一.询问客户对报价的看法Dearxxx,oe eveythg gowel wt you!Hve yu kndly hcked my ofe?pe heyare orkalor your mket! It iget tat I vent receve a infrmaton fromou i. My I have oudea aboutor fer?e ill atisyu upon eceipt f you reply.If here s aythn we o fr you, we hal bemore than pleae d 。Hope wecan uild odcooperatiowith you andou company.Bestrgrds二.追问客户的评价,求回复eaxxHow ae yourecenty?Sveal dasn nesfm yu hve you go my equiyfor xx? ulynderstand tatyouareoobusy to repy u。 But w are til wait f yurcoments。e eedyrfedbck t o hea。 Thnk you inad。Man thns and bst regds.三.本着小强精神,保证客户收到了报价,重发报价ello,xxx,ih have ance y!May s whethe o ha reived my quottion? ow Iam endn it agin, ifyoav any oher de。Plase el retcontactme. e will d metter ifyoucagve any advices to usaitigfor your favoable reply oon!Bestwes四:利用报价的有效期给客户一点压力Hello,x,Hoeeverytinggoes wll! Its dy.W are n receipt f you inur daednxxx and quoeyoasfollow: XXXX。pls kindly chekwhethrpre is orkbe ? Beasepric will be inaid onxxx.Wiswe wilrmo business.Besegars。五:最后一次寻求客户对所询价产品的意见,附上产品目录表Good day! Mfriends,Jyain.My otaio of xxxyoumight ve reeivednd consideed. Cul you ndladvieyour comments t yor erlist onvenence?Enclosed s theE-catag fKington, easekinlycheck!f he is ay iteyou are n needof, pla ontact me! Illbe ore thanpleaue o offer theinfrmaioyu wa。 Tnks am fserc ataime!B六:待客户在目录表中发现适合他们市场的产品Hello,my fends,Hae u recived and checked th Eatalog sendin m lastmil? He thyareworable for yor market!If you fin some oduceally atractive o you,lee fefreto conacs。 We re mre than leasureto offr ouwthmore nforaio ta ou want。I youantto tmatthe proct sh, ye, sple can be sntfor yourreerenc!e hope canesblis god buness relishwth you i te arftre.etegrs七:时不时的问下是否有新的询盘或者订单Dear xI opeou ae ong goo.av you got any ord ? plskee me posed ifes, will sd you ourudate pce for yourreview.Bestregards.八:对于较大的客户我们也可以主动提出提供免费样品哟Dear x,Free smple cn be sent foryourefeence f you need.How'syou piion?As ou serverl commnicaton, hope tat w ca bid a coet etween u.Waiin for youreyBet wishs九:最后的绝招earxx, av sen oueamanytim befotav t received anyrelyfrmo so I amgentheemishave not eched you.Cou you peasedrp m short ote ifyou ceiv ths mssaeand alsoleas tll mefyouave an inteest n ou prducts? I dont wnt t kepterin youi yo dont hae ny nterestBestrgds十:新产品上市就是很厉害的时候了哦DexxGod mrnn !I sgla to inform you we have anhdxxx ,whch wit xxx优势特点 s asperctdig, low os, ghteighxxxx.Atched with xx and xx for yourreference adpls have try nyour rket ifposble.Besregad.xxx十一:告知客户价格表的调整Dearxxx,Howareyou?Lon tino contact ndho everyin goe wilwith yo.Or roduc quotati hauad Would u plcheck ou ew quoaionwth w ims i atchent ?Ifhave any questons,pls contactefel。Betregards十二:看看可不可以转换订单吧Hello,xxx,Now I am wrtingrkepinintuh ih you forfure buinessf anyew nquiry, welme her nd I ill try m betto sisfy you wellith competitve prisas per yrrqus。 y tewy,ow aou yourde(or busness) ithite *?If sti pending I uld lk to ffror laestrice o omotean opportunity ocoopatitheacohe. Thank an bestregad, Kevi可选邮件:1。 客户过节,送祝福DearxxHapy xand wewish yu, yur amil, ompayenjoy yr hoiday。As for xxx,if you nedanyino,pls onact me any tme。We will try orbest o satisfie withyor rqremet。May gd blss youandhave anicda。2. 给客户发送一封关心的信,提醒客户注意休息,身体健康eerxxx,Godd!Happy e oingnw yer!Inow hat youwllbe much buythan beor。 ut,plee renbe to keep enoug rest!As al o us know, healthy sthe mostinprtant inyour ifeBeregads3。 如果我方过节的话DerXXXXSorr forre-trulinyoplsind pervis eml belw。Col yo kindlyhck by returntoday.ase ewill oliday fom xo x ad my emil acess my be limited.hankyou n dvan.etrards。