装订班 级学 号姓 名Quiz of Part 1. Translate the following words or phrases into Chinese or English.(2×10)1. _ 工程材料2. strength of materials _ 3.optimum utilization _4. _ 销售吸引力5.圆柱形凸轮_6.plane four bar linkage_ 7.Finite Element Analysis _ 8._ 计算机辅助设计9.stress reversal _10._ 承压面,支撑面 II. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words or phrases given below.(3×62)is parallel to auxiliary drafted internal configuration extremely sufficient When a symmetrical object is 1 , two views are 2 to represent it(typically, one view is omitted). A partial view can be used to substitute one of the two views. Sectional and 3 views are also commonly used to present part detail. Sectional views are 4 useful in displaying the detailed design of a complicated 5 . If the section is symmetrical around a centerline, only the upper half needs to be shown. The lower half is typically shown only in outline. Casting designers often employ sectional views to explode detail. When a major surface is inclined to three projection planes, only a distorted picture can be seen. An auxiliary plane that 6 the major surface can be used to display an undistorted view.III. Translate the Chinese parts given in the brackets into English.(4×10)1.Mechanical design is the application of science and technology to devise new or improved products _ (为了满足人类需求).2.People who _(进行各种机械设计工作) are typically called designers, or design engineers.3.If its tests are satisfactory, and if the device is to be produced in quantity at a lower design will _(做一些修改) that enable it to be manufactured in quantity at a lower cost. 4.The performance requirements of a machine are met _(利用自然法则和物质的性能).5.Cams are classified _(按照它们的基本形状).6.This integration has the power to _ (降低设计成本)by shifting the burden from the engineer to the computer.7.Furthermore, the mathematical rigor of a properly implemented optimization tool can _ (提高设计过程的可靠性).8. A point in space can be located based on the origin point unless _ (在三维空间中绘图).9.Detailed view means taking a portion of an existing view and scaling it _ (为了标注尺寸和看清图形).10. 3.2 µm surface roughness should not be used on sliding surfaces, but can be used for rough bearing surface where loads are light and infrequent, or_(张紧适度的机械零件).IV. Translate the following paragraphs. (20)Because of the highly competitive nature of most manufacturing businesses, the question of finding ways to reduce cost is ever present. A good starting point for cost reduction is in the design of product. The design engineer should always keep in mind the possible alternatives available to him in making his design. It is often impossible to determine the best alternatives without a careful analysis of the probable production cost. Designing for function, interchangeability, quality, and economy requires a careful study of tolerances, surface finishes, processes, materials, and equipments.线第1页,共1页