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SAMSUNG010605BJ-kickoff2,CONFIDENTIAL,Mobile Handset Competitor Analysis: Nokia,SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CHINA (SEC China),August 20, 2001,This report is solely for the use of client personnel. No part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside the client organization without prior written approval from McKinsey it is not a complete record of the discussion.,SAMSUNG010605BJ-kickoff2,1,OVERVIEW OF COMPETITOR ANALYSIS FRAMEWORK,1. Background information,Location Registered capital Managementteam Equitystructure,Starting year Number of employees Era analysis,4. Value chain strategy,5. Organization and ownership,6. Financial performance,Focus on Marketing, advertising and promotion Distribution (channel and sales force),Organization structure Ownership structure,Sales Profit,2. Strategy,3. Product/market,Mission Vision Corporate strategy Market position,Key product offerings Key customers Value proposition Geographic focus Pricing,SAMSUNG010605BJ-kickoff2,2,KEY ISSUES TO PROBE - NOKIA,Strategy,Product/market,Value chain strategy,Organization HOWEVERIT HAS GROWN RAPIDLY TO BECOME A MARKET LEADER IN MOBILE COMMUNICATION,Background,Implication,Leader in mobile communication globally and in China Al though a relatively later-comer to China, has invested heavily in its Chinese business Focused product lines with Nokia network offering mobile, broadband and IP network infra-structure, and Nokia mobile offering mobile handsets,Source: Nokia Press Release,SAMSUNG010605BJ-kickoff2,5,STRATEGY,1. Background information,Location Registered capital Managementteam Equitystructure,Starting year Number of employees Era analysis,4. Value chain strategy,5. Organization and ownership,6. Financial performance,Focus on Marketing, advertising and promotion Distribution (channel and sales force),Organization structure Ownership structure,Sales Profit,2. Strategy,3. Product /market,Mission Vision Corporate strategy Market position,Key product offerings Key customers Value proposition Geographic focus Pricing,SAMSUNG010605BJ-kickoff2,6,NOKIA POSITIONS ITSELF AS A LEADING PRODUCT AND SYSTEM SUPPLIER IN THE FAST GROWING MOBILE COMMUNICATION INDUSTRY,Vision,To lead mobile communication through the integration of mobilitywith internet and the innovation of new service models,Strategy,Focuses on mobile communication products and aims to be a total solution provider in mobile communication Regularly introduces consumer-oriented products with emphasis on designs and functions,Builds strong local alliance through JVs with Chinese partners and R however Nokia is relatively weak in the fourth-tier cities,KEY MESSAGES - PRODUCT/MARKET,SAMSUNG010605BJ-kickoff2,12,MOBILE HANDSET IS NOKIAs BIGGEST PRODUCT OFFERING AND ITS ESSENTIAL PART OF TOTAL SOLUTIONS IN MOBILE COMMUNICATION,Nokia mobile handsets,Nokia product offerings,Nokia network,Products,Now and future,Nokia 3310 for young people Nokia 8210 for fashion chaser Nokia 6210 WAP for business professional Nokia 7110 WAP with full Chinese interface Nokia 9210 as personnel communicator Nokia 8310, 6310 for GPRS and WAP,Mobile network Broadband network IP network,Largest mobile handset supplier in the world with above average growth in sales and more than 30% global market share Views mobile handset as a digital convergence point for multimedia services Supports blue tooth between mobile handset and PC in Nokia 6310 for mobile professional Develop WCDMA handsets with DoCoMo Develops homenet products such as multimedia terminals in Nokia Zhongxin,Provides multimedia service network solutions for operators and ISP entering the mobile communication fields Nokia network covers many cities and areas in China including Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Taiwan etc. Aims to be a total solution provider for mobile communication,SAMSUNG010605BJ-kickoff2,13,NOKIA EMPHASIZES ON CONSUMER-ORIENTED DESIGNS AND FUNCTIONS,Fashion,Business,Basic,Fun,Changeable cover,Sub-100g,Voice-dial,Recording,Vibration,Tri-band,WAP,Built-in modem,IR-port,Chinese input,Li-Ion battery,SMS messaging,Games,Composable/ downloadable ringer tone,8210,6210,P7689,L2000,V998+,L2000WWW,Fashion,Classic,Price in China (RMB),2652,2878,2369,1800,1435*,1452,Equivalent features, Nokia more fun/fashion vs. Motorola more functions,Motorola offers lower price models with similar features, tri-band and WAP,*Nov. 2000 price,Key Differences,SAMSUNG010605BJ-kickoff2,14,WITHIN CHINA, NOKIAs