“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。epitome ipitmi n. 缩影,象征Agra :r n. 阿格拉(印度北部一城市mesmerize mezmraiz, vt.迷住substantiate sbstnieit vt. 证实arcaded :keidid拱形的 bazaar bz: n. 集市;市场cloister klist n. 回廊octagonal ktnl adj. 八角形的,八边形的kiosk ki:sk, kisk n. 凉亭calligraphy klirfi n. 书法;笔迹bisect baisekt vt. 平分;二等分imposing impuzi宏伟的inscribed inskraibd adj. 内切的;记名的;有铭刻的pristine pristain, -ti:n adj. 原始的,古时的memorial mim:ril, -mu- n. 纪念碑mourn m:n, v. 哀悼;忧伤;服丧ethereal iiril 飘渺的sensuous sensjus, adj. 感觉上的,依感观的;诉诸美感的“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。The origin of the name the Taj Mahal is not clear. Court histories from Shah Jehans reign only call it the tomb of Mumtaz Mahal “雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。Taj Mahal of India - the epitome of love, a monument of immeasurable beauty. The beauty of this magnificent monument is such that it is beyond the scope of words. The thoughts that come into the mind while watching the Taj Mahal of Agra is not just its phenomenal beauty, but the immense love which was the reason behind its construction. Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan got this monument constructed in the memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, with whom he fell in love at the first sight. The very first sight of the Taj Mahal, the epitome of love and romance leaves one mesmerized. 印度泰姬陵-“爱的缩影”,“一座无限美好的纪念碑”。这一华丽宏伟的纪念碑的魅力已超出了文字描述的范围。在阿格拉观看泰姬陵的感受除了可以感知的一切美好的东西以外,还有宽广无限的爱意,这正是这一建筑存在的缘由。显赫的皇帝沙驾汗为了纪念他的一见钟情的,深爱的皇妃蒙泰姬而修建了一座惊艳世界的纪念碑。第一眼看到泰姬陵,人们就会被这一爱的缩影以及皇帝和皇妃之间的罗曼史所深深迷醉。“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。Work started in 1641,and the structure took 20000 laborers 22years to complete -thelegend has it that Shah Jahan cut off the hands of the architect( Ustsd Ahmad Lahori)and his laborers to ensure that they would never build another, but there is little to sub-stantiate this sensational story.泰姬陵动工于1641年,20000人耗时22年才完成施工。传说沙贾汗将建造泰姬陵的建筑师师路德.艾哈曼德.拉合理以及工匠们的双手全部砍掉,以确保他们不会建造和泰姬陵一样的惊世之作,但是没有足够的历史证据来证实这样一个耸人听闻的传说。You enter the Taj complex through an arcaded forecourt where some of Shahjahans other queens lie buried.The forecourt also has the Jilau Kana,a bazaar with cloistersleading to the main entrance of the tomb.The imposing gateway is made of red sand-stone highlighted with marble and has octagonal kiosks on the top .The gateway is an imposing 30 meters high and a fitting entrance to the Taj Mahal.The soaring arch is inscribed with a beautiful desigh of inlaid flowers and calligraphy.穿越埋葬沙贾汗其他皇妃的拱廊前院就可以进入泰姬陵的主体结构。前院还有一个带回廊的集市基诺卡纳通向陵墓的主入口。气派无比的大门是由红色的砂岩修筑,以大理石为面,顶部有八角形亭子。大门高30米,有相称的入口通向泰姬陵。穹顶的设计用了镶嵌花朵和书法,非常精美。“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。Pictures taken from special positions“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。As you enter the dark octagonal chamber under the gateway ,the light streaming in fromthe oppsite doorway draws you towards it.Here,framed by the arch of the doorway,the Taj Mahal reveals itself to the viewer with dramatic power.It stands at the end of a longwalkway, framed by landscaped gardens and an everchanging sky, its snowy marbleglittering in the sunlight.进入光线较暗的八角形房间后,门口对面的流线型灯光将指引你前进。在这里,在门口穹顶的笼罩之下,泰姬陵开始向参观者展示其非凡的魅力。在一条条长长甬道之后便是泰姬陵,甬道两旁是美丽的花园,铺砌的白色大理石在阳光下闪闪发光。 The Taj Mahal stands at one side of a garden laid in the tradition charbagh style,withits square lawns bisected by pathway,water channels and rows of fountains .Halfwaydown the path there is a square pool, its limpid waters reflecting the marble tomb.泰姬陵在带有传统塞巴风格的花园一侧,广场的草坪被走道,水渠和喷泉一分为二。甬道中途有一个方形的池子,清澈的池水映着白色的大理石陵墓。“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。The designer of Taj Mahal was Ustad Ahmad Lahauri. The material was brought in from all over India and central Asia and it took a fleet of 1000 elephants to transport it to the site. “雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。Unlike the other tombs,the Taj Mahal stands at one end of the garden in stead of thecenter.This was done deliberately,to leave its vista unclutered by any other building.The Taj changers color depending onthe time of day,and many recommend that youwitness this by visiting inthe moring and evening,however,your ticket is valid for one entry only.Eat a hearty breakfast before you head out (no food is allowed past security)and stay the day ,or come in the early morning.