的备课提供支撑。也可进行试卷评阅、和学生、领导、家长互动。(五)网上学习社区(个人终生学习平台)建立网上学习社区,让学生之间、学生和教师之间、社会个人之间按需组成学习社区,而网络学习社区管理者提供广泛的学习资料、课件、参考文献供社区共享(分有偿和无偿两类) ,社区管理者和教育管理部门对网络学习社区实施共同监督和管理。网上学习社区集成智能课堂平台、学生智能学习平台、教师智能工作平台,增加个人终生学习管理相关功能,加入学习网上社区申请、建立个人终生学习档案,定制学习计划,接受终生学习管理系统的推送服务等功能。(六)校园智能综合管理平台在校园数字安全管理的基础之上,增加学生轨迹跟踪管理,学生一卡通管理,支持学生活动家长调看, 教师工作业绩数据挖掘,学生学习效果综合评价、学生行为综合评价等功能。并实现和智慧城市的相关系统互联互通,如同人口数据管理系统、个人电子病历管理、社会保障系统、就业管理系统等数据共享。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - 四、建设要点(一)物联网建设智能化教学智慧教育环境的构建在智慧教育中尤为关键。即利用物联网、 云技术建立新的课堂环境,对传统课堂和虚拟实验进行拓展,如利用智能标签识别需要学习的对象,可根据学生的学习行为记录、 调整学习内容。建立泛在学习环境,在空间上和交互环节上,通过实地考察和实践,增强学生的体验。如上地理课,可以利用空间信息平台,进入相应的地理环境,让学生们有身临其境的感觉。(二)三网融合全面整合教育资源三网融合进入校园,整合校园内现有的教育信息资源,开拓新的用途是智慧教育第二个关键。 充分利用已有的网络资源,在原有的视频网基础上采用数字技术改造,使其适应于IP网络。 通过改造电视网络或终端,和电信网、互联网重新组成一个新的系统。新网络可以承载更多的业务、实现更多的功能,充分利用电视、广播、网上资源,通过各种方式得到最前沿的知识、技术,为学生、终身学习者提供多种便利的学习环境。(三)无线网络和3G/4G 技术创造普适学习模式利用市政府即将建设完成的覆盖全城无线网,建立普适学习环境。普适学习环境是指在任何时间、 任何地点、 任何设备提供给学习者持续而合适的学习资讯。普适学习的主要特征是永久性,易于获取,即时性,交互性,教学活动真实性,适应性,协作性。普适学习环境是多维度的,能提供视、听、读,以及紧密结合,让学习者对知识有全面深刻的理解,超脱传统的学习情境,给予更广阔深远的思考,在知识的广阔性、系统性、 及时获得性等方面提供全面支撑,从而培养学习者的创新能力。无线网络和3G/4G 技术实现校园的全覆盖,实现无时不在、无处不在的学习、讨论、研究,一种新的学校模式、新的课堂模式,新的师生关系将呈现在各个校园。(四)教育云构建新的办学模式建立全市统一的教育云平台,把拟建的学校信息中心、计算机设备集中起来,实现教育资源(数据库、教育支撑平台、使用软件、智能终端管理系统等)的全面整合,将全面改变教育管理、教学方式,将充分整合、合理的使用我市的优质教育资源,建立教育的均衡性,解决择校难等相关问题,可全面提高我市的义务教育水平,建立全市统一的终身教育平台,全市统一的读书平台,为营造全民读书的氛围提供支撑。总之, 智慧教育是一个宏大的系统工程,它引领了全国教育信息化的发展方向,是实现教育质量提升和教育教学管理现代化的必经之路。One, on the wisdom of education Wisdom education is education informationization and integration of the development of the advanced stage, comprehensive application of the new generation of information technology designed to enhance the level of intelligence of the existing education system, realize the depth 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - of the information technology and the educational mainstream business fusion (including, but not limited to teaching wisdom, intelligence management, evaluate wisdom, wisdom, scientific research and intelligence service), alleviate the problem of uneven distribution of educational resources, to promote the innovation of education mode, and create a with learners as the center of education atmosphere, modern intelligent talent training. Wisdom education represents the development and reform of education in the future. It has become a major strategy for the future education in many countries and regions in the world. Liu Yandong, Vice Prime Minister in the International Conference on education informatization speech, asked the local education authorities pay more attention to education informationization in breaking through the limitations of time and space, and promote education equity role and status, to strengthen the integration of information technology and teaching depth, promote the sharing of high-quality digital educational resources development and build. Two, wisdom of the construction of the target Wisdom of the ultimate goal of education, nothing more than is to enable the effectiveness of education to be fully played, the realization of the teacher to teach students to learn the maximum efficiency. Specifically, it can be understood to promote the integration of information technology and discipline content, student learning, school management and teaching ability, that is, to achieve the four fusion: Teaching content integration: by means of modern information technology, change in text knowledge representation in the form of the traditional single, combined with the characteristics of various disciplines, from the current more popular tilting classroom, micro courses, MOOC and other online learning mode, building a set of contents of the discipline and tight integration of teaching courseware and case. Students learning fusion: students by means of information technology, change the traditional teachers as the main body, the student is the object passive acceptance of learning, realize the allocation of teaching resources, teaching process optimization and evaluation of learning with students as the center, real carry out the students character, independent and cooperative learning. Teaching ability of fusion: teachers by calling the city, the high quality education