FASHION PHONES PERFORM BETTER IN SOUTH CHINA AND LARGE CITIES,North region,East region,South region,China average,Beijing,Shanghai,Shenzhen,Guangzhou,Market share,Percent, 2000,Source: McKinsey Analysis,SAMSUNG010605BJ-kickoff2,15,Tier 1,Tier 2,Tier 3,Tier 4,Nokia,Motorola,Others,NOKIA IS RELATIVELY WEAK IN THE IMPORTANT 4TH TIER CITY MARKET,Percent market share, 2000,Ericsson,Siemens,18%,19%,23%,40%,Tier size as % of total,100%=,Million units,6.7,7.0,8.5,14.8,Source: McKinsey Analysis,SAMSUNG010605BJ-kickoff2,16,Source:Retail Audit, McKinsey analysis,AND THIS WEAKNESS IN 4TH TIER CITIES SPANS MOST PROVINCES,Inner Mongolia,Hunan,Yunnan,Anhui,Guangdong,Fujian,Zhejiang,Heijongjiang,Jilin,Henan,Jiangxi,Hebei,Shanxi,Liaoning,Sichuan,Shandong,Jiangsu,Shanxi,Hubei,Gansu,Guizhou,Percent market share, Nokia,Market share Percent,Province,Tier 1/2/3 city,Tier 4 city,SAMSUNG010605BJ-kickoff2,17,VALUE CHAIN STRATEGY,1. Background information,Location Registered capital Managementteam Equitystructure,Starting year Number of employees Era analysis,4. Value chain strategy,5. Organization and ownership,6. Financial performance,Focus on Marketing, advertising and promotion Distribution (channel and sales force),Organization structure Ownership structure,Sales Profit,2. Strategy,3. Product/market,Mission Vision Corporate strategy Market position,Key product offerings Key customers Value proposition Geographic focus Pricing,SAMSUNG010605BJ-kickoff2,18,Nokia is not regarded as a technology leader, as compared with Motorola; however, it spends a great amount of effort in understanding customer requirements and tailors its product to meet these requirements. Nokia employs PTAC, CellStar, Beijing Telecommunication Equipment Factory, Bright Point, Express Fortune, and Tech Glory as the first-tier resellers to distribute handsets through authorized stores and counters. The distribution channels are relatively flat. While its retail shops are growing rapidly to approximately 900 around the country, Nokia also develops exclusive specialist shops in order to provide “one-step” solutions to end users Nokia implements a highly efficient customer service system with 250 service stations and mobile service stations for rural areas. It provides good pre- and after sales service,KEY MESSAGES - VALUE CHAIN STRATEGY,SAMSUNG010605BJ-kickoff2,19,NOKIA IS STRONG AT MARKETING, SALES AND SERVICE, BUT WEAK AT TECHNOLOGY,Strengths Levers for improvement,Established R&D center in 98/99 in Beijing for China market, with 150 research staff Strong in low end development Good product quality and design Weaker position in high end segment and high end technology Position in low end under attack,Scalable local production Optimized logistics,Country-wide distribution channels and strong channel management High retailers preference Lower rating of retail support Retailer preference not translating into higher market share,Strong brand awareness and preference Promotes “technology based on people” Awareness and preference lower than Motorola Brand in young market under attack Low technology image,Highly efficient customer service system with 250 service stations and mobile service stations for rural areas Good pre- and after sales service, e.g. “one hour repair” service,SAMSUNG010605BJ-kickoff2,20,.on Nokia,on Motorola,NOKIA HAS REPUTATION GAP AS TECHNOLOGY LEADER, AND TARGET DIFFERENT CUSTOMER SEGMENTS FROM MOTOROLA,Nokia hasgood productdesigns,Nokia phonesare for female oryounger people,Nokia is second toupgrade products,Motorola products are more formal,Motorola alwaysintroduces newtechnology to themarket first,Loyal useris white-collarworker,.on technology leadership and innovation,.on design, on typical loyal users,SAMSUNG010605BJ-kickoff2,21,NOKIA DISTRIBUTES THROUGH SIX FIRST-TIER RESELLERS AND DEVELOPS EXCLUSIVE SPECIALIST SHOPS,Nokia Channel Structure,Late entry to the China market with less historic overhead Flat distribution channels Develops exclusive specialist shops Provides after-sale services,Source: China Computer Journal,Vendor,1st-tier resellers,Consumers,2nd-tier resellers,Retailers/retail chain stores,6%,3%,91%,22%,33%,36%,6%,33%,58%,Rationales Nokia employs PTAC, CellStar, Beijing Telecommunication Equipment Factory, Bright Point, Express Fortune, and Tech Glory as its 6 first-tier resellers Nokia requires resellers to report the promotion plan and product ordering plans a quarter in advance, and since the demand for handsets tends to fluctuate across promotional programs, this inflexible