与其他陵墓不同的是,泰姬陵在花园的一端而不是正中心。这么设计是别有用心的,主要是为了不让它的远景受到别的建筑物干扰。泰姬陵随着每天时刻不同而改变颜色,建议游人在早上和晚上分别欣赏这一伟大的建筑,当然,你的门票每天只能供你观赏泰姬陵一天。早上饱餐一顿后再出发(从安全考虑不准带食物进入泰姬陵),在那戴上一整天,或者是或是凌晨赶个大早前往参观。“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。Some feel the Taj is best seen on a full moon night, others find it ethereal at dawn while some insist that it is sensuous at sunset. 有些人认为泰姬陵在全月时的夜晚看起来最漂亮。有些人也认为黎明前看来有灵气,日落时看有感性。 “雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。Get to the Taj entrance at dawn, before it opens, then rush run if you must Straight to the cenotaph chamber (remember to remove your shoes before ascending to Marble stepos).If you manager to get there first, you will hear what be described as “the sound of infinity”the vibration created by air moving through the huge Ventilated dome.As soon as the first visitor walks in,jabbering away ,it reverbrates throughout the room,and the sacred moment is lost until closing time again.拂晓时分在泰姬陵未开放之前到达门口,然后直奔寝宫,如果有必要的话最好跑起来(记住在踏上大理石石阶前脱掉鞋子),如果你如愿第一个到达,你会听到被描述成“无穷无尽的声音”-空气穿越巨大的通风穹顶时发出的颤动声。随着第一位游客进入寝宫,声音开始含混发散,在整个寝宫回响,这一神圣的时刻逐渐消失直至寝宫再次关闭“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。Shah Jahan, the eldest son of Emperor Jahangir possessed very attractive looks. He was young handsome prince with sharp features. The year 1607 was a momentous year for him. As he was on his way to Meena Bazaar, he saw a mirror shop where Mumtaz Mahal sat to sell silk and glass beads. He bought the piece of mirror from the shop and along with that he also carried image of this pristine beauty in his mind, who was very beautiful and generous. After five years when he was twenty and the beautiful lady was 19, they got married. In 1631, Mumtaz Mahal was pregnant at that time and died due to extreme weakness during the child birth. She had borne Shahjahan fourteen children, of whom four sons and three daughters survived. When Mumtaz Mahal died, she was just 39 years old. Shahjahan was inconsolable and contemporary chronicles tell of the royal court mourning for two years. there was no music, no feasting, and no celebration of any kind.“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。The queen before her death extracted four promises from her husband (a) to build a memorial of their undying love, b) he should remarry after her death,) take every care of her children and d) he should visit the memorial every year on her death anniversary.The history of Taj Mahal dates back to 17th century AD. In 1630, Shah Jahan and his wife were sheltered in a campaign at Burhanpur. At the same time Mumtaz went into a labour pain. She gave a birth to her 14th child, a baby girl. But soon after her delivery, she became very weak and her condition became worse. She took last breathe in arms of her husband. This is the sad chapter behind the Taj Mahal history. “雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。This is the undying story that has now became an integral part of the Taj Mahal history and its construction. Lovers die, but love shall not “雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。This you used to know, lord of India, Shah Jehan: life and youth, wealth and honor, floating in the current of time. Only then inner pain lives long- let it be. Was this the path along which empire led ? Power of a king, harsh thunderbolt like evenings bloody passion; let it be absorbed at the feet of lassitude. Only a deep sigh swells eternally; let the sky be merciful: this was the hope in your heart. Built of gems, diamonds and pearls like the magic shimmering of rainbows in empty horizons let it be hidden. Only let this one tear-drop glisten pure upon the cheek of time, this Taj Mahal. by Tagore 泰戈尔“雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。闭上眼不看谁 下着雨流着泪 让风儿吹长发飞 让心情也吸取尘灰 爱难退心好累 你疲惫我颓废 曾经以为爱很美 但尝试过是苦滋味 爱谁恨谁 我的心无言以对 爱是一种无以命中美 爱很颓废 我也有点颓废 不管是谁 我也不再爱谁 很颓废我美的有点累 我不再美我心止如水 如果生命在爱火中燃尽,会比默默凋零灿烂百倍。 爱情谢幕的一刻,也将成为永恒面颊上的一滴眼泪 “雪亮工程是以区(县)、乡(镇)、村(社区)三级综治中心为指挥平台、以综治信息化为支撑、以网格化管理为基础、以公共安全视频监控联网应用为重点的“群众性治安防控工程”。Thank you for your listening! -FIFY Thank you for your listening! -fiffy