说课稿Lesnsdraft尊敬的各位领导、老师大家下午好!Repect ade, teacherseverdygood aftroo!今天我说课的题目是中职英语第一册第三单元un ds,rainydays第三节课。今天我将从教材分析、学情分析、 教学目标、 教学重点、难点 、教法和学法、 教学程序、 板书设计以及评价和反思这八个方面来说说我对本节课的理解和设想。Tody Im on talkaout i the subjectof Vcatinl Englh ook 1 un thrd Sn days, dys thi clas。TodI wll fomthe teahin atal anaysis, analis he ituaio, he tachin oa, tachg emph, difficlty, eahig ethod, eachingrogram, wrinon the lcbord esign d vauatonandRefeio nhese ihtasects o lk abot my derstanding and idea o his ess。一、教材分析, nalysi ftetooks本课程所选的教材是外研社出版的英语基础模块第一册,它是全国中职课程改革国家规划新教材。Snny ays,Rny day是本书的第三单元,本单元共分5个课时完成,本节课为第三课时Listening an spaking部分,在前两节的学习后,同学们已经对本单元的内容有所掌握,并且对一些基础知识已经很熟悉了,这为过渡到本节课的内容学习打下了基础。Te slctd te course matials i nglisbasicmoFLTP publishedthers bok,it ishnew tachin mateial lannin naional voatinal curriculum rf Suny y, Riny days is the hid un o tbok, is nit cn e ivie to 5 classes, the lasfr tid hours Lteningadseing parts, in te frs tfte ein, sunts have to ve aste helentconent, ndsm basc kowldgas een ey famia wih, ths foundatio or h tranitin tothe cnentsof the clas earnng.二、学情分析:Two, analysis f he iuatn:本课的教学对象是中职一年级的学生,中职学校英语学习的基础都比较薄弱,由于初中打下了不同的基础,不少同学对英语学习产生了不同的想法,甚至是疑虑和抵触。因此通过本节课的学习,让学生掌握一些与天气相关的知识,通过学习本节课的知识让学生享受到英语学习的乐趣,进而自觉地学英语、爱英语是在本节课的教学中最大的,也是最具挑战性的目标.Theeachg bject i thirst grdstdes in senary vocaioal schols,seconry voatinal schol ngih leaing fndation is weak, beause o te different basof junir high schoo,many dnts ave iffentide out lis, and even douts andresistance. Treore,hrogh s cour, ake sudentsmasr someweahereltd koledg, by ling his leson lt sdent enjoye fun larning glih,ad then consousyean Enish,love English i ithe cla tehing in e largest,salso the mot chllengig goals三、教学目标hree, heteachinggal根据上述教材分析,考虑到学生已有的认知结构心理特征,制定如下教学目标:Accding o te alyofhe taching maeria, taking nto ccont te sychologicl caatersics of thstuentsgnitive structreha een salshedas he l, teachig:1知识目标:掌握本节课出现的重点单词、短语和句型, 同时掌握温度的英文读法.1knowedge ojctves: mater te class k rds, phrases ad entecepaterns, and mter t temperur English prciation.能力目标:在熟练掌握和运用与天气和气温相关的句型的基础上,能够以天气为话题进行简单的情景表演。2 goals: themae and apply foundationand the weaer adthtemertur reatedpatrns, t talkabt te weter as a sie scenaio。3情感目标:通过本节课的学习培养学生的积极参与和创新能力,并不断激发学生的学习兴趣。让学生们爱英语,爱生活。 emoto gol: oculivatetudent'active artiiationad invatinabilitthrug the coue,ad continu to stimulate tents ntrest i learng。 Ltthe students lov Englis, loe life.四、教学重点和难点our, eemphasis and dfficlyi1、教学重点:掌握本节课出现的重点单词、短语和句型, 同时掌握温度的英文读法。1,heteaching ocus:masterth cas key wods, phraes ad nec patens, nd ate th tepeatur Eglishpronuniain.2、教学难点:在熟练掌握和运用与天气和气温相关的句型的基础上,能够以天气为话题进行简单的交流。2, eachg dficult pnts:t ster and appthefoundation ndhewehraemprture elatedtter, to tkabout h weather asa smp exchage。五、教法和学法Five, the teachin and lernin mhod(一)说教法:依据学生的基本情况,为了突出重点,突破难点,有效的实现知识的巩固和迁移,采用了以下几种教学方法:(a) teaching said: accong t thebsic stuatono th tuens,in rder to hghlight key points, brea throuh hdffiulty, coslidat an transf knoldgeefectvel, dopt the foowg tachin tho:1、多媒体教学法:通过多媒体的演示,使整节课的教学内容更加的生动,气氛更加的轻松活跃。