2022年2022年锅炉压力容器制造监督管理办法_Ch_En .pdf
1 锅炉压力容器制造监督管理办法Supervisory Administration Regulations For Manufacture of Boiler and Pressure Vessel 第一章总则Chapter 1 General Provisions 第1条为加强对锅炉压力容器制造的监督管理,保证锅炉压力容器产品的安全性能,保障人身财产安全,根据锅炉压力容器安全监察暂行条例的有关规定,制定本办法。Article 1 Supervisory Administration Regulations for Manufacture of Boiler and Pressure Vessel (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) is formulated in accordance with the Provisional Regulations on Safety Supervision of Boilers and Pressure Vessels. It is formulated to enhance the supervisory administration for manufacture of boiler and pressure vessel, assure the safety performance property of boiler and pressure vessel products so as to assure the safety both of human life and of property. 第2条在中华人民共和国境内制造、使用的锅炉压力容器,国家实行制造资格许可制度和产品安全性能强制监督检验制度。Article 2 The boiler and pressure vessel products, which are manufactured and used in the P. R. CHINA, shall be subjected to the manufacture-licensing system and mandatory supervisory inspection for their safety performance property. 第3条进出口锅炉压力容器按照中华人民共和国进出口商品检验法、 中华人民共和国进出口商品检验法实施条例及中华人民共和国进出口锅炉压力容器监督管理办法(试行)的规定执行。其中,制造资格许可及其管理、产品安全性能监督检验按照本办法执行。Article 3 Import and export boiler and pressure vessel shall follow the stipulations of the Law of the P . R. China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection, Implementation Regulations for the Law of the P. R. China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection, and the Supervisory Administration Regulations for Import and Export Boiler and Pressure Vessel of the P. R. China (for trial use). The qualification and administration of manufacture licensing and the supervisory inspection of the product safety performance property shall be under jurisdiction of the regulations. 第 4 条 本办法所称锅炉压力容器是指:Article 4 The terms of boiler and pressure vessel used in the Regulations are as follows: I. 锅炉 Boilers 1. 承压蒸汽锅炉Pressurized steam boilers 2. 承压热水锅炉Pressurized hot water boilers 3. 有机热载体锅炉Organic fluid boilers 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - - 2 II. 压力容器Pressure Vessels 1. 最高工作压力大于及等于0.1MPa(表压), 且压力与容积的乘积大于及等于2.5MPa1的盛装、液化气体和最高工作温度高于及等于标准沸点的液体的各种压力容器;All kinds of pressure vessels for containing gas, liquefied gas and liquid with maximum working temperature not less than its standard boiling point, the maximum working pressure not less than 0.1Mpa (gage pressure) and the product of pressure and volume not less than 2.5 MPaL 2. 公称工作压力大于及等于0.2Mpa(表压), 且压力与容积的乘积大于及等于1.0MPa1的盛装、液化气体和标准沸点低于60液体的各种气瓶;All kinds of pressure vessels loading gas, liquefied gas and liquid with standard boiling point less than 60; the maximum working pressure no less than 0.2Mpa (gage pressure) and the product of pressure and volume is not less than 1.0 Mpa?L. 3. 医用氧舱 Oxygen cabins used for medical treatment. 本办法不适用于船舶、铁路机车、航空器、军事装备和核设施中使用的锅炉压力容器以及额定热功率小于0.1MW且输出热水温度低于及等于90的电或燃气加热热水器。The Regulations are not applicable to the boilers and pressure vessels, which are used in boats, locomotives, air crafts, military equipment, nuclear devices and the electric heated or gas fueled hot water heaters with rated thermal power less than 0.1 MW and the output hot water temperature no higher than 90. 第 5 条 国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称国家质检总局)负责本办法所规定的锅炉压力容器制造的监督管理工作;地方各级质量技术监督部门负责本行政区域内的锅炉压力容器制造的监督管理工作。 国家质检总局和地方各级质量技术监督部门内设的锅炉压力容器安全监察机构(以下简称安全监察机构)负责本办法的具体实施。