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文本为Word版本,下载可任意编辑感恩,让我们的心灵充满芬芳国旗下的讲话范文感恩,让我们的心灵充满芬芳国旗下的讲话范文 尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们: Dear teachers and students: 大家好!我们是xxxx,今天我们演讲的题目是 感恩,让我们的心灵充满芬芳。 We are John and Maria from class 501. The topic of my speech today is Thanksgiving, let our hearts be full of fragrance. 同学们,你们知道昨天是什么日子吗?是的,每年五月的第二个周日是母亲节。也许你不曾听说,也许你不曾在意。但是,从此刻起你一定要铭记这一充满温情的节日。因为多年前的某一天,我们的妈妈忍着剧烈的疼痛,怀着激动的心情,绽放着最幸福的笑脸迎接我们的到来。我们赤裸裸的来到这个世界,我们的所有都是父母的恩赐。当我们生病时,是妈妈守候在我们身边;当我们失败时,妈妈总是微笑着告诉我们不要气馁;当我们成功时,妈妈比我们还要开心。所以,我想说:“群星璀璨,不及母爱的千分之一,月色浪漫,不及母爱的点点滴滴。” Students, do you know what day it was yesterday? Yes, the second Sunday in May is mothers day every year. Maybe you havent heard, maybe you dont care. However, from this moment on, you must remember this warm Festival. Because one day of many years ago, our mother endured severe pain and was excited to welcome us with the happiest smiling face. When we are ill, our mother is waiting for us; When we fail, mother always smiles and tells us not to be discouraged; When we succeed, mother is happier than us. “妈妈”这是一个多么朴实而又倍感亲切的称呼,“妈妈”这是一个多么简单而又意味深长的字眼。一棵小草因为对一滴春雨的感恩,所以它拥有了自己绚烂的花朵;一株幼苗因为对一缕阳光的感恩,所以它拥有了白己甘美的果实;一只小鸟因为对大地和天空的感恩,所以它拥有了自己翱翔的翅膀。而我们因为对母爱的感恩,也终究会拥有幸福快乐的人生。 Mom is a simple and affectionate title, and Mom is a simple and meaningful word. A grass has its own gorgeous flowers because of its gratitude for a drop of spring rain; A seedling has its own sweet fruit because it is grateful for a ray of sunshine; A bird has its own flying wings because of its gratitude to the earth and sky. And because of our gratitude for mothers love, we will eventually have a happy life. 同学们,无论我们是稚气未脱的一年级,还是意气风发的六年级,更或是成熟稳重的九年级,我们都可以为我们的妈妈去做一些自己力所能及的事情,就让我们把对父母的爱付诸在生活的每一个当下。 Students, whether we are in grade 1, grade 6, or grade nine, we can do what we can for our mother so that we can put our love for our parents into every moment of life. 即将毕业的六年级郝乃尧哥哥在毕业赠言时把学校比成了母亲,他感恩在母亲的温暖的怀抱中获得了知识的琼浆、智慧的力量,懂得了做人的道理。是啊!身为盛碧学子的我们也要时时刻刻感激赐予我们知识,让我们茁壮成长的“母亲”。 Hao Naiyao, who will graduate from grade 6, compared the school as his mother when giving his graduation speech. He is grateful that he has obtained the knowledge and the power of wisdom in his mothers warm arms and understood the truth of life. As students of shengbi, we should always be grateful to the mother who gave us knowledge and let us thrive. 我们的演讲到此结束,谢谢大家! Thats all for our speech,thank you!(.Wk114.Cn 转载请注明 ) 第 5 页 共 5 页