个人简历姓名陆晓霞性别女照片 生日1991-01-01身高164 cm籍贯浙江湖州民族汉政治面貌团员毕业院校浙江万里学院学历本科31907 7CA3 粣u21361 5371 危30568 7768 睨g27165 6A1D 樝专业国际经济与贸易联系电话15267876609电子邮件592769149邮编313000地址浙江省湖州市吴兴区飞英街道余家漾月漾苑18幢305室教育背景2009。92013.6浙江万里学院 国际经济与贸易 本科主修课程:国际金融、基础会计、市场营销、国际贸易实务、国际经济法、国际贸易法个人简介本人工作认真负责,积极主动,能吃苦耐劳,能承受压力,勇于创新;有很强的组织能力和团队协作精神,具有较强的适应能力;纪律性,工作积极配合;意志坚强,具有较强的无私奉献精神.对待工作认真负责,能够积极参加学校及班级组织的活动,并能在活动中充分发挥出自己的作用;活泼开朗、乐观上进、有爱心并善于施教并行;上进心强、勤于学习能不断提高自身能力和综合素质对计算机知识有较好的基础。爱好特长喜欢阅读,听音乐,运动方面喜欢慢跑,羽毛球等,最突出的爱好是喜欢篮球。T24401 5F51 彑22531 5803 堃25741 648D 撍相关证书在校期间获得CET-4和CET-6证书,获得计算机一级证书和计算机二级证书荣获浙江万里学院“万里之星”荣誉称号社会实践工作经历2012年暑假在学校实习业务员的操作,对外贸各类单据填写操作及流程有一定的了解。My ResumeNameXiaoxialu Sex Female 照片 birthday19910101Height164 cmnative placeHuzhou zhejiangnationality32439 7EB7 纷35564 8AEC 諬27442 6B32 欲s23508 5BD4 寔H26187 664B 晋cThe han nationalitymembershipLeague memberSchoolWanli universitycurriculum vitae Regular college courseMajorInternational economics and tradeTel15267876609Email592769149Postal Code 313000AddressEducation background2009。92013.6 ZHEJIANG WANLI UNIVERSITY Bachelor of international economics and trade。 Major courses: international economic law, international finance, accounting, marketing etcK24933 6165 慥20914 51B2 冲+S29228 722C 爬Zself introI am a good worker with great responsibility。not only be hardworking and able to bear hardships, but take much pressure. Whats more , i am innovative an have the ability of team organization, which can take an active part complete to my own function, strong adaptability。 Discipline and selfless dedication are the quality i own. Beside, the optimistic attitude towards the work and life is obbligato that i always focus my eyes on the positive side。 Professionally, i exert all my energies to study and improve my comprehensive quality of computer knowledge to make a good foundation, so as to build my overall capacity。hobbiesI like reading,listening music and jogging ,badminton, the most prominent is basketball。demonstrateI obtained CET-4 and CET-6 certificates, i have the 1st grade certificate of computer and the certificate of computer skill test band 2 during school .workexperience I practiced the salesman operation in school in my summer holiday, be familiar with the flow of foreign trade operation and to understand the operation of foreign trade documents。