Article 5 General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “AQSIQ ”) is in charge of the supervisory administration for the manufacture of boiler and pressure vessel as stipulated in the regulations. All levels of local quality technical supervision organizations (hereinafter referred to as the “local QTSO ”) are in charge of the supervisory administration for manufacture of boiler and pressure vessel under their jurisdiction. The safety supervision sections of boiler and pressure vessel under AQSIQ or local QTSO are responsible to the implementation of the regulations. (hereinafter referred to as the “safety supervision sections”)第二章制造许可Chapter 2 Manufacture Licensing 第 6 条 境内制造、使用的锅炉压力容器,制造企业必须取得中华人民共和国锅炉压力容器制造许可证(以下简称制造许可证) 。未取得制造许可证的企业,其产品不得在境内销售、使用。Article 6 For the boilers and pressure vessels manufactured and used in P. R. China, the 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - - 3 manufacturer shall obtain the boiler and pressure vessel manufacture license of the P. R. China. (Hereinafter referred to as the “manufacture license”). The products produced by the manufacturers having not achieved the manufacture license shall not be sold and used in the P. R. China. 第 7 条 锅炉和压力容器按照附件一的规定,划分为A、B、C、D 4 个制造许可级别。D 级锅炉和D 级压力容器的制造许可证,由制造企业所在地的省级质量技术监督部门颁发,其余级别的制造许可证由国有质检总局颁发;境外企业制造的用于境内的锅炉压力容器,其制造许可证由国家质检总局颁发(以下统一简称发证部门)。Article 7 In accordance to the stipulations in attachment 1, the boilers and pressure vessels are divided into four manufacture licensing grades i.e. Grade A, B, C and D. The domestic manufacture license for Grade D boiler and Grade D pressure vessel is issued by province-level QTSO where the manufacturer locates, for the rest three Grade, the manufacture licenses shall be issued by AQSIQ. The manufacturer license for the manufacturers out of the mainland of China, who produce any grades of boilers and pressure vessels to be used in the P. R. China, shall be issued by AQSIQ. (Hereinafter referred to as “license -issuing organizations” as their general designation)制造许可证式样见附件二。Attachment 2 is a sample of the manufacture license. 第 8 条 锅炉压力容器制造企业必须具备以下条件:Article 8 The prerequisite to boiler and pressure vessel manufactures is as follows: I. 具有企业法人资格或已取得所在地合法注册;Being a corporate organization or a legal organization registered in the local government; II. 具备与制造产品相适应的生产场地、加工设备、技术力量、检测手段等条件;Having production site, processing equipment, technical expertise, and inspection and testing devices suitable to producing its boiler and pressure vessel; III. 建立质量保证体系,并能有效运转;Establishing and maintaining a quality assurance system and implementing the system effectively; IV. 保证产品安全性能符合国家安全技术规范的基本要求。Assuring the safety performance property of its products in accordance to the basic requirements of national safety-technical standards. 具体条件和要求按照锅炉压力容器制造许可条件的规定执行。The concrete requirements shall be followed in accordance to the stipulations as specified in the Requirements for Boiler and Pressure Vessel Manufacture-Licensing. 第9条申请取证的制造企业应向发证部门的安全监察机构提出书面取证申请,并提交有关资料。安全监察机构应在接到申请和全部资料后的15 个工作日内做出是否受理申请的决定。Article 9 The applicant shall submit a written application request and the relevant documents to the corresponding safety supervision section being authorized issuing license. The safety supervision section should make decision whether or not the application is acceptable within 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - - 4 15 days after having received the application request and whole documentation. 第10条制造企业取证申请被批准受理的,应按照批准范围试制产品,以备审查。两年内不能完成产品试制的,原批准的受理失效。Article 10 The manufacturer shall make a trial-produced products within the approved scope for auditing after its application has been accepted, In the case of the manufacturer failed to complete the trail-produced products within two years, the approval of its application shall be expired. 第11条发证部门的安全监察机构或委托审查机构应在产品试制结束后,对制造企业进行工厂检查和相应的产品检验,并出具审查报告。国家安全技术规范中规定进行型式试验的产品,应在工厂检查前进行型式试验。Article 11 The license-issuing organization or its authorized audit agency shall conduct a manufacturer survey and product inspection and draft a survey report after the completion of the trial-produced product. For the product which type test is required in accordance to the national safety technical standard, the type test shall be performed prior to the manufacturer survey. 第12条发证部门应对审查报告进行审核,并对审核合格的企业签发制造许可证。报告审核和证书签发工作应在收到审查报告后25 个工作日内完成。Article 12The license-issuing organization shall review the survey report and issue the manufacture license to the manufacturer if the survey results are acceptable. The review and issuance of manufacture license shall be completed within 25 days from the receipting date of the survey report. 取证申请未被受理或受理后经审查不合格的制造企业,1 年内不得提出取证申请。The manufacturers, who failed to make license application or failed to pass the manufacturer survey, are not allowed to submit the licensing application again within 1 year. 第13条锅炉压力容器制造许可的具体工作程序和要求,按照锅炉压力容器制造许可工作程序的规定执行。Article 13The procedures and requirements of boiler and pressure vessel manufacture licensing shall conform to the stipulations as specified in the Procedures for Manufacture Licensing of Boiler and Pressure Vessel. 第三章许可证管理Chapter 3 Administration of License 第14条持证企业制造用于境内的锅炉压力容器,不得超出制造许可证所批准的产品范围。Article 14The license holder is not allowed to produce the boiler and pressure vessel products sold and used in China out of the approved scope listed in the manufacture license. 第15条锅炉压力容器随机文件中应附有制造许可证复印件。产品铭牌上应标注与制造名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - - 5 许可证 一致的制造企业名称和编号。产品随机文件中的产品质量合格证书、产品安装和使用说明书必须有中文表述。Article 15 Each boiler and pressure vessel product shall attach to a copy of manufacture license on delivery. The name of manufacturer and serial number marked on the product nameplate shall be in accordance to the name and serial number on the manufacture license. The certificate of compliance and installation and operation manual of the product in the attached documents shall have Chinese version. 第16条发证部门的安全监察机构和制造企业所在地安全监察机构应按规定对制造企业的证书使用、生产条件、产品质量状况及其管理等情况进行检查。制造企业必须接受检查。Article 16 The safety supervision section in the license-issuing organization and the local safety supervision section at the manufacturers location should supervise the use of license, manufacturing condition, product quality and its management of the license holder. The manufacturer must accept the supervision. 第 17 条 持证企业不得涂改、转让、转借制造许可证。Article 17 Any alter, alienation or subtenancy of manufacture-license is forbidden.第 18 条制造许可证有效其为4 年。申请换证的制造企业必须在制造许可证有效期满6个月以前,向发证部门的安全监察机构提出书面换证申请,经审查合格后,由发证部门换发制造许可证。Article 18 The valid period of manufacture-license is 4 years. A written application for license renewal shall be submitted to the safety supervision section of license-issuing organization at least 6 months prior to the expiry date of the license if the license holder wants to continuously maintain its validation. If the license holder is qualified the requirements for license renewal, the license-issuing organization will issue a new license. 未按时提出换证申请或因审查不合格不予换证的制造企业,在原证书失效后1 年内不得提出新的取证申请。For the manufacturers having not submitted license renewal application in time or failed to pass the survey for license renewal shall be not allowed to make application for manufacture-licensing within 1 year starting from the expiring date of its original license. 因特殊原因不能按期换证的制造企业,可以向发证部门提出暂缓换证申请,经批准后可以暂缓,暂缓期不超过1 年。The manufacturer who can not submit its license renewal application for some special reasons could ask for deferring the license renewal application to the license-issuing organization. The deferment shall be permissible after approval but shall not exceed 1 year. 第19条制造企业需要增加许可的产品种类、级别、项目的,应向发证部门提出新的书面申请,经受理、试制、审查合格后,由发证部门颁发新的制造许可证。