resources, using the latest educational technology to service the whole process of teaching activities, improve teachers use information technology concept, ability and level, promote large data acquisition and analysis use to promote teacher preparation, teaching, counseling, assessment and management of change. Fusion school management: Construction and perfect municipal, District, school and tertiary education teaching information management platform, of school, the teacher teaching, student 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - learning overall management, in order to improve school management level and the operation efficiency and realize the integration of information technology and the school management, training, school management to provide comprehensive support for students, to realize the modernization of education and teaching. Three, wisdom education construction content (a) education cloud platform Cloud computing is a new computing model, it information resources (servers, storage and broadband), data, application as a service through the network provides to the user, form a large amount of computing resources pool of resources, to create a highly virtualized resources as a dynamic user. In the process of informationization of some schools, is planning to construction information center, the construction of the educational information resources and developing all kinds of application, to medium-sized cities, for example, primary and secondary schools in a city close to 100, according to each school investment 20 million yuan (according to a minimum) construction information center calculation. The total investment will be more than 20 million yuan. However, www.all- primary and secondary school information technology infrastructure, data resources and application software is highly similar, although there are individual differences, but the use of sharing platform can facilitate the application of personalized definition, in order to meet the needs of schools. Visible, the establishment of education cloud platform has positive economic and social needs. (two) intelligent classroom platform Intelligent classroom platform includes two aspects: the traditional classroom teaching and online virtual classroom (or online learning community). Of traditional classroom teaching and to the whiteboard tools of the classroom teaching of comprehensive transformation, to achieve the close integration of existing classroom and information technology, to make full use of network information resources in teaching content, display mode, interactive ways to conduct a comprehensive reform, the realization of to students as the main body, personalized teaching of the new teaching mode. (three) E-Book Package Book bag, multiple functions of electronic textbooks as the core, integrated self-service learning management, self examination management, management of teacher-student interaction, student orientation management, emergency management, the parents of the students interactive management, change the student with the school textbooks, blindly buy reference books, copy homework, homework and so on the important equipment. The platform is based on education cloud, with intelligent terminals (computers, mobile terminals, etc.) as a means of learning, so that students take full advantage of network, computer and educational 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - resources to carry out after-school study, work and other work. (four) teachers intelligence work platform Integrated whiteboard system, school management system, e-book package, virtual classroom, etc., to provide a platform for teachers to integrate teaching, management, self improvement. The platform is an intelligent planning, learning, working platform, intelligent environment of primary and secondary school teachers to form, with the school system of digital campus, whiteboard system, teaching resource library of seamless connectivity, making courseware, call the city, District, and school courseware, case and other relevant information, also can call school of teaching evaluation, call where students learn. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - -