2022年2022年金融危机下的中国汽车冲压件行业 .pdf
盖世汽车社区http:/ 全球金融危机下的中国汽车冲压件行业近年来, 中国汽车冲压件行业进入快速发展期,主要是在国内整车制造产业高速发展的大背景下,海外资本加速布局,本土民营企业日益壮大等带动了产业快速发展。根据统计,中国目前冲压件企业数量将近4 万多家, 拥有 140 万从业人员, 汽车冲压件的销售额占到冲压行业总销售额的三分之二以上。一、中国冲压件行业发展现状从企业技术水平上看,外资或中外合资企业生产设备、技术以进口为主,各别型号的钢材仍需从日韩等国家进口,它们的产品主要针对中外合资整车企业配套。国内规模较大的汽车冲压件厂主要是原来国有整车厂附属企业转制发展而来,主要为原来企业配套。近年来民营冲压件厂数量不断增加,但是企业规模较小,制造设备相对落后,产品精度低,质量稳定性差,产品价格竞争力强。中国冲压行业地理分布非常散,大多国有性质的汽车冲压企业还未从主机厂分离出来。从产业分布上看, 几乎每一个整车生产厂周围都集聚着好几家冲压件厂,这些企业原则上只为这一个整车厂提供配套服务。根据车型不同, 汽车大概有10002000 个冲压件, 除了大型覆盖件外,还包括车门、侧围、盖板、底架、地板等。目前国内的一家整车企业一般对应67 家冲压件厂,这还不算后面的三四级配套商。由于其产品特性所致。从地理分布上看,以长江三角洲、 珠江三角洲地区为代表的民营冲压件生产企业发展迅速,成为带动汽车冲压件产品出口的重要区域。近年来, 依托国内整车制汽车市场飞速发展势头,中国汽车冲压件行业产量呈现出快速增长之势,呈现出25-30%的增长势头,不过由于原材料价格上涨,增幅略有下滑,至2007年增速回落至20%。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 4 页 - - - - - - - - - 盖世汽车社区http:/ 中国汽车冲压件产量年度统计(单位:万吨)Annual Production volume of auto stamping parts (Unit: 10 thousand ton) 0501001502002503002002200320042006汽车冲压件产量 Production volume of auto stamping parts二、步入国际化采购时代的中国冲压件行业这几年, 以国内民营冲压件企业为代表的中国本土厂商在专业化程度方面提高得很快,产品规格比较齐全,汽车所用的小型冲压件差不多都能提供,而且人工、设备成本比较低,从而使产品拥有较好的性价比(中国国内冲压件的成本大约比国外便宜1/3 左右) ,国际竞争力强,再加上有相当多的国内企业都取得了包括ISO9000、QS9000、VDA6.1 等国际质量体系的认证。德国及美国的一些整车厂已经将众多中国冲压件厂的产品纳入其全球采购链。从出口上看,自中国加入WTO 后,中国冲压件出口品种及金额不断增长,但由于近年来国际汽车市场萎缩,针对北美、欧洲等市场出口也呈波动之势。三、金融危机下的中国冲压件行业近年来, 由于铁矿石、 煤炭等基础原料价格不断上涨,下游整车企业不断将降价的压力传导到冲压件企业身上,行业毛利润率由正常的20%-30%降到 11%,一些实力较弱的中小企业开始减产或关闭。2008 年 9 月后全面爆发的全球金融危机更是加剧了中国冲压件行业调整的步伐,出口市场萎缩加剧,国内主机厂纷纷制订减产计划,使得冲压件企业出口、内销双双受阻,中国冲压件行业的严冬已经降临。综合来看,以江浙等地区为代表的出口导向的民营冲压件企业在此次金融危机中损失较大,截止 2009 年 1 月 20 日,个别出口企业订单下滑70%,一些企业自2009 年开始已经无法拿到新的出口订单, 处于停业或半停业状态。对于给合资主机厂供货的企业来说,在经历危机爆发时主机厂压产受到冲击后,随国内整车市场回暖呈现出业务上升势头。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 4 页 - - - - - - - - - 盖世汽车社区http:/ Chinese auto stamping parts industry: under the shadow of world financial Crisis In recent years, Chinese auto stamping parts industry has been growing in a rapid pace, which is promoted by the development of the national auto assembling industry, the entrance of foreign investments, and the maturity of local private enterprises. It is estimated that there exist nearly 40,000 firms and 1.4 million workers in the stamping parts industry. The auto stamping parts occupied over two thirds of the total stamping products sales amount. Market Trend Generally speaking, foreign enterprises and joint ventures of auto stamping parts have their equipment and technologies imported, or even some special-purpose steel imported from Japan, South Korea. Their main products aim at serving those OEMs of joint ventures. For those local bigger companies, they stem from the subsidiaries of domestic car plants, who are their traditional consumers. In recent years, the private stamping parts makers are increasing in number, but they are still small in scale, with equipment outdated, products lower-precision, quality unsteady, but price highly competitive. Chinese stamping parts industry is scattered geographically, and most state-owned firms have not separated from the OEMs. In general, there are 67 stamping parts producers geographically neighboring with one OEM and serving it, with Tier 3 or Tier 4 suppliers not included. Though it develops very fast, the industry is affected by the high price of raw materials, and the increase rate becomes lower. World sourcing era Currently, the private stamping parts producers have made big progress in product development and can provide nearly all the small products OEMs need. The big OEMs from the USA and Germany have put those products into their sourcing lists. Chinese stamping parts are one third lower in price than those in overseas market. Since more and more made-in-China stamping parts are globally sold, many enterprises have been approved with world quality certificates such as ISO9000, QS9000, VDA6.1. World financial crisis In recent years, the prices of raw materials such as ironstones, coals are increasing very 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 4 页 - - - - - - - - - 盖世汽车社区http:/ fast, and downstream price decreasing also adds pressure to the OEMs, which will reduce the gross profit of the stamping parts industry from 20% or 30% to 11%. For the global financial crisis that burst out in September 2008 heavily hurt the world auto market, the export market came to wither and many OEMs began to cut down their production. Those factors made the auto stamping parts industry depressed, and many small enterprises went bankrupt. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 4 页 - - - - - - - - -