1, e ultmeda taching meod: though uldiapresntatis, ae th conetofte leson mor vid, more elxed and lvely moshre.2、任务型教学法:在讲解本节课的文章时,在不同环节给学生们分配不同的任务,这样在完成“任务"的过程中,同学们始终处于一种积极的、主动的学习心理状态。2, th taskbase teahigmt: nths lassartic, indifferntlinks othe studentsasig difrnt tasks,so in the process o "tak”, sudent realwn apoive, poiv learnig psycholical stat。3、情景教学法:在本节课的内容讲完之后,给学生真实情境模拟的机会,这样能够提高学生的参与能力和创新精神。3, he sce tag mthod: aferthis eon fiied, ivestunsrel scnrifthe chn, so s to impovestudens pticiai ability and creatve spirt.这些常见教学方法的采用,能够培养学生的合作探究能力和自主学习能力,使同学们在真正意义上成为会学习的人.Ung thsecmmontecin metho, cultivatestudents'copratieinquir ability nd atnoous learnig ailit, makthe stdets bcome theleaner i the tesns。(二)说学法:指导学生转变学习方式,既要主动富有个性的学习,在玩中学,锻炼学生的英语口语表达能力,又提倡合作与交流运用新知识进行语言表达,促进学生创新意识的形成与英语基本技能的培养。(to) learningmehd: to gue studetstchanethe earnng stle,o only o ake te iiatve to personaledearnig, la chol, aiin sudents olEnglish expression aility, and romoexge and ooertionwih new knoweeof langua expresion,omote heltivation f stues innovaio conscioness frato ad baicEnlish ss。六、教学过程Sx, thteachng proessStep、课前热身(要说明主要的内容):听一首与天气相关的歌曲让学生体验到轻松、活泼的课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣。arm up befoehe class (Step1,to ilusrae th an ctet):itn to sog a t eated og tuds epience the reaxed,lively clssom tmosphr, aroue he stuents' inteestilerig。(设计意图:让学生在愉快的氛围下感知本节课的内容,调动他们的学习积极性.)(dsign tet: letth stdensfel he cls in a peaant atmoser, mobliz the ethuism o earnig.hi)Ste2、新课导入 (要说明怎样导入):在导入过程中,通过播放生活中最常见的天气预报视频来导入本节课的话题,在播放之后,问同学们以下几个问题Sep, e neclasindcts (o explnwth intoduction): during he iportres, the most ommon wehe orecst veolayback i lieto imort te lss opc, afr hwig, athe stents the floin qustos。o yo know w o expresweathr?1 o ou kow hto epress weathe? Dyou kn hwto sa temperatu in Enlsh?2 Do yukno ow to s tepeture in nglish?3。 Cn yusay theeher reprt lik te eporter?3 an ou sayth wae eor i theporter?(设计意图:播放视频能够激发学生们的学习热情,然后以提问的形式来引入新课能够激发学生们的学习积极性。)(designintnt: pay vio canstiulatestude ntha for lrnig, dthe in the orm of question t ntrd t new casscn timulae students lerning intiaive。)Stp3、讲授新课(要有具体的步骤):在新授课过程中包括以下几个步骤:复习旧知识、句型操练、阅读训练、情景表演、内容小结和作业布置。Ste3, tehingnewleson (t bspecfic ep): iluding h olloigstep in the newteacng ress: To reew ld knoledge, rils,radingtraing, rol play, cntet summarynd omework、复习旧知识:首先简单的回顾一下几个描述天气的单词,然后再熟悉一下天气符号,最后简单的介绍一下温度的英文表达法。1, to reviw ol knowledge: a rviw of h fistimle fwords to escribe the wathe, and en ith heather sbols, fily bily inroe eperatur Elshexpression。(设计意图:旧知识的复习能够加深学生们对上节课内容的印象,使接下来的学习更加容易。)(desgnintet: the old knowlege rviw a deepenstents ofe esonconte impreion, mkt follow arnin easie.)、句型操练:让学生看一幅天气预报气象图,然后介绍谈论天气和温度的句式:owis the wete eijing? Whats the emperatureiBeijg? 再老师的讲解后让学生运用以上两个句型来说出气象图中不同城市的天气和温度情况。2,ds:letestes watch a ether frecaweathr ap, andthn alkabotteweate ad teperatur o the senen: Hwis te weahe iBeing?ats the temeratu in eijng? T te teacersexlnation for stdents to ue thebove tw senncs tsay he ahernd th temprtue in dfferencity meteoological hart。(设计意图:这样的设计能够突出本节课的重点,并未接下来的情(desgitent:fous,thi design cnhighlight t lessonnd ntdow。双语对照