小学初中KO大魔王英语语法通关计划语法故事学员讲义 06.pdf
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小学初中KO大魔王英语语法通关计划语法故事学员讲义 06.pdf
KO 大魔王:英语语法通关计划KO 大魔王:英语语法通关计划06 神域仙宫阿斯加德 Asgard!06 神域仙宫阿斯加德 Asgard!In the middle of the world, high up in the sky is Asgard, home of the gods andgoddesses. It is surrounded by an incomplete wall.在世界的中心,穹宇之上,就是神域阿斯加德了,大神们居住的地方。阿斯加德被一堵不完整的墙围绕着。为啥围墙不完整呢?这其中还有个狗血的故事呢。One day, a giant smith offered to build a high wall around Asgard so the gods wouldbe protected from any harm.一天,一位巨人工匠前来献技, 他说他愿意为阿斯加德修筑一道围墙,保护诸神的安全。The giant said he could finish his work in three seasons, in return he asked for thehand of the goddess Freya in marriage, as well as the sun and moon.他说能在 9 个月内完工,工资不要,只要芙蕾雅女神能下嫁于他,陪嫁则是太阳和月亮。这芙蕾雅是谁呢?她可是北欧神话中的爱神与美神, 相当于罗马神话中的维纳斯Venus, 希腊神话中的阿佛洛狄忒 Aphrodite,这地位可不是一般滴高,一搬砖的居然敢提出此要求,果然把女神大大给惹毛了。Freya was disgusted by the giants terms.芙蕾雅被这条件给恶心到了。本课程由佐伊老师、B 站、有来学联合制作,版权所有,侵权必究。扫码关注,不一样的新概念,了解更多详情。But Loki suggested that the builder should be given what he desired, only if the workcould be completed in a single winter, with no aid from anyone but his horse.此时,恶作剧之神洛基前来搀和。他认为可以答应巨人的要求,不过,期限只能给 3 个月,不给其他助手,只有巨人自己的那匹马可以帮忙。The gods consented, for they thought the task could never be finished.诸神听罢便答应了巨人。因为他们觉得如此严苛的条件,巨人是无法按时完成任务的。The giant set about constructing the wall, and the gods were startled at how quicklythe structure was raised.巨人开始着手造墙,神速推进工程,着实让诸神惊慌了一把。Three days before the deadline, the wall was strong enough to face any enemy. Onlythe stones around the gate had yet to be put in place.截止日期前三天,围墙已经相当硬实,足以抵挡任何外敌。只有大门口的几块巨石还没到位。The angry gods threatened Loki with death if he couldnt find a way to prevent thegiant from finishing his task.诸神急了。他们抓来洛基,以命要挟,要他找到办法阻止巨人按时完工。Loki swore that he would find a way, come what may.洛基发誓无论什么代价,他一定找到办法。He turned himself into a mare. The giants horse was seduced by it and went chasingthe mare all night before the deadline.他把自己变成了一匹小母马,去引诱巨人的大公马。公马撇下巨人,开开心心地在工程截止日期前一晚追姑娘去了。本课程由佐伊老师、B 站、有来学联合制作,版权所有,侵权必究。扫码关注,不一样的新概念,了解更多详情。The work could have been finished if the horse had come back, but it didnt return.如果大马那晚回来干活了,这工程还是能做完的,可惜,大马乐不思蜀。工程也黄了。As punishment, the giant was given a fatal blow from Thors hammer and his headwas shattered into pieces.作为惩罚,雷神给了巨人一锤子,把他的脑袋砸得粉粉碎。Meanwhile, deep in the forest, the mare had finally been caught up by the horse. Shesoon gave birth to a gray, eight-legged horse Sleipnir, who became the steed ofOdin.于此同时,大公马终于追上了洛基变成的小母马。很快,母马生了一匹灰色的八腿小马,名曰斯莱普尼斯,后来,小马成长为神骏天马,并成为了主神奥丁的坐骑。