strategy generally limits the potential gain when market demand changes across promotions Close to 900 retail shops and counters country-wide, with 50% growth from 1999 Form exclusive specialist shop to provide one-step solution to end users,SAMSUNG010605BJ-kickoff2,22,ORGANIZATION AND OWNERSHIP,1. Background information,Location Registered capital Managementteam Equitystructure,Starting year Number of employees Era analysis,4. Value chain strategy,5. Organization and ownership,6. Financial performance,Focus on Marketing, advertising and promotion Distribution (channel and sales force),Organization structure Ownership structure,Sales Profit,2. Strategy,3. Product /market,Mission Vision Corporate strategy Market position,Key product offerings Key customers Value proposition Geographic focus Pricing,SAMSUNG010605BJ-kickoff2,23,Nokia has 7JV and 1 WOFE in China, among which Nokia Beijing and Nokia Dongguan are manufacturing mobile handsets. Nokia Beijing has annual production capacity of 30 million units in 2001. The main drivers for Nokia to setup JVs and WOFEs in China include building local alliances, localizing manufacturing to meet domestic market demand and increase exports, and technology transfer encouraged by the Chinese government With a narrow product portfolio, Nokias organization is product focused with coordinated sales and marketing effort across JVs that manufacture the same products,KEY MESSAGES - ORGANIZATION AND OWNERSHIP,SAMSUNG010605BJ-kickoff2,24,NOKIA HAS 7 JVs AND 1 WOFE IN CHINA, AMONG WHICH 2 JVs ARE DEVOTED TO MOBILE HANDSETS,Main drivers,Builds successful alliance with Chinese partners Localizes manu-facturing for major products Meets domestic market demandand increases exports Realizes technology and skill transfer in development, manufacturing and management Helps Chinese partners improve competitiveness in China and globally,Nokia Beijing, Hangxing telecom,Established year,Product offering,1995,1995,1997,1994,2000,1999,1998,GSM system and equipment Mobile handsets,Mobile handsets,GSM 900/1800 network services,Mobile switches,Wireless applications solutions and services,Digital multimedia terminals,GSM base station Cellular network transmission products,50% with Shouxin,70% With Dongguan Wanxin,With Fujian mobile,With Beijing Hangxing,With Dongruan,With Zhongxin and broadcasting science institute,100%,SAMSUNG010605BJ-kickoff2,25,NOKIAs ORGANIZATION IS MAINLY PRODUCT FOCUSED WITH A NARROW PRODUCT PORTFOLIO AND COORDINATED SALES AND MARKETING,Nokia international,Marketing,Manufa-cturing,Sales and Services,Manu-facturing,R&D,Service,Manufa-cturing,Sales and Services,R&D,Impleme- tation,Sales and Services,Manufa-cturing,Sales and Services,GSM system and equipment Mobile handsets,Mobile handsets,GSM 900/1800 network services,Mobile switches,Wireless applications, solutions and services,Digital multimedia terminals,GSM base station Cellular network transmission products,SAMSUNG010605BJ-kickoff2,26,FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE,1. Background information,Location Registered capital Managementteam Equitystructure,Starting year Number of employees Era analysis,4. Value chain strategy,5. Organization and ownership,6. Financial performance,Focus on Marketing, advertising and promotion Distribution (channel and sales force),Organization structure Ownership structure,Sales Profit,2. Strategy,3. Product/market,Mission Vision Corporate strategy Market position,Key product offerings Key customers Value proposition Geographic focus Pricing,SAMSUNG010605BJ-kickoff2,27,Nokias sales in China grew 31% and its operating profit grew 26% in 2000, among which, mobile handsets contributed to 59% of the sales and 70% of the profit. Mobile handset plays an increasingly important role in Nokias product portfolio, as it represents 59% of the sales in 2000 from 54% in 1999. Nokia has secured an operating margin of 22% in mobile handsets, the highest margin in the mobile handset industry in China, due to highly efficient operations that keep the cost down to minimum, even though intensive competition has driven the operating margin down from 24% in 1999.,KEY MESSAGES - FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE,SAMSUNG010605BJ-kickoff2,28,NOKIA SEES 30% GROWTH IN SALES AND OPERATING PROFIT WHERE MOBILE HANDSETS CONTRIBUTE MORE THAN 50%,Revenues in China,Operating profit in China,2,052,2,697,2000,Mobile handsets,USD millions,406,512,1999,2000,31%,26%,1999,Mobile handsets,Source: Nokia Press Release, IDC, McKinsey Analysis,