【培训课件】绩效管【培训课件】绩效管理的应用实务理的应用实务2课程大纲: 1.考绩与绩效的关系2.如何设计考绩制度e化3.如何将企业的营运策略转换成员工个人的工作目标4.考绩与薪酬之e化互动关系5.如何评估考绩制度e化之成效31.考绩与绩效的关系基本考核 工作区分 标准绩效 在职辅导 有效的辅导 辅导技巧及运用绩效改善计画 准备一种有效的行动计画 考核 考核过程 考核面谈的准备 进行考核面谈 不间断的绩效考核流程 4绩效管理流程 目标设定 年终考核 年中考核 辅导与回馈 员工发展计画 绩效考核流程 52.如何设计考绩制度e化 绩效管理的目的(Program Objectives) 做为薪资调整的依据(To Provide Information for Salary Administration)作为升迁的依据(To Provide Information for Promotion)做为现职工作改善的依据(To Improve Performance on the Present Job)做为员工发展的参考依据(To Design Employee Development Plan) 6绩效追踪 定期响应绩效及领导才能(每季一次) 员工发展计画检视(每半年一次) 检讨员工必须改进的项目及完成的目标 整合需改进的项目成为年度目标 挑选至少一项成为年度目标 与员工生涯规划连结与员工才能评估配合 2.如何设计考绩制度e化7e-Forms 传输流程 e-Formse-FormsGlobalHRLibrary第一阶段主管接受电子邮件送至的表格检视后决定核准或是退回不准 Approver points a copy for HR filling收到第二阶段核准时印出 第二阶段主管接受电子邮件送至的表格检视后决定核准或是退回不准 电子邮件送出取得核准 电子邮件送出取得核准 主管进入Global HR Library 寻找所需要的表格 寻求两阶层之核准 电子邮件送取得核准出印出一份做备份 All FormsSelected by country表格送至电子邮件处理中 心等待核准此一笔资料被核准后立即自动被送到数据处理中心存入数据库 People SoftHRTC(数据处理中心) 8个人绩效是以领导职能(Leadership Competencies)和达到目标的成果(Goals Results)来衡量 目标设定 时间:Jan/Feb/Mar 参加者:主管Approach:个人目标是与其所服务 的事业单位或国家联结 Focus:员工、客户、股东 员工发展计画 时间:Q2参加者:员工Approach:搜集及分析工作表现的 数据与组织的需要 Focus:员工个人发展 年中及年终考核 时间:年中(七月)及年终(次年一月) Approach: 主管作考核之前员工自我先行 对预先设定的工作目标及领导 职能作评核领导职能工作表(Leadership Competencies Worksheet)是领导 能力评量之准则成果评估成果评估“WhatISAchieved”过程评估过程评估“HowAreGoalsAchieved”9目标设定的流程及时间表 Jan 31-Feb 3 Goal Committee prepare draft Core Goal and tasks for review with PresidentFeb8-Feb11 President Overlays Individual and Regional Goals and finalizes his goals with committeeFeb8-Feb11 Committee prepares Region Core Goals and Tasks for Direct ReportsFeb11 Committee distribute Region Core Goals together with Presidents finalized goalsFeb21-Feb25 Direct reports Overlay Individual and Market/Utility specific goalsFeb28-May1 Committee reviews, aligns and agrees direct report goalsMay2-May7 Reports Direct Reports (Level 3) prepare Goals, Tasks, Timetable. Approved by Presidents direct reports (level 2) May8-May10 Committee reviews, aligns and agrees Level 3 goals.Region Goal Committee(Prepares draft Region core goals for President and Direct ReportsAnd reviews individual submissions for shareholder, customer and employee alignment)President目标设定表 (Goals SettingForm)Reports Direct ReportsPresidentDirect ReportsJan31 - Feb3Feb8 - Feb11Feb8 Feb11Feb21 Feb25Feb28 March 7Core Goals, Targets and Tasks prepared and agreedOverlay Market/UtilitySpecific and personal goalsGoals completed10工作目标评核 完成了什么? Employee Goal(25%)员工满意度结果 360度领导行为响应结果其它 Customer Goal(25%)客户满意度响应结果 客户满意度的衡量要点及标准 Shareholder Goal(50%)财务盈亏目标 年成长率 特殊的贡献法令、法规的实行 11Leadership Competencies Rating WeightsMiddleManagement SeniorManagement ExecutiveManagementIndividualManagement ThoughtLeadership 10-20% 20-30% 30-40% 20-30% ResultsLeadership 40-50% 20-40% 20-30% 40-50% RelationshipLeadership 20% 20% 20% 20-30%PeopleLeadership 20% 10-20% 10-20% 0-10% 12Performance Distribution