该文本为Word版,下载可编辑困难非吾畏英语作文 生于世界上,存于宇宙间,我没有叱咤风云的雄伟气魄,没有武帝扬鞭东指的九死不悔,更没有司马迁成一家之言的宏功伟业,但我渴望陶渊明的怡然自得,渴望能有自己的一片天。 Born in the world and existing in the universe, I don't have the majestic spirit of dominating the world. I don't have the nine dead and unrepentant deeds of Emperor Wu, or the great achievements of Sima Qian's family. But I'm eager for Tao Yuanming's contentment and a day of my own. 或许,我就像那个摔了跤的小孩,此时正经历炉火的冶炼,家庭,学校,社会的期盼,让我手足失措。虽然摔了一跤,然而我能够再重新爬起,我从来没有怀疑过我的这种能力。 Maybe, I am like the child who fell down. At this time, I am experiencing the smelting of the fire, the expectation of family, school and society, which makes me feel at a loss. Although I fell, I was able to get up again. I never doubted my ability. 困难非吾畏。我愿自己走下去,摔到了又怎样,失败了又何妨。我只想有一双自由翱翔的翅膀。请让我自己爬起。因为我坚信,一花凋零荒芜不了整个春天;一星陨落,暗淡不了整个宇宙,一次失败,影响不了我对明天的渴望。 Difficulties are not my fears. I wish I could walk on my own, what if I fell and what if I failed. I just want to have a pair of free flying wings. Please let me get up on my own. Because I firmly believe that a flower can't wither and desolate the whole spring; a star falling can't darken the whole universe, a failure can't affect my desire for tomorrow. 困难非吾畏。站在历史的门槛上,捡拾一枚枚成功的贝壳,上面写满了挫折,没有人的一生是一帆风顺的,本为夏阳子,少小越龙门,文采灿华星,铁笔铸英魂。腐刑焉能动,浩志岂自沦,不负男儿志,千秋太史君。成就了“史家之绝唱、无韵之离骚”的他在监狱里过着非人的生活,遭受了人甚耻之的宫刑,然而挫折压不倒他,他不是从挫折中爬起来了吗? Difficulties are not my fears. Standing on the threshold of history, I picked up a successful shell. It was full of setbacks. No one's life was smooth. It was originally Xia Yangzi, who crossed the dragon's gate little by little. He was brilliant in culture and cast the soul of a hero with an iron pen. How can corruption and punishment move? How can great ambition degenerate? It will never fail to live up to the aspirations of men and children. It will be a historical monarch for a long time. Having achieved “the best of historians and the rhymeless Lisao", he lived a non-human life in prison and suffered a very shameful sentence. However, setbacks could not crush him. Didn”t he get up from the setbacks? 仲尼厄而作春秋,孙子膑脚兵法修列;不韦迁蜀世传吕览。这些伟人达士都是在历经磨难之后才获得成功的,在挫折之后,帝王将相能成盖世伟业;在困难之后,我要擎起明日之朝阳,以经为径,以陌为纬,寻找我向往的桃花源。 Zhongnier wrote the spring and Autumn Annals, and his grandson bin Jiao wrote the art of war. Bu Wei moved to Shu and passed it on to Lu Lan. These great talents are successful only after suffering. After setbacks, the emperor will be able to achieve great achievements. After difficulties, I will hold up the rising sun of tomorrow, take the classics as the path and the strangers as the latitude, and look for the peach garden I yearn for. 我并不畏惧困难,但我极易迷失方向。太多的.关心,让我寝食难安,生怕再次走错的路,太多的爱也会使我娇生惯养。我不惧怕困难,我渴望战胜困难的勇气和信心。 I am not afraid of difficulties, but I am easily disoriented. Too much care makes me sleep and eat uneasily, for fear of going the wrong way again, and too much love will make me spoiled. I am not afraid of difficulties. I am eager for the courage and confidence to overe them. 在这竞争日益激烈,越来越纸醉金迷的世界里,没有自己爬起的能力就无法长久立足。我热切的希望获得这种能力。 In this increasingly fierce petition, more and more infatuated with the world, without their ability to climb up can not be long-term foothold. I am eager to acquire this ability. 不要用言语打击我的自信,我用激扬的热血再获重生,也不要用手助我一臂之力,我会勇敢的自己站起。不是所有的压力都会有好的收获,必要时,请给我自由的空间。我要感谢所有的关心和爱,但我更加地呼唤属于我的空间。给我自己爬起的机会吧!不是所有的完美都成就人,也并非所有的遗憾都一事无存。困难我不怕,请让我自己站起。 Don't beat my self-confidence with words. I will be reborn with my passionate blood. Don't help me with my hand. I will stand up bravely. Not all the pressure will have a good harvest, if necessary, please give me free space. I would like to thank all the care and love, but I call more for my space. Give me a chance to get up! Not all perfection makes a man, and not all regrets are nonexistent. I'm not afraid of difficulties. Please let me stand up.第 8 页 共 8 页