圣诞晚会主持词结束语 圣诞节晚会主持词结束语一 女:让欢笑伴着你,欢笑的名字叫灿烂 男:让温馨伴着你,温馨的名字叫永远 女:送你一千个祝福,祝福里有我的万语千言 男:送你一万个祈祷,祈祷里是我晶莹的杯盏 女:我的祝福飘在长风里,如歌如梦 男:我的祈祷飘在雪花中,如诗如画 女:告别这一季,有我最深的思念,让风捎去满心的祝福,缀满你甜蜜的梦境。祝朋友们拥有一个美丽,灿烂的新年! 男:我把祝福和希望,放在将融的雪被下。让它们,沿着春天的秧苗生长,一节节,浸满馨香,送给朋友们,满年的丰硕与芬芳! 合: 狂欢圣诞节、High翻圣诞夜 20XX年圣诞联欢晚会到此结束!再次祝大家新年快乐,万事如意,心想事成! 圣诞节晚会主持词结束语二 The end wish a wish in newly of a year:Leadership healthy body, all the luck;Wish wish dear colleagueses study progress, work smooth!More previous floor in new year, not only studies progress, and successful!In addition to this, my still needing to wish happiness of the colleagues of become the house have already been happy!Also wish just at madly in love of the colleagues can whatever one wishes is fulfilled! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!THANK YOU! 圣诞节晚会主持词结束语三 甲:各位老师和同学,我们晚会到此已接近尾声了,但我们的欢乐还在继续 乙:在这一刻,我们共同开启了新年的门窗,眺望那新的风光 甲:在这一刻,我们共同谱写下新春的希望,期待那新的篇章 合:结束语(朋友们,让我们来年再见) 圣诞节晚会主持词结束语英文版: A: all teachers and students, our party to the drawing to a close, but our joy continues B: at this moment, we opened the doors and Windows in the New Year, overlooking the new scenery A: at this moment, we jointly compose the New Years hope under, looking forward to the new chapter Match: last word (friends, let us see next year