Article 19 For the license holder who wants to expend the category, grade or items of its licensing products shall submit a written application to the license-issuing organization. The latter shall issue a new license to the manufacturer after completing the procedures of acceptance of application, completion of the trial-produced products and passed the required 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - - 6 examination. 第20条制造企业发生更名、产权变更、生产场地变更或有型式试验要求的产品发生主体材料、结构型式、关键制造工艺、产品规格等变更的,应及时向发证部门申报。发证部门根据制造企业的变更申报,做出予以认可、进行必要的检查或者另行办理许可申请手续等决定,并通知企业。Article 20 The license holder shall timely report to the license-issuing organization in the case of any change of manufacturers nam e, property right or production site have occurred. Furthermore, the same kind of report is also required if there is any change on the main materiel, structure type, and key manufacturing technology or specifications of products requiring type test. According to the report, the license-issuing organization shall inform the manufacturer the decision whether the changes are acceptable or necessary survey is required or re-applying for manufacture-license is needed. 第21条制造企业依据本办法取得的制造许可证在全国范围内有效。各地相关部门不得进行重复审查、重复发证。Article 21 The manufacture-license in accordance with the Regulation is valid in whole China. The relevant local organizations may not conduct the survey and/or issue license repeatedly. 第四章产品安全性能监督检验Chapter 4 Supervisory Inspection to the Safety Performance Property of Product 第22条锅炉压力容器安全性能监督检验应在制造过程中进行,未经监督检验或经监督检验不合格的产品不得销售、使用。Article 22 The supervisory inspection for safety performance property of boilers and pressure vessels shall be performed during manufacturing. The products having not conducted or failed to pass the supervisory inspection shall not be sold and be used in China. 第23条境内制造企业的锅炉压力容器安全性能监督检验工作,由制造企业所在地的省级质量技术监督部门授权有资格的检验机构承担;境外制造企业的锅炉压力容器安全性能监督检验工作,由国家质检总局安全监察机构授权有资格的检验机构承担。Article 23 The supervisory inspection for safety performance property of boiler and pressure vessel of domestic manufacturer shall be performed by the qualified inspection institution authorized by the provincial QTSO at the manufacturers location. The supervisory inspectio n for safety performance property of boiler and pressure vessel of manufacturers out of the mainland of China shall be performed by the qualified inspection institution authorized by AQSIQ. 从事安全性能监督检验工作的检验机构,应按照 锅炉压力容器产品安全性能监督检验规则及有关技术规范的规定进行检验,并对检验合格的产品出具监督检验合格证明。The inspection institution performing supervisory inspection shall follow the Supervisory Inspection Rules for Safety Performance Property of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Products and relevant technical standards, and shall issue the Certificate of Compliance for Supervisory Inspection Product for the acceptable products. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - - 7 第 24 条 制造企业必须对产品安全性能负责,并配合检验机构开展产品安全性能监督检验工作。Article 24 The manufacturer must be responsible for safety performance property of its products, and shall co-operate the inspection institute during its performing the supervisory inspection. 第五章罚 则Chapter 5 Punishment Provisions 第 25 条 对违反本办法的行为,按照锅炉压力容器压力管道特种设备安全监察行政处罚规定实施处罚。Article 24Any deregulation of this Regulation shall be punished according to the Administration Punishment Rules for Safety Supervision of Boiler, Pressure Vessel, Pressure Pipe and Special Equipment. 第 26 条制造企业有下列行为之一的,责令改正;情节严重的暂停使用制造许可证(暂停期不超过 1 年) ;拒不改正的,吊销制造许可证:Article 26 Any manufacturer involved in the following actions shall be ordered to correct. For serious violation, the manufacturer shall be suspended the use of manufacture license. (The suspending per