GuidelinesG1G2G3G4For a G1 Business Unit10-20%35-50% 25-45%0-5%For a G2 Business Unit5-10%30-40% 35-55%5-8%For a G3 Business Unit0-5%20-35% 45-65%8-10%L1L2L3L4L Guidelines for all Business Units5-15%20-30% 50-55%5-15%13GOAL RATING WORKSHEET FOR TRSI MEMBER OF INTERNATIONAL,REGIONAL AND COUNTRY EXECUTIVE TEAMSIndividual Line of Business RatingExecutiveTeamMember:Executive Team RatingSource of Rating InformationWeightRatingIndividual Line of Business resultsagainst shareholder targets(e.g.,Net Income,Revenue,Expense) 35%17.5%12.5%65%Individual Line of Business resultsagainst Customer targets(e.g., CIF, Billings, Customers,Satisfaction) Individual Line of Business resultsagainst Employee ScoreCard targets(Employee Survey) Overall Individual LOB RatingShareholder50%Customer25%Employee25%Source of Rating InformationWeightRating15%7.5%12.5%35%Intl, Regional or Country TRSI Results against Market ScoreCardShareholder targets(e.g.,NetIncome,Revenue, Expense, etc.) Intl, Regional or Country TRSI Results against Market ScoreCard Customer targets(e.g. CIF,Billings, Customers Satisfaction) Intl, Regional or Country TRSI Results against Market ScoreCard Employee targets(Employee Survey) Overall Executive Team RatingOverall Individual Goal RatingComments:14INDIVIDUAL LEADERSHIP RATING WORKSHEET FOR MEMBERS OF INTERNATIONAL, REGIONAL AND COUNTRY EXECUTIVE TEAMSLeader Input on Company Leadership DimensionsExecutiveTeamMember:Executive Team Input on Matrix LeadershipCompetenciesDimensionLeadership CompetencyCompetency RatingDimension RatingThoughtLeadershipCreating Innovative SolutionsActing Strategically & GloballyResultsLeadershipMeeting & Exceeding CustomerDiving resumes ExpectationsDemonstrating Risk TakingActing DecisivelyRelationshipLeadershipCollaborating & Influencing OthersDemonstrating IntegrityTreating People with Respect and Dignity Valuing and Integrating DiversityPeopleLeadershipManaging ChangeManaging PerformanceDeveloping PeopleLeadership Dimensions Rating (65% Weight):Matrix RatingMatrix Leadership CompetencyP&L DriverDeal MakerRelationship BuilderFollow-Through LeaderBU Matrix LeadershipRating (35% Weight)Overall Leadership Rating15 3.如何将企业的营运策略转换成员工个人的工作目标 Vision远景 Day-to-DayActivities每日工作 StrategicObjectives策略目标 绩效管理制度FunctionalGoals部门目标 Business UnitGoals事业单位目标 Values经营理念 16绩效评估的原则 绩效评估应该把? .焦点放在根据员工 这一年目标的达标 率(What) 根据其行为表现与 领导职能之对照 (How)绩效评估必需反应?. 员工是用什么行为 模式来完成其目标 ?如何做绩效评估加权/评量成果与预 订目标的对照评量其行为表现与 领导职能 汇总其绩效 讨论及评核薪酬 174.考绩与薪酬之e化互动关系 工作目标的设定 WHAT YOU DO?领导模式行为 HOW YOU DO IT?员工绩效成果报酬 18Salary Administration Merit Increase Lump Sum Salary Award Other Salary Adjustment Promotion Increase Lateral Move Increase Within Band Growth in Current Position Increase Internal Equity Adjustment Market Adjustment19Reward & RecognitionManagement Bonus(Cash)Annual Incentive AwardLong Term Incentive AwardNon-Qualified Stock OptionsProtfolio GrantsRestricted Stock Awards